You Saved Me

By Raihantheruler

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Fem Sasuke x Naruto. The Council wary that Suki Uchiha might betray the Leaf again, issued an ultimatum. She... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 15

4.7K 78 23
By Raihantheruler

Naruto patiently holds back Suki's hair until the Morning Sickness had passed. Then he gets her a glass of water. She mutters a thank you and drinks.

"We should probably get you to the hospital. Have Granny Tsunade check you out. Make sure everything is alright." He says.

"Yeah." Suki says.

"Now I know you don't feel good. You normally argue more than that." He says and pulls her into his arms, holding her.

"I just spent the last ten minutes vomiting. Right now, I'd agree to almost anything." She murmurs and lays her head on his shoulder.

"Don't tempt me. A guy could really take advantage of a statement like that. You feel up to walking? I could carry you if you want." He offers.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm hardly the first woman in the world to deal with Morning Sickness." She states offering him a reassuring smile.

"You know you don't have to act all tough." He tells her and walks off with Suki, holding her hand.

"Who is acting?" The brunette replies with a smirk.

"That's my Ice Princess!" He says cheerfully.

Suki rolls her eyes, but there was no real annoyance to it. It was just Naruto being Naruto. All thoughts of the Council's horrific demise were gone for the moment.

"Granny Tsunade, you here?!" Naruto asks.

"Brat, I'm not deaf. What is it?" The busty blonde medic asks as she walks over to them.

"Kurama thinks Suki is pregnant. So we want to get her checked out." He says.

"Ohhh. Well I suppose it was bound to happen. Come here, Suki." She says and leads them to one of their hospital rooms.

"I'll give a blood test as that's the most accurate at this early stage." She informs them and begins swabbing Suki's arm.

"I really hate blood work." Suki mutters.

"It's okay. I'll kiss it better later." Naruto says and holds her other hand reassuringly.

"I know it will be okay. I'm just saying I don't like it." She tells him and winces when Tsunade takes the sample.

Tsunade ignores the conversation and looks at the results. Indeed, it did show changes to her hormone levels that indicated pregnancy. Thankfully, the Council was gone. Otherwise, this could have ended in disaster.

"She's pregnant. My best guess would be somewhere around two weeks. I'll give you the standard informational packets of course. No drinking, no smoking, and take it easy on training. I wouldn't use your chakra unless you absolutely have to." She informs Suki.

"Got that? She said to take it easy." Naruto tells Suki sternly.

"You are telling me to take it easy? That's the pot calling the kettle black." Suki says with a smirk.

"I mean it. It's bed rest for your sexy ass." The blonde informs her.

"Knowing you, I won't be getting much rest on that bed." Suki says with a shrug.

"I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that. Here you go. Stop in next Tuesday around noon and I'll have another look at you. Considering Naruto's chakra levels and your own unique biology, I want to watch this pregnancy very closely." Tsunade states.

"You think something will go wrong?" Naruto asks with concern.

"Not necessarily. I'm just not sure if this kid will develop faster than usual or be a particularly demanding pregnancy on Suki. If he or she has half your energy, well I don't envy you." She says to the expecting mother.

"Thanks. I'll take it easy." She says.

"And here are your prenatal vitamins. Remember to take them. Thankfully, you're the one who is pregnant and not Naruto. So I know your diet is healthy. Does he still practically live on Ramen?" The older woman asks curiously.

"I've got him down to about half and half. It was more like 90-10 when we first started living together." Suki answers her.

"Impressive." The former Hokage states.

"Thanks. I try. So see you next week." Suki says and eeps when Naruto leads her off.

"Naruto, I am not a rag doll." The dark haired woman huffs.

"I know. But you heard her. You should take it easy. So let's get you home, so you can rest." He tells her.

"Alright. Alright." Suki relents.

Naruto smiles and takes her home. He makes the bed and fluffs the pillows. Then he gets well…what could only be described as a mountain of pillows. Suki raises an eyebrow. He was kidding right?

"Naruto aren't you overdoing it just a little bit?" She asks in amusement as she sits on the bed.

"Maybe, but after everything that happened, can you really blame me for wanting to pamper you?" He asks and kisses her cheek.

"I'm not some China Doll, Naruto. You know that." She says.

"Yeah. I know you are a badass. Just let me take care of you. You liked it last time, you did." He growls into her ear.

"W-Well yeah. Wait you aren't going to tie me up again, are you?" Suki asks.

"Not today." He answers and kisses her Mating Mark.

"Mmm, alright." She says and leans back into his arms.

"I love seeing this on you." He says and licks he Mark roughly.

"Nhh good." She replies and squirms.

"Knowing that you're mine." He states and bites down lightly.

"A-Always." She murmurs and lets out a light pant.

"Do you feel any different?" He asks.

"Other than the Morning Sickness. Not really. It's probably still too early." She says.

"Yeah. She did say two weeks. You should lay down. I'll get you something to eat." He says.

"You're going to be overprotective the whole eight and a half months left of this pregnancy, aren't you?" She asks in amusement.

"Yup!" He answers cheerfully.

"I'm probably going to want to strangle you before this is all over. But for now I guess, I might as well just indulge you." She says with a smile.

"Good!" He says and heads off to the kitchen.

She lays back against the mountain of pillows and throws the blankets over herself. Well it was rather comfortable on second thought. Yeah, she'd just let Naruto get away with spoiling her a little bit.

Soon Naruto comes back and joins her under the blankets. He'd found chocolate strawberries. The blonde seemed rather pleased with this find and proceeds to start hand feeding Suki.

"Mmm good find." She says and nibbles on the offering.

"Thanks." He says with a smile and eats with her, cuddling up to his lover.

After awhile, Suki stretches and yawns. She snuggles right back up against Naruto and closes her eyes. It didn't take long for her breathing to even out. Naruto could tell she was asleep.

He'd almost lost her AGAIN. Sure, the Council hadn't been directly planning to kill her, but they might have if they caused a miscarriage. He growls at the thought and remembers back to the first time, he'd nearly lost Suki.

They had begged Kakashi for a real mission. Everyone was tired of chasing cats and babysitting. They wanted to be real ninjas.

Well actually, Naruto had demanded a real mission. Sakura hadn't argued. Suki, though she was quieter than Naruto about it, he could tell that she was just as eager for some action as he was. So that's how they ended up in the Land of the Waves, fighting Haku. Suki had seemingly sacrificed herself for him and was now laying, dying in his arms.

"Why?" He asked desperately.

"I don't know why, but my body just moved. I wasn't planning on it." She answered and went limp in his arms.

Naruto just felt so empty when he saw her "lifeless" body. He was filled with a sudden rage like he'd never felt before. That was the first time, that he really went Kyuubi. Eventually, they defeated the Mist Ninjas.

Sakura had thrown herself on Suki's body. That's when he heard a small cry of pain. Sakura had pushed the needles into the brunette's battered body even further while mourning her "fallen comrade."

"P-Please S-Sakura, get off of me! That hurts!" She pleaded.

"SUKI!" Sakura and Naruto cried out.

Naruto had never felt so happy before in his young life. She was alive! She was alive! He didn't know why that meant so much to him, but he just knew that it did.

The next week, Suki and Naruto go back to see Tsunade. The busty medic informs them that so far everything looked…astonishingly normal. Suki wasn't sure if that was supposed to be comforting or alarming. The implication was that Tsunade didn't think that it was going to be normal. That she thought something was going to go wrong.

"That's great! Can you tell if it's a boy or a girl? Um Suki did you wanna know or be surprised?" Naruto asks merrily.

"I want to know." Suki says.

"It's still far too early to tell that, just yet." Tsunade answers with a chuckle, well at least in that regard they were normal first time parents.

"Naruto, do you think you can go get me some water out of the vending machine?" Suki asks.

"Yeah! Sure, I'll be right back." He says and darts off.

"That was a stall for time, if I ever saw one. What's on your mind that you didn't want him to know about?" The blonde woman asks.

"It's…just sometimes he seems different. Not like Kyuubi exactly, but not like himself. Like what he did to the Council Members. It was torture. They deserved it, but I never thought I'd see HIM do something like that." She admits.

"It's been a long time since a male Jinchuuriki got a woman pregnant. Usually it's a female Jinchuuriki who gets pregnant, but it has happened before. I was a little worried something like this might happen, especially with the…history between the two of you." She mutters.

"That what might happen? What's wrong with him?" Suki demands to know, suddenly worried.

"Well you're right in that it's not Kyuubi. It's Naruto but with…Kyuubi's instincts. Subconsciously, he views it as his job to protect his mate from harm, especially now that you are expecting. It's influencing his mind. He probably doesn't even realize it himself. Making him more…aggressive, I suppose is the most accurate word that I can come up with to describe it." She continues.

"So…how do we fix it? Naruto isn't someone who tortures. It goes against everything that he stands for. He's also been…more fixated on my Mark. I mean he's always liked it, but now he's constantly touching it." She says and tries to hide her blush.

"It's because your pregnant. He's just proud of his claim and worried another male might challenge it. He also wants to protect you. He's not…exactly in control of himself. My advice to you is just go with it. Let him coddle you." She says.

"And it'll go away?" She asks.

"It should after you have the baby. Maybe it will be less intense with your next child. You are planning to have more than one?" Tsunade questions her.

"Well I'd like to, but I never really asked Naruto how many he wanted." She replies.

"You probably should. Anyway, you should be happy to know that everything looks perfectly normal and he's coming back with your water." She informs her.

"Here, you go." Naruto comes back a few minutes later with a water bottle.

"Thanks." Suki says and makes a bit of a show of chugging it, pretending to have been really thirsty.

"Ready to head home?" He asks.

"Mhm." Suki answers and lets herself be led off by her husband.

She looks at him. He wasn't acting any differently now. He was the same Naruto as always. Maybe it was already passing. The Council was gone. There was no more threat. So he didn't really need to go into overprotective mode any longer.

"What's going on? You look like something's bugging you over there." Naruto says.

"Nothing. Just thinking." She says.

"About what?" He questions.

"Baby names." She lies.

"Oh right. I'm sure we will come up with something totally awesome." The blonde assures her, seeming to completely buy it.

Suki felt a bit guilty for lying to him. He was just so excited about their baby and yet here she was, keeping secrets from him. Maybe she should tell him about he concerns?

Naruto immediately carries her to their room, once they get home. She shakes her head in amusement. Yeah, she should probably nip this in the bud before it progressed beyond the bounds of cuteness and into the obsession range.

"Naruto, I have a confession to make. Sorta." She mumbles.

"What is it?" He asks and wraps his arms around her.

"I lied. I wasn't thinking about baby names. I was thinking about you. About us." She says.

"Oh. Is something wrong?" The blonde asks, his blood running cold.

Was she going to try to leave him again? No, that couldn't be it. She was happy with him. He KNEW she was happy with him.

"No. Well maybe. It's about what happened to the Council." She says.

"Oh is that it? Suki, they DESERVED it." Naruto counters.

"I know they did. But it's not like you. It…I didn't…well. Damn it!" She growls not sure how to say this.

"Suki, what is it?" He asks.

"It's not like you. I've never seen you torture before. I've seen you kill, but I've never seen you ENJOY it. It…disturbed me to see you having fun while you were killing them." She admits.

"Of course I enjoyed it. They tried to hurt you and were going to kill our children!" He says with a growl.

"It's just not like you. So I…did some research." She says, figuring it was probably best not to name drop Tsunade right now.

"Uh huh?" He inquires.

"Kyuubi's animal instincts are messing with you. It's his instincts but your mind." She says.

"Oh. That does explain a lot actually." He mutters.

"It does?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm glad that you felt you could trust me enough to tell me that." He says and kisses her.

"I don't want to keep secrets from you. I don't like it. I kept enough of them from you before we got married. I don't want to do it anymore." She murmurs, kissing him back.

"Yeah. Don't worry about anything. I'm not going to start going all serial killer or anything. Just relax." He tells her.

"So what do you think of the whole Hinata and Gaara thing?" She asks, deciding a subject change was in order.

"I think it's great. I mean I personally can vouch for how fucking amazing sex is. Gaara should totally get to enjoy it to." He says smugly.

"I doubt they are doing it. They are both so shy." Suki says.

"It's always the quiet ones." Naruto points out.

Yes, indeed. It was always the quiet ones. As Gaara had found out. Damn. The red head understood why Naruto was always going on about how great intimacy was now. Wow.

"Can we do that…again?" Gaara asks.

"Mhm." Hinata says, trying to catch her breath, and lays her head on his chest.

"Good. I get what everyone is going on about now." He says and runs his hands along her backside.

The next morning, Naruto goes to see Kakashi. Suki figured it was just more paperwork. That meant she had the house to herself for today.

Maybe she should sneak out and actually do something other than lounge around in bed all day. She decides against it. Naruto would totally freak if he found out.

She decides to go through more of the old stuff. She smiles when she finds that old stuffed dinosaur Itachi had as a kid. She remembered always trying to steal it. Yes, her child could have Itachi's dinosaur, she decided. Nodding and feeling rather pleased with herself, she sets it in the KEEP pile.

"Well I hear congratulations are in order." Kakashi says, when Naruto arrives.

"Tsunade, already told you that Suki was pregnant?" He asks.

"Indeed. Word travels fast Naruto. I expect the entire village will know by nightfall and the rest of the Five Nations will be aware by next week." He says cheerfully.

"Yeah, guess gossip does travel faster than wildfire sometimes." Naruto says with a laugh.

"So how are things between my students? Things must be going well, if she's already expecting." Kakashi smiles at him.

"I'm not telling you THAT stuff!" Naruto protests.

"I was only teasing, Naruto. Still, is everything alright?" He asks.

"Well I thought it was going amazing, other than the Council. Now I'm not so sure. She's…worried." He admits.

"Well she's going to be a first time mother. After what happened to her first family, it's only natural she'd be anxious." Kakashi offers consolingly.

"Not about that. She's worried about me." Naruto says with a sigh.

"She can't possibly think that you aren't happy about the pregnancy. You've been trying for so long." The silver haired ninja states.

"No. I made the Council suffer for what they did. It spooked her, more than I thought it did. I guess." The blonde replies.

"I see. What exactly did you do?" The Hokage asks.

"I stabbed them and let them bleed to death." Naruto answers, deciding it was probably best not to mention where he stabbed/what he sliced off.

"Yes, I can see how that might…unsettle her. It is out of character for you." Kakashi says.

"Well no one's ever tried to murder my children before!" Naruto protests.

"Yes, I understand. They deserved to die for what they did. But from Suki's perspective, you've always been her conscience. She never expected to see you engage in torture. I'm certain she will look past it. It was only one time and she surely must understand your motivation." He tries to comfort the grim looking man.

"Yeah. I just don't want to lose her. I can't." Naruto says.

"You won't. You two have been through so much together. I doubt this will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Why don't you take the rest of the day off? Go spend some time with her. Pick out things for the baby. She'd like that. It'd probably calm her nerves." He suggests.

"But we don't know if it's a boy or a girl yet." Naruto says.

"Well then buy boy and girl things. Besides, I doubt Suki only wants one child. She wants to revive her clan. One child isn't much of a revival." Kakashi points out.

"Yeah. You're right. Thanks, Kakashi!" Naruto says and heads home.

"Hey, Suki. Kakashi let me off early. Where are you?" He calls out.

"In the bedroom." She answers.

Naruto heads to the bedroom. He tilts his head. Suki was watching tv and had a stuffed animal in her hands. A dinosaur?

"Hey! What's with the dinosaur?" He asks.

"I was going through some old stuff. I found it. Thought the baby might like it. I used to love it when I was a kid. I was always stealing it from Itachi." She says.

"I'm trying to picture a mini you stealing that from Itachi. I can't do it. But it sounds funny as Hell." He says and joins her in the bed.

"Itachi didn't think so, at the time." She says with a smile.

"Yeah, I imagine not. So what are you watching?" He asks.

"Nothing." Suki quickly turns the tv off.

"Alright. Now I'm curious." He says and turns it back on.

He blinks. Alright. He hadn't expected that. Suki had been watching what could be generously labeled as an adult film.

"Something I should know…?" Naruto asks.

"It's nothing." She says and looks away, feeling her face heat up.

"Suki, you always seem like you really like when we are…together. You aren't…faking that right? I heard women can do that." He says.

"What? No! It's no different than when you read one of Jiraiya books for ideas." She mumbles.

"Ohhh. Yeah, I guess not. So…was there something you wanted to try?" He asks.

"Maybe a couple things." She says.

"I'm definitely listening." He tells her.

"The shower could be fun." Suki blushes.

"Have I told you how much I love you lately? Because I do." Naruto grins.

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