High School Crush

By pookz123

17.5K 981 64

This is about a 14 year old girl name Taylor. She has four best friends n a major crush on this guy name Jake... More

First day of high school
Arriving at high school
That one sleep over
Monday 12th of February
Our special friendship
Shopping with the girls
Todays the day
That awarked conversation!
Exciting news
Wasn't expecting that
It was really bad
Girls talk
This love
Karaoke night
Can we talk
The move out
Breaking news
Hospital visit
Finally out
emergency flight
Wedding Day
Life changer
Authors Note
Grey skys
All ends here

Couldn't get any worst

407 35 2
By pookz123

Taylor's POV

I woke up with a bad headache, but still decided to get up an go take a bath. I dragged my self out of bed and headed to the bathroom, I took a long shower then went to get dressed. I wore a black shorts and a over sized grey T-shirt belonging to Darius. My hair was all over the place but it doesn't even matter.

As I made my way downstairs I heard a lot of noise, it kinda sound like arguing. So I quietly walk down the other few steps so no one would notice me.

"How could he do that" I heard someone shout.

"I-I don't know, he's such a jerk." I heard someone else say.

I decided to just go back to bed but as I was about to turn around someone shouted my name. I took a while before I turned around, and when I did everyone eyes were glued on me. But mostly Darius, I guess it's because I'm wearing his shirt. Great!

"Hey guys" I said giving them the best fake smile I got.

Without any warning I was pushed on the floor and everyone threw their bodies on top of me. I laughed so hard that my sides started hurting.

"Gu-ys I can't breathe" I said still laughing.

"Okay don't kill her" Lina said also laughing.

Everyone got off of me except Darius.

"You look sexy in my shirt" he whispered into my ear.

His voice sent shivers down my body and I couldn't help but blush. Before I could say anything , the door flew open, and Jake followed by Tayna walked in actually holding hands. It felt like my heart drop and everything came crashing down. But before I could even react Darius smacked his lips onto mine. At first I was shocked but I didn't hesitate to kiss back because I knew he was only doing it to get them jealous. After I pulled away I glanced over a Jake who was now looking at me with hurt in his eyes, but I didn't care one bit. I pushed Darius off of me and made my way up to my room.

Jake's POV

Last night was the worst night of my life. I didn't think it could get any worst but it did, I saw Darius and Taylor kissing. We just broke up and she's already kissing other guys. Even if I cheated on her which I kinda don't regret because Tayna is much more prettier, she didn't even wait 2 days ugh I don't even know why I'm jealous but Taylor is not gonna get away so easy.

Tanya's POV...

That bitch how dear she kiss my boyfriend , well ugh ex boyfriend but it doesn't matter he's still mine. I was going to use all this to get him back but I can't do it if that whore keeps getting in my way. She wanna play games, well let the games begin.



I put like a lot of thought in this chapter, I know it's short but I hope you like it.



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