The Magnolia Café

By LizThomaz

120K 7.9K 267

After her fiancé left without warning, leaving behind only a note on the kitchen counter, Isabella thought it... More

I'm sorry Isabella
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 5

2.8K 198 5
By LizThomaz

I wake up before my alarm. Even though I got home late, I haven't felt this rested in a long time. Even though I spent weeks lying in bed and then lying on the couch, I never truly slept. I cried. I stared blankly at the ceiling or at the TV, and every time I managed to sleep, I had nightmares. For the first time in a while, I'm excited to get up.

Taking Connor's advice into account, I try to choose the most comfortable clothes I can find in the closet, which, in fact, there are very few items to choose from. I definitely need to do some shopping if I'm going to keep living here and working at the Magnolia.

After rummaging through my things, I finally settle for a pair of dark denim jeans, a thick knitted grey sweater, brown ankle boots with a short heel, and a huge scarf that I can wrap around my neck and shoulders.

It's still too early to go to the Magnolia, so a stroll around town seems like a good idea. Greenshire is a small town, but even so, there's so much I haven't seen.

As I'm wondering around, I cross paths with a flower stand. The guy taking care of the stand must be slightly older than me. He has short caramel hair without a strand out of place, big dark eyes. He's tall, although not as tall as Connor, has a slender build and is, overall, handsome. He's hunched over the stand with his chin resting on his palms and has a look of utter and complete disappointment splattered all over his face.

"Morning," I say as I pass the stand.

The florist's face lights up immediately. "Morning. Is it for a special occasion?"

"Sorry, what?"

"The flowers. Do you want a bouquet for a special occasion?"

"No, I don't. I—" as I speak, his face goes back to its previous sad frown. "Is business that bad?"

He nods. "I lost my job. I worked as an elementary school teacher, so I came back home to help my mother with her shop. We thought that maybe a stand outside would attract more clients. Our shop is not in one of the major streets, so it's not the easiest place to find."

"People don't buy flowers anymore, I guess."

"Sadly, it seems so."

The flowers are beautiful. Why don't people gift each other flowers more often? Last time I was given roses it was meant as a half-assed and half-hearted apology. It only took a bunch of flowers and a book for me to forgive him. That's how simple it was. I would turn a blind eye to everything.

I glance again at the flowers in front of me. I can't change my memories, but I can create new ones. I don't need to associate a simple flower with something hurtful.

"I want those three big bouquets, please."

"Really?" He suddenly perks up and shows a beautiful smile. "What are you going to do with them?"

I shrug. "I'll come up with something."

"Thank you so much."

"I'm Isabella, by the way. And you?"


"I hope business picks up again. Bye." I say as I walk away covered in flowers.

I look at the time on my phone. I left home early but I'm about to be late for work, and it's just my second day and, on top of that, I leave right above the Magnolia. How can I be late? And what the hell should I do with so many flowers?

On my way to the Magnolia, I see Ellie's store. Bingo!

"Good morning!"

"Oh my, I can't see your face, dear. Just magnolias, lilies, and tulips. To what to I owe this visit?"

"Here." I give her the bouquet of white lilies.

"They are beautiful, thank you. But why?" Ellie frowns. She looks pleased and yet confused. I don't blame her; this is certainly being an odd morning.

"This guy, Ren, was selling them nearby."

"Right. I heard things weren't going so well for them. It's nice of you to help him."

"Maybe if people start to see flowers around here, they'll want to buy more." I say and Ellie tenderly smiles, looking at me. "What?"

"You look livelier than the first time you stopped by. I told you that this place would be good for you. I also heard that you got a job at the Magnolia."

"News travels fast around here, huh?"

"It's a small place. My first job was also there. There's something magic about that building."

"Didn't you work at a tailor's shop?"

"Yes. The Magnolia hasn't always been there. It was abandoned for a while before Connor opened the café. It used to be a restaurant and before that, it was the tailor's shop where I worked at."

"What's so magical about that building?"

"People seem to get everything they need in life after being in there."

"Money fame and fortune?" I grin. Who can possibly believe in a magic building that grants wishes?

"I said what you need. Not what you want."

"Same thing."

She shakes her head. "Wrong. Two completely different things. Sometimes we don't know what or who we need. So those things aren't what we want because we don't know what to ask for."

"I'm still confused."

"Let's put it this way. Do you know what you need?"

"I—" No, I'm not sure yet.

"See? You finally got it." She grins triumphantly.

"Well, right now, I need to find a home for the rest of the flowers."

"Maybe you can start with that despicable gentleman from the bookstore next door."

"Despicable? Why?"

"He's always frowning and grumpy and never talks to anyone. He's just a rude little piece of —"

"I think I got the picture, Ellie. Then maybe I'll start with him."

I enter the bookstore and see an elderly man behind the counter hunched over a huge tome. He raises his eyes for a second to look at me and immediately after goes back to his reading.

"You must be Isabella. The rich girl that moved into Connor's apartment," he says without taking his eyes off the book.

"How did you know?"

"News travels fast around here." Right. Apparently, there really are no secrets in small towns. "Are you going to buy something, or are you planning on standing there?" Intimidated, I throw the bouquet of tulips on top of the book he's reading. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Can't you just stop being rude for a single second and use this to lively up your store a bit?" I grumble and the man opens his mouth, but no words come out. "I'm sorry."

I dash out of the store as quickly as I can. Is not like me to lash out at people like this. I take a deep breath and look at the time again. It's official. I'm late. And crazy. Those months at home alone have ruined all my social skills.

"Morning, hon. What's that?" Carla asks as soon as I place the bouquet on the counter.


"You seem different from yesterday. Is everything okay with you?"

"That's a great question. I have no idea."

"What am I supposed to do with the flowers?"

"Whatever you want. This place is called Magnolia, right? And yet there's not a single one in sight. It only seems fitting to put them somewhere around here."

"Morning," Connor says as he appears from the kitchen. "You're late."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"You are forgiven. Just this once. Just because I saw what you did this morning."

"What did I do?" My heart skips a bit. Am I actually crazy and did something I don't recall?

"You helped Ren. And you are right. We should have flowers around here more often. Now, let's get to work. What are you still doing on that side?"

I quickly go over to the other side of the counter, and as soon as I do, Connor chuckles.


"Your boots." He points to my feet.

"What's wrong with them?"

"Nothing. You'll be walking around all day. Your feet you'll probably be in a lot of pain by the end of the day."

"No, they won't."

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

As I get home, I sadly realize that Connor was indeed right. I take off my boots and sit on the couch, massaging my sore feet. 

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