The Switch (JakeHoon&HeeJake)


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"Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret" - Jake "Opportunities only knock once, take risk"... More

End of Book 1
Hi Guys!!!
The Little Royals


814 57 33


Jaeyun is so amazing if you ask me. He's so natural when he tried to imitate how I walk, how I talk and I even my poise.

But on the other hand, I just can't get how he talks tho, because I never have spoken so freely in my life and he's a free spirit, he will say what he wanted and I don't know if my brain is fast enough to process that.

I also had a hard time learning his and Riki's hand shake which is a total choreography. He showed me photos of Riki and Heeseung telling me how they're the only family he had and it honestly made me feel bad and to think that I might actually place him in trouble.

But my determination to be free is overpowering it. This is my chance to go out, to not wear sunglasses or masks. This is my chance to go out without any body guard. In return, I will make sure, Heeseung and Riki will have the best Christmas ever and if it happens that Jaeyun can win the baking competition or even if he will not, I will make sure that his cafe will not go unknown to the world. I can tell how he's a talented baker because he is invited without him sending anything.

I learned Riki's big dream to be in the military or army someday and if they will allow, I can give Riki the scholarship to study here where military is superior than anywhere else. If Riki finished his studies here, he won't have a hard time finding a job all around the world.

I, in return showed him who is who in the palace, Prince Sunghoon, his brother Prince Sunoo, the king and queen, his own security guard, K, and the other personalities I managed to meet.

We exchanged numbers and even phone cases to disguise our own phones.

I wore his clothes and it felt different tho, it felt amazing actually because I look amazing.

Just as I'm about to sneak out the backdoor, we heard a knock

"Who is it?"

"It's Sunghoon, I hope I'm not interrupting anything"

Oh shoot.

"I thought he's not here"

"I thought so too. . here, wear the ring quick"

I gave him the engagement ring before I hid under the bed, classic hiding spot if you ask me.

The good thing tho is Sunghoon and I never really had the pleasure to spend time with each other because of his priorities as a prince and because I was just asked to stay in the palace, I never had the chance to have any interaction with him except our first meeting.

We dont know each other personally and we are still in the process of knowing each other but I just feel like it's too soon. I mean,once we got married, we have all the time. And this time, I want to learn about this place first.

Jaeyun is doing a great job imitating me and Sunghoon doesn't seem to notice. He even seem to enjoy their conversation. This will go nicely.


I exit the palace and immediately ran to the gates. When I got out, I rode a taxi to where the soldier exhibition will take place. The exhibition is according to K is just some of the royal knights, guards and warriors  marching and showing the audience some of their basic trainings.

I went to the person in charge as I introduced myself as Sim Jaeyun, one of the participants of the baking contest. However, what I didnt expect is for the person in charge to ask for my ID, or more like Jaeyun's ID.

I thought I just need to buy some pass.

I scrambled through his bag and thanked the heavens for his passport and a government ID.

I showed him the two and he gave me a nod before handing me the three passes. After paying, I happily walked to where Jaeyun is staying.

He's doing very well, might as well do my job well too.

Well, I spoke too soon because the moment I entered the house Jaeyun and the two are staying, I bumped into one of his friend, Heeseung.

"Are you alright? Where have you been? We came back and you're not home, you're not even answering your phone"

I know it is not the time to be admiring him but I can't help it.
But I remember, I am Jaeyun this time.

"I am sorry. .I got bored so I take a walk and I got lost . . I managed to find my way tho. . don't worry"

I tried to play it cool but I cannot because he's staring at my soul. Did he found out? Does Jaeyun have a specific way of talking or does he have a mole on his face that I don't?

Well I don't think so.

"I will just go wash up and sleep. . you should too, we have a big day tomorrow"

"What's with tomorrow? It's not the contest right?"

"No . . but I promise, it will be amazing. . "

"Why so?"

He's so handsome but I just want him to stop asking question or I might blew up my cover.

"Ugh, fine . ."

Jaeyun mentioned me that whenever they are out, Heeseung will always be the one in charge of their important documents. In this case, their stadium pass, their plane tickets and even their currencies.

So I did what I think Jaeyun would do, I pull out the three passes for the exhibition and place it on the table.

"Now, let's go to bed and don't tell Riki about this for now"

Wow, that one's nice. I can't believe how natural I sounded saying that.

I closed the door and locked it before letting out a huge breath of relief. I should get used to Korean now. It will be too risky when I suddenly speak with an Australian accent.

I went through Jaeyun's bag as I look for change of clothes to sleep before I laid on the bed with hopes that Jaeyun is doing well in the palace. I know I can trust Hanbin and Jungwon but we'll never know.


the next morning, I woke up and realized how I forgot about Jaeyun's morning routine which is to cook breakfast. I immediately ran to the kitchen only to see Heeseung and Riki cooking some pancakes.

"Jaeyun hyung . . . where did you go yesterday? You had me worried"

Riki said as he immediately clings to my arm making me smile before I ruffle his head. He reminds me of Sunoo in this manner.

"I just got lost and I went to get you a surprise so don't worry. . "

"Ah, I thought something happened to you . . hyung made pancakes"

I smiled walking to the table as I began to look around. Oh shoot, I am used to tons of utensils but in here, it's only some knife and fork. It is kinda odd but this can do.

The thing I didnt ask Jaeyun tho is how are they in the morning? How does Jaeyun interact with everyone in the morning?

After breakfast, Heeseung offered to wash the dishes making Riki skip to the bathroom as I stayed just in case I can help him with anything, or to just stare at him.

"How did you afford the passes? I know for sure how much they're worth"

He leans back on the sink making me look away as he looks so good in there.

"Of course I know they're expensive but . . I have enough to get that besides, I didnt spend a penny for plane tickets. I really wanted to take you guys there, so I got those. Don't worry, I have saved up for that"

I hope that's something Jaeyun would say, unless he's not the type to save up.

"Are you sick? Or did you really take out the money in your box? You know, the cash you keep there for your anniversary with your ex who broke up with you?"


"Yeah . .that one. . I don't know where to use it and then I came across that . . don't worry. ."

His smile is priceless and he looks happy and relived.

"What? Is that weird?"

"This is a next step. Congratulations, you finally are following my advice and move on. . proud of you. . "

He pinched my cheek before he exit to the living room where Riki is already changing his clothes.

Oh, I should also wash up.


After my bath and after I change into Jaeyun's clothes, Heeseung entered the bathroom as I went to the living room where I saw Riki seated on the couch with a sour look on his face.


"Who are you?"

Oh my goodness.

"What do you mean who am I?"

"You're not Jaeyun are you? But you look so much like him, you sound like him. . . who are you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Jaeyun hyung don't like boring lock screens and wallpapers. And lastly, why is a Jaeyun calling you?"

Crap, me and my black and white wallpaper. Why is Jaeyun calling? Is there something wrong in the palace? Could she be in trouble?

"And who is Jungwon? I am pretty sure I know no one with that name and neither does Jaeyun hyung"

"Sshhh . . Riki please . . you can't let anyone find out about this. . it is our secret. . please. . I'll be in trouble and so is Jaeyun if we mess up . . I am Jake Sim, prince of Zequiero, yes, I trade places with Jaeyun and he's the one in the palace now. . . I just need this just for a few days and he will be back I promise. . . just don't tell anyone. ."

His eyes widen after I confessed and he looks so confused.

"You're an actual prince? Wait, aren't you the one who's suppose to marry the prince here? . . and why did you trade places with hyung?"

"Yes I am that person and I traded place with him because I want to escape royalty for a while before I will get married. . I promise to tell you everything but for now please help me hide my identity from Heeseung. . "

He smiled before a 'sure' escaped his lips just in time for Heeseung to exit his room ready to leave so we did. We drove to this exhibition thing and with our passes, we easily enter and sat on the seats.

Riki was so stunned to see the men in uniforms as they assemble on the huge ground and began to do their thing. His eyes are so fixated on their every move that I think I didnt see him blink for once.

While him and Heeseung are watching, I began to recall the things Jaeyun told me about himself. How he will behave and reply on certain areas of life. I don't know if I can totally impersonate him or if I can completely act like him but I will try my best.

Just then, I remembered my phone so I opened and saw missed calls from Jaeyun and Jungwon. I opened the messages and my soul almost left my body with their messages.

From: Jungwon

"Jake hyung, Prince Sunghoon is not leaving for London and told us that he will instead stay to spend more time with you and get to know you better. Jaeyun hyung seems to malfunction after he found it out"

From: Jaeyun

"Jake!! Answer the phone!!!"

"I'm sorry your Highness"

"But the prince is here and he wants to take me . . ah wait. .  he wants to tak YOU out to bond "

"And to get to know you"

"And there's a ball "

"Shit why  are my fingers acting dumb?"

"You never mentioned a ball"

"And I don't know how to play a violin"

"Oh my goodness please I'm dying"

"And it didn't help that Prince Sunghoon is gorgeous as heck!"

"Your Highness please call me back"

I shouldn't laugh but I can't help the chuckle that escapes my lips so I gently tapped Heeseung's shoulders to tell him I'm going to the bathroom.

When I got there, I locked the door and made a call.

"Prince Jake! Oh my goodness thank you for calling!"

"What is going on Jaeyun?"

"Alright, thanks to Jungwon I'm calming down but . . first of all, the ball is tonight. It is a charity Christmas ball and I'm expected to dance with the prince and Hanbin hyung even told me that they might request me to play violin which I have no idea by the way. And lastly, I need you to switch back with me or I might not be able to pull this off"

"Jaeyun, look, I'm so sorry. I also didn't know that Sunghoon canceled his trip and secondly, I was not told about how the ball will be tonight. And I'm sorry because I don't think I can switch with you . . the three of us are in the exhibition and going back to the palace now is risky because the security is upgraded due to the ball. . we can't afford getting caught Jaeyun.  .  . please, let's try to work this out because oh my goodness I'm also in deep trouble here"

"Oh no, did Heeseung found out?"

"Almost. . . the moment I stepped in the house, he is already examining me and good Lord, he suspected about the passes I bought for the exhibition. . and he mentioned about your box of cash for your anniversary. . and about your ex and everything. Is he always staring? He looks like he's always searching for something odd on my face"

"Ah, Heeseung knows me from head to toe so if he asks questions that are like suspicious, just brush it off naturally with another topic. Don't let his stares get to you. . if he mentions something about a Benjie, just don't entertain it because that's my ex and I don't wanna speak about him but Heeseung would accidentally bring him out. . be careful tho because once Heeseung saw anything different, huge difference on you, he will grill you with questions and you will be busted.  . how about Riki?"

"Ah. . that's the trouble. . he found out .  "

"What?! How?!"

"My wallpaper, my lock screen, he saw your name when you called me and he saw Jungwon's name too. Goodness, he almost exposed me but I asked him to keep it a secret and thankfully he did. . he's scary when he glares at me asking me who I was"

"Oh my goodness, I never thought Riki would find out. . . but it's nice because as long as he knew you're not a threat or anything and that I am not kidnapped, we're good. Text me when you're done and I will give me him a call. . Riki will be a good help to hide your identity. . this is like a blessing in disguise"

"Ah good. . I will text you. And don't worry about Sunghoon. As long as you did as you're told, you're fine. Jungwon will be there to help you"

"Wait, before you hung up. . about Prince Sunoo, how are you with him?"

"He's like Riki, just treat him how you treat Riki but gently tho. ."

"So you're close with him?"

"Yeah, kinda but not too much. . be chill because he can also just look you in the eye and you might blow up your cover"

"Oh crap Sunoo is here I gotta go"

I didnt even get to reply when the line went dead so I stepped out the bathroom and went back to my seat where I saw the two already enjoying the fight scene on the arena with other tourists cheering while the locals are low key judging them.

Good thing these two are not doing it too.

We actually managed to see some action when a group of tourists have their phones confiscated along with their cameras because recording and pictures are banned in here. It's for the eyes only.

I wish Jaeyun all the best and to myself as well

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