Get Me High

By Cinn614

1.2M 34.3K 103K

Friends to lovers but it's a bit messier than you think it is. More

Coming Soon.
GMH 10
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44.1K 942 1.4K
By Cinn614


He groaned, getting up from his bed and holding a hand over his throbbing head which felt like someone had split it open. This shouldn't have been surprising though because that's what happens when you get yourself shit faced every Friday night. He winced at the bright rays of the sun coming from the wide open curtains. Who the fuck even opened them?

His phone was on the table of the nightstand. He checked the time. 12:14 in the afternoon.

"Fuck." he cursed under his breath then made his way to his en suite bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. He walked back out and then just noticed Wooyoung hadn't slept here like he usually did when he was over.

Shirtless and in a pair of sweatpants, he made a beeline for the guest room. Sure enough when he peeped through the door that had been already half open, his best friend was there sprawled out on the bed like a starfish snoring away.

He snorted which earned him a gasp that came from the side of the room. He further opened the door and saw a familiar red haired girl holding a towel over her body.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry. " San quickly shut the door cringing.

He made his way down the stairs of their big mansion. Yes. They were wealthy. His mom was a Chief Neurosurgeon at Hangeuk Hospital while his dad was an Executive Director of Choi Group. Their house was practically a hotel and he wouldn't normally brag about it but his friends fed his ego by complimenting it each time they came over. Except for Wooyoung. Complimenting anything or anyone wasn't in his dna.

"Look who's finally up. thought you died of alcohol poisoning. " Seonghwa said blandly, holding a handful of beer bottles and dumping them into the trash can.

Seonghwa was his older brother though people tend to think the opposite when they see him. It probably had to do with how he was more feminine looking with wide lips, a round face, a slender figure and well the flowy hair that was now almost reaching his shoulders. San had more sharp features. Defined cheekbones, sharp jawline, feline eyes and though he was also lean his body was a bit built with broad shoulders because of his regular visits to the gymn. They were both in high school doing their final grade and it wasn't a secret that they were pretty popular, girls and boys fawning over them. San enjoyed it honestly while Seonghwa mostly ignored everyone who looked his way for too long or had the balls to ask him out.

And If it wasn't already obvious by now Seonghwa was the goody two shoes in the family while San was your typical problem child.

"I thought you were supposed to come tomorrow. " San said picking up a bottle of water on the table and downing it. Seonghwa had left yesterday morning to visit their grandmother for the weekend and their parents were on a week vacation (yeah they did stuff like that every now and then. ) so he had thrown such a huge party with that in mind.

"She had a funeral and some group gatherings to attend and thought it was alright to tell me when I just got off the bus. " Seonghwa huffed.

"That sucks. " San says half heartedly, crumpling the plastic bottle in his hand before throwing it and landing it smoothly inside the trash can.

"No. What sucks is me having to clean up after your mess. " he glared at him.

San grinned, plopping himself on the couch. "No one really asked you to. It's not my fault you have OCD. "

"I don't have ocd you twat. " Seonghwa threw a couch pillow at him which he dodged.

"And I'm a virgin. "

Seonghwa rolled his eyes. "Where's Wooyoung? "


He switched on the tv and changed the channel when some lame cooking show came up on the screen.

"I saw someone use the bathroom when I came in earlier. Does he have a girl over? "

San scoffed."When does he never? "

"Don't judge. You're both the same. I'm surprised you kept it in your pants last night. "Seonghwa grimaced making it clear he was disgusted by their manwhore activities like he liked to call them.

He smirked. " who said I kept in my pants? I didn't sleep with anyone but I did get myself some good head. Something you need so you could loosen up. What do you say?I could set you up with someone"

"I'm not about to have that conversation with you. Go wake Wooyoung up, I'll make some hangover soup." Seonghwa said before walking to the kitchen.

San just sat there mindlessly scrolling through the channels. Wooyoung will wake up if he wanted to, he wasn't his servant.

Thirty minutes later the girl from earlier came down the stairs wearing a shy smile when he met his eyes.

"Uh... Hi. " she said tucking her hair behind her ear.

"I think you mean bye. " San dead panned.

"San!.. Hey. I'm his brother Seonghwa and Wooyoung's friend. " Seonghwa of course with his nice sweet personality said, holding a tray of two bowls of soup.

"Oh, I.. Hi. Nice to meet you. " she stuttered. Nothing new there. Seonghwa was just as effective on the girls like he was. It ran in the family in other words.

"Do you want to join us for breakfast? I made enough for four. " Seonghwa offered, putting down the tray on the table.

San rolled his eyes. "She's not even his girlfriend Hwa, stop being extra. "

"Can you shut up for once and... "

"what are you still doing here? " Wooyoung interrupted as he came down the stairs in San's tshirt and a pair of basketball shorts. His oreo hair cascaded down his cheeks and to his neck in messy waves.

"I was asking her to stay for breakfast. You don't mind do you? " Seonghwa asked softly. Surprisingly he was always sweet with Wooyoung no matter how many times his best friend annoyed him, he seemed to have a weak spot for him.

"I do. come on. I'll catch you a cab " Wooyoung said grabbing her hand and literally dragging her out of there. As soon as the door slammed shut, Seonghwa turned to look at San, dumbfounded.

"I did tell you this was unnecessary. "San made his way to the dining table and grabbed himself a spoon before digging in.

Seonghwa pouted sitting down. "Why's he always like that? "

"Because that's just his personality. Anybody he fucks is never going to be up for introductions. "

Seonghwa sighed. "At this rate he'll never get a girlfriend. "

"I don't think he wants one. And neither do i."

"Whatever. I don't even know why I bother. I'm going to take a nap. I have an assignment to do later and piano classes tomorrow in the morning. Clean everything up once you're done" Seonghwa stood up.

"Wait. We're going to the mall at around 4,you coming with us right? " San asked.

"Who's us? "

"Wooyoung and I of course. We need to buy Mingi's birthday present. "

Seonghwa's eyes widened.

San's jaw dropped in disbelief. "Don't tell me you forgot it's his birthday tomorrow? " he gasped dramatically "how could you? "

Seonghwa groaned, running a hand through his hair. "Why's his birthday even on a Sunday? Can't you two just buy one for me? "

San shrugged."Don't know what you want to get for him. "

"Let me think about it first. I'll wire you the money later and tell you once I've decided. Geez, he's so high maintenance I swear. " Seonghwa said shaking his head, walking off.

San chuckled just as his phone beeped with a message from Mingi.

Giant baby: I won't be accepting anything that is not worth $30 and upwards 😎.

San looked at himself in the mirror, fixing his hair. It was almost 15:30 and Wooyoung was still in the bathroom showering. As he sat down on the edge of his bed and tucked his feet in his nike dunks, the bathroom door opened and Wooyoung walked out in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I dropped your toothbrush in the toilet by mistake. Sorry. " he said casually, opening San's closet.

"It's alright. All I need to do is bleach your clothes in my closet and we'll be even. " San responded with just the same amount of nonchalance.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "I was just kidding dude, don't touch my clothes. "

"I know. " San grinned.

"San'ah. I'm serious. Don't" Wooyoung glared at him.

San stood up and walked to him. "I won't Young'ah. Finish up. I'll be downstairs. " he said before leaving the room.

"Why isn't Seonghwa coming with us? " Wooyoung asked on the way to the mall in the car, feet on the dashboard as he scrolled through his Instagram. The car was San's that he got for his 16th birthday last year. A black Jeep Renegade.

"He said he's tired" San replied, one hand on the wheel while the other held his can of beer.

"Bro, Mingi was wildin' "

San turned to look at him. "What's up? "

He showed him the screen of his phone. On it was an IG live of Mingi with two girls beside him at a club as he locked lips with each of them. Yunho was the one holding the phone recording with a smirk as he hollered. The caption read Preparty For Homie's 🎂, had fun last night.

San sighed, shaking his head. "No wonder Hwa calls us manwhores."

"So that's why he didn't come over last night? He was busy getting shitfaced elsewhere. " Wooyoung huffed.

"I'm going to be so worn out on Monday. "

"At least you have tonight to get some good sleep. " Wooyoung switched his phone off and put it away. He leaned back the car seat and closed his eyes.

San looked at him, the Japanese words in cursive  tattoo on his collarbone peeking out of his oversized baseball jersey.

"You mean we. "

"No. You. I'm not staying the night over. " Wooyoung corrected.

San's hold tightened on the wheel. "Why not? "

Wooyoung shrugged.


"He wants me home San. Just drop it. "

And that was the end of the conversation. Like it always ended everytime it got to this. Wooyoung and San were best friends. Really close since middle school. 5 years together and still going. They were inseparable and everyone was jealous of their close friendship. They had no boundaries that is. They cuddled, kissed each other's cheeks, back hugged and all of it was platonic. Skinship was their love language and he guesses people were jealous of their lack of toxic masculinity. But despite being close and all Wooyoung had another part of him that he didn't show to anyone. Not even him. A vulnerable scarred part that San knew of but never dared to interfere in unless he wanted Wooyoung to actually stop being friends with him.

Jung Gi Joon. Wooyoung's father. A man San wished he could kill and bury six feet under with his own hands. He was the source of all his friend's problems. He hit Wooyoung on way too many occasions. A drunkard whose way of communicating was through his fists and Wooyoung just had to be the victim of that all because he was his son. Wooyoung's mother died giving birth to him and his father didn't take it well. He raised Wooyoung with resentment, hitting him for taking away the love of his life but because the coward couldn't even live without his son, he would apologize the next day so he wouldn't leave him. Wooyoung could have long reported him. But he is just naturally a good person. Too kind for his own good. He knew his father needed him and he couldn't bring himself to leave and that's why he was still living with the bastard. His father has a liver illness and he needed to take care of him despite the abuse. San and Wooyoung never talk about it. They never did but they both knew what it meant when Wooyoung would show up at their house some nights and crawl next to him on the bed, crying himself to sleep. San wouldn't say anything. Just spoon him and pet his hair all night long then apply ointment to his bruises the next morning. No words exchanged whatsoever.

Sometimes San would look at his best friend and wonder how he was even able to get up and go to school living in such a situation. Maybe smoking weed with him helped him cope but weed could only do so much. Wooyoung never liked San to see him vulnerable even though San so desperately wished he would let him because he wouldn't judge. But that was never going to happen and he's learnt to live with that. So instead he just stays besides Wooyoung and be available whenever he needs him.

"I can talk to him. " San suggested.

Silence. That was enough answer to San for him to shut up. He turned his eyes back on the road.

"Should I just get a giraffe plushie for him? " Wooyoung whined as they looked around the clothes shop.

San chuckled, picking out a t-shirt from the rack. "If you want Mingi to resent you for the rest of your life then go ahead."

"I can't afford 30 and up San. " Wooyoung said in a small voice.

"And that's why we're buying it together. " he smiled at him.

"No. I'll figure out something, I can just use some of my savings and... "

"Stop." San put a hand over his shoulder. "I'll cover for both of us. Keep your money. "

"But.. "

"No buts. Instead buy me lunch on Monday if you so desperately want to repay me. "

Wooyoung looked at him. Contemplating it until he agreed hesitantly.

"Alright. Lunch it is. "

When they got back Seonghwa was asleep in his room, the whole house quiet. Wooyoung carried the plastic bags up the stairs to the bedroom while San got them beer from the fridge. His phone beeped with a message. He fished it out from his pocket and read the text.

Taeyang: hey, I won't be selling anymore but I got you a new supplier. Save his dials and hit him up.

Attached to the message was a contact number. He quickly typed back a simple okay before shoving his phone in the back of his pocket and running up the stairs to his room.

When he opened the door he found Wooyoung sprawled out on the bed, a blunt between his lips and exhaling out the smoke in small little rings.

"Tae sent me a message. " He said, closing the door with his foot.

"What did he want? "Wooyoung scooted over to make room for him, or more like to rest his head on his lap and blow all the smoke in his face.

"Said he's not selling anymore. But he gave me some guy's number. "San opened a can and took a sip.

Wooyoung scoffed."Is he going clean?"

San shrugged.

"at least he had the manners to find someone for us. The guys would have lost their shit. Mingi is fucking walking weed. He can't do without it. "

It was San's turn to scoff."You're one to judge. "

"I'm not as bad as him San'ah. " Wooyoung defended.

"Woo, you're literally smoking your second packet since this morning. " San dead panned.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes. "Still different. "

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Oh and by the way, that girl from earlier. She looks familiar. " San said, leaning back on his palm.

"That's because she's Jackson's ex. Yoona. "

"Oh yeah. You're right. I knew I... Wait a second. "San's jaw dropped in disbelief. "You did not. "

Wooyoung grinned, wagging his brows."Oh but I did. "

"He's going to fucking kill you. "

"They're not dating. "


"I don't really give a flying fuck. "

Jackson was their school's IT boy if you will. Cocky, your typical captain of the football team and jacked with a square jaw and a bad reputation. San and Wooyoung were fuckboys yes but that guy was just next level. It didn't help that his father coached the football team and all the girls fawned over him pretty much the same way they did with them. Yoona was his only long lasting relationship he's ever had and people started to believe he had actually been in love with her until Yoona dumped him for reasons unknown to San or maybe he did know and...

"Hold on. Does Yoona like you? " San cut off his thought process and asked.

Wooyoung smirked. "Yeah. I honestly feel stupid for not noticing sooner. The staring, shy giggles when I borrowed a pen from her or the stuttering when I just asked her a simple question like what the date was. I heard from one of the girls in her cheer leading squad that she's been pining over me for a while and I was practically the reason why she left Jackson. "

"Well shit. "

"I know"

"that's not cool though. You fucked her just to piss Jackson off"

Wooyoung furrowed his brows. "Don't judge. At first that had been my intent but after last night I realized she's actually sweet and cute. I don't know. "

"You thinking of going out with her? " San asked.

Wooyoung shook his head. "I don't think so. Messing with Jackson is one thing but being in an actual relationship with his ex is another. "

"You're afraid. "

Wooyoung huffed."Of Jackson? Please. "

"I'm not talking about him. You're afraid that you might actually end up liking Yoona aren't you? "

Wooyoung paused and looked at him. "Honestly speaking, that could be true. But you already know why I will never pursue anything serious with anyone."

San wanted to say no. That he truly didn't get why. But then he realized he was also doing the same thing. Avoiding a serious relationship. San believed in high school you should just have all the fun you want without being tied to anyone. It sounded like a load of crap and something a jerk would say but he still stood by it. And so he probably did understand Wooyoung in a way. His friend had a lot on his plate as it is.

"Yeah. I do. "

Wooyoung smiled at him. "Want me to smoke you out?"

"Sure." San chugged down the rest of his beer before leaning down so their lips were only an inch away.

Wooyoung gripped San's jaw. "Open for me. "

San obliged and watched Wooyoung take a sharp inhale of his blunt before blowing it out inside his mouth. He breathed in everything with his eyes closed and when he felt the hold on his jaw loosen, he leaned back and blew out the smoke from his parted lips.He opened his eyes and was met with the white ceiling of his room. Their stuff was always strong so the slight light headedness didn't come as a surprise.



"Do you think we'll ever get to meet someone we love enough to want to date and be committed to? "

Wooyoung chuckled. "Never."

"Yeah? "


"Then why do I feel like I will. "

Wooyoung tensed below him. "Then good for you. "

"Whatever. It doesn't even feel that good thinking about it. " San dropped back on the bed with a sigh.

"Do you want to fall in love? " Wooyoung sat up and then hovered over him, slotched between his legs and hands supporting himself on the sides of his head.

"Low key, I want to. " San looked at the way his strands of hair fell over his features, pupils blown out. He reached a hand out and tucked a strand behind his ear to see his eyes more clearly.

"Don't"Wooyoung whispered.

"Why not? "

Wooyoung grabbed a pillow and dropped it on his face before getting off of him to lay on his side next to him.

"I'd get jealous. "

San rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. Our friendship is solid. Why would you need to get jealous? "

"Because girls need attention and you know I'm already an attention whore so I'm not about to fight for it with someone else. "

San chuckled. "You're something else. "

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