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They trailed the other couple at a distance, Varian having to gently shush Rapunzel when she giggled with adorable excitement over learning who Cassandra's mysterious date was. They followed them to the hidden dock and Varian tugged Rapunzel behind the crates he'd hidden behind before, watching them.

Observe, then act. They wouldn't want to interrupt an intimate moment, after all.


"We shouldn't be away too long, my father will notice my absence sooner or later. I know Rapunzel will." Cassandra giggled a bit.

"Well, thank you for indulging my dislike of crowds." Her date pulled a rose from his vest and slipped it into her hair. "There, one more rose to accent your beauty."

She smiled shyly. "Are all guys in Vardaros as charming as you are?"

"Hah, no. I'm a rare type." He wrapped his arm around her waist. "Are all girls in Corona as lovely as you?"

"Mm, 'lovely' isn't normally a word said about me." She admitted.

"Well, then whoever said that must be blind, or is making excuses, because you are beauty and grace." He gently cupped her cheek.

They heard a sound and looked to the side to see Rapunzel and Varian standing by the crates. "Oh, sorry!" Rapunzel said sheepishly. "I, uh, we didn't know--"

"Oh, no, it's my bad! I forgot that you like to take your dates here!" Cassandra said, looking flustered. "We can go somewhere else!"

"No, no, it's okay! You were here first! We'll go somewhere else!" Rapunzel insisted.

"Well, while we're all here anyway," Varian chuckled, motioning to the man. "Who is this, Cassandra?"

"Oh! Well," Cassandra looked at her date, "this is Andrew, he's from Vardaros. Andrew, this is Varian and Princess Rapunzel."

"A pleasure to meet you both." He gave a sweeping bow of respect. "Your Highness."

"Oh," she giggled, "call me Rapunzel. I don't really feel too comfortable about the titles thing."

"Mm, I'm sure they got old." He nodded with understanding.

"Well, uhm, we should let you two be. I mean, unless you want us to stay, maybe we could...get to know each other?" Rapunzel said, looking a bit hopeful.

"How about some other time?" Cassandra said patiently.

"So she says." Varian chuckled, slipping his arm around Rapunzel's waist. "It was nice meeting you, Andrew."

"A pleasure meeting you as well, Varian." Andrew nodded, smiling as he took Cassandra's hand.

"You two kids behave!" Rapunzel said teasingly as they walked away.

"Speak for yourself!" Cassandra laughed.


"You didn't seem at all surprised that she had a date." Rapunzel said to Varian as they headed back to the party, passing by children running around throwing paper hearts. "Did you know?"

"She told me that she wanted the day off so she could meet someone at the festival, but I didn't know anything beyond that." He smiled. "I was the one that talked your father into letting her have the day off."

"Well, I'm sure she appreciates it." She kissed the corner of his lips again and he blushed pink. "You are so cute." She giggled.

He smiled shyly. "You break down my defenses, my Sundrop."

"Mm, with how well you defend my heart, it's only right that I can reach yours so easily." She took his hands in hers and pulled him into another dance, the two of them waltzing through the streets together as the bards played love songs. Then they walked over and sat  on the fountain together and she held his hand in hers, smiling down at their reflections in the water. "You make me so happy, Varian."

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