Chifuyu's Secret Twin (Baji x...

By yonaheichou

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Three years ago, around the time of the Moebius incident, she died at the hospital. When she woke up, another... More

Leap 1: Ten Years in the Past
Leap 2: Apparently I'm your Girlfriend
Leap 3: How To Create A Strong Gang
Leap 4: Let's Kick Some Deities Butt
Leap 5: I Guess I Wasn't That Stealthy
Leap 6: Remember The Past
Leap 7: Operation Dragon Savior (Name Pending)
Leap 8: It's Showtime!
Leap 9: The Powerhouse Squad
Leap 11: The Beginning of the End

Leap 10: We Need a New Manager Pronto

90 4 0
By yonaheichou

As Takemichi gathers new members, Chiaki is finally discharged from the hospital.

"I'm finally free!" She stretches her arms at her newfound freedom.

Baji laughs at her antics, "Sorry your Chifuyu couldn't come. He is busy with the new gang, but you probably already knew that.

Chiaki smiles, "Of Course! If he asks me to join, I would reject him unless Mitsuya was there."

Baji looks at her in confusion, "Why's that."

Chiaki looks down and shivers in fear, "Don't tell me you didn't see those ugly ass cat shirts. How the hell he ended up being the gang's designer is beyond me. I told you this a month ago."

Baji deadpans, 'That's what's stopping her?'

Baji shakes off his thoughts and changes the subject, "Why don't we get some Peyoung Yakisoba!"

Chiaki looks up at the male and nods in happiness, 'I'm getting Peyoung with THE Baji Keisuke.'



"What are we gonna do?"

Takemichi sighs, "in the end, none of us are gonna say it, are we?"

Both men gulp in nervousness, "We have to tell him he is 'fired' from his role as manager." Hakkai agrees with Takemichi but both would never want to hurt their friend's feelings.

Chifuyu suddenly smiles, "What's with all the whispering?"

Both Takemichi and Hakkai sweat in nervousness but starts to play it cool in hopes that Chifuyu does not figure it out.

"What whispering?"

"Well, it's nothing."

Both men whisper to each other trying to get the other one to admit the cold hard truth.

"Hakkai, c'mon man, you gotta say it. 'Your sense of style is bad, You're fired.'"

"You idiot! You're being too loud, he'll hear us!"

As if the heavens had answered their prayers, Chifuyu decides to speak up, "Takemichi, Hakkai... The time when I saw Mitsuya on stage, I thought of something."

The five men in the Thousand Winters gang stand in front of Mitsuya Takashi. All of them wearing the uniform including Draken and Inupi.

"What's up Chifuyu? What's with the formality?"

"Mitsuya, Could you take over my role in this team. Knowing in his heart, Chifuyu knows only Mitsuya could fill this role, "My skills as an advisor are lacking compared to yours. You would do it better than me."

Mitsuya smiles, "Okay! I'll accept your offer! Well then, I'll redesign the uniform and the team's logo on top of that. We'll have t change the team's name too!"

"Eh?" Chifuyu's eyes widen in shock, "Hold on, I think that's a bit too... I worked hard on those."

Takemichi and Hakkai cheer on the sidelines of not having to wear the ugly shirts any longer and didn't have to break their friend's heart. 

"We're gonna face THE Kanto Manji Gang, aren't we? So we gotta get serious."

Another mental arrow stabs Chifuyu, "WE'VE BEEN SERIOUS THOUGH!!!???"

"Well said Mitsuya!"

"TAKA-CHAN! You're the voice of everyone."

Draken and Inupi casually whistle as they watch the scene before them.

"By the way Takemichi, Pahchin ad Peyan are also joining. I look forward to our meeting."

Inupi speaks up, "I got in touch with the Kawata brothers too. Smiley flipped out to the fact he wasn't invited first."

Hakkai laughs, "We're a bunch of idiots, aren't we?"

"Then, that makes nine of us! The founding members of Takemichi's team.

"Make that 10! Baji would probably join too."

Mitsuya looks at him confused, "Ya haven't asked him yet?"

Chifuyu chuckles nervously, "He is currently doing me a favor so I haven't officially brought it up to him. Besides, there's someone else I want on this team.

Mitsuya questions, "Who?"

Chifuyu grins in excitement, "Someone who could probably rival Mikey's strength."

Draken continues knowing who he has in mind, "Someone who is an ally of our past."

They both exclaim, "The ghost from Bloody Halloween."

Everyone's eyes widen, "No way! Ghost!?"


As Chiaki and Baji sit outside a convenience store eating their Peyoung Yakisoba Chiaki looks serious.

"What's wrong?"

Chiaki looks at Baji, "The battle with Kanto Manji Gang will be our worst."

Baji puts his food down and embraces the girl in comfort. "Don't worry. you have changed multiple people's death flags. With Draken and I, We will surely win!"

The two people look into each other's eyes. Their faces start to close the gap only to be disturbed by a phone ringing.

They both back away from each other quickly as Chiaki picks up her phone.

Baji's heart beats wildly, 'This is Chifuyu's girlfriend. I shouldn't be having these thoughts!'


"Aki! Where are you?"

"I'm with Baji at the convenience store!"

Chifuyu sprints to their location, "Got it! I'll be there in a few." he states and hangs up the phone.

Chiaki and Baji look at each other in confusion, "Wonder what he wants..."

As Chiaki and Baji continue their small talk they hear a horde of footsteps heading their way. 

From a distance, the two students could see Chifuyu running with multiple men behind him. He stopped suddenly and puts his hands on his knees, out of breath. He looks up at Chiaki in determination.

Chiaki looks confused, "What is going on? Why is everyone running?"

The Touman members behind Chifuyu bombarded her, evading her personal space.

"Are you THAT ghost?" Takemichi ponders. 

Chiaki looks at Chifuyu with a frown, "You told them?" 

"I didn't know it was a secret." Chifuyu backs away in fear.

Chiaki sighs in defeat, "Well thanks a lot loose lips. Anyway, what did you guys come here for?"

Takemichi pushes Chifuyu forward, "Well... we wanted to know if you would join our gang."

Chiaki stares straight at her twin with a serious face. The male twin and everyone behind him holds their breaths in anticipation. 

"Do we have a name yet... or even a uniform?" Chiaki opens her mouth which can cut the tension in the air.

Takemichi speaks up, "We haven't what to name it yet and Mitsuya is currently thinking of ideas for our uniforms." 

The girl glares at the group of males, "So what you are saying is we don't have a name nor a uniform design."

Takemichi squeaks out a meek "Yes." 

The girl relaxes her face, "Alright. Having nothing is better than what that doofus came up with." She points to Chifuyu.

The male twin glares at her, "And what's that supposed to mean?"

The girl sighs at his naivety, "The only time I would even consider wearing those ugly ass cat shirts would be as PJs. I'm gonna end up being the butt of a joke if I decided to wear that outside."

"My sense of style is amazing. I worked hard on those! It was my best work yet."

Chiaki snorts, "Best work for the circus." She sighs in relief, "Well, not my circus, not my monkeys."

The other guys watch the altercation between the two blonds and ponder, 'Where was she when we needed to fire him as manager?'

Chifuyu walks towards the girl hoping to start a fight when someone pulls him back.

"Hey! We got more important issues to deal with than your crappy sense of style." Chifuyu looks at Draken in shock at the betrayal from his friend and gives up. 

"He's right!" Baji exclaims, "Count me in as well, not that anyone asked, "Baji pretends to feel offended. "First order of business would be more recruits, and preferably a gang name."

"Yep, ten people vs the Kanto Manji Gang. Our odds aren't looking too hot. Is there anyone else you want to invite Takemichi?" Mitsuya looks towards the captain.

Takemichi smiles, "Yeah,  I know one person that I have to invite..."

"Brahman's boss"

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