After the first task

By Irish_Wolves

89.8K 2.6K 377

By: sheltie Published with permission This takes place after the first task of the Tri-Wizard tournament. Ev... More



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By Irish_Wolves

Voldemort swore as he threw the paper down. He was down a potion master, which wouldn't worry himself too much about because he could always find a new one. It was the fact that he also lost a spy in Hogwarts. Now he knew he had a few spies in Hogwarts, but Snape was his most trusted and was able to get information to him that gave him more of the upper hand. Now he needed to find a new spy to elevate to that level.

"Lucius" Voldemort called.

"Master, you called me" Lucius said as he knelt in front of Voldemort.

"Yes, I believe it is time to show the world why they should fear me" Voldemort said.

"What do you have in mind master?" Lucius asked.

"Set up attacks on the Greengrasses, but that will only be a decoy as our real target will be the Lovegoods" Voldemort said.

"An excellent plan master" Lucius said.

"Yes, you and Bella will be in charge of it. You shall attack the Greengrasses while Bella will go at the Lovegoods" Voldemort said.

"It will be done as you said" Lucius said bowing.

As Lucius turned to leave he was hit with a Cruciatus curse, which made him fall to the ground in pain.

"Oh, and Lucius, that is only the small bit of pain you'll experience if you fail me" Voldemort said removing his wand from the shaking body.

Lucius was able to get up, but he left the room trembling.

Voldemort wore a smirk as he sat on his throne.

/Scene Break/

Harry winced as he rubbed his scar.

"Are you alright Harry?" Hermione asked with concern.

"Yeah, just a headache" Harry said.

Hermione nodded.

It was a week after Snape's trial and things were back to normal for everyone, though there was a very big celebration in Gryffindor tower after Snape's trial. Daphne, Susan, and Luna were invited to the bash along with anyone else who wanted in though the other houses had their own party Gryffindor was known to have the best since they had the Weasley twins, who would smuggle things in. The party lasted way into the night and only ended when the teachers thought that they had celebrate enough. Little did the students know that the staff had their own party in the staff room.

Soon Hogwarts got back to normal with Dumbledore himself taking over potion classes for now until he could find a new potion professor. The lessons were quite exciting with Dumbledore teaching them. Many of the students started to like potions because of this. And Dumbledore felt the joy of imparting knowledge on a new generation. He hadn't felt like this since he last taught, which was many years ago.

/Scene Break/

"Harry, you've been rubbing you're a lot often" Daphne said.

"Yeah, so?" Harry asked.

"Something is wrong, you never rub your scar unless you're nervous about something and never as much as you are doing right now" Daphne said.

Harry and Daphne were relaxing in Harry's private quarters, just the two of them. Daphne wanted to be away from the Slytherin dorms and Harry wanted to relax away from everyone and not even the Gryffindor boy's dorm allowed him that peace. So here they were.

"I don't know, I keep getting little headaches every once and a while. They don't stay long, but they are a bit annoying" Harry said.

"Have you gone to see madam Pomfrey?" Daphne asked.

"Yeah, Hermione made me go" Harry said smirking a bit at the memory.

"What did she say?" Daphne asked.

"She said if they progress or get worse come back" Harry said.

Daphne frowned, she was quite worried about her friend and wanted to help him in some way.

"Harry, you said that your scar hurt when Voldemort was near. Maybe it reacts when he feels a certain feeling" Daphne said.

Harry tilted his head back.

"Maybe, but we don't know for sure" Harry said.

"I think you need to see a healer at St. Mungo's" Daphne suggested.

"No, I trust madam Pomfrey only with my care" Harry said shaking her head.

"How about Dumbledore?" Daphne suggested.

"Alright, I'll go see him" Harry said.

"Good, when?" Daphne asked impatiently.

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. It seemed that Daphne has been spending too much time with Hermione since it appears that the once Slytherin ice queen was becoming motherly.

/Scene Break/

Harry sat in Dumbledore office with Hermione by his side. When he told her about his conversation with Daphne and she agreed wholeheartedly with the Slytherin. She told him that she be going with him to this meeting.

"Harry, Miss Granger to what do I owe the pleasure?" Dumbledore asked sitting at his desk.

"It's about Harry's scar" Hermione said.

This made Dumbledore sit up.

"What about it?" the old wizard asked.

Harry then told Dumbledore how he has been getting small headaches on and off during the week. This made Dumbledore frown.

"What is it sir?" Hermione asked.

"I fear Harry, that you have a connection with Voldemort. You got this connection when his curse hit you and rebounded. I do not know the fully extend of the connection, but I must warn you to be cautious. Keep your Occlumency shields up at all times" Dumbledore said.

"What do you think the headaches mean, sir?" Hermione asked.

"That Voldemort must be planning something and he's excited about it" Dumbledore said.

"Do you know what?" Hermione asked.

Dumbledore shook his head sadly.

"No, but I will put every resource I have to find out and let you know" he said.

"Thank you sir" Hermione said then she and Harry left.

Dumbledore sat back frowning. He feared that Harry had a connection to Voldemort and the fear was that Voldemort would have a way to control Harry. His original plan was to keep his distance from Harry this year for fear of that link. But after seeing how strong Harry has become he decided to forgo that plan and help Harry as much as he could.

/Scene Break/

Harry gathered his friends together and told them what happened in Dumbledore's office.

"So Dumbledore thinks that you're getting headaches because you can sense Voldemort" Neville said.

Harry nodded.

"Man Harry, you don't catch a break, do you?" Neville said smirking.

"Thank Nev" Harry said chuckling.

The girls rolled their eyes.

"We need to contact the group and let them know. We might not know where Voldemort will strike, but we should warn everyone" Harry said.

"Should I have daddy come too?" Luna asked.

"Yes Luna, he's a potential target" Harry said.

Soon Harry's private quarters was filled with people and it took a bit of time for Harry to get them settled.

"I've called here because I just talked to Dumbledore. Sir, would like to tell everyone what you told me?" Harry asked.

"No Harry, you should do it. I will fill in anything you might've left out" Dumbledore said.

Harry nodded.

"Recently my scar has been acting up. I've been getting small headaches that will come and go. I went to madam Pomfrey and she gave me some headache potion, which helped, but only for a little bit. When Daphne suggested I see Dumbledore I agreed and so Hermione did. Dumbledore told me that he believes that my scar is a connection to Voldemort. He said it must've happened when his killing curse rebounded off me. Now I get headaches when he is happy with something" Harry said.

"What do you suppose got him all jolly?" Sirius asked.

"I don't know, but it won't be good for us. So I need everyone to be on guard for a possible attack" Harry said.

"I agree, we must all be ready for an attack" Amelia said.

"I have already upgraded the wards around Greengrass manor and both my wife and I have portkeys to get us to safety" Adrian said.

"My home's wards were also upgraded" Amelia said.

"Voldemort doesn't even know where I live" Sirius said.

"I'll upgrade the Rookery's wards as soon as I get home" Xenophilius Lovegood said.

"Good, I guess that's all we can do" Harry said with a sigh.

As soon as everyone left Hermione pulled Harry to the couch and made him sit down.

"What's wrong Harry?" she asked.

"I just feel so helpless" Harry said.

"Harry, you warned them, and now they know a threat is coming" Hermione said.

"I know, but I wish I could do more" Harry said.

"Oh Harry, you can't be everywhere at once" Hermione said.

"I know, but this waiting doesn't suit me" Harry said pouting a bit.

Hermione sighed and rested her head on Harry's shoulder.

"What about your parents Hermione?" Harry asked.

"I talked to Sirius and Amelia before they left. They'll take care of them" Hermione said.

"That's good" Harry said closing his eyes.

/Scene Break/

Several days later and Harry and his friends were on edge and everyone in the school could feel it. When asked about it they'd shrug it off not wanting to scare more people. The teachers seemed to lighten up on them also since they knew how stressful it is not knowing when an attack might happen. The teachers were all made aware of the situation.

/Scene Break/

Adrian sat quietly in his study looking over some financial papers that Sirius asked him to look at since Sirius couldn't balance a checkbook if his life counted on it. Adrian couldn't help, but chuckle at the thought. He felt a shrill sound and he knew that the wards have been breached. His wife, Sophia came rushing in.

"Adrian" she exclaimed.

"I know my dear, we must go" Adrian said.

They had bags pack for such an occasion thanks to a suggestion made by Hermione. They grabbed the portkey that was around their necks and called out the code word, but it failed.

"What do we do now?" Sophia asked worriedly.

"I don't know, they must've put anti-portkey wards around the house along with anti-apparation wards" Adrian said.

Sophia looked frighten.

"Don't worry my dear, Amelia will come. She and I linked our wards together so she'll know" Adrian said.

Soon shouting was heard and Adrian peeked his head out to see aurors fighting against some Death Eaters.

"See, I told you not to worry" he said.

Sophia looked relieved.

It didn't take long for the Death Eaters to flee and Amelia came to the front door.

"How bad Amelia?" Adrian asked.

"Not as bad as what we expected. Since you upgraded the wards it was taking them longer to tear them down" Amelia said.

"That's good, did you capture any?" Adrian asked.

Amelia shook her head.

"No, but I know who led them" Amelia said.

"Who?" Sophia asked.

"Lucius" Amelia said.

"That bastard" Adrian spat.

"Yes, but I don't have anything concrete to make an arrest" Amelia said frowning.

"We'll get the bastard" Adrian said.

Amelia nodded.

An auror came rushing in.

"Boss, we just got word that the Lovegood house is being attacked" the auror said.

"What, well lets get going" Amelia said.

The sight that Amelia and her aurors were welcome with was horrible. The house was on fire and they could hear cackling that made them all shiver.

"What should we do boss?" one auror said.

"You four try to extinguish the flames, the rest of us will go in and see if we can find any survivors" Amelia said.

The aurors nodded and went to work. Amelia led the charge inside and found the inside totally wrecked. She prayed that Xenophilius was still alive. They found him in his study barely alive. They could tell he was subject to the Cruciatus many times.

"Let's get him out of here" Amelia ordered.

They got Xenophilius out just before the entire house came down.

/Scene Break/

Harry walked down the corridor to the Ravenclaw tower. He had a heavy heart. He took a deep breath and answered the riddle that the portrait guarding the Ravenclaw tower asked. He entered to find several Ravenclaws doing homework or studying. They looked up when Harry entered.

"Where's Luna?" he asked.

Luna, who was studying in an armchair got up.

"What is it Harry?" she asked.

Harry took a deep breath.

"Luna, could you come with me please?" he asked.

Luna did as she was told and followed Harry out. Harry led her to his private quarters where everyone was waiting. Luna was confused by what was going on, but could tell that it was serious.

"What is it Harry?" Luna asked sitting down.

"There were two attacks. Voldemort had two attacks planned. He attacked Daphne's house, but that was only a diversion. The real target was your home" Harry said.

Luna's eyes widen then she shut them tightly trying to hold back the tears.

"My dad?" she asked softly.

"He's alive, but the healers at St. Mungo's say that he was under the Cruciatus for a long time. They don't know the extend of the damage yet" Harry said.

Luna burst into tears and Harry held onto her tightly. He was soon replaced by Neville since he was Luna's boyfriend.

Meanwhile the others moved away to give the couple some space.

"Who was behind the attack?" Daphne asked.

"Amelia knows Lucius was leading the attack on your house. As for Luna's they think it was Bellatrix" Harry said.

"What are we going to do?" Susan asked looking at a crying Luna.

"We help her get through this then we fight back" Harry said.

"But how Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know yet, but we have to do something" Harry said.

Luna stayed the night in Harry's quarter along with Neville since none of the others felt like disturbing them. The next day Luna went through the day listless. Her classmates noticed this as did her housemates, but no one asked why, they knew it had to be bad since Luna's friends were always by her side. The news came in the afternoon edition of the Prophet. This brought fear to everyone and sympathy for Luna.

/Scene Break/

That night Harry had called a meeting.

"I first want to say that we're glad that you're alright Adrian" Harry said.

"Thank you Harry, but I feel very sad at what happened to Xeno" Adrian said solemnly.

Luna let out a sniffle at this., which had Neville wrapping an arm around the little blond.

"I've called this meeting because I think we need to do something in retaliation" Harry said.

There were murmurs of agreement on this.

"I support your idea Harry, but what can we do?" Amelia asked.

"That, I don't know, but this is why I called this meeting so we can brainstorm some ideas" Harry said.

They spent the entire night coming up with ideas of how to attack Voldemort.

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