Infinite Soulmates

By Italiansyren

16.4K 275 77

The year is 1990, and 20 year old Michelle is about to be face to face with her boyfriend who is coming to Am... More

The Meeting
Lunch with Pelle
The First Night
You're in Trouble
Happy Halloween
It's All Happening
Mayhem in America
Mayhem in my Home
A Very Mahem Day Trip
The Black Sheep
Thanksgiving with Mayhem
Goodbye Boys
Christmas Shopping
Pelle Meets the Family
The Past
Black Metal Baking
New Year's Eve
Pelle's Birthday
Flight 7691; Now Boarding for Oslo at Gate 22
Back Home in Ski
Scheming with Jorn
Welcome to Norway
Tonight, You Belong to Me
A Day of Sightseeing in Oslo
Embrace the Darkness
Unleashing the Darkness

The Next Morning

1K 15 0
By Italiansyren

You were awakened the next morning by Toby licking your face to alert you to the fact that he needed to go out.  You threw on your robe and quietly said,
"C'mon boy!" As not to awaken Pelle as he blissfully slept.  Toby followed you out of the room and through the kitchen where you let him out.  You shut the door behind him and turned on the radio and began to grab things out of the refrigerator because you were going to make breakfast for Pelle.  You put on a pot of coffee and gathered pans and mixing bowls.  Cracking eggs and cooking up bacon strips, you heard Toby barking and you went to the door to let him in,  grabbing his food and feeding him, you returned to your tasks.  High Enough by the Damn Yankees came on and you were singing softly while cooking breakfast.  You popped down some toast and almost jumped ten feet in the air.  Pelle was standing there in sweats and no shirt. 
"How long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to watch you singing,".  He smiled and walked over to you and gave you a kiss,  His hand was on the small of your back and he started looking around and said, "What's all this?"
"I'm making breakfast."
"Smells amazing."  He said smiling,
"I didn't wake you did I?"
"No. Toby came in and started licking my face,  I guess he wanted the bed all to himself."  He said laughing.
"Sit down, breakfast is just about ready."
Pelle sat down at the table and you brought him a plate with bacon and an egg in the hole and a cup of coffee.
"I didn't know how you took your coffee so there's creamer and sugar on the table."
"This looks great, thank you."
You grabbed yourself a plate and sat next to him at the little round table. 
"So...what do you want to do today?"
"Whatever you want to do."  He said,
"How about a mountain drive?"
"That sounds good."

After breakfast Pelle saw you getting up and taking his plate and said,
"Let me help you."
You looked at him and told him that he didn't have to and that you didn't mind.  He insisted on helping as you made him an amazing breakfast.  The two of you listened to the radio and loaded up the dishwasher and wiped down the table, stove and counters,  It was so good to be sharing your home with him, even if it was only for two months.  You kissed him and said,
"I'm gonna go hop in the shower and get ready."
"Ok babe.  Is it alright if I call my family and check in with them?"
"Of course it is!"
"Thank you."  He hugged you and you put your arms around his neck.  He pulled away and looked at you as he lowered his face and began kissing you deeply.   You kissed him right back and he lifted you up and held you like he did on your walk last night.  The two of you continued to kiss as he started walking through the living room and right into the bedroom. 
Toby was laying on the bed and you shooed him off.  Pelle laid you on the bed and took his sweats off exposing his large, beautiful cock and got on the bed.  You were smiling at him as undid the tie on your satin half robe.  He positioned himself between your legs and lowered himself down to kiss you.  As he was kissing you, you felt the sudden sting as he entered.  He slowly pushed himself into you and you gasped into his mouth mid kiss.  Pelle moved his kiss to your neck he began to move his hips slowly.  He felt so good inside of you.  No words were spoken between the two of you at that moment as he began staring at you.  He lowered his body on you and held himself up with his forearms and elbows.  Pelle was gently touching both sides of your hair, brushing it with his hands looking deeply into your eyes.
"You are so beautiful.  I can't believe that you're mine."  He said, as he continued to look into your eyes as he fucked you slowly, "I love you!"
Softly moaning you said,
"I love you too Per."
You reached down and placed your hands on his ass to feel his rhythm as he pushed in and pulled out over and over again.  The two of you had eyes on one another the entire time.  It was completely intense.
"I want to stay like this forever."  He said, "I never want this to stop, you feel so good." Smiling at you.
You couldn't have agreed more. Being there with Pelle in that moment was incredible.  He was putting his heart into it this morning and it felt so much more emotionally deeper than the night before.  The love between the two of you is growing and taking over.

His speed was picking up and his rhythm was becoming a little faster and he was going deeper,  it seemed like he couldn't get deep enough in you.  You started moaning louder and as you reached your climax, you moaned in his ear and say,
"Pelle, I'm gonna cum."  Gripping his ass tighter.  He shoved his soft tongue in your mouth and kissed you deeply.  He looked at you as you orgasmed.
"Stick your tongue out," He said, not stopping once,  You did as he asked and stuck your tongue out.  He began to suck on it as his pace picked up.  He stopped sucking on your tongue and pushed himself into you as deep as he could go and kept it there as you gasped due to the depth he was at.  He didn't pull out of you as he came, as a matter of fact, he tried to push it in deeper as he moaned,  When he was completely done he laid on top of you for a few minutes and ran his fingers through your hair, kissing you softly on your lips and neck.
He rolled off of you and pulled your arm as he laid beside you so that you were facing him.  He grabbed your leg and put it over his hip and ran his long fingers up and down your thigh,
I've never been in love like this before."  He said shyly. 
"Neither have I,"  You said brushing his blond off of his face.
You laid there in bed with him and talked about the plans for the day.  He slapped your ass and said,
"You better get in the shower.  I'm really looking forward to going out with you today,"
You kissed him and said,
"You better go call your family and check in,"
You got out of bed and he wolf whistled at you,
"Pelle...". You said while he looked at you standing naked in front of him.  He smiled and raised his eyebrows and said,
"Not MY fault you're sexy,"
You shook your head at him, smiled and went off to the shower.

You stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror and looked at yourself as you ran your hands over your body as it was still shaking from what Pelle had just done to you.  You could hear him in the bedroom talking to his mom.  He was speaking Swedish and it warmed your heart knowing that he was close with her.  You started the shower and got in.  You let the hot water beat down on you for a few minutes and then started washing. 
After about twenty minutes, you turned the water off,  You had hoped that he would've come in and joined you, but you could hear him still on the phone.  As you dried off you heard Pelle tell his mother,
"Jag älskar henne." 
You couldn't believe your ears,  he just told his mother that he loved you!  Your heart sank and a smile came across your face.  This confession meant that he was more serious about you than you thought.  This made you so incredibly happy!
You opened the bathroom door and walked out there in your towel,  He looked at you and smiled and motioned for you to come lay on the bed with him while he finished his phone call.  He ended the call with,
"Jag älskar dig mamma.  Hej då!"  He hung up the phone and said,
"Come here."
You moved closer to him, putting your head on his chest.  He put his arm around you and hugged you tight, kissing the top of your head.  You could hear his heartbeat.  You ran your fingers over his chest and played with what little hair he did have.  It was too quiet in the room so you decided to bite his nipple and he jumped,
"Owwwww..." he said laughing and rubbing his nipple.  You laughed at him and he said,  "Oh you think that's funny?!?"  Pelle started tickling you and made sure that there was no way for you to get up.  You were laughing uncontrollably and Toby came running in and started barking at Pelle.  He looked at your dog and said,
"You want some too?"  He got off of the bed and started petting Toby.  You laid on the bed taking all of this in.  Pelle was still naked and after he pet Toby he came over to you and said,
"I'm gonna go hop in the shower." 
"Ok baby." 
He kissed you and as he walked away you said,
"There are clean towels in the cabinet."
"Thank you!"
You heard the shower turn on.  Pelle took a long shower.  By the time he got out you were dressed and had your makeup on.  You were making the bed when he appeared with a towel around his waist.  You smiled at him as he walked over to you and put his arms around you.  He looked down and bent over to kiss you.  You threw your arms around his neck while the two of you kissed.  His arms around your waist, he picked you up and hugged you tight. 
"I'm so in love you Michelle."  Staring into your eyes and smiling his beautiful smile.
"I'm so in love with you too, Pelle Ohlin!"
He smacked your ass as he had you in his arms and then put you down.  He started looking around for his bag.
"It's in the closet." You said.  "I hug up your clothes."  He walked over to the closet and picked out a pair of jeans, his Slayer t-shirt, some underwear, socks and his sneakers.  He brought them over to the bed and started getting dressed.  You grabbed his ass, got on your tip toes and kissed him between his shoulder blades and said,
"I'm gonna let Toby out before we leave."
"Ok babe."  He replied.
You walked into the living room and called for Toby and he came running.  You walked into the kitchen and opened the door and he ran out and then you followed.  He went running into the woods and you stood on the porch looking around.

Pelle came out of the house and walked over to you.
"Whatcha thinking about?" He said wrapping his arms around your neck and shoulders.
"You." As you put your hands on his arms as they were wrapped around you.
His face was next to yours and you could feel him smile.  He spun you around to face him,  He cupped both sides of your face, his thumbs were on your cheeks and his fingertips were on the back of your neck.  He began to kiss you and as he did you could feel him use his thumbs to caress your cheeks.  He lifted you up and put you on the railing of your deck so that you were eye level with him.  Your legs were apart and he was standing between them.  You both sat there just staring and smiling at one another,  The two of you kissed and he picked you up and helped you down off of the railing,.  You yelled for Toby and Pelle did as well and gave out a loud whistle.  Toby barked to acknowledge that he heard you both and came frolicking back to the house.  You put him inside and then locked the door.
You and Pelle walked to your car and got in,
"Are you ready for today?" You said to him.
You started the car and began to drive down the driveway.

You drove down the mountain to Manitou Springs and parked the car in a little lot.  Pelle wanted to know where you were, 
"We are at the Cog Railway.  We are gonna take this very slow railway to the summit of Pike's Peak."
"That sounds like fun."
"Indeed!"  You said.

As the two of you boarded the train, you found a seat.  You had Pelle sit on the inside so that he would be able to see everything.   He was soaking in every single sight on the way up.  Once you hit the timberline mark, you started seeing mountain goats and rams.  You finally reached the summit, you started to get up and Pelle pulled you back down.  As all the other passengers exited, he just wanted to steal a few kisses and nuzzles from you.  When the second to last person got off, you and Pelle stood up and walked off of the railway together. 
"WOW!" He exclaimed, "This is amazing!"
"It is quite the sight, isn't it?"
"Yeah!"  He said as he turned around 360.  We were up there for about an hour walking around and exploring, when you asked Pelle,
"Do you want to hit the gift shop before we head back down?"
The two of you walked into the gift shop and started looking around.  He picked out a few things for his family and friends back home.  You took him by the hand and said,
"Ok...before we go, I really want to make sure that you have one of these."  The two of you walked in front of a counter and you said,
"One please." 
The clerk came back over to you with a donut.  You handed it to Pelle and he asked,
"What's this?"
"It's a donut and you can only eat up here,  because of the altitude it'll fall flat once you start going down the mountain." 
"Really?"  He said taking a bite of it, "Mmmm it's good."  He held it in front of your face and you took a bite,  He devoured the rest as your paid for it.  He took your hand and the two of you walked to the railway and boarded the train to head back to Manitou Springs.  While you were going back down, Pelle leaned in and whispered in your ear,
"I can't wait to get you back home."  You looked at him smiling.  He continued to tell you in graphic detail what he had in store for you.  You blushed as he put his hand on your thigh and leaned in enough to graze his long fingers against your nipple through your blouse without anyone seeing.  Your body temperature raised and you looked out the window.  He put his fingers under your chin and forced you look at him, he put his nose to yours and stared into your eyes and said,
"And that's a promise!"
You had no doubt in your mind that he meant every kinky and sexually perverse thing he had just said.  Part of you was scared but the naughty part of you was looking very forward to it.

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