The Final Amendment Of Our De...

By ZennyMbovu

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Life seemed peaceful and quiet before him started with one dream that changed a whole journey of two peo... More

chapter 1:first day
chapter 2 : high school
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16.
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44

chapter 7

274 24 1
By ZennyMbovu

Zenande's POV

Today I woke up in a good mood I decided to let this thing with Nkosiyabo go I can't keep waiting for him to see how I love him and take a stand I woke did my daily routine and went to the gate to wait for my transport

I stared at the sky some thing I do everyday talk to the moon especially if it's a full moon that's my favourite and the the stars if there's no moon I found myself clashing back to the Nkosiyabo drama and then and there I made a wish

The transport arrived and we headed for school I went to sit with my best friend at the back seat now that's our permanent seat we always sit here

Eazy:"hey my love how are you doing "

Me:" excellent girl you sound like you in a good mood wassup"

Eazy:"nothing does a girl need a reason to be happy "

Me:"aiii sithuli syabuka ukuthi kyophelela lapho ngabe nje usuyajola"

Eazy:"pshhhh what me !never "

I knew she was just joking with the never part we kept blabbing her telling me about a fairytale world a world where I never fell in love with a prideful self centred teen it felt good to listen to her jokes and be myself again although that Zenande is long gone we arrived and school and walked that long walk which we have so gotten used to it kept my mind busy and reserved .

The bell for break rang echoing past the whole floor I packed my books into my bag and stood up to phiwokuhle 's desk she sits in the middle of the class well me I sit infront with andiswa

Me:"you going to the kiosk today "

Phiwo:"nope I think we should just sit in today I bought lunch for all of us"

Me:" wow thanks girl "

Phiwokuhle likes bringing lunch not that we insist but we also don't resist it's not everyday tho today she bought burgers her mom really favours us she is a very chilled mom and I like Mrs N .

Me:" let me go tell andiswa and tell Eazy next door "

Phiwo:"ohh ouk"

Me:"I'm gonna tell them then head to sneh's class I want to fetch something from her "

She just nodded her head she really doesn't like sneh says there is something fishy about the girl she doesn't give her good vibes

I went to call the others then went to sneh's class outside her class there was nkosiyabo's squad standing at the side of the door I entered the class paying them no mind mainly because I know they are going to talk about my appearance
Sneh was the first one to spot me screaming my name which I'm sure they heard


Me:" jeesh what's wrong why are you screaming im right in front worse I'm inside your classroom"

Lisa :"she's just dramatic "

Me:"ummh I came to get the scarf "

Sneh had borrowed my scarf a few days ago yesterday she said I should fetch  it during break

Sneh:"wait let me go next door come let's go you just going to stand next door since I know you don't like entering these classes "

Lisa:"you can just take my phone "

Me:" yeah I'm just going to take some pics "

I entered our of the class and stood at the balcony of the floor overlooking the cricket court taking pics I looked fine no doubt I made sure I kept a distance from nkosiyabo's squad who kept glancing at me idk if they were jealous or shocked

One dark guy disturbed me who I recognised as the joker of the group i knew him from IG

Retha:"sorry "

I turned glaring at the guys that disturbed me from my selfie shoots I had no interest what so ever to entertain them

Retha:"khona othi wena I filter ihlulekile ukukuxhasa"

I just looked at them not caring another one asked me

??:" Do you even know what Peng means ?"

I was so confused as to where the hell they entered I knew very well they were insulting I caught a glimpse of nkosi laughing nervously in my mind I just pictured him laughing the most

Lisa:" ungabanaki laba musani ukuphapha "

Themba:"Lisa baby "

Sneh:"fuck off"

I felt like shedding tears I glared at nkosi for the last time his hands in his pockets analysing his friends avoiding my states like he was ashamed I don't know why but I could read but he felt no remorse he kept quiet the whole time while his friends teased me my subconscious telling me "TF did you expect that he was going to defend you hell no how are you to him he blocked you get that into your thick skull"

Tears were in the verge of fishing out I just kept a brave a face and returned Lisa's phone not saying a word to them the whole time thy don't deserve my tears for my heartbreak thy ain't worth it I sashayed myself and went up the stairs their eyes on me the whole time

Eazy:"you back where were you? "

Me:"sneh's class and the worst thing happened"

I told them everything that's had happened my friends got angry at them on my behalf

Eazy:"they are just sooooo full of themselves "

Phiwo:"if you don't hate Nkosiyabo already you must be out of your mind "

I just sat there my happiness literally went out the room the fact that I was so chilled and happy the 20minutes ago broke me even more I told myself I was not going to cry


Nkosiyabo's POV

I saw the hurt in her eyes as she glanced at me like she was studying me what my friends did was so uncalled but also my hands were untied I couldn't do anything I tried avoiding her eyes all of the sudden I felt her pain my moo dropping all over again I felt sad for zee the way Retha embarassed zee and placed her in the spotlight

She looked at all if us hurt but also trying so hard to keep a brave face she didn't cry U thought she was just going to rush off but instead she sashayed with the most confident walk like she had just been complimented

Me:"what was that for ?"

Zweli:" poor girl was so speechless"

Themba:"relax it was fun tho "

Zweli:"I don't know but all I know is that that was wrong putting her in the spotlight that was not could dude "

I didn't know why zweli defended zee like that but he was right that was embarassing

Themba:" why are y'all all so sensitive"

Me:"so for caring and telling Retha what he did was childish we are sensitive y'all just plainly told the girl she was ugly "

Zweli:"y'all never know how your words affect another person "

Retha:"she looked zero sensitive to me infact she was the one flaunting that walk in my face "

Me:"whatever let me just get to class zobuye ngimbone "

I left and made sure they don't notice that I take the stairs to the top floor where zee's class was I entered the class and decided to go to a girl I know in her class sisanda

Sisanda:"nkosi bafook uwe look angsakwaz"

Me:"sho zithini"

Sisanda is very sexy but I see her as my friend and that only many guys love her they are head over heels she has that model  body all in the right places I kept talking to her scanning the room the girl my heart felt sorry for was not going to talk her or anything just check up in her from afar just as I was leaving I bumped into someone I was walking backwards talking to sisanda I turned around to be met by her

Zee:"sorry "

That came out as a whisper she didn't seem happy to touch me or have physical contact with me or giddy at all I was just met by her wild red tiger eyes and realised that she was crying but her eyes weren't that red

I just pulled out my prideful face and nodded I didn't want to give this girl the Idea that I liked her at all I bid farewell to sisanda for the last time
Me:"sho "

Sisanda :"isizobonana "

Zee just went to the front desk and placed her head on the desk clearly trying to sleep

I exited the m block and went to my class I decided to go to my Viber this new girl called Londi she was in grade 10

Londi:"hey "

Me:" sho ubusy after school"

Londi:"nope not at all "

Me:"let's meet after school J10 "

Londi:"ok "

I quickly gave her a hug and left Londi is a dark skinned girl nyash of course and very sexy too she had curves in the right places naye not too thick tho

The bell rang then I headed for class


Zenande's POV


It's been 7 months since the nkosi drama and I have learnt to fall in love with him even more the little things that he does that catch my attention drive me insane .it's a new year the month of January, new grade too last year 13 December it was my birthday which was like 4 weeks ago a lot of people posted me on IG and by some I really hoped one of them could have been Nkosiyabo but who am I kidding who is nkosi to me what am I to him I'm sure I'm no longer a topic in that group I felt myself going back to that dark hole last year September 16 when it was his birthday that's when I saw him on my feed I thought he had unblocked Mr but nah someone had posted him and almost half of the people I follow posted him on their story I wrote him a letter:

Dear Nkosiyabo

I don't know how old you are on this day but hey happy birthday I don't want to ruin your birthday by being sad so just for you today I'm going to be happy I know you may say this is crazy of me but you live in my heart it' sounds so creepy how much I love you sometimes I tell myself it's not real I hope you have a splendid day my Instagram is buzzing with people posting you on your birthday so from me to you happy birthday my love .

See you in the other side where not only our hearts are one but also the way our hearts beat

With love
Yours truly.

Of course I didn't give him this letter I wasn't going to give it to me I just wrote with hopes one day I'm going to give it to him but this letter also seemed like closure for me yesss I love the guy he is my first love and it all seems so surreal but did he have to not like me

There's only 5 days left till we get back to school

I checked the time it was already midnight I said a silent prayer them headed to sleep

The drums the song the ululating I'm wearing a traditional dress with a tough of yellow I looked around and saw a crowd of people cheering for me and the man that is infront of me holding my man even though his face was blurry now I still knew it was none other than Nkosiyabo the way he smiled at me

The atmosphere and the scene shifted off to us in our bedroom

Nkosiyabo:"I was forced to marry don't think I love you one bit "

I couldn't handle is arrogance he talked like he was the one that was only forced I had no clue and I was also forced

Me:"what the hell are you talking about I have no clue whatsoever what's happening the least I'm worried about us being loved by you I'm still a scholar duh"

Nkosiyabo:"as if you not happy you got married into a rich family and given a handsome couple I can't be seen with you at school ugggh"

He made a disgusted face but I didn't react to his words I just looked at him up and down

Me:"listen just because I kept quiet when everything happened dosent mean I'm gonna let you disrespect me as if you are handsome the rich family thing dosent bother me and as you said a family of rich people your family is rich not you you don't have a cent to your name except for your inheritance so don't Brag about your 'familys ' success when you sitting there with no national certificate or pocket money "

I was shocked at to where I got such confidence I was woken up by my alarm I woke up and cleaned the house


Nkosiyabo's POV

It's been 7 months and things have been going good for me my family is happy that I'm finally going to grade 11 it's a new year and that means new me smh I'm never going to change that's just a saying

The past seven months I created a second account pretending to be somebody else and I use it to view zee's stories it's creepy but I just felt like doing it in her mind J blocked I also saw the birthday posts last month and that's when it all cleared my thoughts about her all changed completely
She is beautiful it's kinda hard to see that with my friends around and with here wearing a uniform there is so much beauty behind that uniform this girl interests me but I still don't like her as in have feelings for her at least that's what I tell myself

Today is the first day back to school as new grade 11 scholars I can't wait to finish this phase called high school yohhh it's a hell of a ride but in the end its gonna be worth it I still have the dreams but I just temporary remove them from my mind thy ain't good for my health me and Londi ended well she ended things with me turns out she thought we were dating me tagging her in my posts and stuff us kissing and hugging spending time I thought I was doing that from the goodness of my heart but she was looking for love and that's where she lost me I was just having fun

I arrived at school and met up with themba and nqobizitha then zweli our friend from Westville boys is joining us this year Thando Khumalo he is your typical pwettyboi model body and rich this us gonna be an exciting year .

During these holidays we expanded the big ego groups mostly known as the egos

-nkosiyabo mazwi Ngcobo me ofcourse

- Thando Khumalo your rich player

-nqobizitha Dlamini the biggest player

-Sanele Chiya grade 10 most wanted

-Zweli Zondo the underager the hard to get

-Themba kwanele mkhize the joker

And last but not least our frenemie I still don't trust me

-Manqoba Mbatha

These are the new year certified egos


All I can say is that it's the part where it gets serious and from here it's very interesting keep track of the egos

Remember them as they are now also the main characters....destiny is now taking its course

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