Her Enchanting Eyes (Harry Po...

By AngelinaM_13

28K 478 534

When Harry Potter lives in Fear of what yet to come after his unpeaceful 1st and 2nd years at Hogwarts, he me... More

Author's Note ( IMPORTANT )
On The Hogwarts Express Train
The Meeting
Boy Talk & Girl Talk
The Prophecy
First Magical Creatures Class
Enemies To Friends
Jealousy, Worry And A Bitter Fight
Black On The Way
Page 394
An Intense Quidditch Match
Blacks' Story
Christmas With The Weasleys
Lies Or Unbelievable Truth?
The Honest Truth
Back To 7:30 AM For A Rescue Mission
The End Of The Year
Summer News
Quidditch World Cup
Inserting Names
The Selection
Weights Of Hatred
Receiving The Letter
Unexpected Nightout
Harry And Ron
The Ferret Version Of Draco
First Task
Pre - preparations

Triwizard Tournment

643 14 8
By AngelinaM_13


y/n's pov

The next few weeks I spent them in my room. Levi would come and sit with me often. I have been worried about what happened after my father dragged us out. It fact, I didn't talk to him at all.

I packed my bags and I was sitting on my bed waiting for Levi. I opened my bedside table. I found papers and a book was under them. I opened it and found pictures in it. It was a photo album.

I found photos of me as a kid, my mother and father. I also found few other photos of me as a baby, mum and dad toagther along with two other families and a mother, of who seemed single. There was two childerns about three years old.

Levi walked in to tell me we are ready. He found me sitting there and he joined me. "What are you staring at?" He asked tried to understand why I'm stuck watching.

"That is me there." I said. "And, er.., three other childern."

Levi looked down and his eyes skipped through the families. "That is mum there". He said pointing at the single mother. I looked up at him and he was smiling.

"Okay, come on we will be late." He quickly said. I nodded and put the album in my bag.

We apprated to King's Cross Train station and walked through the wall.

We loaded our bags and I kept my small bag with me, of which has my textbooks and the photo album.

"I will go find Harry, Hermione and Ron." I said. Levi nodded and left. I found my friends and sat down with them.

I hope Levi finds himself friends here too, like I did. For me, the train is a great place to find friends or maybe even a person to like. I know that this is true.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The trolley lady asked snapping me from my thoughts. 

"Packet of Drooble's and a Licorice Wand." Ron said pulling out few galleons out of his pocket. "Oh, on a second thought, I will take just the Drooble's." He said with a low voice as he saw the price.

I stood up and walked up to them. " It's alright, I'll get it. Don't worry." I said. 

"Thanks." Ron replied.

I took out the galleons out of my pocket. "I will take a chocolate frong too." I said. The lady nodded. 

"Anything from the trolley, Harry, Hermione?" I asked.

"No, thank you." Hermione said from behind the prophet's paper. I waited for the trolley lady to and give me the Chocolate Frog and the Licorice Wand in exchange for the galleons.

"Two Pumpkin Pasties, please." A girl from behind requested. I looked at her and she smiled at me. I saw Parvati behind her smiling and laughing as she was looking at our compartment. I turned around and found Harry had finished reading the prophet. I could feel myself uneasy.

Parvati was looking at him while smiling as she removed hair off of her face and tucked it behind her ear. Harry smiled awkwardly back at her. I looked back at her and she looked at me annoyed. Harry and I have had few moments toagther in public by wrong, so I think she isn't happy about it.

"Younge lady, my dear, are you okay?" The trolley lady said as I was still standing there staring at Parvati.

I snapped out. "Oh yes, thank you." I said taking the sweets from her hand. I handed Ron his sweets and sat down next to Harry and my owl. Pets are free out of their cages today, well, until we get close to Hogwarts.

"This is horrible." Hermione said looking down at the Daily Prophet. "How can the Ministry not know who conjured it? Wasn't there any security or..-?"

Ron cut her of by saying,: "Loads, according to Dad. That's what worried them so much. Happened right under their noses."

As Harry was listening to Ron, he put his hand on his scar. I looked at hims and removed his hair away from his scar. It was scarlet red.

"It's hurting again, isn't it? Your scar." I asked.

"I'm fine." He replied shaking his head with a light smile. I looked at him and he looked at me. I know he wasn't telling the truth.

"You know Sirius will want to hear about this," Hermione started looking down at the prophet "what you saw at the World Cup and.. the dream."

Hermione looked to me. She have been writing to me about the dream Harry had got behind his back. She said he doesn't want to worry me. Poor one, when will he get his break?.

"I will write for him now." Harry replied. He took out some parchment paper and a quill and started writing.

When he finished he gave it to Hedwig. She flew with it and out of the train she went to give the letter to Sirius where ever he is.

"Weasley!" Draco exclaimed. We looked at him and widened our eyes.

Ron looked at him in disgust,: "Msaloy, if you aren't going to say anything but bloody nonsense, shut up. I consider you leaving"

Draco looked at me then back at him,: "Are you going to join it?"

"it?" Ron asked looking at Hermione. "What is it that you are talking about, Malfoy?"

Draco smirked and looked at Harry,: "And you, Potter. I bet you anything you will join it. I mean, you always like to be a show off. No?"

"Draco." I called out his name. He looked at me and shrugged. I shook my head 'no' so he would stop annoying them. 

"y/n come on." He beckoned. I sighed and walked out of the compartment. I crossed my arms and looked at him. He leand his head on the train's windows beside me and sighed. He turned his head to face me. I looked at him confused. I felt awkward looking at him, so I looked at our compartment.

I could have sworn I spotted Harry staring at me watching. Ron was waving his hand in his face. I looked back at Draco,: "So?"

"I was asking about the Triwizard Tournment." Draco started. I walked away from the wall I was leaning on with my hands crossed and looked at him.

"The Triwizard Tournment?" I asked. He nodded and walked up to me, leaving the wall he was leaning on.

"Few other schools will join us. I heard Durmstrang is one of them."

"Great you ruined the surprise, Mr. Blonde bottle. Hold on, does Levi know about this?" I asked quite excited. 

"I don't think." He replied. "By the way, how would you feel if I transfered to Durmstrang?"

I was taken aback. Is he asking because he will tranfer to it or to test me. "I totally won't miss you." I replied with a grin crossing my arms togather again.

"Oh really?" He asked walking up closer and closer to me. He bent down to get to my eye level. His face inches away from me. 

"No, not really." I said pushhing him away. "Sure thing Ms, l/n." He replied as he was leaving. I shook my head. I was about to walk to the compartment's door to enter it again, but the suddenly stopped sharply and I fell to the front.

I felt arms catch me from my arms. "Are you okay?"A voice said. I looked up and Cedric was standing there, while I could feel Levi mentally face palming from behind him. They both had changed into their robes, of course Levi's wasn't representing a house yet. "I'm fine." I muttered.

Me and Cedric held eye contact for a while until, I heard a compartment's door open and Harry calling out for me, of which his voice snapped me out of my thoughts and broke my eye contact with Cedric. I smiled and steped back. "thank you." I said quickly.

Harry's pov

I watched y/n leave with Malfoy. I may or may have not watched them through the window as they talked outside infront of our compartment's door.

Though when he got closer to y/n I felt my eyes widen a bit. Ron noticed and shook his head and hit me lightly with his leg. I nodded and looked back at them. y/n pushed him away and he left.

I looked at the window as few rain drops raced to get to the bottom end of the window seal.

The train suddenly stopped sharply. We don't really find the train's stoppings a very pleasent thing, ehem, since last year, that mostly left an impact on us, of course.

Dementors weren't creatures I ever hope to have to deal with ever again. I opened the compartment's door almost instently, once I was able to stand up, and looked for y/n.

"When is it the day you will stop being clumsy?" Levi mocked. y/n looked at him and rolled her eyes. 

"It was a sharp and sudden halt!." y/n stated - exclaimed.

"It was a sharp sudden break, we didn't stop. Don't worry"

"Are you okay?" I asked y/n once I caught up to them.

"I'm fine don't worry, Harry. I just-" She was about to finish, but Levi cut in to finish for her,:

"Being the clumsy one I am." Cedric hit his arm lightly and they both smirked. "So this is how it is Mr. Levi." I said looking at y/n. She shook her head 'no'

y/n's pov

I could feel Levi trying to draw Harry's attention.

So, I walked up to Levi's ear and whispered in it, being the great sister I am,: "So, you got yourself a friend or an ally to help you fight your enemies?" He froze in his place. He always told me he can take me down in prank fights, or any other fight, with out help. He doesn't know what I do with the twins. 

Anyways, I knew he found Cedric like a brother or bestfriend.

"Levi!" I heard a Weasley's voice yell. It was george and fred. Mention someone's name and they will coem running at you. They both jumped on Levi's back. Fred spotted me and said before winking at me,:

"Hey love." Levi's eyes widened. This place is about to blow up with Levi's words. "Hey" I replied.

"Merlin, and you have the audacity and the guts needed to call my  beloved sister 'love' in front of me?!" Levi exclaimed looking at Fred.

"Chill there mate." George said.

Silance filled the hallway before we burst into laughter.

We weren't far away from Hogwarts by now. Approximately, about 30 minutes remaining until we get there. Harry and I left Levi and the others to change to our robes too.

I stopped to look out of the window on the way. Harry joined too. We looked at eachother and smiled. A full moon, only reminds us of one person in particular, an amazing teacher. 

I laughed as I remember the mad adventure - like mission. How many transfers go on an adventure, as the very first thing they do, the second they step in Hogwarts?


We arrived at stone steps we have to take in order to get to Hogwarts' gates. I took my bag and started walking. It started raining heavily and most of us didn't have jackets on or an umbrella in hand.

"Blimey." Ron whined. "This is very harsh."

"I'm being soaked in rain!" Hermione whind back. 

I looked at the students rushing up the stairs pushing eachother, few were slipping and falling down the stone steps. I was extremely cold at this moment. 

I hid my bag as not to wet my school text books. Harry came up to and gave me his jacket. "Thank you" I said shaking.

"Don't worry." Harry replied.

He side hugged me and rubbed my arm to warm me up. We walked up to Hermione and Ron to join our body heat to support us to get up. We gathered strength and rushed up the stairs side hugging supporting ourselves as not to slip on the wet stone stairs.


Later on, after we pushed ourselves up, we found a crowd of soaked students from head to toe, heading over to the courtyard. We followed them and found another wet crowed of students pointing at the cloudy grey sky. The rain had stopped, yet the sky didn't clear up and it was filled with huge grey clouds.

I could have sworn I saw horses flying with a carriage behind as Snape was trying to push us to the Great Hall. I mean, I'm not really surprised.  Nothing is to be surprised of, this is Hogwarts. This is the magical world. Snape pushed us away from the court yard and into the Great Hall. It significantly warmer inside of the Great Hall.

We took our usual seats, after we dried up instantly the second we and waited for the sorting ceremony to start. There wans't much transfers or first years. First years, who dried up, took turns to be sorted into their houses. The sorting hat was finally put on Levi's head.

I heard the hat muttering to itself where to put Levi. It was either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor for Levi from my point of view. 

"Hufflepuff!" The sorting hat yelled.

We all clapped loudly and Cedric was probably the happiest member in the Hufflepuff house. He gave him a hug and they both sat down. I gave Levi a huge smile. I was happy for him.

He is by far the only Hufflepuff in our family. Mom and I are the only Gryffindors, while dad, he and uncle are the only Slytherins. The rest of the family members are Ravenclaws.

The sorting ceremony ended and looked at professor Dumbledore as he stood up to say his welcome speech as usual.

"Well, now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement." He started. "This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well."

Ron, Hermione and Harry looked at each other in confustion. I wasn't confused because Draco had already told me. So I guess Durmstrang students will join us.

"You see, Hogwarts has been chosen to host the legendary event, the Triwizard Tournment!"

Ron and I looked at each other in excitement. He probably knows about it. Hermione and Harry looked at us and at one another with way more confused looks. They must not understand what the Triwizard Tournment is because they were puzzled more than ever.

"So, this is what Malfoy have been asking me and Harry if we will join." Ron said putting the puzzles of earlier. Fred and george who sat next to me and said,: "Brilliant!" togather.

"For those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournment brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. One student will be selected to compete." He explained.

"Now, let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint-hearted. The selection of champions on a Thursday night. But more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming, the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madam Maxim!."

My eyes widened and I quickly turned my head to the Great Hall gates. I get to see my old friends for Beauxbatons. All students looked at the gates as well. The students danced their way in and onto the middle of the hall they preformed. Younger students followed and I spotted my friend instantly.

"Bloody hell." Ron muttered to 'himself' as he was looking down south at the dancers'.. you know. I hit him on the arm and said,: "Ronald Weasley!"

He shook his head and looked back up. My old headmistress, walked after them all and Ron's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he looked up to try and catch her face, while Seamus  exclaimed from beside him,: "Blimey. That's one big woman."

The Great Hall filled up with loud applause when they finished their dance. We turned back to Dumbledore as we noticed he still wanted to say something.

"And now, our friends from the north, please, greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, lgor Karkaroff."

The name of 'Igor Karkaroff' sent chills up my spine. After Voldemort's downfall, Karkaroff was caught by few aurors and briefly imprisoned in Azkaban, because he was a deatheater. 

Further more, he ratted out many deatheaters in order to avoid remaining in Azkaban and escape his mistakes. That is a reason on why I didn't join Drumstrang.

It isn't like I don't think that deatheaters don't deserve to rotten in an Azkaban cell. I can't understand how he is still a headmaster. Merlin, let's hope he doesn't bring trouble.

I waved the thought off and turned back to the Great Hall's gates and the Drumstrang students marched into the hall in groups with the form of military lines. 

Their headmaster walked infront of them all, while boys followed with having  tourches and they played with them as they made their way into the Great Hall.

"Blimey, it's him! It is Krum!" Ron exclaimed excitedly when his eyes spotted Viktor Krum, of who winked at us girls, and finished the fire show along with the other Drumstrang students.

We all turned back to professor Dumbledore and gave him our attention to listen to the finishing of his speech. Both students from both schools started taking sits with us and food appeared on our plates. Few students sat next to Levi happy to see him. I waved f/n to our table and she smiled as she made her way to our table. 

I stepped from my seat and stood up. She ran up to me and hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. "y/n! I missed you!" She chimed with her French accent, along with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I missed you too!" I beamed at her. We pulled away and sat down. "f/n, these are my friends, Harry, Hermione and Ron."

She smiled at eachone of them as she shaked their hand. Ron kept staring at her and she spotted him. Though, they both held eye contact. 

I looked at Harry and we both shared a smirk.

*"f/n.., développezing vous des sentiments pour Ron?" I mocked in french. f/n's eyes widened and she broke the eye contact.

*"Non, je ne suis pas." she replied. 

*"mhm, bien sûr." 


Ron put down the food he was eating and looked at Harry, who was drinking water, as he pointed his head towards us. Harry shrugged and shook his head. Ron may have not believed him because have seen us both smirking. He finally opened his mouth to say,: "What are you talking about? For merlin's sake, can't you talk in Eng-"

"Nothing." f/n quickly cut in. Ron looked at me and I nodded. "If you say so." Ron muttered as he looked back towards Dumbledore. I looked at Harry and smirked as I turned to face Dumbledore as he stood up to speak,:

"Attention, please!" He started. "I'd like to say a few words. Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But, to do this, that student must survive three tasks, Three extremely dangerous tasks that is."

The twins looked at me and they both had huge smirks on their faces,: "Wicked." both of them exclaimed at the same time. 

"For this reason, the ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this, we have the head of the Department Of International Magical Cooperation, Mr. Bartemius Crouch." Crouch got up and made his way and beside Dumbledore he stood.

Thunder struck from the ceiling on the Great Hall from above us and it started pouring rain on our heads cutting professor Dumbledore's speech. Students were terrified as the sound of thunder filled up the hall. The ceiling was supposed to replicate the sky outside which sent fear through students, mostly likely, new first years. Students started screaming.

A door thud came from the teachers' head table and the screams kept on going while I sat there doing nothing, while other students were panking. 

The screams immediately went into halt when a bright lighting flashed through the the Great Hall from the corner beside the teachers' table causing the storm to settle down. Everyone turned to look. 

We found a man with orange hair, a wooden leg, a glass blue eye and scars all over his face. I felt bad for him.

"Bloody hell, it's Mad Eye Moody!" Ron exclaimed in awe, as Moody made his way to the middle on the Great Hall.

"Alastor Moody?, the auror?" Hermione asked in awe.

 Dean looked confused and looked at her before asking,: "Auror?"

"He is a dark wizard catcher." I explained. "Half the cells in Azkaban are filled with death eaters and dark wizards, thanks to him."

"He is supposed to be mad as a hatter, though, these days." Ron added to my explaining.

Moody didn't seem happy and muttered,: "Stupid ceiling." 

Moody made his way towards Dumbledore and shook his hand. "My dear old friend, thanks for coming." Dumbledore chimed. 

Mad Eye nodded and walked towards the teachers' table. He sat down and took a bottle out of his jacket's pocket, started sucking on the lid of the bottle swallowing aggressively on whatever that flask contained.

"What is that he is drinking, do you suppose?" Seamus asked.

I shook my head, shrugged and replied,: "I don't know" 

"I don't think it's pumpkin juice." Harry said looking at him.

"Surely not." Ron exclaimed.

f/n looked at Ron and assured after Ron,: "I won't say it was pumpkin juice either."

Crouch rubbed his hand togather and started,: "After due consideration, the ministry has concluded that, for the own safety of the champions, no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final!" He announced.

The sounds of shouts and bummed out because of the news disapproving.

"Dang it." I muttered. 

"Rubbish! That is rubbish! That's rubbish! You don't know what you're doing!" The twins yelled loudly.

"y/n? You really were thinking about joining the tournment?" Hermione exclaimed. f/n's eyes widened and she turned to face me. I smiled at them awkwardly.

"We are not too happy about that, then." Hermione assured facing me worried.

"I can't join anyways. You heard Crouch, only 17 year old students can participate. Hermione calmed down and nodded. I turned towards Fred and George and asked them,: "Aren't 17?" I asked.

"We will turn 17 on April-" George started.

"-you heard the man, the selection is on a Thursday night" Fred whined.

"Silence!" Dumbledore yelled loudly, dragging everyone's attention to him. The Great Hall went to halt. Everyone turned to him.

He took his wand out and pointed it at the golden stand. It opened up the second his wand was waved at it. 

Harry's pov

A large bronze cup appeared and bright blue flames made its way up the cup. "The Goblet Of Fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament, only need to write their name upon a piece of parchment paper and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night." Dumbledore started. 

"Now, remember, don't do so lightly. If you are chosen, there is no turning back. But, as from this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun!" He finished. He walked back to the teachers' table.

We were dismissed from the hall and were asked to go to our dorms. f/n was asked to leave and join the other beauxbaton students. We said goodbye to eachother before f/n left.

I joined Harry, Ron, Hermione and the twins to go to the commen room and to our dormitories.

"It is unfortunate we can't join the tournment." Ron stated as we climed stairs.

"Indeed" y/n replied.

Hermione eyes widened again and she said,: "You too wanted to put your name in the Goblet Of Fire!?" Hermione asked in shock.

"Too?" I asked. 

Hermione turned to him and she explained,: "y/n wanted to join the tournment." My eyes widened.

I didn't say anything, I was thinking about it before opening my mouth to say,: "Well, you have to wait until 17. Too bad." I mocked with a smirk.

"Harry!" y/n exclaimed as she made her way to my side.

"This is rubbish." Fred muttered. George nodded.

"It is facts though. You know that." Ron said. "And you, Harry?"

"I don't really know. I just want a peaceful year of learning." I replied.

y/n sighed. "I have to agree." she said.

"We all need 2 years of peace to recover from last year." Hermione added in.

"I could imagine your first and second years here at Hogwarts." y/n said.

Ron laughed and smirked at me before saying,: "Never peaceful." Hermione looked at the floor  down and had a smile across her face. 

Hermione asked y/n something as we waited for the stairs to stop moving. y/n looked at her while Hermione freaked out.

The stairs suddenly stopped in track mid way to getting to our portrait  painting.

"What is it that we always be there when something stops!?" y/n whined. "I also forgot my bag in the Great Hall, it has all of my textbooks."

"I will go with you to get it back" Hermione said. 

The stairs started moving again and we made it to the our common room's portrait painting.

"y/n! wait!" We heard a voice yell. We looked back down at the stairs. Cedric and Levi were rushing up the stairs with y/n's bag in hand.

y/n's pov

Cedric rushed up the stairs with Levi with my bag in hand. 

"Here you go." Cedric said handing me the bag. I looked up at him and we held eye contact for few moments.

"Thank you." I quickly said as we broke eye contact. 

"Don't worry about it." Cedric replied. "See you tomorrow then?" He asked smiled at me

I nodded and smiled back at him. "Good night, y/n." Levi said. 

"Good night."

They both left to go to their common room and we entered ours. It was quite crowded and it seemed like it was nobody's intention was sleeping. Seamus and Dean called Harry and Ron to sit with them on the couch by the fire to talk.

"I'm tired I will go to the girls' dormitories and sleep. Have a good night." Hermione informed.

"I will sleep too. Good night." I said. Making my way up the stairs and after Hermione.

"Good night" Both Harry and Ron replied.

I put down my bag and went to change my clothes. Ginny was the only one there. She was sitting up in her bed reading a book.

I left to change out of my robes and came back when I had my pyjamas on. I plopped on my bed and sighed.

"So, y/n. It is Cedric's turn?" Hermione asked.

"I'm sorry?" I asked confused.

"You have alot of people crushing on you, don't you see it?"

"Cedric?, no." I replied.

Ginny watched from behind the book as she was reading trying not to laugh. I narrowed me eyes at her. I sat up and faced Hermione,:

"Well, you seemed quite happy when Victor Krum smiled at you." I said. Her eyes widened and she shook her head.

"Oh yes, I saw you smiling while looking at the ground."

"Y/n!" Hermione exclaimed. She grabbed her bed pillow and threw it at me.

"That was nothing. I felt uncomfortable at first. Though, you can ask Ginny if you want, Fred and George were mocking Ron for supporting Krum back at the world cup. I was laughing on that!. Ginny tell her!"

I turned to Ginny and she said,: "It is true, they made a whole song to tease Ron."

I nodded and turned back to Hermione. "So you have Ron on your mind all the time?" I asked playing dumb, though I knew she had something for him.

"No!" Hermione quickly replied. Ginny tried to hide her laughter, but she ended up laughing hard from behind me. "Ginny! I thought you were trying to help me!."

"Hermione, it is too obvious." I said.

"No.." she said with her voice trailing.

"So, you have something for Ron, though you think it is not obvious because you have been hiding it with all your power?"

Hermione's eyes widened again and she shook her head once more,: "Goodnight you two!." I threw her pillow at her and she put it under her head and tried to sleep.

I looked at Ginny who was smirking hard at me. She put her head back into her book and continued reading it. I took the photo album out of my bag and sat up on my bed with My back leaning. I started admiring the photos in it as the moon's light shone from the dormitory's windows.


(written on: 7/8/2022 - 5006 words)

-I have to apologize to all of you, I'm extremely sorry for not posting for a while. I hope this chapter was fun to read. 

Again, I'm so sorry.

*"f/n.., are you developing feelings for Ron?"  I mocked in french.  f/n's eyes widened and she broke the eye contact she had with Ron.

*"No I'm not." she replied.

*"mhm, sure."

I'm sorry what?!

I don't know if when you read this chapter the ranking will change or not, though this is the highest my book have ever been.

Thank you for the support!<3

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