Dead Man

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The fighters all stood at the edges of a large circle, their weapons in the middle ready to be taken when the time came. Rapunzel looked over at Cassandra anxiously, hoping she'd get some kind of chance to talk – even if it had to be with a sword and frying pan between them.

She walked towards Cassandra and Hookfoot swapped places with her to allow it. "Hey, I..." She sighed. "I know today's been weird." Cassandra tensed. "I just—I wanted to...I don't know, I guess...uh...I just wanted to say good luck."

She started to hug her, then jerked back. "Right, right. Sorry, sorry, sorry. hugging. Not a place for hugging...gotta remember that." She looked away glumly.

Cassandra sighed, looking at bit guilty. "Raps, I just wanna—"

"It's now time for the no-holds-barred elimination round!" The announcer called as everyone cheered. "Remember, folks, once someone steps outside the ring, they are out!"

"It's time." Cassandra said, then looked towards Crow. "Don't expect any assistance from him this time."

"I know." Rapunzel nodded. "Or you."

Cassandra glanced at her. "Yeah."

"The last one standing is our champion!" The announcer went on.

"I just wanna say—" Cassandra started, and then Wreck Marauder moved between them.

"Are you ready for this?" He taunted. "'Cause it's gonna get ugly in here."

Cassandra glared up at him.

"Ready! Set! Battle!" The announcer called, and they all ran forward to grab their weapons and start fighting.

To Rapunzel's distress, her frying pan was gone. "Oh, wait, wait, wait! Did anyone see a frying pan?" She asked, looking around anxiously.

The numbers were quickly going down, with Wreck taking out most of the competition and Cassandra and Crow handling the rest. Rapunzel realized that she'd have to do this without a frying pan and considered using her hair, but it was no good in a situation like this. Okay! Dodge around and avoid being hit it was!

She danced around the battlefield, avoiding hits and using her braided hair as a club. Down, down, down the number of fighters went. Cassandra faced Wreck herself, glancing over as Crow took out another and Rapunzel danced around, knocking out more people.

"Wow, what a poetic move by Rapunzel!" The announcer declared.


It was down to Wreck, Rapunzel, Cassandra and Crow. Cassandra fumed as the crowd cheered Rapunzel's name.

"That chirpy little hairball is mine!" Wreck growled.

"Not if I get to her first." Cassandra said firmly.

"Oh, Wrecky."

Cassandra and Wreck looked over to see Crow leaning against his spear with a smirk on his lips. "Didn't you say something about 'eating me whole'? Come and get it, big boy." He spread his arms out. "Dinner is served."

Wreck roared and ran over to him. Cassandra made her way over to Rapunzel and fired an arrow at her.

"Uh, that was close." Rapunzel said, eyeing the arrow that almost stabbed her foot.

"Well, looks like Wreck's busy with the little bird over there," Cassandra picked up a pole, "so, it's just you and me."

She charged and jumped up before swinging the pole down. Rapunzel, holding her own pole, dodged out of the way with ease.

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