By victoriapinkglitter

3.8M 147K 32K

❝In every man, there is a beast. Lexis doesn't have a beast...he is the beast.❞ In the year 2145... More

Welcome To My Lair/Copyright
♚13. CROWN
♚19. DARK
♚20. GOLD
♚21. BITE
♚23. RAW
♚25. HOPE
♚29. SKIN
♚30. BURN
♚31. KING
♚32. AMOROUS (Part I)
♚33. AMOROUS (Part II)
♚34. HOWL
♚41. WE
♚43. US
♚44. 101 (Part I)
♚44. LUST (Part II)
♚45. TASTE (Part I)
♚45. RED (Part II)
♚46. UNION (Part I)
♚46. BLISS (Part II)
♚47. LEXIS
♚48. HER


132K 5.9K 1.9K
By victoriapinkglitter

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. - Maya Angelou

J o r d y n T a m e

  I FOLD THE shirt in my hand with ease before taking a look at my mom who was folding a pair of my jeans.

"I'm going to really miss you, mom." I whisper as I walk over to hug her after she had finished helping me pack my bags.

   Tears streamed down my eyes as I tightened my grip. All these years we wasted. We were fighting, fighting all the time. I took her for granted and now our time was limited.

My father was downstairs trying to entertain the guards and among them was Lexis.

    Rule 45: We must welcome members of the supernatural into our homes without hesitation.

   Just imagining the mystery named Lexis sitting in my living room brought strange chills to my body.

My mom kissed my forehead as she sighs. "Lexis' pack allows visitors, so be expecting us." My mother says while trying her best to make light of the situation.

"Jordie! They need you downstairs. We have things to discuss." My father calls from downstairs.

    I couldn't help but smile at my dad's nickname for me. I've been hearing that all my life.

My mom nods at me. "You go down, sweetheart. I'll get your stuff together." My mom encourages.

   I take a deep breath before looking at my reflection in the mirror right next to my door. I wipe the tears out of my eyes. My hair wasn't in its usual style but instead in a ponytail. I wore a simple sweater with my favorite jeans and flats. I nodded at my reflection before heading out my door and down the stairs.

    My breath hitched as I entered our living room. All the guards were in their usual stance but Lexis was sitting down. His eyes were fixated on me so intensely. His stare gave me goosebumps and I tried my hardest to ignore the sensation.

"Hey, pumpkin!" My dad greeted.

    That was my dad. When times were tough he tried his hardest to make everything feel like the norm. He's done that for me through every step of my life. Without him, I don't think I would ever have known what happiness meant.

I smile. "Hey dad," I say softly.

      I couldn't help but reconnect my eye contact with him. Lexis was staring right at me. His cold icy eyes trying to see through my emotions. His stare burned. The intensity sending waves down my whole body. It looked as if a tsunami occurring in a deep blue ocean was taking place in his eyes. There was something going on in them and though I only looked into them for a few seconds...it felt like hours.

"People say she's like a mini me. Always been a daddy's girl." My dad says attempting to joke around causing a few of the guards to give him a mixture of bewildered and awkward expressions.

I raise my eyebrows at my father's gaffe statement instantly feeling the discomfort in the air.

My eyes immediately found Lexis again and I felt my body become subjected to his subconscious pull.

"Jordyn? Are you alright?" My dad questions sensing something was wrong.

I snap out of my trance and fixate my eyes on my dad. "Yeah, dad. What's up?"

"So you know that each family of the chosen girls gets a certain amount of money in rewards each month?"

I squint my eyes. "Yes?"

"Well, we decided to let you choose where you wanted the money to go. I mean, your mother and I could put it in a fund for you-"

"Talia," I blurt out causing my father to widen his eyes.

And as planned my mother got down the stairs just in time to hear my short proclamation. "Talia?" My mother questions.

   As if his eyes were magnets, I glanced at him again. Lexis' eyes weren't as intense. They softened. It was a look of slight disbelief.

"The loyalist who tipped you off?" The guard with the thick eyebrows questions in shock.

My mother snaps at him in frustration. "Listen, she didn't tip anybody off. We never made a plan to relocate our daughter."

The guard smirks not daring to trigger my mother any further.

My mother turns back to me with her face filled with concern. "Oh no honey, Talia? This isn't because—cause you know that's not your fault right?"

I nodded my head but the guilt in my heart grew and diffused throughout my subconscious.

    "Y-yeah, of course." I answer while images of the past raced through my mind "I—I'm making this choice for me. I don't want leave with all bridges burned to the ground. Talia and I might not ever be the same again after this...but at least I know I tried and one day I hope she remembers how good I was to her. Her family needs the money and they are indeed struggling, while we already have so much compared to many. I hope it pains her when she sees those paychecks. I hope it follows her."

The mocha skinned guard writes something on a sheet of paper. "Then it's confirmed." He says.

My dad grins at me as the guard hands him the copy of the confirmation. "Karen, we did a good job." He comments making my mother wrap her arms around me.

She chuckles. "We did."

"Alright," A guard with dark green eyes says. He had tattoos all over his neck, most were symbols of allegiance to The Union. "We gotta go if we are going to make it to the pack house in time."

With that, I watch Lexis get up from the couch. "You guys carry her stuff to the car, I'll walk her out." He says lowly.

   His raspy, dark voice hit my ears hard. I wasn't expecting him to talk at all but he did. He talked and his voice was amazing. It was so unique and powerful. The same tingles that occurred in the most obscure parts of my body began again.

"We'll visit when we can." My dad soothes.

   I nod at him before hugging them one last time. With that, my parents stepped to the side as if encouraging Lexis to engage with me.

   Lexis' slow steps gave me anticipation. What in the world was this man doing to me? Everything he did effected me and I envied that about him. I wonder if I have the same effect on him as he has on me?

    He stares down at me, his height intimidating me. He looks me up and down yet his face was still emotionless. No reaction came out of him. Until he said something...

"There's nothing to be afraid of..." He whispers as if an attempt to get me to relax.

   He extends his hand towards me and I watched skeptically.

    I hesitantly took his large hand into mine. His hands were rough and scarred. I look down at our intertwined hands and was awed at his inked skin.

I heard him say something else under his breath causing me to look up. It was not comprehensible.

     I couldn't help but grow a little awkward. My parents were right there yet I didn't let his hand go. I couldn't let his hand go.

   A certain fire ran through our connected hands as if an effect of our close proximity. As if he felt it too, he removed his hand away and his barely emotional eyes returned back to the cold stare they always had.

    He turns to my parents and gives them a nod before leading me out the door. The black limo was already started up front.

Here I go, into the luxurious life of the supernatural.

     The car ride was quiet. The guards would converse with one another some of the time but Lexis did not engage with me. I would catch him gazing at me every now and then but nothing would come out of his mouth.

I mean from rumors I heard about him, this behavior shouldn't be shocking.

    But this was a journey for us. It would be a journey for anybody. Meeting someone for the first time and directed to form a relationship.

"Miss Tame?" The brown eyed, mocha skinned guard says to capture my attention.

I smile softly. "Call me Jordyn."

He smirks. "My bad, I'm Danger but everyone just calls me D."

   I could feel Lexis, who was sitting right beside me shift in his seat. D watches him in slight fear of his next move.

"Nice to meet you." I greet trying to push through the awkwardness.

"Stop the limousine." The husky voice of my Alpha commanded.

    Not even seconds after the command was said the car stopped. We were in the middle of nowhere. The guards that were conversing stopped. Danger, who was the closest to the door, opened the door for Lexis who was in a hurry to leave the car.

Was he okay?

   Danger shuts the door and I watch in confusion as Lexis' tall figure disappears into the wilderness. My cell phone suddenly rings in my pocket.

"Don't answer it," D warns causing me to ignore the ringing. Why the hell can't I answer my phone? But I was too confused and fearful to question his warning.

"Is he going to be okay?" I ask.

   I look around when I get no answer. D's expression is emotionless yet if I looked closely I sensed the fear in his eyes. The other guards were dead silent. Why are they so silent?

The anxiety in my stomach swirls causing me to feel sick. I needed air. I needed air right now.

"I need air." I blurt out causing Danger to roll his eyes.

"You're fine. We're close to the pack anyway."

I smirk. "It would certainly be a shame if I threw up all over this nice limousine..." I teased.

The other guards all make eye contact with Danger as if begging him to let me go out.

Danger enters a staring contest with all of them before finally giving in. "You get five-minutes and I'm coming with you."

   I have never been this far away from the human settlements so I took the time Danger gave me to look at nature. It was different, from the man-made trails and skyscrapers I was used to seeing all the time.

Danger stood feet away observing me from afar.

"It's hard to enjoy this beauty when you keep avoiding it." I tell him looking at the birds that were soaring above.

Danger responds with a sly smirk. "Yeah yeah, your time is almost up." He retorts.

    I ignore his attitude and watch my surroundings closely. I wonder where Lexis went? I wondered if he was okay? It was strange how I just met the man and I was already worrying about him. That was just the type of person I was. My compassion for people was so fervent.

Suddenly a pair of large footprints catches my eye on the ground. Werewolf.

    It belonged to a wolf, but these prints were larger than the ones we had to study at school. I couldn't help but shudder at the sight. They were bigger than my face and they looked to be fresh. I turn to look at Danger and smirk at the sight of him fixated on the birds in the tree. I don't have his attention anymore.

     I slyly follow the trails of footprints. As I followed, a stomach turning growl made waves to my ears. I stop in hesitation. Not sure if I should go on, I just stand there for a while listening to the roaring. But as I listened, I looked at the tracks to see that they stopped not far from me to the left. In fear, I look to my left to see a large shadow blocked by some bushes.

   I slowly walk towards the shadow and after every step, I would listen cautiously. I slyly make my way through the bushes and a huge rush of anxiety, a powerful force of gravitation came to my body. There it was.

    I was right. It was a werewolf, but it wasn't like the ones I was used to seeing. It was bigger and more intimidating. It looked to be 10ft tall. Its dark grey fur was gorgeous, but its claws were a sight of horror. It was angry. It was out of control moving frantically and roaring uncontrollably. Then as if on cue, the beast slowly yet productively transforms into my Alpha.


   I heard about beasts like Alpha Lexis'. I have really only seen them in the books. In the books they made them look like sadistic demons that hunt humans down for their own pleasure. I grew up seeing wolves but...Lexis' was different.

   Was this why everyone feared him so much? Was it because his beast looked like the god of Lycan? Oh my god.

    I instantly turn around and hurry to find Danger, but I could no longer find the tracks I followed to get to this side of the wilderness. My stomached dropped and I took deep breaths calmly maneuvering my way around the dense forest.

   As time went by, my breaths quickened when I began to realize I had no idea where I was. The familiar and thunderous howls and growls of Alpha Lexis Blade could be heard in the far distance only increasing my anxiety. 

   The adrenaline in my body caused my slow strides to quicken climatically. My legs pumped as fast as they could as I tried my best to find D. I was on the verge of tears as the wilderness around me was so vast and monotonous.

"Jordyn!" D says running towards me. He grabs my shoulders tightly and shakes me. "Do you know how damn scared I was? Lexis would kill me if I let anything happen to you."

Something in his words caused me to snap and I began to sob in D's arms causing his cold eyes to soften. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?" He asks in worry.

  I couldn't answer him. I could only increase the volume of my cries.

Danger looked down at the ground in sadness. "You saw him." He states. "You saw him, didn't you?" He questions me now looking into my eyes.

I nod my head frantically.

Danger sucks in a breath before speaking to me. "Listen, Jordyn. Whatever you saw...you have to forget it, okay?" He says rubbing my shoulders trying to soothe me.

I look at him in disbelief. How could he expect me to forget something like that?

"How d-do you expect me to n-not see what I just saw?" I ask him hysterically.

Danger shakes his head. "It's going to be hard, but Lexis can't know that you saw him. He will literally ruin me if he knew I allowed you to be put in that position." Danger warns.

   I avoid eye contact with Danger who was glaring at me far too intensely. Was Lexis' reserved nature his way of protecting me?

"Listen to me!" Danger yells shaking me to get my attention. "He isn't a bad guy, you don't know the whole story." Danger sucks in a breath once again. "And I hope when you do, you're prepared." He warns me.

    The warning was so fearing that I couldn't even blink when he was speaking. My eyes were glued to his now bloodshot eyes.

Danger removes his hands from my shoulders and takes my hand. "Now come with me and wipe your tears. We have to get to the limousine before he does."

   With that, I push through the shock that was traveling through my whole body. I take deep breaths as we made our way back to the limousine, but Danger's words kept repeating in my head like time kept rewinding to that very moment.

He isn't a bad guy. You don't know the whole story.

            To be continued...

© All Rights Reserved(victoriapinkglitter)


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