Infinite Soulmates

By Italiansyren

15.6K 273 77

The year is 1990, and 20 year old Michelle is about to be face to face with her boyfriend who is coming to Am... More

The Meeting
Lunch with Pelle
The Next Morning
You're in Trouble
Happy Halloween
It's All Happening
Mayhem in America
Mayhem in my Home
A Very Mahem Day Trip
The Black Sheep
Thanksgiving with Mayhem
Goodbye Boys
Christmas Shopping
Pelle Meets the Family
The Past
Black Metal Baking
New Year's Eve
Pelle's Birthday
Flight 7691; Now Boarding for Oslo at Gate 22
Back Home in Ski
Scheming with Jorn
Welcome to Norway
Tonight, You Belong to Me
A Day of Sightseeing in Oslo
Embrace the Darkness
Unleashing the Darkness

The First Night

1.2K 17 11
By Italiansyren

The two of you crossed the street and when you got to your car, Pelle opened the door for you and shut it once you were in.  He walked in front of your car, threw the claw at you, rolling his eyes into the back of his head and giving out a death growl.  You were sitting in the drivers seat and burst out laughing and he looked at you through the windshield and smiled, walked to his side then opened the passenger door and got in.  You were still laughing hard and he looked at you and said,
"Come here." 
He pulled you over to the passenger side and you sat on his lap,  He put his left arm across your lap and you cupped his face with both of your hands and kissed him.  He slyly put his tongue in your mouth and there the two of you sat, kissing passionately in the front seat of your car for a good ten minutes and he put his body almost completely on top of yours and as the two of you were really getting into it...your foot hit the horn.  Your lips parted and you both started laughing with your foreheads together,  When you looked up you noticed a few passerby's staring and clapping at your fine achievement.  You blushed and  tucked your face into the side of Pelle's neck.  He hugged you tight and you whispered in his ear,
"I think it's time I take you home."
He smiled and raised his eyebrows up and down.  You giggled and the two of you kissed again and he helped you back into the driver's seat. 
"One more!" He said leaning into you.  You kissed him and started the car and began the twenty five minute journey to your log cabin in the woods.

As you were driving up Ute Pass, you were pointing out the Aspens to him and he was looking at all the colors and wanted to stop to take some pictures.  You pulled over and the two of you got out of the car as you were standing in front of the guardrail and Pelle came up behind you and put his arms around your waist and pulled you back into him.  He put the side of his face next to yours as you both stood there admiring the colors.  He squeezed you tight in his arms and said,
"Would you mind if I took some pictures?"
You turned your head and looked up at him and said,
"I don't have a camera with me Pelle."
" I do!  It's in my bag in the car."
"Well, go get it!"  Pelle kissed you on the cheek and went to the backseat and retrieved the camera from his bag.  He walked back over to you pointing the camera at you and said,
You heard the shutter go off as he took a picture of you with the Aspens in the background,  "That's gonna be a good one!"  He exclaimed.
You smiled at him and he walked up to you and he put his arm around you and said,
"Sit on the rail."  You did as he said and he sat down next to you and placed his arm around your shoulder and extended his other arm and said,
"This one is for my family back home."  The two of you put your heads together and Pelle took the picture of the two of you.  "Ok, one more."  He kissed you on the cheek and took the picture.  You were grinning ear to ear during that picture.  He stood up and dropped his arm with the camera in it to his side.
"Pelle, we better get going, it's going to be dark in a few hours."
"Ok, take me home with you."  He smirked and pecked your cheek and you got up off the guard rail the two of you returned to your car and you drove off.

Fifteen minutes went by and you finally turned down the last street before you get home.  You came to the familiar dirt and gravel driveway and stopped. 
"Why did you stop?"  He said puzzled.
"Well, I had a special sign made for the beginning of my driveway because it's so long."  You pointed to it and Pelle laughed.
"That's great!"  He got out of the car and looked at you and said,
"Come out here and let me get a picture of you under it!  The guys will never believe me!"
You got out of your car and stood under the custom street sign that read Mayhem Maiden Way.  He took the picture and both of you returned to the car.  You started driving up the driveway and you were so excited that you were not returning home alone.  This past year has been leading up to this.  You were extremely nervous as you drove the final bit to your cabin.  Pelle looked as you approached your home and said,
"Holy shit!  THIS is where you live?"  His mouth hung in amazement. 
"Yep, I inherited a small fortune from my Grandparents when they passed and I had this baby built."
"When you said you lived in a cabin, I was thinking something small."
"Nope, I have four bedrooms in case my family comes out to visit.  Remember that I come from a HUGE Sicilian family, so I really need enough room to accommodate for everyone."
"This is amazing!" 
He got out of the car and grabbed his bag from the backseat and you also stepped out.  Pelle walked over to you and used his free arm to put around you and as you walked up to the stairs that lead to your side door you hear loud barking as you get to the side door.
"Is that?"  Pelle asked.
"Yes and be careful, he's going to jump up on you, so don't be alarmed."
You unlocked the door and reached in to switch on the kitchen light.  As you opened the door there was your Giant Alaskan Malamute, Toby wagging his tail as he was backing up and yelping.  As soon as you and Pelle got in the door Toby jumped up and put his front paws on your shoulders and started licking your face.
"Yes my baby...I know I was gone a long time."  He continued to lick your face and Pelle looked on in amazement.
"I can't believe how huge he is!"
You pushed Toby down and he immediately jumped up on Pelle and started licking his face.
"He likes you.  That's a relief!  Look he's just as tall as you are." You said laughing.
Pelle was vigorously rubbing the scruff of Toby's neck with both hands while getting a tongue bath and you yelled,
He did as you said and you looked at your tall, gorgeous boyfriend and said,
"Welcome home!"
He smiled and started walking towards you and said in a very playful manner.
"Your turn!"
"My turn for what?!?" I said.
"A tongue bath!" He said in a deep growl.
Your eyes widened and you started running through the living room to your bedroom. Pelle followed. 
Once in your room, you ran to the other side of your bed and Pelle stood on the opposite side and started to run to your side and you jumped up on the bed and before you could run to the other side, he pulled your leg out and you fell on the bed.  He growled and that made you absolutely crazy.  He scaled your horizontal frame and now he was on top of you.  His beautiful long blond hair framing his face while it was hanging in yours.  As he had you pretty much pinned down, he lowered his torso onto yours and stared into your eyes as you gazed back into his.  He tilted his head and kissed you long and hard.  As things started to get hot and heavy, his hands were discovering unfamiliar territory and you the same, you thought to yourself,  "This is it!  It's FINALLY going to happen!"  Toby comes barreling into your room and jumps up on the bed ruining everything.  Pelle laughed and you did too.  You shooed Toby off the bed and you and Pelle lay on your bed, each of you on your sides facing one another.  No words were spoken for the next few minutes as the two of you seem to be trying to read each other's thoughts.  You were pretty sure that he was thinking the same thing you were, "Damn Dog!"

You and Pelle got up off the bed and walked out to your living room and he stood at the huge front window that went from floor to ceiling and that's about 40 feet.  Your cabin looked more like a ski lodge than a home.  Being October, you asked Pelle if he wanted to go for a walk in the woods before it got too dark and he jumped at the chance.  You called for Toby and he came running and the three of you left through the side door and started walking towards the back of the house. 
"I love that you live out here in the middle of the forest!  It's so isolated out here." He commented.
"Hence it's appeal."
Toby ran off ahead of the two of you and found his favorite tree to mark.  You and Pelle were holding hands as you took your stroll.  This was something that the two of you had dreamed about and never thought was going to happen,  You both were loving being together so far and are making the most out of every minute.
"I love being out here!"
"I love having you here with me!"  The two of you stopped walking and stood in front of each other and he leaned down to kiss you.  You put your arms around his neck and he kissed you deeper and you felt his hands move from your shoulders down to your ass where he gripped it and you let out an involuntary moan.  His hand went down a bit further and you felt him lifting you up off the ground by your ass.  You wrapped your legs around his waist as you both continued to kiss,  He started moving his hand towards your warmth from the back and that made you moan even more.  You stopped and looked at each other and you say,
"Do you want to head back to the house?"  He pecked your lips and said,
You yell out for Toby and he comes running.  Pelle still has you wrapped around his waist and he starts walking back to the house with Toby not far behind.  You rest the side of your head on his shoulder and move his hair to his back and start kissing the base of his neck softly and slowly moving up until you reach his earlobe and give it a little nibble.  He gives out a little sigh and says,
"You better be careful or Pelle will disappear and Dead will come out and if that happens, I can't be responsible for anything after that."  You giggled in his ear and said,
"I'm not afraid of Dead... but I really want to spend the night with Pelle!"  You put your forehead against his and kiss his soft full bottom lip.  The three of you reach the stairs and Pelle carries you up and opens the door and he carries you in.  He brings you to the couch and lays you down on it and as he does he presses his groin into yours, you could feel his length growing as he did it.  You let out a soft moan and he does it again and repeatedly while looking at you for your reaction.  You look into his eyes as he continues to grind against you and see him smile.  He leans in and whispers,
"I'm so in love with you Michelle."  You smiled and said,
"I'm so in love with you too Pelle Ohlin."  He smiles and kisses you, then says,
"We better stop or I'm gonna cum."
"We can't have that now can we?"
"No, not on our first time."  He replied.
You realized that he was right.  No matter how good this was feeling to both of you, it was best to make it special and wait.  It was only a few hours before you were going to declare bedtime.  You could wait that long and so could he.
"Let's order a pizza and watch a movie." You suggested.
"That sounds good!"  He agreed.
"What do you like on yours?" 
"Anything but anchovies."
You rang up a local pizza place and placed an order and hung up.
"Ok, ordered, now, let's talk movies."
"Where are your movies?"
"They're in the entertainment center."  You said as you sit down on the couch watching his tall, thin frame squat down to pick a movie out.
"Ah-ha!!" He said as he found one and held it up shaking the video tape side to side.  You saw what movie he picked out and you said,
"Oh come on Pelle!!!  That movie scares the shit out of me and I won't be able to sleep."  He came over and sat down on the couch next to you and said,
"First of all, I'm here to protect you and secondly, who says you are going to be sleeping tonight?" Shooting you a sly glance.  You smiled at him and shot him the same glance back with one were blushing hard.  He saw this and put his hand on your thigh and rubbed it.
"You DO make an excellent point. Ok, Evil Dead it is."  He smiled big and put the video in, grabbed a blanket off the chair and brought it over to the couch and sat next to you spreading the blanket out across the two of you.  It didn't take you anytime to curl up into a ball next to him.  With your head on his shoulder and his arm around yours, you snuggled up for Pelle's choice.

About twenty minutes into the movie there was a knock at the door and Toby immediately got up and started barking.  Pelle said,
"Sit tight, I'll get it." He pat your knee and went to the door to get the pizza.  As he was paying the delivery guy, you got up and went into the kitchen and got some napkins and paper plates.  He put the pizza down on the counter and you asked him,
"What do you want to drink?"
"I'll take a beer if you have one."
"Foreign or domestic?"
"I'll take a domestic."
You reach in the refrigerator and grab two Coors lights and close the door.  You bring the beers over to the counter and give one to Pelle, he opens it and takes a sip.  You look at him and tell him to grab the pizza and bring it into the living room.  Toby follows you both in there and as the two of you sit on the couch, Toby puts his chin on Pelle's knee.  He laughs and asks,
"Can Toby have pizza?"
"Not a lot or he'll be farting all night and trust me, you don't want to smell that!"
Pelle picks some meat off of his piece and gives it to the dog, then pats him on the head,  You smile and say to him,
"Trying to score points with Toby eh?"
"Yep!" He said unapologetically with a smile.
For the rest of dinner and the movie, Toby stayed by Pelle's side as did you.  Once the Evil Dead ended, you looked up at Pelle and said,
"I'm gonna clean this up and have another beer.  Do you want one?"
"That would be great!"
You brought the remnants of dinner to the kitchen and bagged up the leftovers and threw them in the fridge, grabbing two more beers before closing the door.  You popped the caps off and brought one into Pelle.  He took it from you and sipped.  You walked over to the stereo and turned on the radio.  He sat on the couch and you sat next to him.

The both of you talked for two hours about music, life, your families and his band.  After many beers and many tug of war battles with Toby and a few tickle sessions, which he won, you stretched and Pelle said,
"You look wrecked, are you tired?"
"A little. Why are you tired?"
"A little.  Today was a big day for me and for you."
He was standing up and he stretched. When he did, his shirt lifted up a little and you could see his bellybutton and the trail beneath it.  Every woman knows what that means.  He held his hand out and you took it.  You both put your empty beer bottles on the coffee table.  He started walking, pulling you along behind him.   As he led you, he kept looking back at you and smiling.  You finally reach the bedroom and he pulls you into him and starts kissing you intensely.  You fall into it and he puts one arm around your waist and his opposite hand on the back of your neck.  With a firm grip on you, his kisses became more passionate and very deep.  By this time your knees have turned to a useless pile of jelly and you were completely under his spell.  He released his grip and you stood in front of him and you both looked at each other.  You start rubbing his chest through his shirt, he kisses your lips again and takes his t-shirt off, you begin kissing him from his mouth, to his neck.  While you start sucking on his neck, you unbutton his jeans and kiss your way down his chest to his bellybutton.  By this time you were down on your knees in front of him looking into his eyes as he stared back into yours with a fiery passion.  You pulled his jeans down to his mid thigh and were pleasantly surprised and a little scared at what you saw.  He was the most well endowed man you'd ever seen. 

You took his cock into your hand and put it into your mouth, his eyes on you he let out a sigh and then a moan.  With your mouth on him you put your hand around his throbbing cock so that it was flush with your mouth and began to suck and jerk at the same time, occasionally taking it out of your mouth and swirling your tongue around the tip.  Not once taking your eyes off one another.  You pressed your tongue against the shaft while going back and forth on it. You then took it out of your mouth and exposed the bottom of it licked the shaft and ran it between your lips while looking up at him. Your sucking became more intense and he said,
"Stop!"  He helped you up and laid you on the bed, as he finished taking off his jeans and said, "Move back a little."  You did as he said and he pulled off your panties and took of your shirt and bra.  Both of you finally naked he pushed your legs apart and laid on the bed with his face between them.  You could feel his hot breath against your throbbing clit.  He started licking it and you arched your back and let out a soft sigh. His tongue stiff, he shoved it up inside of you then took it out and started licking your clit again while penetrating you with his fingers.  You moaned loud as he fingered you again.  He got up and put his finger in your mouth.  He was on his knees watching you sucking your juices off of his fingers and he then positioned himself between your legs and rubbed his throbbing cock against your folds before finally penetrating you.  You gasped and with good reason.  He threw his head back as he held up his weight up on both of his arms.
"Fuck, it's tight in there."  He said looking down at you, all of his long, beautiful blond hair hanging down in your face.  You smiled at him as he leaned down and kissed you.  You could still taste your sweet flavor all over his mouth.  His pace quickened and his strokes began to get more intense as he slammed his rock hard cock inside your warm walls.  He lowered himself onto you completely and as he kept fucking you, he gently grabbed one of your tits and put it in his mouth and lightly bit your hard nipple as he used the other hand to pinch the other one.  You began to writhe underneath his thin frame.  You wrapped your legs around his waist and used it to hoist yourself into his thrusts.  Now HE was the one moaning and he was doing it loudly. 
He rolled you over and you got on top.  You planted your feet on both sides of him and put your hands on his chest and began to pounce on him relentlessly.  As he begged you for mercy you told him,
"Mercy is for the weak..."
You both laughed and you moved from feet next to him to your knees.  You begin to grind on him moving your hips back and forth in the motion like you were riding a mechanical bull.  You leaned forward and he kissed you hard while his hands grabbed your ass and slowed down the motion.  He squeezed every time you thrusted.  He looked at you and said,
"Let me get on top again."  You rolled off of him and he moved on his knees to reposition himself and penetrated you once again and not as softly as he did the first time. 
"Now, I'm gonna show you what no mercy really means."  Looking down on you with fire in his eyes.  He began moving his hips faster and harder than before.  Each thrust became deeper than the last one.  You became the loud one and he wasn't showing you ANY mercy.  Little did he know that you loved it rough, something the two of you didn't talk about while you were corresponding for the past year as you wanted to keep SOME things from him. 
"Fuck me harder Pelle!"  You said in his ear.
He did as you asked and lifted your hips off of the bed and rested them on his thighs and slammed himself into you just as you asked.  The thrusts he was giving you with his abnormally large cock felt so good...You screamed,
"I'm cumming!"  He leaned over to kiss you and you grabbed his finger and put it in your mouth while he was fucking you.  He looked down at you and said,
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!"  He quickened the pace and he was slamming into you so hard while you came, you couldn't stop.  His rhythm became erratic and he shoved himself into you as far as he could go pulled it almost all the way out and thrusted in again.   He let out a moan as the two of you came together.  He collapsed on top of you and put his head between your head and shoulder and you could hear him trying to catch his breath.  He picked his head up and you brushed his blond, sweaty hair from his face and he kissed you deeply.  He rolled over and laid next to you with his arm around you.  Looking up at the ceiling he pulled you into him and you rested your head on his chest and said,
"I love you Michelle."
"I love you too Pelle."
You kissed one another and laid there in post coital bliss until the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms.

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