After the first task

By Irish_Wolves

89K 2.6K 377

By: sheltie Published with permission This takes place after the first task of the Tri-Wizard tournament. Ev... More



4.8K 129 18
By Irish_Wolves

Harry's summer was the best summer he's ever had. For one, he wasn't at the Dursleys, which is a cause for celebration alone. The second, was he was staying with his best friend who is also his girlfriend."Harry love, want to go for a swim?" Hermione asked.

Harry's eyes brighten up. "Sure." Hermione smiled, she knew how much her boyfriend loved looking at her in her bathing suit. Her mother persuaded her to get a new one on one of their shopping trips.They were sitting on the edge of the pool and Harry was admiring Hermione in her two piece swimsuit and Hermione was looking at Harry's developing muscles. Both definitely liked what they saw in one another.

"Well I'm going to swim, how about you?" Hermione asked."I think I'll just watch for now" Harry said winking at her.Hermione blushed a bit, but liked the attention she was getting. She hopped into the pool and began to swim laps knowing Harry was watching her every move.

"Harry love, you need to remember to breath" Hermione said giggling slightly."How can I, when I'm looking at perfection" Harry said breathlessly. Hermione blushed a deep red. "You don't have to say things like that Harry" Hermione said looking down.Harry slid into the pool and waded his way to his girlfriend.

"Hermione, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true" Harry said gently.Hermione looked into Harry's eyes and saw the honesty in them. She knew that Harry was an open book to her, he could never hide anything from her. "You've got to be the best boyfriend a girl can have" Hermione said pulling Harry into a hug.

"I'm only as good because I have you by my side" Harry said softly.Hermione looked up and they were about to kiss when they were interrupted. "God, could that be any more mushy." Harry and Hermione turned around to find Sirius there making a gagging motion.

"You're lucky I can't do magic Sirius or you'd be neutered" Hermione growled as she glared at the marauder.Sirius stopped his actions as he saw the young witch give him the very same look Lily used to give him when she got angry, which freaked him out.

"I think I'll be inside now" Sirius said."That'd be a good idea" Hermione said sweetly.When Sirius left Hermione turned back to Harry, who was now back to his awkward self. "Now, I think we were about to do something before we were interrupted" Hermione whispered huskily.

Harry's eyes widen some at the tone of Hermione's voice, but didn't need to be told twice. He kissed her with as much passion as she gave to him.

/Scene Break/

Dumbledore leaned back in thought as he pondered what he needed to do this summer. He knew that the Ministry would stop him at every turn in trying to tell everyone that Voldemort was back. It amazed him how ignorant and stubborn the Minister is and knew that he had to be replaced, but who was the question.

He thought of Amelia Bones and knew she'd do a good job, though she was a person that wouldn't be easily manipulated and that was what he needed at the moment.

So Amos Diggory was his choice and it would help since the man's son was one of the winners of the Tri-Wizard tournament. He also had to start training Harry and his friends too. He didn't think Harry was ready to defeat Voldemort, but the boy needed all the training he could get to survive until he was ready.

/Scene Break/

The next day Harry and Hermione were having breakfast when an owl came in."Who's it from dear?" Harry asked. "It's from Neville, he wants us to visit" Hermione said. "Well I'm up for it, but you'd better ask your parents" Harry said. Hermione nodded and went off to catch her parents before they left for work. When she returned she had a big smile on her face.

"They said they were okay with it as long as Sirius is takes us" she said.Harry nodded and went to grab his mirror Sirius gave him."What's going on pup?" Sirius asked."Hermione and I got a letter asking us to visit him and Hermione's parents say we can, but you have to take us" Harry said.

Sirius nodded, "Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes."When Sirius arrived he apparated the two to Longbottom manor. They found Neville waiting for them."Harry, Hermione, I was wondering when you'd get here" Neville said."Well we didn't want to waste any time" Hermione said.Neville introduced them to his grandmother and Sirius bowed.
"Lady Longbottom." "Lord Black."

Harry and Hermione looked at one another with confusion."I see that Mr. Potter doesn't know of his position?" Augusta Longbottom said noticing the couple's confusion."No, but I will make sure that he knows before the summer is out" Sirius said.After that it became a little less formal, but it wasn't til the kids were out of the adults' sights when they relaxed.

"Man, that was stifling" Harry said."Get used to it Harry, you're scion to the Potters" Neville said."What does that mean?" Hermione asked.Neville then explained to Hermione about the old pureblood families, like the Potters and Longbottoms were actually titled Ancient and Noble since they can trace their roots to the time when Merlin lived.

The Malfoy family was still a new family, though they were consider an old family, they didn't have the prestige as the Ancient and Noble families did. Though they didn't stop the Malfoys to act like they were."So who are the Ancient and Noble families?" Hermione asked."Well the Potters are one, then there's the Longbottoms, then the Bones', The Greengrasses, and the Blacks, and that's about it" Neville said."Do they get along?" Harry asked.

"Well I know that the Potters and Longbottoms have an alliance between the two and the Longbottoms have one with the Bones family, as for the Greengrass family, I have no idea" Neville said.Harry thought for a minute then a twinkle in his eye appeared."Harry, what are you thinking?" Hermione asked noticing the twinkle."I need to write a letter" Harry said simply.

Neville provided Harry with the parchment and quill and Harry wrote a letter and without letting Hermione read it he send it off with Hedwig, who appeared just as he finished."How does that owl know?" Neville asked out loud."She has always known when I needed her" Harry said.

"But that's not common for post owls" Neville said."Unless a post owl and their owl has developed a familiar bond" Augusta Longbottom said.Neville jumped at the sound of his grandmother's voice.

"Gran, I didn't hear you come in" he said."My apologize Neville, I just to let you know that we'd be having lunch on the terrace" Augusta said."Alright Gran, we'll be there" Neville said. During lunch Hermione tried to get Harry to tell her who he wrote to, but Harry refused and would only smirk at her, which annoyed her.

"Harry James Potter, you better tell me now or I'll hex you" Hermione said angrily."Better do as she says pup, when Lily used your father's full name he knew he was in big trouble" Sirius said smirking."I'll tell her in due time Sirius" Harry said.The rest of lunch Harry got a crash course in Ancient and Noble families."So I just go to Gringotts and ask to see the will" Harry said.

"Oh Merlin, why didn't I think of that" Sirius said smacking his forehead with his hand."It's alright, we'll go tomorrow" Hermione said.Sirius nodded."We are quite happy to continue our alliance with the Potter family" Augusta said."Well I have no problem with that my only request is to think about an alliance with the Black family" Harry said.

"Your godfather and I have been discussing this and we've yet to work out the details" Augusta said."Excellent" Harry said.The rest of the day the three friends hung-out and talked about what they were doing during the summer aside from homework."So Neville, have you invited Luna over yet?" Harry asked nudging his friend in the shoulder.

"Um, well, no, but I plan on it. I mean she met Gran at the train station and they seemed to have gotten along" Neville said blushing slightly."I'm sure your Gran likes Luna" Hermione said."I hope so, I really like Luna" Neville said. "Do I hear wedding bell in your future Nev" Harry teased.Neville blushed bright red."Harry quit teasing him" Hermione chided.

/Scene Break/

The next day Harry, Hermione, and Sirius went to Gringotts."I would like to see the goblin in charge of the Potter vaults?" Harry asked."Yes, follow me" the goblin said.The group followed the goblin into a posh office."Mr. Potter, Mr. Black welcome" the goblin said sitting at the desk.

"Hello, I was wondering if I could see the my parents will?" Harry asked."Of course Mr. Potter" the goblin said.The goblin left the office for a few minutes and then came back carrying a roughly cut bowl."Your father made a will by use of a special Pensieve, your mother decided to write hers out" the goblin said.An image of James Potter appeared and he smiled.

"Hello Harry, if you're seeing this then I'm dead. Hopefully your mother is there with you and if not then either Sirius Black or Alice Longbottom is there with you. Well on to business then. I leave my son, Harry James Potter everything and ask his guardian help Harry deal with everything that is in the estate." After that James disappeared."Well that was quite simply" Sirius commented.

"Mr. Potter made this Pensieve for his son, he had another will made up for the other beneficiaries" the goblin said, "now if the young Mr. Potter would take the Potter ring he'll be the new Lord Potter."Harry did as he was told and the ring resized itself to fit his finger.

"Harry, I'm going to have to tell you all about what being a lord of an Ancient and Noble house" Sirius said.After that the three found out that Harry was extremely rich. Hermione couldn't believe her boyfriend was probably richer than the entire royal family. Sirius knew that the Potters were wealthy, but this shocked him. Harry of course, was totally blown away since he never really had anything to begin with, knowing now that he had more than enough money to live on was quite a shock.

They left the office with Harry carrying a thick ledger. When they got back to the Grangers Hermione then lay into Harry."Why in the world did you give me unlimited access to your vaults?" Hermione shouted."Because I trust you" Harry said simply.Hermione was still dumbfounded at this."Hermione dear, what's with the shouting?" Diana Granger asked."Harry gave me full access to his vaults" Hermione said."Now I'm not sure what the big deal is?" Diana asked."Harry is probably one of the richest wizards, he richer than the Malfoys" Hermione said.Diana didn't understand this at all, and her face showed it as did her husband."He's actually the richest wizard in Britain" Sirius said helping out the bewildered Diana and her husband.This shocked Diana and Cole Granger.

"What do you mean he's the richest wizard in Britain?" Cole asked."Dad, he's richer than the entire royal family, he could buy a country and still have money to spare" Hermione said.Cole's jaw dropped at thisHarry shrugged, "I don't really understand what the big deal is. I mean, I'd given Hermione full access to my vault no matter how much I had."Hermione wrapped her arms around her boyfriend, "I know Harry, but this so much money that it is a bit overwhelming."

"Hermione, I didn't even know I had any money to begin with. When I got my school supplies for my first year was the first time I ever had money. My relatives never spend a pound on me" Harry said.

"I know Harry, it's just overwhelming to know your boyfriend can actually offer you the world" Hermione said.

/Scene Break/

Meanwhile at the Weasley house or what is called the Burrow the Weasley family were having a meeting. All members were present even Charlie who flooed in from Romania and Percy who had moved out some time ago and looked unhappy to be back home.

"Good, now that we are all here I think we should discuss what has happened this past year, Ginny would you tell us what happened" Arthur said.Ginny explained that it all started after the first task of the tournament and how Ron acted like a prat when he found out that Harry and Hermione were together.

She told them how Harry knocked Ron out with one punch. She went on how Ron didn't take the hint and kept baiting Harry and Hermione along with Luna and Neville. She also told them about what happened at the Yule Ball, which had everyone frowning at Ron. She finished with the incident that happened in the Great Hall the morning of the third task though Ron wasn't a part of it.

"Well now that we have a better picture of what has been going on I see only a few options" Arthur said."Who cares what we should do about Potter, he's just a glory seeking brat" Percy said."Shut your mouth Percy, you have no idea what Harry has been through" Ginny said.

Percy glared at his sister and Ginny didn't back down it took the twins to hold the two back before they hexed one another."Okay that's enough, Percy, you may not live here anymore, but that doesn't mean you should be disrespectful. And Ginny, though it is admirably to defend your friend I don't want to ground you" Arthur said."But Potter is just stirring up trouble dad" Percy said.

"You really have a big stick up your arse don't you Percy. Harry would never lie about Voldemort's return," this caused some gasps though Ginny ignored them, "there was proof, first your old pet rat who was an Animagus and was the one who betrayed Harry's parents, then our defense professor who was actually an imposter that was thought to be dead. I don't know about you, but that all points to Voldemort being back."

No one know what to say to this as Ginny vented this all out, but it did make them all think. Bill was the first to speak."Gin, you make some good points and I can see where you could be right" Bill said.Charlie nodded in agreement as did the twins.

"I can't believe you, you've all fallen under that glory hog's spell" Percy said incredulously. "Percy, just because Harry doesn't follow the rules doesn't mean he's bad, I mean he only broke the rules to save someone" George said. "Yeah, if he hadn't Ginny wouldn't be here" Fred said.

This brought a chilling revelation to attention. "Okay boys, thanks for you thoughts, but I think we've gotten off track. This meeting was to discuss the behavior of your brother Ron this past year" Arthur said.

"Why should I be punished, it's all Potter's fault. He couldn't let me have one thing, no, he had to take away what was supposed to be mine" Ron said speaking up for the first time."How bloody thick are you Ron, you and Hermione have nothing in common. All you two ever do is fight" Fred said."But that's what all married couples do, right?" Ron said.Arthur sighed, "no Ron, not all married couples fight. Well they do, but from what I'm getting from Fred is that you and Hermione have many, many rows with one another."

Ginny and the twins nodded."Ron and Hermione's rows are legend in the Gryffindor tower" George said."Do they ever get along?" Charlie asked curiously.Yeah, but Harry is the guy who holds them together," Fred said."if it wasn't for Harry they'd probably never talk" George ended.

Ginny only nodded in agreement of the twins' assessment.Arthur sighed, this was going to be a long meeting than he thought.

/Scene Break/

Sirius Black was quite happy as he had a few of the Hogwarts house elves help clean his home out. He had them replace everything Slytherin-ish and have Gryffindor things put in its place. The first thing to go was his mother's portrait, which was a bit difficult though he ordered the elves to do anything they could to remove the portrait.

As for the house elf in residence the thing was too deranged and messed up to be of any good so Sirius gave the elf clothes, which literally killed the thing. But other that that the restorations were going well he had a room for Harry set and a room for himself. He also made rooms for Hermione and her parents just in case they had to flee from their house. He also added room for Neville and Luna by advice from Dumbledore.

"Mr Black sir, we is done with the upper levels" a house elf said."Thanks Wrinkle" Sirius said.Remus was another resident of Sirius' house though it took some persuading to get the tame werewolf to accept."I just got back from the Lovegoods and Luna can be here in two days" Remus said.

"Excellent, Harry should be arriving tomorrow and Hermione will be with him though she'll go back to her parents that night" Sirius said.Remus nodded.Harry better enjoy his summer because when he comes here, the fun and games end Remus thought.

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