By mhyz-serena

193K 15.2K 4.1K

~Sequel to Let Me Be Yours~ Let's join Amira and Ali in their journey of adventure, forgiveness, finding love... More

B. Y. ... BYE 👋


6.6K 521 200
By mhyz-serena

(((Edited with sleepy eyes, ignore errors please. Slept off while editing 🤧)))


"I told him I was gonna start walking around with knives, he thinks I'm joking."

"Whose child are you gonna kill?"

"Omo shey you dey take me play? Wait and see." She covered the pot to let the vegetables simmer. "This lady called him some nights ago and she's like 'hey sweetie' and I was like: sweetie? Who the hell is your sweetie? He kept laughing at me as the lady quietly ended the call. If I talk he'll start saying that I'm worrying pointlessly. He's mine and I don't like girls hitting on him."

"I can vouch for him not to falter but you can't really be too careful, at least he doesn't give you reasons to worry does he?"

"No he doesn't. I mean it's just been two months now but I still want him to put effort like I shouldn't be the one fighting alone, he should learn to put a full stop when random girls flirt with him. Small thing now he'll start saying he likes me cos I'm bold and that I should keep scaring them off, sai kace na zama dodo. (As if I'm a monster.)" She dumped the dishes she packed into the sink, pouting.

Amira sighed, walked over to her. "Then talk to him." She placed a palm on her shoulder. "Sit him down and talk to him. He won't know it really bothers you if you don't make it clear."

"I just don't want him to think that... I'm ungrateful or something."

"And why'd he think that way? He's your husband not God, and no spouse is doing their partner a favour by staying with them cos nobody's perfect, there's always something you constantly have to deal with with the other person."

"Nah, Yaya's perfect." She turned around and folded her arms. "Unlike me."

"Where's this coming from? Na'eemah you can't begin to have this negative thoughts at such a young age, millions have done worse and are living perfectly."

"Yeah maybe if he's a cheat I wouldn't be so bothered. He's just... he's too good to be true. I don't deserve him."

"Look you're a lost case but with time dear, your eyes will open up. Yes he's good, but who said you aren't? Not all men are blessed with such beautiful wives, a caring wife who's a super good cook, has high fashion sense, is smart and intelligent, blends with people in a matter of seconds, is obsessed with kids... you'll make a better mother than I will Na'eemah, and you're also a good wife. I can't begin to mention all the goodness in you girl they're a sea full."

"Don't flatter me." She tried to hide her blush.

Her sister's words did make her feel better but that still wouldn't hide the fact that Yusuf did for her what no man she knew would ever do for a lady even if he's head over heels in love with her and she'll forever respect him for that.

She turned off the fire and got a warmer to pour the soup in.

Yusuf was coming home after a week on a business trip - he's getting used to the whole thing thankfully, even though his brother still does a handful of work. Ali went to pick him up and she decided to make a feast for him to also celebrate their second month anniversary.

Na'eemah didn't expect that everyone would be so okay with she getting married to Yusuf, it almost felt like she's the only one actually not wanting it.

Her mother though was disturbed at first and she just had to ask her if he knew about what happened between her and Idris and when she affirmed, Hajiya Salmah was more relieved and adored him for taking such a step.

But Na'eemah knew she'd have definitely run mad if she knew the main 'deal'.

Thankfully nobody knew, mostly because he's there with her, he's there for her. He's too good, too good she constantly kept questioning his intentions, constantly.

And at the same time there's the guilty conscience which no matter how hard they both tried, it just wasn't going away.

He even threw a grand wedding celebration, something she honestly didn't want but appreciated. And a two weeks honeymoon after that was the perfect opportunity to bond perfectly.

He's the coolest man on earth, she'd stand her ground for that. But did he attract girls like a magnet? From all sides!

She knew she could be coquettish at times but she'd never hit on a guy first, Na'eemah Shira would never do that. But the ladies swarming around her husband? From the idiots that call him on a daily, to the b*tches in his comments who keep pretending like they don't notice he's got a wife even if he posts her, to those who openly make impressions at him in her presence!

Now that's something that's been disturbing her peace and she fears to voice out because... well, guilt.

With a quiet puff, she headed for the door to go finish setting the table while Amira tried rounding up Ali's meal.

Na'eemah stopped abruptly when a painful pang thrust from her pelvis and Amira turned when she heard her gasp.

"What is it?"

Na'eemah shook her head just to feel another throe down there and the warmer in her hand fell as she impulsively clutched her stomach, groaning.

Amira left the carrots she's dicing and hurried to her sister. "Are you okay?"

She shook her head, holding unto the countertop. "This is_ argh!" She cried, squeezing her stomach.

Amira exclaimed the istirja'a as she went out to the telecom in the dining area, called one of the men to bring her car upfront.

She then went back to her sister after grabbing their veils and tried to help her up and out only to notice drops of blood trickling down her legs.

"Oh my you're bleeding." Amira exclaimed, stunned for a moment.

"Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un." Na'eemah cried, more from the pain than the bleeding.

* * *

Amira hurried to the doctor as he stepped out of the room, anxious and asking how her sister was.

"Well um, it was a miscarriage as I had presumed, it's just about three weeks old."

"Hasbunallah, how is she?"

"She'll be fine, even though it's quite abnormal to witness such pain and bleeding in an early miscarriage which is why I must ask, has she been pregnant before?"

"Pregnant? No. She's been married for just two months now."

"And she's never conceived before?"

"No." Amira shook her head.

The doctor gave her a careful look. "Are you sure ma'am?"

"I'm her sister, of course I'd know if there's such a case."

"You mean to tell me that she's never lost a child before? Or perhaps aborted it?"

"What are you talking about?" Amira asked, losing her patience. Just because he's a doctor doesn't mean he should think rubbish of his patients.

"Don't take me wrongly ma'am, I just need to know the cause of the problem in order to know how to solve it."

"Well you're sounding just too sure."

"I apologize if I angered you in any way."

She's about to say something when she heard hurried footsteps coming towards them and she turned around to see her husband and Yusuf.

She had called them.

"What's going on?" Yusuf asked worriedly.

"I don't know, he's saying Na'eemah's probably had conceived before and I'm trying to get him to understand that it's only been two months since she got married."

"Don't get me wrong Sir, I have to know where the problem's coming from in order to_"

"Yeah uhm, can we talk in private? I'm her husband."


"What? Is there a problem?" Amira cut the doctor short not liking how Yusuf was sounding.

"No, I'll be right back." And he ushered the doctor away.

Amira stared at them until they were out of sight, confused and angry. What the... She turned back to her husband. "What the hell was the meaning of... Ash?" Her tone changed as she noticed Ali's guilty expression.

He looked into her eyes, said nothing.

"Babe what's going on here?"

His throat worked, his brain scanning for the perfect answer to give her. It wouldn't have been so hard if Amira wasn't her tetchy self again. But now there'd definitely be a dispute.

"Ash will you answer me?! What are you both hiding?"

Ali sighed. "We'll talk at home Bab_"

"Uh-uh, if there's something to talk about then we talk now. "

"Princess it's nothing serious."

"Then what is it? Why's he acting like that?"

"I don't know_"

"Don't lie to me."

He huffed. "Baby_"

"And don't sweet-talk me. Is what the doctor insinuating true?"

He's quiet.

"Answer me Ash! Is what he said true? This isn't her first pregnancy?"

"Princess this isn't the right place to_"

"Oh enough Ash! Stop treating me like a child."

"Let's not have an argument here please."

"Then prove to me that he's not saying the truth!"

Ali sighed, tore his fingers through his short hair.


"She's okay isn't she?"

"Don't change the topic!"

"Well that's what's more important."

"Not when you and your brother are hiding something!"

"It's true." He revealed, his eyes in hers.

Amira was tongue-tied for a beat. "She did have an abortion?" She asked, her voice low.

"Before they tied the knot, she got pregnant for Idris."

Amira gagged on words. "Idris?"


"Wait wha... what you're trying to tell me is that she got pregnant after... and you let her have an abortion?!"

"Of course not. We only found out after she did it. There's nothing much to do."

"And you kept it from everyone? How could you?!"

"I asked him to." Yusuf revealed from behind her and she didn't bother to give him a look, her angry glare fixed on her husband. "Mila it's not his_"

"Stay out of this." She gritted without facing him.

"I'm trying to_"

"I said stay out of this!"

Yusuf puffed, held his head and threw it up.

"Tell me he didn't get married to her because of this." Amira spoke to her husband.

"It's just coincidental_"

"Are you covering up for him?"

"Jeez Babe_"

"And I asked you didn't I? I asked if there was a problem but you said 'no'. And I stupidly believed you!"

"She wasn't pregnant at that time!"

"You still shouldn't have kept it a secret! What sort of a marriage was that?!"

"I love my wife!" Yusuf asserted.

"Since when?! You decided to build a relationship on lies!"

"Lies? What lies?"

"Are you seriously asking? Anyone who hears this will question the relationship you two share! How on earth will she ever be comfortable living with you knowing fully well that you only got married to her out of pity."

"That wasn't a nice thing to say." His face contorted to a grimace.

"Oh really? You really think Na'eemah doesn't feel indebted to you? Wake up Yusuf, a lifetime is no joke." She sidestepped him.

"Princess," Ali rushed after her, held her hand.

"Just..." She gritted her teeth, forced herself to calm down. "Stay the fuck away from me for a very long time."

"I'm sorry "

"You should never have lied_"

"I didn't lie."

Amira gave him a derisive look.

"I just didn't tell you the truth."

"Do you realize I'm really mad at you right now?"


"Stay away from me." She warned, walked away.

He sighed, looked back at his brother who shrugged when their eyes met, turn around. He went after her and saw as she stopped by the front door, her hand on the handle.

Ali rushed to her noticing that there's a problem. "Are you okay?"

She batted her lashes, clenching her teeth as she tried to suppress the pain.

"What is it?" He held her hand and by the way she squeezed it, he knew she's definitely in pain.

She slowly shifted from the door with his assistance, passerbys throwing looks their way. "Babe?" Her voice came out tensed.

"Yes?" He answered worriedly.

"It's... I'm c-contracting."


"It's like when I... when I had that miscarriage. I_ argh!" She held her belly, doubling over.

"Goodness! Nurse!" He hollered at a nurse and she hurried over noticing there's a problem.

They put her on a wheelchair and rushed back to the emergency room.

* * *

She took in a deep breath, squeezed his hand and he returned the gesture.

Her eyes were fixed firmly on the robust man across the desk, his glasses hanging over his nose as he read through her medical report.

He sighed, dropped the paper and obviously evaluated the sonogram on his desktop.

"The baby is healthy." He said, eyes hooked on the screen.

She squeezed her husband's palm again and he faced her, watched as her throat worked.

He caressed the back of her hand with his thumb and she looked at him, appreciated the supportive smile he gave her.

She knew he himself needed that support but he's being a man, thankfully.

"Okay," The doctor turned back to them, his small eyes scanning from husband to wife.

She was appointed to see a gynecologist after it was found out that she was four weeks pregnant, gratefully the contractions were taken care of immediately but it wasn't normal to experience so so... there they were.

"Is this your first pregnancy?"

Amira shook her head. "But I lost the first one."


"It was five months plus."

"Hmm. You were also having contractions?"

"Yeah, I was under a lot of emotional stress at that time so it was terrible. I had a cerclage but still lost the baby less than a week later."

"Not surprising, it's already an old pregnancy, five months you said?"

She nodded.

"You have an incompetent cervix."


"The cervix is the lower part of the womb, it's usually closed and firm until later in pregnancy when it dilates gradually and effaces in preparation for birth. But when it's incompetent, it opens too soon leading to pregnancy loss."

"So?" She asked, her eyes stinging with tears.

"You should relax, it's still early so with the right measures you should be able to have a normal pregnancy."

"It can't be cured?" Ali asked.

"No, not really. But it can be maintained. Thankfully this is her second pregnancy and it's still early, with the right approach she wouldn't need a cerclage by God's grace."

"What should we do then?"

"I'll prescribe some medications, do well to stick to the prescription. Most importantly she shouldn't be involved in any amount of stress, physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, she should have a proper diet, constant prenatal visits and if the symptoms persist till the second month, we'll have to undertake the procedure."

"But what are her chances of not losing the baby?"

"As of now I can say..." He evaluated the sonogram again. "An eighty, or eighty-five even. She's still young, had only one stillbirth, she has good chances of even a full-term pregnancy."

Ali faced his wife, noticed the anxious look still on her face. He squeezed her palm gently, whispered. "Worrying is an emotional stress y'know."

She looked at him, sucked in a breath to ease her tears.

"Until when should she be stress-free?"

"To be on the safer side, until she gives birth. The baby's weight contributes a lot to the cervix dilating, and the weight increases the more it grows. And stressing only worsens that."


The doctor plucked a sheet of paper, jotted down the prescription.

They walked out hand in hand, headed for the pharmacy and purchased the drugs.

"What do you think?" She asked in a scared voice as he helped her into the car.

He puffed out, squat so he'd be the same height with her. "We'll do this together." He placed his hand comfortingly on her thigh. "But you'll still have to do the more work and be patient. We both want this to work, everyone around us would want this to work."

"I'm scared." A tear slipped off her eyes and he thumbed it away.

"Will you do something for me?"


"Until three months after putting to bed, I don't want you to lift even a spoon. And I mean not even a spoon."

"That'd be boring."

"It's for us, it's for the three of us."

* * *

She pushed her way through the crowd, excusing and sorrying at people as she impatiently squeezed through to reach the front row.

Her eyes were jumping from one face to the other as people kept exiting the glass door, families and friends reuniting, others just pulling their bags solely out of the hall.

Her heart kept beating frantically, waiting for her beloved to make his entrance.

It's a surprise, and he'll definitely be surprised.

He'd been overseas for three weeks, and she just couldn't not come to receive him at the airport.

She got disappointed the more people came out and his face wasn't on any. Did he miss his flight?

But she wasn't relenting, she still waited.

Thankfully his face popped, a backpack obviously containing his laptop perched on his back and one hand dragging his trolley behind him while the other kept gesticulating as he spoke to Yusuf

She smiled a mile wide, turned around excitedly and was grateful the crowd was less. She made her way towards them and his eyes fell on her heavy frame as she hurried towards them.

"Whoa look at my baby, carrying my baby."

Yusuf stepped in front of him and spread his arms but she closed her spread arms, gave him a playful glare as she sidestepped him for her husband who received her warm embrace with a smile.

"Ouch." Yusuf jested, holding his chest.

She held Ali's face steady as she dropped kisses on his face, pulled out his shades and stayed longer on the lips. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He smiled, kissing her back.

"Ugh disgusting. Where's my wife?" Yusuf flouted.

"Call her." Amira teased as they walked away, Ali's hand over her shoulder.

"Tell me she isn't as fat as you are."

"Gidanku!" She hit his arm and he chuckled.

"I won't be riding with you, I got an emergency." He informed as they approached the car.

"Na'eemah's waiting for you."

"I sent her a text, I'll call her as well.Trunk?"

She opened the trunk with the fob and he dumped his luggage in it.

"I won't be late, promise."

She nodded and he walked away.

"Where's the driver?" Ali questioned.

Amira pursed her lips, sure she's gonna see the other side of him.


She looked up at him slowly, whispered. "I drove alone."

The frown on his face deepened and if she said he wasn't scary then... call her a nasty liar.

"I just wanted to surprise you I mean you've been away for weeks and they wouldn't have let me come if they knew so..." She trailed off.

Ali was getting too angry and he didn't like it. To stop himself from doing something stupid, he headed for the trunk to keep his luggage.

"Babe?" She called in an innocent voice.

"Key." He stretched out his palm.

"I'm sorry."

"Just give me the key."

"C'mon please," She pouted. "I was just missing you."

"That's a stupid excuse."

"I even rode the SUV to be safer c'mon please, I'm sorry."

"Don't waste my time."

"You're just coming back and you're mad at me?"

"Should I be happy with you?"

"I drove all the way here for you." She gave him her best innocent look.

"Okay, just give me the key."

"Really? Then smile for me."

"Give it and get in the car."

"I won't until you smile for me."

He forced a tight smile, plucked the key from her fingers. "Get in." He opened the door for her.

"Tell me you love me."


"Just say it and we won't waste time." She stood at the other side of the door, a corny grin on her face.

He pulled her closer, pecked her lips. "I love you, can we go now?"

"Yup." She hopped in and he closed the door, went to the driver's side.

She felt a sting in her lower back as he started the car and he faced her as she jerked.

"You good?"

"Yeah, it's just my zip." She lied.

"You sure?"

"Yeah sure, it just caught my skin chill. Let's go."

He still gave her a cursory look before reversing out of the space.

* * *

"Just give it to me I'll do it."

"No ma'am please_"

"Ummi?" She frowned and the young lady helplessly gave her the bowl of okro.

"But ma'am what if Sir Ali sees_"

"He's outside with the others, what'll bring him to the kitchen?" She headed to the dishes and got a plate to grate on. "So he wouldn't know unless you tell_" Her words came to a screeching stop as she turned around, her eyes falling on well, the only person who has that effect on her... Ali.

Time stopped in the kitchen as she stared deep into his eyes, his face not showing how angry he was but she knew there was more, there's certainly a whole lot more.

He moved his eyes to the petite lady. "Is she still holding that?"

It took Ummi some seconds to understand his point and she quickly took the bowl and plate away from Amira. "I'm sorry Sir."

"It's not her fault A_"

"Take her," He kept Jadwa who's hoisted in his arms on the counter. "Get her something to eat. With me, now." He ordered and Amira gulped.

"I'm sorry, I'll talk to him." She whispered and headed out , taking her time with a late pregnancy catching up with him.

Yeah, she's already in her eighth month. It wasn't an easy journey though.

They reached the first floor where she's been staying to make the work of going down and up easier and Ali waited until she's in the room before he locked the door, stepped in front of her.

"Apart from driving almost thirty kilometres to the airport to come pick me up and going into the kitchen to grate okros, what more atrocities have you been up to in my absence?"

She's mute, eyes on her feet like the guilty person she was.

"Answer me Princess!"

She's still quiet, knowing fully well that there's no excuse that'd save her cos she was guilty, and thankfully those two were all he knew.

"I gave simple and straightforward instructions and I've repeated myself more times than I can count, I don't want you lifting not even a spoon, do nothing, just stay in bed all the time, what part of any of that don't you bloody understand?!"

She shut her eyes at his outburst.

"Why do we have to keep on having the same argument on repeat all the bloody time when I'm only looking out for your safety, my sanity, and the baby's safety as well?! Why do you keep on trying to make it look like I'm impounding too much on you and being way too overbearing? Why do you relentlessly try to make it look like I'm the bad guy here? Like I'm being inconsiderate when all I want is for you to deliver this baby safe and sound cos we both want that, desperately!"

She sniveled, fought back the tears itching the sides of her eyes.

"You just have less than a month to go, about three weeks more then why all this?! Why are we having this discussion? Why do you always have to be so stubborn?!"

She slipped away from him, her back meeting with the wall as the tears slipped out, her palm quickly wiping them but they still kept pouring out.

"Now why the fuck are you crying?"

She heaved a broken breath as she kept wiping her face but the tears kept running down.

"Stop it... Stop the tears fucking stop it!" He banged his fist on the door and she flinched, a sob breaking out of her lips.

There's a knock on the door followed by Hafsah's voice. "Is everything okay in there?"



"Get lost Hafsah!" He thundered and she reluctantly okayed, walked away.

His eyes fell back on his wife who was still trying to calm her tears down. "This won't go unpunished."

"But Ash..."

"I've had enough of your stubbornness. You'll remain in this room until the day you're to put to bed, you won't want me to see you a foot out of this door."

"That's too much!"

"I'm only looking out for_"

"That's all you say all the time!" She cut him off with a yell. "How do you expect me to live like this?! Just to lay in bed doing nothing all day for a whole year?!"

"What's so hard in it?!"

"Everything Ash, everything! You don't let me do anything! It's always frustrating especially when you're around! You feed me, dress me, bathe me, you force me to pray seated! How can anyone live like that?! All I have to do is just lay around, sleep, eat, watch TV, be on my phone... I go nowhere! Don't involve in any activity, nothing! It's frustrating!"

"How so? Hundreds of people out there would pay to have such an opportunity."

"Not me! Not your wife! It's never been fun from day one! I'm positive you would have stopped me from praying if you had the chance. You don't even want to see me walking about it's... it's too much."

Ali turned around and paced about for some time. "All I know is that I'm doing the right thing,"

"It's too much."

"It's a sacrifice you have to make." He held her shoulders. "You've come this far, just a little more patience. I don't know what I'd do if we lose this one too Princess, I swear I'll run mad. Only Allah knows how much I endured the last time, if it happens again... it shouldn't. I pray every night that it doesn't."


"No buts. Stay in here, I'll be around as much as I can until you put to bed."

"That's not fair." Her eyes danced with tears.

"Please, do it for me." He cupped her face.

But she's angry, she's mad at him. He wouldn't understand, he just wouldn't understand. Ali's too much, he's sweet but... he's just too much.

She pushed him away. "Leave, and don't talk to me again. I don't want to see you for a long time."


"Just go!" She pushed past him and plopped on the bed, sniffing back her tears and scrubbing on her cheeks.

Ali sighed, slumped his shoulder and left. He's doing the right thing, that much he's sure of. Just cos she's already in her eighth month doesn't mean she's out of danger, she's even in a more critical stage and until he sees her with the baby alive in her arms, he'll never be at peace.

* * *

She's watching a movie on her laptop when he walked in, unbuttoning his shirt.

He threw the shirt on the chaise, stopped by the dresser and took off his wristwatch, wallet, phone and ear pod then went into the ensuite.

Amira frowned, disturbed at how he ignored her existence.

She waited impatiently for him to come out of the bath and he did, lengthy minutes later in shorts, a towel around his neck which he's using to dry his head as he headed to the wardrobe.

He threw a brown jallabiya over the short and sprayed the sajjadah to begin prayer.

She paused the movie which she'd stopped watching a while ago and sat up, holding unto her heavy stomach.

Those eight months were the craziest in her entire life. She wanted it, badly, craved to be a mother herself but at times she'd just be so tired and in pain that she wished she'd just... give up. She counted days to her EDD and now that it's coming closer, there's this fear of labour. She'd tasted it before and it was horrifying. The pain... during and after labour... it's not something anyone would crave for.

But if it meant her giving birth to her baby, healthily, then it's worth a go.

She waited for an eternity for him to say his prayer and naafils, watched his every move as he put back the mat in its place and went out.

It disturbed her, madly, it's unlike him. Unlike Ali to come into the room without saying anything to her, not even looking at her!

She stood up, adjusting his sweater which she's wearing and slipped her feet into her slippers.

She remembered he'd stopped her from leaving the room just as she turned the door handle and she hissed, headed to the dresser.

Her heart broke into a million pieces as she stared at her reflection, her once lovely body now bloated with a big round stomach, her complexion was darker, way darker than the normal one and her face?

"I'm ugly." She pouted, the tears starting. "He doesn't like me anymore."

She slumped on the stool, weeping silently but when she heard his footsteps approaching, she quickly wiped her face.

He entered and came over to the dresser, she thought he'd say something but he didn't as he took his phone and headed back to the bed, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand.

She continued staring at him, thinking of how to pop the question.

He looked so relaxed as he reclined on the headboard, sipping his beverage and operating the device.

She faced her fat self on the mirror again. I'm very ugly.

Her phone dinged on the bed and she ignored it, thinking it's probably her service provider. It dinged again seconds later, and again and she stood up, trudged over to where she kept it.

What's with the long face?

The first message read.


Stand up and stop staring at me.

She dropped her hand, her eyes shooting at Ali but he's still not looking at her. "Why are you ignoring me?"

He said nothing.

She walked over to his side, seized the device from his hand. "Why are you doing this?"

"You said I should never talk to you again."

"But..." She gruffed, tossed his phone at him. "That doesn't mean you ignore me, and I only said that cos I was mad at you."

"Well I didn't want to make you madder."

"Babu wani." She pouted. "Kai de ka daina so na. (You're no longer in love with me.)"

"Saboda meh zaki irin wannan maganar? (Why would you say such a thing?)"

"I'm all fat and ugly, I'm not sexy anymore." She turned around and went back to the dressing mirror to grief her look.

He smiled, went after her. This was nothing compared to what he's gone through in the past eight months. Apart from her health condition which was the major concern, there's the grouchiness, odd-hour weird food craving, lack of appetite, whining, morning, afternoon and evening sickness... it's a long list honestly.

But he loved it, he loved her all the way. Even at the moments when it's unbearable for her, he loved her strength and will to want to carry on. And behind all her stubbornness and disobedience, he knew she's just as desperate as he was to deliver that baby safe and sound.

He wrapped his arms around hers, looking at her through the mirror as she pouted.

"See how my nose is big, these pimples won't go away no matter what I do. I look like I'm forty. You must've seen a lot of pretty ladies in the States now you're not in love with me anymore."

"I did see a lot of ladies," He slipped a palm under the sweater and just then the baby moved. "None of them is carrying something so dear to me."

"Which is?" She slipped her fingers between his.

"My heart, all of it."

She smiled as he kissed her ear.

"I'm sorry I was too harsh earlier, I really don't like seeing you working."

"It's okay, I'm sorry I was stubborn."

"I just want you two to be safe. A little more patience okay?"

She nodded, smiled at him through the mirror and he kissed her temple.

"You're beautiful, you never stopped being beautiful. Now I don't want you to ever say otherwise. You're carrying my baby inside of you, nothing could ever be more beautiful."

The baby kicked and through the pain, she still smiled. "It agrees with you."

Yup, they don't know the baby's gender. They'd strictly warned the doctor not to mention, they want it to be a surprise. But Ali said he'd prefer a girl, she's okay with any.

"Of course it does." He turned her around, knelt so he could speak to his baby. "Assalamualaikum baby, how are you doing?"

It kicked again, this time the bulge relaxed slowly.

"It kicks like a footballer." She chuckled.

"It hurts?" He stared at her.

"Sometimes, but it's bearable."

He kissed her belly, went on his feet. "It does more frequently now right?"


"Tell me all about it."

Ali was a man who wanted to know everything concerning his wife and baby, E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. No matter how small or silly or unimportant it was, he wanted to be aware, he wanted to be present, he wanted to feel with her.

And she honestly appreciated that except for the fact that he'll be dialing the doctor the minute he doesn't find something 'normal'. Even if it was normal to her.

He even got her a private doctor who'd always be at her beck and call, the reason why she's been in Abuja for the past five months.

She understands his concern, but Ali was taking it too far.

"I gotta pee." She excused herself for the bathroom, wondering if she should also tell him about the repetitive pain she'd been experiencing of late.

* * *

"Lower back pain and pelvic pain, it isn't as severe as contractions though."

"And you've been experiencing that a lot recently?"

"Yeah," She looked back at the door. "It kept increasing, it normally goes away immediately but last night it's bad, almost couldn't sleep."

"I think you should come to the hospital."

"I can't. I don't want him to find out you know how he is, he'll be all worried."

"Well it's not normal to experience such pain at just 35 weeks, you should tell him."

"You think there is a problem?"

"You need to get a test to find that out Amira."

The door opened and she needn't check to know it's Ali.

"Okay, I'll check and get back to you soon." She cleared her voice of any worried tone.

"Alright, I'll be expecting you tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you."

She ended the call and turned away from the window, went to the bed where Ali sat, looking at her. "What's up?"

"I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow."

"How long will you be away?"

"Two weeks."

She sighed, set her pillows and he helped her lay down. "What if I put to bed before you're back?"

"It's still three weeks away isn't it?" He placed her feet on his thigh, gently massaged them.

"Plus or minus fourteen days."

"Then I'll try to come back sooner, contact me when it starts."

"You've been around for just four days now."

"Someone said they wanted a husband who goes to work."

"Of course, missing you makes it interesting."

He chuckled, held her hand which was on her tummy. "Take care of yourself, please."

"Well I'm locked up, there's nothing more to do."

He sighed softly, continued the massage. He's thinking of lifting up her grounding but he knew his wife enough not to do that. The only way is to sit her down and make her swear she's not gonna break the rules and he still wouldn't be at ease with that.

"They're planning a games day tomorrow, for the men, Hammad will be joining as well."

"That's cool."

"Wanna come?"

"Was that a question?" She jeered.

"But you'll just be watching, I don't want you going about."


* * *

"Babe!" He called from the bathroom.

"Yes?" She plucked an ear of her earplug.


"Why'd you go for a bath without a towel?"

"Hurry up, it's not in here!"

"Come and take it yourself!"

He opened the door a little, peeked out. "Haba, I'm naked."

"What are you hiding?"

"What if someone walks in?"

"You have a problem Allah." She grumbled, standing up to get it for him. "And don't you try anything funny."

He smiled as she got the towel he deliberately left on the chaise, trudged towards him in a flowy pink gown.

He held her hand and pulled her into the bathroom, being careful not to hurt her and closed the door.

"What's the meaning of this?" She fired him daggers as he pinned her to the wall.

"Just felt like being troublesome, let's shower together."

"And who said I haven't showered?"

"Well I've showered as well, but I want another one."

"Then have another one! Count me out." She tried to escape but he wasn't giving her an opportunity.

"I want us to do it together."

"Grow up Ash."

"Call me Baby."

"I won't."



"C'mon c'mon c'mon," He probed, tickling her everywhere he could and she giggled, begging him to stop.

He did when he wanted and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "You're insufferable."

He smiled, placed his forehead on hers. "We've been so worried about the baby that we forget about ourselves, and I know it's mostly my fault."

"You say this all the time."

"I just want you two to be okay, bear with me until then."

She cupped his jaw, pecked his lips. "I understand you."

"Thank you Princess, thank you for everything."

"Thank you too Ash."

Their lovely make out was interrupted as someone walked into the room.

"Amira?" Na'eemah's voice called from the bedroom.

"Yes?" She answered, begging Ali with her eyes not to speak.

"Is prophet of doom letting you have breakfast with us today?"

"Yes he is." Ali answered and the room went dead quiet.

Na'eemah squeaked something inaudible as she hurried out of the room and Ali faced his wife. "Prophet of doom?"

"That girl's scared of you Ash. Why did you do that?!"

"Why would she call me with such horrible name?"

Amira held her forehead. "It used to be wet blanket, I don't know why she changed it."

"Didn't get better."

""Well stop being so hard on her. She gets all restless when you're around." She opened the door and he followed her out.

"I don't think so, she's so... rowdy."

"You two won't ever get along will you?"

"I doubt that'll ever happen if to her I'm a doom prophet or whatever she just called me."

Amira turned around and used the towel that's still in her hand to dry the remaining part of his body that's wet which of course, he didn't let her do.

"She doesn't hate you, she just finds you intimidating."

"I doubt that."

"Stop being a baby will you?"

"I can't help it when you keep pampering me." He pulled her closer.

"Go get dressed naughty you." She pushed him away and plopped on the bed, laughing.

He got dressed and they went down together for breakfast.

As usual he didn't miss any chance to tease her in front of everyone at the table even saying that she can't do anything not even brush her teeth properly anymore and he has to do so for her every single day.

Cheeky? Ali could be damn mischievous if he wanted to.

By noon they packed to go paintballing, he, Yusuf, Mansur and a friend of Yusuf's, all with their wives. They met Hammad and Nabeelah already there and they had to understate, fun!

After that they went to Trukadero to bowl, played snooker and had some chops.

Mansur and Salim left them after that while the brothers headed to Hammad's for a movie night as agreed after praying asr at central mosque.

They stopped at a mart to get groceries for dinner before concluding their journey home.

"I'm hungry." Amira whined for the nth time in two hours since they arrived.

"A little more patience please." Her husband pleaded.

She pouted, the video game they were playing not entertaining her the least. "I'm bored!" She kicked her legs in the air and a pang shot from her lower abdomen and pierced straight through her heart. Wa iyazubillah!

"You good?" He lifted his eyes to her noticing how she jerked as he's sitting on the floor just beside her legs.

She nodded. "Yeah, just a painful hiccup." She lied.

"Nothing else?"


"Na'eemah!" He called out and she answered immediately, showed up a few seconds later with her baby bump visible from the blouse she's wearing.

Yup, she's in her fourth month.

"Can't she get something to eat before the food gets ready?"

"It is almost done, five more minutes."


The table was set in eight minutes and Amira was the first to grab a plate and serve herself.

"It's still hot_" Na'eemah's warning was in vain as she'd already pushed the spoon of curry rice in her mouth, throwing it out in a nanosecond.

They all laughed at her, Ali inclusive as he took the seat next to hers. "Goodness how impatient have you become?"

She drank some water, breathed through hey mouth to quench the burning sensation.


"Shut up jare, after laughing at me?"

"I wasn't... it's just funny c'mon," He tried to hold her but she pushed his hand away.

"Don't touch me. I'm no longer hungry." And she pushed back the chair, headed inside.

"Princess!" He called but she ignored him, as expected. "Crap."

"RIP bro, you'll forever be remembered." Yusuf pulled his leg.

"Your head." Ali shot his palm at him as he stood up, took the plate and went after her.

"What type of white material would you like?"

He shot his palm at his brother again, making for the guest room.

He walked in to find her sulking on the bed and she gave him her back, crossed her arms and kept warning him not to come closer to her.

He knelt before her, keeping the plate on the bed. "My chocolate in the morning, moon in my night sky, guardian angel, cuddle dumpling, beloved addiction, my heart and soul, hayati, habibati, azizati, I submit before your charmingness and plead for mercy oh beautiful one."

"Didn't work."

"Words of your tongue are never empty but impossible it is to ignore the flush of your skin m'lady."

"Enough with the words ahbeg."

"Am I pardoned?"

She gave him a silly look, couldn't hide her smile. "Partially."

"I appreciate." He held her hands in his, kissed them.

"I said partially."

"Yeah, at least I am, a fraction."

"I'm still hungry."

"Let me feed you." He sat on the bed and took the plate.

"Let me use the bathroom first." She pushed herself up and she felt a massive weight on her legs, a sharp pain shooting up her spine.

"Subhanallah!" She exclaimed, holding her heavy stomach.

"You alright?" He stood up immediately.

"Yeah yeah yeah, it's just getting heavier."

"You look like you're in pain."

"No I'm not. I just need to pee, hold this." She tossed her veil at him, held her stomach as she plodded her way to the toilet.

She sighed when she went in, the pain was becoming more frequent and intense and it only started the day she went to pick him from the airport which was why she's been keeping it from him cos yeah, he'll still rebuke her for being stubborn.

But it's still her fault, whether it's just a coincidence or not, she'd been used to staying indoors and only doing minor jobs when he's gone cos nobody even lets her do anything thanks to his strict warnings.

And anytime he caught her he tried not to show how angry he was and she knew it's just not to get her into any emotional distress but the last time well, he must've had enough.

What made him more cautious was she didn't have the cerclage, the doctor observed that one won't be needed if she kept on the 'good work' which was all Ali's doing to be honest.

Now she knew she can't hide it for long, Ali surely is getting suspicious and with the way it keeps increasing, it won't be long before she shrieks anytime it shoots and then... busted!

But she'll try to tell him the truth when they're back home before it gets out of hand, she'll definitely have to see her doctor tomorrow.

She did her thing which wasn't so normal as she felt like the baby was gonna fall in the WC when she squat.

Gosh I have to tell him what's going on.

She rounded up and wore her best convincing expression as she stepped out.

"You're okay?" He asked, walking over to her.

"Yeah just... a little back pain." She held his hand and he helped her to the bed.

"Should we go to the hospital?"

"This night? Chill Ash."

"It's not very late_"

"Tomorrow, let's go tomorrow morning."

He contemplated on it but still agreed not wanting to force her even though he still wasn't satisfied. "Should I feed you?"

"Let's go back to the table. My veil?"

He got it for her and she tied it loosely, held his hand and got up.

"Should I carry you?"

"Sannu Undertaker."

"You're just a few kgs heavier y'know."

"Tell me about it_" Her words were seized as her lower abdomen tightened painfully making her stop on her track.

Ali watched her every facial expression closely and he slowly put the plate on the floor, his hand not letting hers go. "I think we should go to the hospital." He suggested as her scowl relaxed.

She blew out slow shaky breaths, shook her head. "It's manageable."

"You're in pain."

"It'll go, I'll be alri_" It shot up again, this time more intense than all the others and she could feel the baby pushing against her skin.

"Princess," He held her as she slipped to her knees, grunting in pain. "Yusuf! Yusuf!"

The pain was becoming more intense and agonizing she felt like she's about to tear open and she just couldn't hold in the shriek that escaped her throat as the baby pushed against the lower part of her uterus.

"Hang in there Babe, please hang in there."

"Do you need the white_ oh my what's wrong with her?!" Yusuf's ridicule was ended as he saw Amira crying in pain.

"Car, get the car ready now!"

"Okay." He bolted out and her sisters rushed in immediately.

"Goodness what's happening? It's not her due date already." Na'eemah panicked while Nabeelah left to get ready for a long night.

* * *

Ali hurried towards the doctor as she stepped out of the consulting room. "How's she?"

"Let's talk in my office." And she walked ahead, leaving him no choice but to go after her.

"To be honest with you, it's bad." She said, bending over her table as Ali shut the door.

"That's no professional way to break bad news."

"I apologize but I'm as terrified as you are right now, today has been full of ups and downs for me, my son was also admitted this evening but I had to rush here when I got your call."

Ali puffed out, his fingers clamping behind his neck. "I apologize, but will she be alright?"

"She called me yesterday, complaining about pelvic and lower back pain, I_"


"She didn't tell you?"


"I told her to come to the hospital, she said she didn't want you to know cos you'll be worried which to me was something to really be worried about. I should've called her today but it totally skipped my memory."

"Ya Salaam." He held his head.

"I don't know how to explain this to you but the simple way is, she's in pain which we've managed to reduce with painkillers but she's not in labor, yet."


"Her cervix isn't dilated, which is quite surprising as she's diagnosed with cervical insufficiency, her water hasn't broken and the baby itself is not in the delivery position. But she's in immense pain which is safe to say, labour pain."

"The fuck... it's been more than an hour now!"

The doctor nodded. "And the bigger thing is, she's bleeding. Until now the baby's still alive and I've contacted my senior, he's on his way as we speak."

"Will they both survive? She's still three weeks early."

"To be honest with you, the mother has a higher chance than the child but we'll do our best, I promise. It's still preterm but it has a high chance of survival if delivered safely. If the pain persists then she'll have to undergo surgery cos I'm not sure inducing labor will be favorable to her."

"And is the surgery safe?"

"We'll try out best and in case it is required..." She opened the drawer of her desk and fished out a file, brought out a paper and took a pen. "You'll have to fill the consent form."

"Which means it's not safe." Ali gave her a doubtful look.

"It's a fifty-fifty Mr Hamza. And I'll also sign as her physician and will take responsibility if I'm to make a risky mistake."

Ali stared at the sheet of paper before him, feeling like he's just about to give out his life without knowing whether or not he's ever gonna have it back. Worse thing was, Amira was worth more than his life.

A nurse barged into the office, panting. "She's dilating."

"Has her water broken?"

"No, not yet."

"Transfer her to the delivery room."

The nurse okayed and left.

"You'll still have to fill the form Sir, she might still need surgery."

Ali did so while the doctor prepared for delivery.

"My wife should be okay." He pleaded as he passed her the paper.

"By God's grace she'll be. Pray for her." And she hurried out.

* * *

Ten hours, those ten hours felt like a decade. A decade full of anxiety, pain and heartbreak. Every breath he took was heavy, each he counted scared that he'd be struck with bad news before the next.

He couldn't say anything since he left the doctor's and all the questions thrown at him were thrown to the air.

He'd rather lose the baby than lose his wife, it didn't mean it won't be heartbreaking but it'd be less.

Hafsah, Ummi and Hajiya Salmah joined them at the hospital but she's still in labour, and nobody was allowed in.

Nobody needed to tell him how much pain she's going through cos seated out there, he felt it all. He didn't hear her cries but he felt it deep inside of him.

He even told them to just carry on the surgery and bring out the baby but the senior doctor said it'd be better if she delivers the baby herself, moreover, she's already in labour.

He just kept mumbling silent prayers, adhkars and ayats.

It's already morning and Yusuf barely managed to convince him to get up and pray which he did right there thanks to the prayer mat Hafsah brought along.

He really appreciated how they're all there for her cos she'd really need every support she can get if the worse happens.

He received series of calls in the next hour and thankfully Yusuf was there to receive them all cos he wouldn't be himself until the moment he sees his wife out of danger.

The door finally opened after a long time and the senior doctor came out, looking all fatigued.

Most of them rushed to him but Ali didn't move, sure it might just be another 'same old story'.

"It's a safe delivery." He chuckled, obviously satisfied and happy he's the one breaking the good news. "She has a baby boy."

Ali felt like a burden was lift from his shoulders as he fell on his knees, observed the sujood shukr. Alhamdulillah! He kept chanting, beads of tears falling off his heavy eyes.

His brother pat his back and he looked up at him, accepted the brotherly embrace. He went on his feet, wiped his face and approached the doctor. "Can I see her?"

"They're still cleaning her up. She's lost a lot of blood and is very tired, plus the baby is preterm so it's advised that they don't receive too many people for the first few days, two or three at a time is okay. We'll monitor the baby and if lucky, he can go home with his mother at discharge but if not, he'll have to stay in the nursery until when safe."

"Okay, thank you doctor." He shook the man heartily and he reciprocated the energy.

"Yes, do you have the baby's clothes?"

"Yes, here." Ummi passed the clothes to him and he stopped by the door, gave it to the nurse before taking his leave.

"Congratulations Ya Ali." They chorused and he just smiled.

"I'll share the good news." Yusuf said and fished his phone from his pocket.

"I'll go cook us something to eat." Nabeelah said and Na'eemah went along with her.

Ali took his phone as well and called his father.

"Alhamdulillah alhamdulillah alhamdulillah. When was that?" He sought, delighted by the news.

"Just now, I haven't even seen her yet."

"Masha Allah tabarakallah, what's the baby's sex?"

"It's a boy."

"Alhamdulillah, Darling Amira put to bed." He said definitely to his wife.

"Yes Yusuf just called me, I rushed here to tell you." Ali heard her say from the line. "I'm so happy for them."

"Wallahi, so will she be discharged today?" The Lamido asked Ali.

"No uh, I don't think so. It's a preterm delivery so he'll have to be monitored for some time."

"Oh, okay. We'll come over if they're still not home by tomorrow in shaa Allah."

"Okay, ma'assalaam."

"Fi amanillah." And they ended the call.

He's about to call Umar when Jalaal's call came in and he answered.

"Congratulations bro, Yusuf's just telling Rida the good news." He congratulated after the salaam.

"Jeez thanks, thank you so much."

"She's already booking a flight, I'll see you on the naming in shaa Allah."

"May we live to see it."

"Amin amin." He ended the call and Umar's call was already coming through.

"When did she give birth?" Umar asked the moment the phone was on his ear.

"Just now Farouq, you should've asked Yusuf that question."

"Yusuf didn't call, Mansur did."

"Oh my, the news has gone this far?"

"Of course it has! Haidar Ali Hamza is a father! The world needs to know! Congrats man, hearty congratulations to both of you."

"Thank you Farouq, I really appreciate."

"Let me spread the news, not everyday do we receive such earth-breaking news." And he ended the call.

Ali smiled to himself, paused calling Salis and looked up to the white ceiling, sighed. I'm a father Mama, Bebe is finally a father.

The door opened once again and her doctor came out, massaging her neck. "You've received the good news?"

"Thank you Doc." Ali thanked.

"It's a miracle, thank the Lord they're both out of danger."

"Alhamdulillah, thank you so much. I wish your son speedy recovery."

"Amen, off to him now." She smiled and turned around.

"Can I see her?" He asked, his patience running out.

"Of course, why not?"

He made his way in before she even dropped her breath and she shook her head at him, exchanged greetings with the others as she made her way to her office.

On the other hand, he walked in gently, the room's air a mixture of antiseptic, blood and a handful of pharmaceuticals. The undisputed feeling of welcoming a new life was strongest in the atmosphere and he took his time inching closer to the blue screen.

As if on cue a nurse pushed it open, was shocked for a second before throwing a greeting his way and walked away with the dirty items.

He stopped on his track, his heart full and heavy as he saw his bundles of joy enjoying a nap together.

There's another nurse who adjusted the drip on Amira, checked the baby's oxygen and whatnot then adjusted his laying position and the blanket.

"I'll be by the door, call my attention when there's a problem. The baby should lay like that for now."

Ali nodded at her not really understanding what she said, the sight he's beholding was his world and everything there was in it.

He moved closer to her, his eyes lodged on her exhausted face until he's close enough to take a glimpse at his son. Yes, his son!

The reality was so surreal, but the eyes won't lie, the baby laying peacefully on his wife's bare chest was his son.

His fingers slowly rose up over the baby's head which was already in a cap but to his surprise, the visible part was covered in this whitey waxy thingy. The baby's face was red and blotchy and Ali still couldn't stop himself from crouching to give his cheek a kiss, careful as he did not want to shift any tube.

A tear dropped from his eyes and he quickly wiped it, looked at his wife who's still sleeping soundly.

He placed a peck on her forehead, placed his hand on hers which was holding the baby in place and laid his head on the pillow to listen to her short breaths.

"Hey." Her strained voice came less than a minute later and he shot his head up, looked into her eyes.

She gave him a small smile. "Were you crying?"

He shook his head, a bead of tear dropping from his eyes unto her cheek.

"Liar." She chuckled weakly.

He cupped her cheek, thumbed away the drop and kissed the other cheek. "You did it."

"We did it." She corrected, holding his hand that's on her face.

"Thank you Princess." He moved back, looked into her eyes.

She sucked in a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

He's quiet at first, trying to get why she's apologizing.

"I wanted to tell you, I was scared you'll panic but... it's just mild discomforts at first I promise."

He blew out a breath. "Next time just tell me, whatever it is tell me. You have no idea how worried I was... I thought I was gonna lose you."

"I'm sorry."

He kissed her temple and she nuzzled his jaw, his warmth strangely making her feel better and more at ease. "I love you."

"I love you too."

The baby jerked and she quickly held him before he rolls off, his tiny voice breaking into soft cries.

"Oh my God what do I do?" The mother panicked and Ali called the nurse who rushed forward instantly.

"You should try breastfeeding him." She said, lifting the bed so Amira was semi-reclined.

"Water please, I need to wash my boob."

The nurse hurried to the toilet and got a bowl of water.

"Can you carry him?" She faced her husband who was rather shocked.

"I... I can't do that."

"C'mon, fast. He's crying."

"What if I crush him? He's so small."

"You won't Sir, please come to this side."

Ali panicked, trembled as he walked over to the nurses side who deliberately didn't carry the baby so he could. "I'm not sure about this but..." He sucked in a breath, huffed out slowly as he squat.

He slipped his fingers between the baby's armpits and the ladies told him to carry the baby along with the blanket.

He did so and secured the agitated baby on his shoulder, relieved that the baby was a little bigger than he assumed.

His cries didn't die down immediately but slowly did as Ali rocked him gently, afraid not to be too harsh.

Amira smiled teasingly at him as she did her thing, the nurse being very helpful.

She laid back and motioned for him to bring the baby and how careful he was was something she'd definitely tease him on anytime she's more energetic.

Breastfeeding was strangely painful even though the baby wasn't sucking much but the nurse advised that she leaves him on the breast even if he doses off again which he would but that's just to train him and at the same time keeping him warm and close to his mother.

She said he'd hopefully learn to suck properly in some days or a few weeks and until then she'd need to pump milk to also train her breasts to produce more for when the baby would be in need.

Ali's support and presence at that time was something she really appreciated and expressed that she did.

The nurse brought the pump when the baby was back asleep and taught her on how to use it for about half an hour before she's prepared to take her bath.

Her mother helped her do so and the father was left to keep the baby warm in her absence which he's delighted to do.

The day rolled by really fast and they had guests back to back, phone calls every second and well wishes from all sides.

She herself was still not good so she wasn't discharged and had to have another transfusion before she's transferred to the private ward.

He waited until night when there's less people before he went in to bid them goodnight. Here in Nigeria we rarely ever heed to a doctor's advice, since they're both alive then we might as well see her. But Ali still tried to limit the number of people understanding that others excitement should come after his family's safety.

Nabeelah, Na'eemah, Yusuf and Bahira were still in the room when he entered.

Salis had tied the knot with his second wife some months after Amira's first miscarriage. Ali was surprised cos knowing his wife pretty well, agreeing to him adding another wife wasn't expected. But she did, and Ali hoped her intentions were pure or else Bahira should expect the expectable.

Ahmad also tied the knot with Fatima for about a year then and to be honest, he's doing well, anybody would testify.

All he could say was alhamdulillah. Cos as the saying goes; the brightest days come after the darkest nights. The whole family had been through a lot for quite some time and all thanks to Allah, things are getting better and by His will, they'll only keep on getting better.

They say that sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together and truth be told, a lot has fallen apart.

They no longer talk about it but yes, lives were lost, hearts were broken, scars were incurred and for a long time the future seemed so dull.

It took the whole family over a year to get it all back on track, the businesses, the household, their day to day lives, everything just shattered in just a matter of months, everything that's been nurtured for years long but still, alhamdulillah.

Those that were gone are still remembered and those that are there are loved and appreciated.

No doubt every family needs that head that's mainly responsible for the family's ruin or prosper and after Allah, they all had the Lamido to thank for always keeping things together. And no doubt he's played a major role in every member's lives. And Ali looked forward to being a father like him.

"Toh mai wuri ya zo," Nabeelah laughed as she stood up from the bed where she's busy filling her sister's ears along with the others.

"Sai mai taburma ya nade." Yusuf completed the adage.
(Word for word it means something like; the owner of the place has come, so the mat owner should fold it. (Don't mind me dan Allah, I don tey for house English don dey falter 🤧))

Ali smiled as he continued towards his wife.

"But wait can you speak Hausa Officer?" Bahira asked and Ali shook his head.

"Should I come for lessons Mrs Danjuma?"

"Oh please don't flatter me." She flitted a hand at him.

"You could go to him for lessons if you want." Yusuf poked fun at her and they continued bantering, Na'eemah being her usual quiet self in Ali's presence.

Amira wondered when she'd finally learn to loosen up to him. But Ali himself isn't giving her a good opportunity to do so.

He sat beside her on the bed, held her hand which was seated on her stomach and having a needle still stuck in it even though there wasn't a drip.

"Why are you smiling like that?" She smiled at him.

"It feels so strange." His eyes lingered on the baby who's squirming in the incubator.

"He looks like you."

"Just cos he's fair?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, and he's a he."

He smiled, fondled her hand. "Thank you."

"I wouldn't have done it without you."

He leaned closer and gave her forehead a kiss.

"Whoa! This is Instagram worthy!" Yusuf cooed, his phone in his hand obviously recording them.

Ali just shook his head, not in the mood to have Yusuf talk.

"You'll still be traveling?" She asked.

He sighed. "Was thinking of how to say it to you. Tomorrow, but I'll just stay for a day or two until I get an extension or perhaps another suspension."

"Look at how you say it." She chuckled.

"I'm only doing it for you Babe."

"Well you handed over but that big head still needs you for everything."

Ali looked back at his brother who didn't even notice they're looking at him as he kept laughing loudly at the little convo he's having with the ladies.

"He's a pain."

"That's what makes him Yusuf."

"I'm happy he's happy." He sighed, squeezed her palm. "Nabeelah said she'd be sleeping over?"

"Yeah Bahira as well. Go home and have some rest, I'll be fine."

"I'll see you before leaving."

"Just come back for the naming."

"I won't miss it for the world." He kissed her lips softly. "Take care of yourself."

"I will. Good night."

* * *

"Why won't you leave the naming until she's fitter for the crowd?" The Lamido asked Ali who served him his night tea.

He's been in Abuja for the past four days, two days before Amira was discharged. Farida was all about how he's having favorites and that he never visited her in the hospital when she gave birth which left the Lamido asking how many hours she spent in the hospital and she boldly replied with three.

Farida's drama is out of this world.

And then there's the drama of where she'd be staying and even though her mother was insisting she stayed with her, the Lamido wasn't having any of that instead, he told her to pack into the house if she wants to be close to her daughter.

'He's my first grandson, he stays where he owns.' In the Lamido's bragging words.

"I suggested the same thing, she wants to get it over and done with."

"Can she?"

"She says she can, I hope she does."

"And the boy?"

"The doctor said it's okay as long as we're careful and mindful. The nurse will be here all through I had the room next to ours prepared for him."

"Okay. You've decided on a name?"

"Yeah well, we had decided the names for quite some time now but I think I'm having a change of mind."

* * *

"I know just how much this means to you bro, congratulations once again." Khalil nudged his arm as he dropped the file before him on the dining table.

"Thanks Khalil." Ali smiled gratefully.

"You sure about this?" Mansur cocked a brow at the file.

"Never been more certain."

"I thought nobody could love a woman more than I love Zee." Umar sipped his cup of iced tea.

"It's not love."

"What is it? Affection?" Khalil jeered, stepping out of the kitchen with a can of coke.

"Fuck you."

"Damn! I still can't believe it. Ali's a father guys!" Umar yelled at the top of his voice.

"Yup, sounds strange to the ears but... it's worth the delay." Mansur reclined on his seat, twirling his glass of drink absently.

"Alhamdulillah." Ali smiled to himself and he felt a palm on his shoulder, gave it a brotherly squeeze.

He tapped Khalil's hand, appreciating the quiet support.

Behind all his smiles and gratitude, there's still this lingering fear of not fulfilling his duties right.

Having the child was one thing and raising him was another. What if... He stopped himself from thinking negatively, he'd promised his wife to stop being pessimistic.

They have a child and in shaa Allah, they'll be the ideal parents of an ideal child.

Nabeelah and Hafsah approached the dining room discussing about stuff related to the naming tomorrow.

"Brothers' time?" Hafsah stopped behind her husband.

"Hajiya Hafsah."

"Alhaji Umar, na you suppose take care of this whole ceremony Allah. See how you just dey fair dey fat."

"Worry not my dear, it's all under control. I be sure plug I tell you."

"Your pidgin tastes like bitter soup." She headed for the kitchen, leaving him to his shame.

"Um Nabeelah," Ali called amidst the laughter and she stopped.

"Can I... talk to her for a minute?"


He nodded. "Yeah."

"It's not allowed." Khalil cut in, earning himself a glare from Ali.

"Alright but it might take a while, she's just getting to take her bath it's been a busy day."

"Alright but, I'd love an alone time."

"Don't worry, you can have her for the night Officer." She teased and headed for the kitchen, leaving him to deal with his cousins' annoying laughter.

* * *

Overjoyed would pass for an understatement when describing Amira's emotions in the past six days.

Holding her baby, feeding him, hearing his cries and seeing him just... breathe was just too much happiness.

Call her JJC, whatever.

After over eight months of anxiety, panic and tribulations, she finally received a heavenly gift, a child of her own which made the whole journey worth it. Before she conceived, she's starting to get worried that maybe she'd never be able to have a child of her own cos it's almost a year after her miscarriage and then... it came from above at a time she wasn't even expecting.

And the love she'd been receiving from everyone was in it's own... overflowing.

She wondered if the family was always that warm-hearted or they're just being so because well... it's Ali's child we're talking here, first child at that, a male child! The first biological grandson of the Lamido.

But she knew the family was always supportive, always.

Any person would wish to be related to the Hamza's, theirs was a family anyone would pray for.

She's just resting after she's excused for the night, partially listening to Abba's endless stories and her eyes pinned on her baby who's sleeping soundly in his baby nest.

Abba had come along with Umar and Khalil that evening after they managed to get him out of school for a day and he'd been stuck with her ever since, not agreeing to be anywhere else.

There was a knock on the door and it turned open before anyone even answered.

She smiled at him as he sneaked in, a smile settling on his lips as well.

"Ya Ali," Abba waved at him.

"It's midnight Abba, head to bed."


"Now." He ordered, giving the boy a sharp look.

Well he's no longer a 'boy', Abba was becoming a man, it's just like yesterday that he went into NMS and he's already in SS1. How time flies.

He pouted and made his way out, mumbling good night's to them and not before he kissed his nephew good night as well.

"He's growing fast." Ali commented, making his way to the other side of the bed.

"Really fast, and he's promising."

"He'll be a gentle man."

"He is a gentle man."

Ali smiled, holding her hand in his. "Beautiful henna."

"Made my butt hurt."

"I told you to postpone the ceremony until_"

"I'd rather just get it done with and concentrate on other things, the sooner the better moreover, I won't have to do much since yeah, I'm still 'recovering'."

"So you wanna seize the opportunity."

"Of course." She rolled her eyes, laughing.


"Don't ever call me that again." She poked his head.

He laughed, kissed the heel of her palm. "I have something for you."

"What is it?"

He took the file which he kept on the side drawer and gave it to her.

She sat up as she opened it, giving him a subtle look and he urged her to go through the papers.

Her brows pulled together more and more the more she read and she shook her head, tossed the papers at him. "I can't accept this."


"It's too much. What are you thinking?"

"Please accept it."

"You do everything for me Ali, everything. I'm more than okay with that."

"It's just a gift."

"The whole house?! Fifty percent of all your business shares?! What am I to do with all that when you feed, cloth and shelter me?"

"You're my wife,"

"Exactly which is why I don't see any reason to accept this unless you're planning on letting me take care of myself and son."

"Of course not."

"Then I won't accept this. I get 50% and you still carry on doing what you're used to... then I should just keep the money and continue counting them? How will that make me look?"

"Life is unpredictable Princess, anything can happen at anytime and I won't want you to ever be in need all your life."

"I also have sources of income Ali, I'm a graduate, you take care of all my needs and wants and still pay me every two weeks. If astagfirullah the worse happens and you're no more, I'm still entitled to your inheritance, I can get a job or start a good business... I would never lack unless it's a test from Allah."


"No Ali, please let's never have this conversation again."

"Okay since the shares is all you're worried about, I'll have that amended, but please accept the house, I've been wanting to give it to you for a long time now."

"You have, it's my home."

He shook his head. "Legally. I want it to be yours."

"It's still too much.".

"We'll still be living in it, I'll keep on maintaining it but I want it under your name. You might have everything but you don't have a house of your own."

"I'll love even a small one."

"Just accept it already, it'll mean a lot to me."


"Sign the paper." He passed the pen in the file to her. "I did what you want so do what I want."

"What if_"

"Just sign."

She sighed, realizing that he's really bent on her doing so. But she just couldn't find any good reason in wanting to do that. She's his for life so what's the use?

"C'mon." He urged and she just did it, not cos she wanted to.

He smiled, put the papers back together and put them away. "Thank you."

"I just don't see the need to do so." She reclined on his chest as he reclined on the headboard.

"It made me happy."

"You're so complicated wallahi."

He kissed her hair which had a soft smell of coconut. "It's gonna be a long day tomorrow."


"Take care of yourself, please."

"Nobody's gonna eat me." She chuckled.

"You never know who's who, there'll be a lot of people."

"Everything will be fine in shaa Allah."


A minute of silence drift between them.

"I received a call from Asiyah earlier." She informed.

"What did she say?"

She sighed, cuddled into him. "She apologized, a lot, sought for forgiveness and congratulated me."

"She called me as well." He heaved a breath. "I told her to just keep off, it's better we never cross roads again."

"She saved my life."

"And I repaid her for that."

Amira sighed softly, her eyes still on her baby's sleeping body. Asiyah was the last person she'd wanna talk about at that lovely moment.

"You still prefer him sleeping on the bed?" Ali changed the topic, referring to their little one.

"I want him close, I love to watch him sleep. It makes me happy." She looked up at him, a lovely smile on her lips which he couldn't resist.

He leaned in for a peck and she giggled, snuggled into him her eyes falling back to her baby.

"I wanna change his name."

"To?" She asked casually and Ali was sort of relieved she didn't sound shocked.

He watched the baby who's getting chubbier all thanks to Allah. There hasn't been any bad news since after the delivery and even the doctors were commending on how well the boy was catching up.

He must be in high spirits for the life that awaits him.

"Mustafa," He whispered. "I'd love Mustafa."

She didn't move for a second and he thought she didn't hear him but then she raised her eyes to his. "Are you okay with it?"

"I am. Something about him just reminds me of Mustafa."

"So just Mustafa or you're gonna add something to it?"

"I considered Muhammad Mustafa but I wouldn't want people confusing on which was the real name so it'll just be Mustafa. But it's okay if you're not okay with it, we can still go for Aryan."

"It could still be a pet name, Mustafa is perfect."

He smiled lovingly at her, rubbed his nose on hers and she drew him closer, kissed his lips.

He tightened his arms around her as she snuggled back into him. "It's gonna be a long journey being parents."

"May Allah help us through."

"Amin. The family's gonna receive a lot of babies this year."

"That'd be lovely, Mustafa opened the way."

"We opened the way." She caressed his shirt, lost in thought for a long minute. "I love you Ash."

He placed a kiss on her forehead, let the silence stretch for a while. "I live for you."

* * *

Okay I'm not gonna say anything right now cos... I still can't get over the fact that I've just completed this book like... 🤧😭 like I really don't want to 😭😭😭💔💔💔💔

And this kyn love chai 😥 God when 😟

Ahbeg e too much jare 😭😭

So it's a Mustafa for Almira (it's tough deciding the name Allah, as if na me born the child 😒, but whatever though 🤭)

I honestly can't say anything but Alhamdulillah, for me and for them 😌

Thank you all lovely peeps a million much, words can't express how much y'all mean to me🥺🥺😭😍❤️❤️🤗

Life isn't much fun without a little escape from reality and you all made it a wonderful one, thank you so so very very much 🤧🥺🥰

I'm expecting a lot of comments on this chapter cos guess what? It's the longest! 13k+ words!!! Whoa 😮😮😳😳

So you should better punch that little star and pour out your thoughts on the whole entire book but please don't criticize in a harsh way 🥺🥺 I'm not an emotionally strong person dan Allah 🤧

Fill my notifications and let's see if we can get an epilogue... 😜😏

Xoxo 💋❤️😍🥰❣️💖💕💓

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