Destined Couple

By ZoneRobotnik

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The Sundrop and Moonstone are fated to be together. When Rapunzel meets young Varian, her relationship with E... More

Drops of Magic
Dead Man
Listen Up

Pascal's Story

88 1 0
By ZoneRobotnik

"So, how did you meet Pascal, Rapunzel?" Andrew asked.

Rapunzel was currently sitting with her social circle for an art session, and Pascal, Ruddiger and Eugene had volunteered to be models.

Rapunzel hummed thoughtfully. "Oh, it was when I was eight years old. There was a horrible storm, I couldn't sleep with the flashing lightning and horrible, loud thunder. So, I had gone downstairs to see if mother was back, but she wasn't yet, and so I decided to stay downstairs. Well, I heard something coming in the window, grabbed a frying pan and crept over to see a snake coming in. I was scared, but I swung my frying pan and whacked him! Then I realized there was a little chameleon lying hurt and dying, so I picked him up and wrapped him in my hair and healed him with my powers." She giggled. "I thought he was a frog, until he changed color."

"Powers?" Andrew asked.

"Oh." Rapunzel blushed. "I guess you don't know, huh?"

"Know what?" He asked.

"Well, you know how Varian calls me 'Sundrop'?" Rapunzel looked at him fondly. "That's because, when I was born, my mother was dying and my father took the Sundrop Flower and used it to heal her. I was born with its powers, and then I was kidnapped and raised by someone that wasn't my parents, until I was eighteen. Eugene found the tower I was living in by chance and rescued me, nearly died doing it, and cut my hair in the end to free me. I recently ended up finding these black rocks and touched one of them and it made my hair grow back, though I don't have my healing powers now."

"Her hair is indestructible instead." Eugene chimed in.

"Well, it was lucky for Pascal that you were there to heal him, though the circumstances of your living at the tower are rather unfortunate." Andrew said, looking at Pascal.

Rapunzel nodded. "From that day on, we were the best of friends. I hid him from my moth—kidnapper and he kept me company for ten years after." She got up and went to pick Pascal up, kissing him sweetly.

"That's a wonderful story." Andrew smiled.

"Better than how I met Ruddiger, at least." Varian chuckled.

"Oh? How'd you meet him?" Andrew asked.

"I guess the first time I met him was when I was in my dad's orchard, and I heard something squealing. I went over and found a raccoon caught under a root and helped him free. Well, he decided to hang around and kept following me into my lab, even enduring my goo trap, which I originally made to catch pests like that little guy in the first place, and I finally just gave in after he showed up in my bedroom and got cuddly." Varian chuckled. "Dad was exasperated when he saw him, but let him stay."

"That's a good story, too." Andrew assured him. "You helped him, and he decided that he'd pledge his life to you."

Varian chuckled. "I don't know if it's anything as fancy as that, but he does help me out."

Ruddiger purred and stretched before hopping down and climbing onto Varian's lap, nuzzling him affectionately. He smiled and stroked his fur fondly.

"Andrew, do you have any pets back home in Saporia?" Eugene asked casually.

"My people don't keep pets, we have animal partners." Andrew explained. "And I usually just help take care of the pegasi."

"Wait, wait, pegasi? As in, winged horses? Those exist outside of Greek legends?" Eugene asked.

"Indeed, they do." He smiled. "Saporia is..." He faltered. "was..." he cleared his throat. "a land of enchantment. Our people use both science and magic in our day-to-day, and still have even in our current hidden location."

"Are they more difficult to take care of than regular horses?" Cassandra asked.

"Cleaning their feathers is definitely a task." Andrew chuckled.

"Cassandra, why don't you tell us about how you and Owl met?" Rapunzel asked.

Cassandra smiled softly. "There's not much to tell. My dad found Owl all alone in the training grounds and decided that he'd bring him to me to take care of, to try to cheer me up. I was always really quiet and sad back then, even when I didn't know why. He'd given me an owl plush when he first took me in, and this was an upgrade, he said. Owl and I have been close ever since that day, training together, spending time's nice."

Eugene shrugged. "Well, I don't really have an 'animal companion' story. Unless you count Lance, hah!" He said jokingly, then sighed. "The life I was living, animals would in the way. They'd get hurt, or forgotten somewhere. But, I guess the closest I got is Maximus, who I met by him chasing me through the woods to try to arrest me, and then we got closer after he ran into me and Rapunzel on our way from the tower to the Capital."

"Speaking of your sticky-fingered friend, what's he been up to?" Varian asked as Rapunzel sat back down with Pascal on her shoulder. Apparently, they'd abandoned the art to have the conversation.

"He's around." Eugene shrugged. "He's not getting into crime, don't worry."

"Hm." Varian nodded. "Well, tell him to behave himself, or I'll have to be mean."

"Who's Lance?" Andrew asked.

"He's...I guess you could say he's my brother." Eugene sighed. "We were in the orphanage together, and then we worked for The Baron after a bunch of failed adoptions. Honestly, since you were in Vardaros, I'm surprised you didn't hear of him." He chuckled.

"Well, Stalyan never mentioned a guy named 'Lance'." Andrew said casually and Eugene choked on air. "She ranted a lot about her ex-fiancé, though. But, I didn't really listen."

"OKAY, let's change the subject! I'm going for a walk." Eugene walked out of theroom.

"What's his deal?" Cassandra asked, watching him go.

"Hey, Andrew, what was her fiance's name?" Varian asked casually.

"Flynn Rider." Andrew shrugged. "He didn't show up at the wedding, just took his stuff and disappeared. Left the engagement ring."

"Ohh..." Rapunzel looked thoughtful. "He was engaged?"

"Apparently. And apparently he changed his mind." Varian shrugged.

"Do you know him?" Andrew asked.

"'Flynn Rider' is Eugene's old name." Cassandra explained.

"...Oh." Andrew nodded.

"Let's go do something else!" Rapunzel said hurriedly, getting up and leaving the room.

Varian looked at his half-finished picture and shrugged, deciding to finish it later.

Talking about the past made Pascal feel a little melancholy, but he kept his spirits up and tried not to think about it when he went to bed that day. The next morning, he woke up to find Rapunzel was already gone from her bedroom and ventured out to find her.

He found her in the castle kitchen, being watched by a disgruntled chef as she cooked some plum gravy. He crawled up her dress and appeared on her shoulder and she gasped. "Oh!" She giggled. "Pascal. Thank goodness my taste-tester is here." She said, then went back to her stirring before she picked up a spoon and spooned out some gravy, blowing on it before holding it up for Pascal to taste.

"Ohh, mama! Plum gravy!" Eugene came up out of nowhere on Rapunzel's other side and directed the spoon to his mouth, devouring what was meant for Pascal. "Mmm, could use a touch more balsamic."

"Don't be ridiculous." Varian said, walking over to them. "There isn't any balsamic in plum gravy, Eugene! Why don't you let an actual chef give her advice, huh?"

"Oh, like you?" Eugene frowned.

Rapunzel giggled a bit, then grabbed another spoon to offer some to Pascal, who happily lapped it up.

"I've been told I'm pretty good at cooking." Varian smirked.

"And what makes you think I'm not?"Eugene demanded.

Varian chuckled. "Ohh, I've heard some stories."

Eugene frowned. "Sunshine, I'm a good chef, right?"

"Hm? Oh, sure." She said distractedly as she added a bit more mashed plum to the pot.

"You're not listening, are you?" He sighed.

"Of course I am, Eugene." She said, still focusing on her cooking.

The chef cleared his throat. "If you're not cooking, out."

"Come on, Eugene." Varian tugged on his arm. Eugene huffed and walked out with Varian.

Rapunzel looked over at them, then smiled at Pascal. "Those two argue over the silliest things sometimes."

Pascal shrugged, but still looked at the door with annoyance. How dare Eugene take something meant for him?

Rapunzel and Pascal were facing each other across a chessboard, Rapunzel using black and Pascal using white. Rapunzel moved her piece, and then Pascal moved his own, knocking hers off the board smugly.

"Nice move, Pascal!" She said cheerfully. "I didn't even see that coming."

"Hey, Sundrop." Varian came up to the table. "Oh, playing chess? Mind if I play against the winner?"

Rapunzel giggled. "Sure, though we're not sure who it'll be yet!"

"Then I'm looking forward to seeing who it will be." Varian said, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at the board. "It's gonna be close, whoever it is."

"Really?" She looked at him.

Pascal squeaked to get her attention back to him and she giggled. "Sorry, sorry! My move, right?" She moved a piece forward.

Varian bit his lip a bit as Pascal took her piece out with ease. "Like I said. It's gonna be close."

Rapunzel looked up at him again. "Well, what would you have done there?"

Varian shook his hand. "Ah, no,  Ishouldn't be giving you advice on this."

"Pleeeease?" She pouted.

He looked at Pascal, who shrugged, and then Rapunzel got up and Varian sat down. "Alright, so what would've done instead," he said, picking up the pieces and putting them were they were before, "is use this piece here, this Knight, and put him in Check." He moved the piece and grinned. "And now Pascal has to move the King out of Check before he can do anything else."

Pascal swapped the King with the Rook and Varian clapped his hands together. "Brilliant!" He then looked up at Rapunzel. "Think you can go on from here?"

"Mm," she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek, "I'll watch you two finish it and then you can start a new round after."

Varian blushed a bit, then chuckled and nodded. "Well, if Pascal doesn't mind." He looked at him.

Pascal looked a bit annoyed, but squeaked his agreement and the game went on.

Later that day, Pascal and Rapunzel were on the training grounds playing with wooden swords. Their swords clashed and then Pascal's went flying and Rapunzel giggled at his aghast expression. "Whoops. I know that we're used to using a ladle and frying pan for this, Pascal, but the kitchen staff wouldn't let me take a ladle for you." She walked over and picked up Pascal's sword and brought it over. "I'll go easy on you, okay?" She smiled.

He accepted it and they started to spar again.

They heard an inquisitive neigh and Maximus trotted over to them with his own wooden sword held in his mouth, shaking it encouragingly. Rapunzel smiled and looked at Pascal. "I think he's challenging us to a duel, Pascal!"

Pascal squeaked uncertainly and set down his sword, clearly finding himself outmatched by Maximus. "Oh, come on!" Rapunzel smiled at him. "We can do it!"

Pascal shook his head and backed up. Rapunzel shrugged and started to clash wooden swords with the horse. Pascal just sat back and watched them, looking at his wooden sword sadly.

Cassandra's replacement Lady-in-Waiting was a teenage maid that was given the job because they thought she'd do better with the self-reliant Princess than struggling to make beds. They also thought that she'd have more patience for her mistakes than Mrs. Crowley did.

"Gentler, Faith, gentler. This is human hair, not a curtain that has a bad stain." Cassandra instructed. Though she was officially Prince Andrew's bodyguard now, she was still asked to help the girl adjust to her new role.

Pascal hopped down from where he had been eating fruit with Andrew and picked up his own brush, demonstrating for the girl what to do. She let out a hopeless sigh but tried to imitate him with her own brush.

"Guys, come on, we're going to be late." Cassandra said, checking a clock on the wall and grabbing her own brush.

"Caaaass, don't you have your own royal to pamper?" Rapunzel asked, smirking at her.

"I'm just trying to make sure that Faith doesn't get yelled at on her first day." Cassandra said, then put the brush to the side. "Let's braid this up. Pascal, you're sitting on her hair. Move."

Pascal squeaked at her indignantly and went over to sit next to Andrew with his arms crossed.

"Rapunzel, I noticed that you didn't sign Friedborg's card yet." Cassandra commented.

"Right. Oh! Hey, uhm, Andrew?" Rapunzel said, looking over at them. "Would you mind taking Pascal with you today? Friedborg's allergic to lizards, so..."

"Allergic?" Andrew asked.

Rapunzel nodded. "She gets hives."

Andrew looked at Pascal, who turned a sickly yellowish-green with spots all over his body. Hecringed and nodded. "Got it. Don't worry, we'll find something to do while you girls have fun. Maybe we can go and join Varian in the lab, does that sound fun, Pascal?"

Pascal squeaked his agreement.

Rapunzel smiled. "Thanks, Andrew. I'll save you some cake, okay, Pascal?"

Andrew picked up Pascal and went to the door. "We'll let you girls finish getting ready. See you around." He looked over his shoulder as he opened the door. "And...have fun, Cassie." He smiled and walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Sooo..." they heard Rapunzel saying as the door was almost fully closed, "does he let you pamper him, brush his hair?"

"I am not giving you gossip fuel." Cassandra replied, and Rapunzel giggled.

Andrew rolled his eyes with a smile as he closed the door fully. "So...let's go see if Varian has time for us, huh?" He smiled at Pascal.

Pascal really wanted to get some Rapunzel time to himself, so he decided to surprise her with all their favorite activities right as she woke up! She groaned softly and he perked up and went over to look at her face as she blinked away sleep. "Mm...? Good morning, Pascal." She smiled fondly, then slowly sat up and then looked at the items he put on the bed in confusion. "Pascal, what's all this?"

He moved back to them and spread his arms out encouragingly.

She smiled. "You planned a whole day for us? How fun!"

Pascal nodded with a big smile and Rapunzel reached for the guitar he'd dragged onto herbed. They both looked over as the door opened and Faith looked in. "Uhm, Your Highness?" She said, nervously tugging at her Lady-in-Waiting uniform that looked like it had to be resized for her. "The Duke's daughter is here, and you're supposed to be having breakfast with her? You told me I didn't need to come and get you ready in the morning, that you preferred to do it yourself, so..."

"Oh, right!" Rapunzel slapped her hand to her forehead. "But, after that, I'll be able to spend time with Pascal, right?" She asked as she and Faith went over to get her dressed for the day.

"Not unless you want to let down your students. You offered to teach art at the school because their usual teacher got sick, remember?" Faith reminded her. "And then you have a picnic scheduled with Lord Fitzherbert before the council meeting?"

"Right...Eugene would not be happy if I canceled on him." Rapunzel said awkwardly. "Especially since I've been doing so much with Varian lately."

"Then, according to your schedule, you have a 'jam session' planned at the Snuggly Duckling?" Faith went on. "And, after that, you're going to be doing evening audiences. "She finished braiding her hair. "I'm afraid, by your own choices, you're completely busy all day, Princess."

Rapunzel looked out at Pascal from behind the partition. "Sorry..."

Pascal just sadly plucked at Rapunzel's guitar and Rapunzel sighed and came over to him. "I'm so sorry, Pascal, but I can't cancel any of these. Maybe you can see if Varian or Andrew are busy? You know they always like spending time with you."

Pascal sighed sadly. He really wanted to spend time with her, though! Rapunzel's expression faltered. "Uhm...maybe we can have a little dinner tonight, just the two of us?" He brightened up and she smiled. "We can tackle one of those puzzles that we've been ignoring, too!"

"Your Highness, the Duke's daughter?" Faith reminded her.

"Right, right." Rapunzel nodded. "I gotta go! See you later, Pascal!"

He squeaked and motioned with his hands to look like the hands of a clock pointed to six o'clock. "Yep, six o'clock! Promise!" Rapunzel said cheerfully, and then she left with Faith.

Dinner. He'd have to have it ready. The problem was, it was hard to use the kitchen when there was always someone there now to chase off would-be food thieves or Princesses trying to get midnight snacks when she should be asleep.

So, she would have to enlist the help of a human to make the dinner. Varian was nice enough, but busy making weapons for the Royal Guard. So...Andrew and Cassandra it was. He left the room and headed off to Andrew's assigned room, where he squeaked and jumped at the doorknob to open it.

"Whoa!" A guard said, only just noticing him. "Uhhh, the Prince isn't in right now, Pascal. He's out tending to the horses in the stables, apparently it's his hobby. Cassandra is with him."

Pascal squeaked and headed off to the stables.

"So, you don't use horseshoes in Saporia? At all?" Cassandra was asking as Pascal went inside the stables.

"No, we don't use bridles or saddles, either." Andrew replied. "Have you ever ridden bareback, Cassandra?"

"Can't say I have. Are you sure riding horses is acceptable in Saporia, though?" Cassandra asked.

"Well, without the saddle and bridle, riding a horse is only allowable by the horse allowing it. Horse-riding is a beautiful bonding experience, if the horse initiates it. It's all about trust. Trust that you won't hurt them, trust that they won't throw you off. Especially with pegasi, you never put a saddle on a pegasi. For one thing, it would obstruct the wings. A bridle is just insulting. Pegasi are very proud creatures, same with dragons, and if they allow you to ride them, it's because you've built up a bond so strong that you're like one soul in two bodies. In fact, Saporian children bond with young pegasi and that becomes their companion for life. Pegasi live much, much longer than a regular horse, having magic in your veins tends to make you long-lived."

"I guess that means you'll outlive me." Cassandra said softly. "I'll be old and gray and you'll still look gorgeous."

Andrew smiled fondly. "Cassandra, I get the feeling that you will age very gracefully, and still look gorgeous even in your elderly years."

Pascal squeaked and they looked over at him. "Hey, Pascal." Cassandra greeted.

"What do you need?" Andrew asked, kneeling and holding out a hand so he could scamper over and climb into it.

Pascal started to squeak, pantomiming what he wanted to say. Cassandra looked confused, but Andrew just slowly nodded. Pascal had found that he understood him a lot better than other people, maybe even Rapunzel. "So, you want to use the kitchen to make Rapunzel a private dinner for two for you, but the kitchen is guarded and you need help getting in to cook?"

Pascal nodded. Cassandra looked at him. "How did you understand all that?"

"Saporians can hear the thoughts of animals we bond with." Andrew explained. "I guess I haven't been able to bond with Ruddiger, because I can't understand his thoughts, it's all mumbles and gibberish."

Cassandra nodded. "So...he needs help getting into the kitchen? I think I can help with that."

With Andrew's and Cassandra's help, Pascal was able to prepare a tasty dinner arrangement. And while they had assured him they would leave when Rapunzel got back, they had offered to stay with him while he waited, since it was better than waiting alone.

"You know, we should have our own private dinner, once Rapunzel gets back." Cassandra said, hooking her arm around Andrew's arm.

He smiled at her. "I'd like that."

Six o'clock came and there was no sign of Rapunzel yet. "I'm sure there's just a lot of audiences." Andrew assured him. "She'll come. She promised, right?"

Pascal squeaked and nodded.

Six o'clock had come and gone, and it was now six o'five. Rapunzel looked towards the clock, then sighed as she looked back at the scroll in her hands. "Those are all some interesting...official Corona slogan proposals." She chuckled awkwardly.

"Especially, 'Corona: Hittin' Them Where the Sun Does Shine'." The well-meaning ruffian said cheerfully, then chuckled. "That's my favorite."

"Especially that one." Rapunzel agreed with another awkward laugh. "We'll, uh...look them over and discuss it with our advisors."

The ruffian nodded. "Thank you, Your Highness!" He then turned and walked out.

"...Yeah...not gonna happen." Rapunzel whispered to herself, then cleared her through. "Faith? Is that the last citizen?"

"Uhm, there's one more." Faith shook her head.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!" Shorty said, coming in on top of a large pig. "This swine demands to be heard!"

"...I get the feeling that this is more Andrew's specialty..." Rapunzel said, letting out a little whimper.

"I will translate for your convenience," the short man went on, "for I am fluent in Pig Latin!"

Rapunzel looked at the clock, which now said six-fifteen, and then slumped in her seat.

"She must have a lo tof audiences." Cassandra commented as Andrew tried to cheer Pascal up with origami.

They heard the door handle being messed with and Pascal perked up. The door opened and an unfamiliar dark-skinned man poked his head into the room, sniffing at the air.

"Ugh. Lance." Cassandra said.

"Who?" Andrew asked.

"I smell delicious food!" He said, walking in without invitation.

Cassandra stepped in his path. "Lance, what are you doing here?" She asked coldly. "Do I have to tell Varian you're causing trouble again?"

He stopped short. "Whoa, whoa, I'm not doing anything illegal! I just smelled delicious food, and you're clearly not eating it!"

"Because it's not for us, it's for Rapunzel and Pascal. We're just keeping him company until she gets here. Now, get out." Cassandra said sternly.

"Who is this guy?" Andrew asked, holding a growling Pascal in his cupped hands to keep him from lashing out at the stranger.

"This is Lance Strongbow, Flynn Rider's old partner-in-crime." Cassandra explained. "He claims to have turned a new leaf like Eugene has, but I don't buy it. Varian doesn't either, and said that if he catches him causing any more trouble that he'd deal with him personally."

Lance swallowed nervously. "Seriously, I'm not here to cause trouble, just came for this delicious food!"

"Which isn't for you!" Cassandra said firmly.

"Yeah, well...who's this guy, anyway? Your boyfriend?" Lance demanded.

"This is Prince Andrew Sapor of Saporia, he's under the protection of the Royal Family and I've been assigned as his personal bodyguard." Cassandra gestured to him.

"Ohhh. You're the 'visiting royalty', then?" Lance nodded. "Look, would it hurt for me to just have a slice of that cakedon't see the Princess anywhere, do you?"

"She's busy, but she'll be here soon." Cassandra said firmly.

"But that stroganoff will be cold by the time she gets here!" He protested.

"No, it won't." Andrew assured him. "If all you're here for is to steal food, then you can just leave."

"Man, what a stickler." Lance remarked.

"If you don't leave, then I'll make you stay and watch as Rapunzel eats it all." Cassandra said, reaching into her belt to pull out a glowing goo bomb.

Lance stepped back. "O-Okay, okay. I get it. I'm gone." He walked over to the door and opened it. "Are you sure I can't just have—" He let out a yelp as a gust of wind knocked him into the hallway.

Andrew lowered his hand. "Out."

Cassandra walked over and shut the door. "What was that?" She asked curiously.

"Wind magic." He smiled. "It really comes in handy while flying the balloon, but...I don't normally use it around people, especially when I'm hiding my true identity."

"Tell me more?" She sat next to him.

Pascal looked over at the clock with a sigh.

"Your Highness, there are more pigs than my washtub bed can accommodate and, so, I humbly request a million money coins, that are currency, to build Corona's first piggy bank." Shorty said as Rapunzel struggled with the pig trying to eat her hair.

"Pardon me," Varian's voice cut into the conversation, "but audiences have been over for a half-hour now and you're assaulting the princess."

Shorty looked over. "What? Salting?"

Varian walked over and pulled Rapunzel free of the pig. "Get out." He said coolly to the man. "And take your pig with you, before you're thrown in prison for assaulting the princess."

Ruddiger hopped down from his shoulders and angrily chattered at the pig, who grunted in reply before getting up and leaving the throne room. Shorty followed her out and then the doors shut.

"...I'm never taking an audience from him again." Rapunzel said, clutching at her hair anxiously.

Varian sighed and turned to her. "You okay, Sundrop?"

She nodded. "Yes...but I really have to go, Pascal has been waiting for me, we were supposed to have dinner together!"

He smiled. "Alright, go have fun." He kissed her cheek.

She smiled. "Thank you." Then she ran out of the room.

"Sunshine!" Eugene greeted as she got near her room. "I've been thinking, when was the last time we had a romantic moonlit boat ride together? Why don't we go out together, tonight, me and you?"

She groaned. "I'm sorry, Eugene, but I already have plans with Pascal. Maybe another time?" She walked over to her room, took a deep breath, and opened the doors. "Pascal, I'm so sorry, I'm late! People just kept coming and coming and then Shorty came in with this big pig and..."

"Hey, Raps. "Andrew greeted as Pascal threw his arms out with a happy squeak and hopped out of his cupped hands.

"Andrew? Cass?" She looked at them with surprise as she knelt to pick up Pascal.

"He asked us for help with making your dinner, and we decided to keep him company." Andrew explained.

"And, now that you're here, we're going to leave you two to eat." Cassandra said, hooking her arm with Andrew's.

"Oh, hold on." He got up and slipped from her hold and then picked up the dish holding the cooling stroganoff, focusing. His hand glowed red briefly and then it faded before he set it down. "There. All warmed up." He said, before picking up another and doing the same.

"Ohh, what's that?" Rapunzel asked.

"Very, very, very slight fire magic. It's for warming cold food, or for keeping you warm on an unexpectedly cold day." Andrew said, then walked over and took Cassandra's hand. "Well, we'll be off. Enjoy!"

Pascal squeaked happily.

Rapunzel smiled happily as they left the room, then sat down at the table. "It all looks so delicious, Pascal! I'm really sorry I was late. Do you mind if I talk to you about what happened, in full?"

Pascal squeaked and nodded, just happy to have time alone with her.

She sighed and started to serve herself some food. "Oh, where to begin. First of all, I wish you had come with me to the party, because I felt really out of place there, the only ones there were castle staff!"

He squeaked his sympathies, listening intently, and she smiled at him.

The next morning, Rapunzel sought out Andrew and Cassandra in the library, which was Andrew's favorite room in the castle. "Hey, got some time?" She asked softly.

"Sure, what do you need?" He asked, getting up, then gasped when she hugged him.

"Thank you." She smiled at him, then hugged Cassandra. "Pascal told me everything that happened while he was waiting for me. Thank you for defending him and the dinner. It may seem like such a small thing, means so much."

Cassandra smiled. "We're happy to help, Raps."

Rapunzel hugged them both again, then turned to go. "I better go. Pascal is waiting for me to join him, Ruddiger and Varian for a jam session in the music room!" She giggled and ran out.

"Have fun, then." Andrew smiled.

Cassandra smiled and then they sat down again to continue reading their books. He reached out and she took his hand, gently squeezing them together as they smiled fondly at each other.

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