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Varian hummed to himself as he worked on his invention, Adira assisting him by holding the pieces in place while he welded. "So, are you going to tell me what we're building?" She asked casually.

"Nope. It's a surprise." He grinned. "Just help me out and you'll find out."

"You know I'm always here to help." She shrugged. "But, what is this for?"

He looked up at her. "The Exposition of Sciences! I'm going to show them all something new and great!"

"I'm sure you will." She smiled.


Cassandra groaned as she struggled to tie a banner up on a pole, Owl sitting on the pole. "Don't see why the Lady-in-Waiting has to help set up for this thing." She grumbled, then looked over longingly at a couple guards passing by before she sighed and looked back at her work. "Dumb science expo's for dorks, anyway."

"Aw, what's wrong with dorks?" Varian asked casually from behind her.

She blushed and looked over at him. "Varian! I, uh, didn't see you there."

He grinned, waving. "So, I take it you're not attending the expo?"

She sighed, struggling with the rope. "No, probably not."

He walked over to her. "Allow me?"

"Uhm...sure." She stepped down and he took the banner, going up to tie the rope around the pole tightly. "Thanks."

"No problem. So, why aren't you attending it?" He asked.

"It's just...not my thing." She shrugged. "Besides, I have so much to do, and—"

"Cassandra," Stan came over to them, "I thought you should know, the Captain is short of guards for the expo!" He said excitedly. "This could be your big chance!"

"Big chance?" Varian asked curiously as she got excited and headed off with him. He shrugged at Owl and got down from the ladder.

"Cassandra, looking good!" Rapunzel said, running up with a funky-looking helmet on her head with attached googles in front. "You should see some of the inventions on display!"

Varian chuckled and waved to Eugene as he walked up with her. Rapunzel adjusted the goggles and gasped. "Oh, sorry, Varian!" She lifted the goggles sheepishly.

"Eh, you weren't expecting me to be here." He shrugged. "Cassandra went off with the Royal Guard to see her dad." He knelt to let Ruddiger climb up onto his shoulders. "Something about a 'big chance'."

"Really? It must have to do with the Royal Guard!" Rapunzel said excitedly.

"Sundrop, did you take off with someone's invention?" He raised an eyebrow.

She blushed and ran off to put it back. Eugene chuckled and looked at Varian. "So, I'm guessing you're making something for this thing?"

"Oh yeah, Adira and I have been working hard on something that is gonna amaze everyone." Varian assured him. "But, you'll have to wait for it to be presented to know what it is!"

"Is it under this cloth here?" Eugene teasingly crept over to it.

"Nu-uh, no cheating." He pushed him back, grinning. "Why don't you go make sure she doesn't walk off with something else, hm?"

"Well, if you insist, I will spend more time with my girlfriend instead of teasing you." He smirked and walked off.

Varian rolled his eyes and then looked over at Adira. "Let's get this over to the expo."

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