our kitsune

By human--69

158K 3.9K 2.3K

Naruto is a kind, smart, adorable, strong and lovable little boy the Uchiha Brothers Madara, Izuna, Sasuke, I... More

first day
Hello again
Hello again part 2
part 6
Inner Sasuke and Izuna
Genin exams
part 11
Part 12
Part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
Part 18
How kakashi got the sharingan
Should I discontinue
How kakashi got the sharingan 2
How kakashi got the sharingan 3
how kakashi got the sharingan 4
Part 19
part 20
part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
side story 1
chapter 25

part 2

9.4K 210 144
By human--69

3rd person pov:

While Iruka sensei was out some students stared talking to each other , they were mostly talking about how Naruto shut sakura up. Some fangirls were round Izuna and Sasuke trying to convince them to date them. Naruto not wanting to deal with this walked away from the table and then got greeted by a few people

"Hey Naruto right I just want to say thank you you have no idea how grateful I am that you shut sakura up I thought I was gonna need hearing aids",said a boy with red triangles on his cheek.

"Yeah she is very troublesome to deal with",said a boy with a ponytail that looked like a pineapple.

"Yeah *munch* thanks", said a chubby guy eating chips.

Naruto in response just smiled brightly at them. The other were internally squealing about how Naruto looked.

"Anyway I'm Shikamaru this is choji and this I Kiba it was a pleasure to meet you so friends?", said shikamru.

"Pleasure meeting you too and sure friends", Naruto said smiling again.

While all this was happening two certain ravens were looking at them with jealousy.

Sasuke pov:

"Ugh! I didn't even get to talk to Naruto and these fangirls came and started to annoy me". I looked over to Izuna and I am sure he i thinking the same thing as me.

After some time me and Izuna looked over at Naruto and it seemed like he was having fun with Shikamaru and the others I didn't like that for some reason I want him to give attention to me I don't know what this feeling is but I don't like and it seems Izuna is also feeling the same.

1 hour later

Nobody pov:

A random teacher came and told everyone that due to some problems the exams are postponed to tomorrow so for the remaining school time everybody needs to go to the ground and train.

Naruto pov:

I groaned in annoyance I came all the way here for nothing well on the bright side I got new friends but now all the villagers are wide awake and when I will try to go home they will make things difficult.

I was making my way to the training ground when someone called out to me I turned around and saw the two ravens I saw this morning.

"Umm hey what were your names again?", l asked

"Hn. My name is Sasuke and this is my twin Izuna."said th guy with the duck butt hair.

"Oh well nice to meet you my name is Naruto."I said with a bright smile.

I saw as their cheeks turned a little red it was very visible because of their pale skin. I was a little confused because of it but I didn't bother to ask and continued talking to them.

Izuna pov:

As we were talking to him I suddenly got some courage and asked him

"I know this is an awkward question but what is your sexuality?"

I saw as his eyes when wide clearly this question caught him off guard but when he recovered from the shock he simply smiled and said, " Well I am actually not very sure about my sexuality but I think I am bi what about you?"

I looked at my brother then back and Naruto I was about to reply when my brother said," We never actually thought about it so we are not sure at all sorry."

Okay that was a complete lie we both are gay well all my other brothers are aswell. I wanted to tell Naruto this but I did not have enough courage to do so and well I stayed quite.

Nobody pov:

The blonde and the ravens just continued talking did a few spars in which Naruto won ofcourse ( we all love strong Naruto) got to know each other more and the ravens couldn't help but admire the blonde they were simply mesmerized by him.

A few hours later it was time for them to go home and as much as the ravens wanted to stay with the blond they remembered that their older brothers Itachi and Shisui were finally coming home after 4 years so they had to go back and greet them.

"Hn. Sorry Naruto but we gotta go home."said Izuna.

"Hn. It's okay if we get a little late we can stay for sometime" said Sasuke.

"As much as I love the idea we gotta go weasel and crow are coming back after so long " said Izuna ( yes they sometimes call them by their anbu name)

Upon hearing their name the blonde froze.

"Did you say weasel and crow?",said Naruto


Hey everyone I hope you all like it
Please comment to tell me if it's cringe or not


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