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Rapunzel tossed and turned as she slept; her brow furrowed. She was having another dream about the rocks and the figure shrouded in fog.

"Varian?" She called, looking through the fog that concealed him from her. "Varian, where are you?!"

"I'm here." He called to her. "I'm here, Rapunzel. I'm waiting. I'm waiting for you, however long it takes."

"Rapunzel!" Eugene called from behind her.

She looked behind her, to the castle, to where Eugene was standing with his arm outstretched.

"Rapunzel, please, don't go." Eugene pleaded. "Stay with me."

"My Sundrop..."

She looked back towards where the fog was starting to fade, to where Varian was standing by the black rocks, his features visible to her now. He smiled fondly and reached out a hand to her.

"Rapunzel!" Eugene called again.

"I'm waiting for you!" Varian called. "And I'll always wait for you!"

Rapunzel looked to one, then the other. "I...I don't know, I..."

On the one hand, she loved Eugene. He saved her, he cared for her, loved her. But, on the other hand, Varian had been there for her when she really needed a friend, had been understanding, wasn't pushing her to be something she wasn't. She couldn't push him away.

But, she didn't want to choose! She held her head, then gasped as her hair started to glow and lift into the sky, black rocks starting to come out of the ground at a rapid pace.

"Rapunzel!" Eugene called.

"Don't be afraid!" Varian reminded her.

She curled up on the ground as the black rocks surrounded her, her hair still floating into the sky.

And then she woke up with a gasp and groaned, rubbing at her eyes. "Ohhh, wow...that was crazy." She got out of bed and went to open her balcony window, looking out at the rising sun. "Destiny...huh." She sat on the railing, looking out towards Old Corona as the wind caught her hair and made it drift in that direction as well.

She decided to keep this dream in her head and not anywhere anyone could read it or hear about it. The last thing she needed was more headache.

After all, she had that famous painter coming in two days! She couldn't be distracted! She looked over at the painting of Varian she'd left on the easel and sighed. "I almost want to ask him to paint me, but I don't know if he can paint as well as he draws." She murmured.

She was nervous about meeting someone new again. What if she made a bad first impression? And what would she even do for her picture? This was going to take some thinking.

Pascal woke up and yawned before looking around and then coming over to join her, climbing up onto her shoulder. "Hey, Pascal." She greeted with a smile. "You're up early, too?"

Pascal squeaked happily and she smiled, rubbing his nose.


"Okay, guys, wait for it..." Rapunzel put a headband on and then posed with a guitar. "How's this?"

"Hmm...too bohemian." Cassandra decided.

"Ugh." Rapunzel slumped a bit.

She put them to the side and grabbed a book and put on fake glasses, balancing books on her head. "What about...this?"

Pascal sat on top, balancing a book on his head.

"Way too uptight." Cassandra assured her.

She put those down and went to stand next to a statue. "Mmhmmmm?" She prompted.

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