Destined Couple

By ZoneRobotnik

3.8K 68 26

The Sundrop and Moonstone are fated to be together. When Rapunzel meets young Varian, her relationship with E... More

Drops of Magic
Dead Man
Pascal's Story
Listen Up


93 2 0
By ZoneRobotnik

One good thing about Andrew being around was that Cassandra was too busy flirting with him (gross) to do her daily routine of harassing Eugene. Also, Varian had another nerd to talk to and so he was in the lab with him a lot, so he was with Rapunzel less, so that was actually two things, wasn't it?
Right now, the two nerds were messing with Andrew's hot-air balloon, which Eugene absolutely did not break, and so he was sitting with Rapunzel and listening to her talk excitedly about Attila opening his own bakery soon.

"He's asked if I can be the one to cut the ribbon, instead of my dad!" Rapunzel said excitedly. "I can't wait for him to open his shop! I'm sure he'll be super popular, his baking is amazing!"

"Mmhm." Eugene smiled. He honestly didn't really care, Attila was a good guy and he totally deserved this, but he was just happy to see Rapunzel talking excitedly about something that wasn't Varian for once.

Rapunzel gasped. "We should go and see the shop's location, so we can help him set up when the time comes!" She got up. "I'll go get Varian, he can join us!" She ran off.

Eugene sighed heavily. "...Well, was nice while it lasted." He muttered.

"So, you think that this might make the balloon go faster and farther?" Andrew said as Varian displayed the Flynnoleum.

"Well, we don't know until we try it!" Varian said eagerly.

"Varian?" Rapunzel looked into his lab. "Are you busy?"

Varian looked over. "Rapunzel! Well..." He looked at Andrew.

Andrew chuckled. "Go on, I'm gonna go find Cassandra."

Varian smiled, then put the Flynnoleum away before he walked over to Rapunzel. "What is it, Sundrop?"

"I'm going to go check out the location of Attila's new shop with Eugene! Join us?" She beamed.

He blinked, tilting his head slightly. "Attila...he's one of the ones that helped save you from your tower, right?"

"Right! He's one of my friends that I met my first day out of the tower!" She said cheerfully. "It's his dream to have his own bakery!"

Varian shrugged and nodded. "Okay, let's go."


"Is he sure he wants the shop to be here?" Varian asked when Rapunzel brought him and Eugene to see the location of Attila's new shop.

"Uh-huh!" Rapunzel nodded. "Why?"

Varian looked at her. "Why? Rapunzel, look across the street."

Rapunzel looked over and realized that they were right across from Monty's Sweet Shoppe. "...Oh."

"Yeah." Varian nodded. "Look, even if you don't take his reputation into account, no one is going to be going to his shop if Monty's is right there."

"But, it's the only place in the Capital he could put it!" Rapunzel insisted.

Varian sighed and looked at Eugene. "Eugene, you understand the issue, right?"

"Oh, yeah. Competing shops, public interest, all that jazz." He shrugged.

"Well...what can we do?" Rapunzel looked at the empty building.

Varian looked thoughtful. "Can I go talk to Attila?"

Rapunzel looked surprised. "Uhm, sure? Why?"

"He hangs out at the Snuggly Duckling. It's not a place for kids." Eugene said, raising an eyebrow.

"Let's go, then. Show me the way?" Varian smiled.

"I just said—" Eugene stated, but Rapunzel cut him off.

"Of course! Come on!" She took Varian's hand and led him out of the city, Eugene trailing behind.

"Sunshine, are we really taking a kid in there?" Eugene questioned.

"He'll be fine! Besides, he's got someone he knows there, Hookfoot! Remember? They were both in the Challenge of the Brave with me and Cassandra!" Rapunzel said cheerfully.

"I remember..." Eugene grumbled, "Varian was flirting with you the whole time!"

"Well, it's not like you were doing anything to keep her spirits up when Cassandra was picking on her." Varian stuck out his tongue.

They left the city and headed inside the woods, Rapunzel leading the way.

"Why didn't you tell us who you were from the start?" Eugene asked.

"Because I wanted to be recognized for my skills, not for being Mayor Quirin's son." He rolled his eyes.

Eugene sighed. "Fine, that's fair."

"This way guys!" Rapunzel said cheerfully.

"Hey, where's Cassandra?" Eugene looked around.

"Well, since Andrew is royalty and Cassandra is a capable fighter and I already have you two around me a lot, I asked if it was okay if she was Andrew's bodyguard!" Rapunzel said cheerfully. "I asked before I went to get you."

"Is her dad aware they dated?" Eugene asked.

"Nope!" She pointed ahead of her. "There's the Snuggly Duckling! Come on, guys!"

"I still think this is a bad idea." Eugene said as they walked up to the door.

Rapunzel opened the door. "And we're here!"

"You are here!" BigNose said cheerfully.

Varian looked into the tavern and then walked in with Rapunzel. He seemed a lot more relaxed about it than Rapunzel was when she first arrived – then again, Eugene had seen him take down all kinds of thugs and even The Baron's men without even breaking a sweat.

"Oh, hey, you're the guy that was at the Challenge of he Brave!" Hookfoot said, getting up.

"Yeah, hi." He waved. "This is what I look like when I'm not wearing armor." He chuckled.

"What brings you here, little man?" Hookfoot asked, walking over to him.

Varian looked at Rapunzel, then back at him. "Which one of the others is Attila?"

"That's me." Attila said, rising from his seat and walking over to him. "Did you need something?"

"Yeah ,it's kind of urgent." He nodded, then gestured to a table, which they went to sit at. Rapunzel and Eugene sat at the one next to them to listen.

"I'll get right to the point, Rapunzel showed me where you plan to put your bakery." Varian explained. "'s not a good idea."

"You think I shouldn't open my bakery?" He said, sounding upset.

"No, no, that's not it." Varian pulled out a notepad and pencil and started to draw. "Here is your shop, right? Where you plan to put it? And...right over here..." He started to draw another building and then drew an arrow between them, "is Monty's Sweet Shoppe."

Attila looked at it. "Yeah? And?"

"Alright, to put it plainly, even if you didn't have a reputation going back several years as someone people were wary of, even if you didn't always hide your face and make people distrust you as a result, there'sno way your shop will prosper when Monty's Sweet Shoppe is rightt here. Between you and the Sweet Shoppe, people will be going for the familiar. You will start off with so many unfair disadvantages that your shop will go under." Varian demonstrated what he meant by drawing swarms of people around Monty's Sweet Shoppe and tumbleweed going by Attila's shop.

Attila sighed. "What do you suggest?"

"Well, it may not be the Capital, but Old Corona doesn't have a bakery yet." Varian smiled. "As the son of the mayor, I can talk to my father and arrange for you to have a shop there. People will love not having to go all the way to the Capital to get something sweet without having to make it themselves. And they can spread the word to people in the Capital and get you customers from there that won't be comparing you to Monty because of proximity."

"You'd...really do that for me?" He asked in awe.

Varian grinned. "Everyone deserves the chance to make their dreams come true. We can go to Old Corona and discuss it with my father right now, if you want."

Attila stood up. "Can I...hug you?"

Varian chuckled and stood up, then gasped as the large man pulled him into a hug. "Oh! You give really good hugs!"

"If you can make this happen for me, it would be the most wonderful thing!" He cried.

Rapunzel smiled and stood up. "We'll go with you!"

Varian smiled at her. "Of course! Let's go together!"

Eugene decided to tag along, even though he hadn't specifically been invited.

"Well, someone's busy."

Rapunzel yelped as Adira jumped down from a tree and landed in front of them.

"Aunt Adira." Varian greeted. "I thought you were still in the castle."

"You know I'm always watching you." She said casually.

"You didn't watch me on my date." Varian pointed out.

"Yes, because you were on a date." She shrugged. "Anyways, I'm with you now."

Varian sighed. "Well, just as well. If dad found out you weren't always by my side, he'd get upset. And, since we're about to go and see him now, you may as well come along."

Attila looked at her, then at Varian. "...'Aunt'?"

"Yeah." Varian nodded and walked on. "C'mon, let's head to Old Corona!"

"But...they look nothing alike?" Attila said quietly.

Eugene shrugged. "Don't question it, man."

Going to Old Corona on foot was, as Eugene pointed out, a stupid idea when they had carriages, carts, and that fancy balloon. So, they headed back to the Capital and Varian went to get permission from Andrew to use his balloon.

He didn't expect to walk in on him and Cassandra inches away from a kiss and they both jolted and pulled apart. "Oh, sorry!" He said, holding up a hand. "I just came to ask if we could use your balloon for a short trip to Old Corona, Andrew?"

"Uhm...yeah. Sure. Just don't let Eugene drive." Andrew nodded, still looking a bit startled.

Varian grinned and walked out. "Thanks! See you!" He walked off, leaving them alone once more, and headed out to the courtyard.

"He said we can use it!" Varian said cheerfully.

"Oh, good!" Rapunzel smiled. "Varian, why don't you fly it?"

He nodded and they all got in. Varian started the balloon and they lifted into the air, heading for Old Corona.

"By the way, what's Andrew up to right now?" Eugene asked.

"He's with Cassandra." Varian said vaguely, then winked at Rapunzel, who let out a happy squeal.

"I don't get it." Attila admitted.

"Don't worry about it." Eugene rolled his eyes.

"So, do you really think your father will approve of my bakery?" Attila asked.

"Trust me." Varian smiled at him. "I'll convince him."

They landed in Old Corona, outside his home, and all got out. Varian went to the manor door and opened it, looking in. "Dad! I'm home!"

"Varian?" Quirin walked over to the door with surprise. "Is everything alright? What's the occasion?"

"I've got a problem that needs solving." Varian nodded to Attila. "A friend of Rapunzel's wants to open a bakery, but the only place in the Capital that he could open one is right across from Monty's Sweet Shoppe. So, I told him that we could discuss him opening his bakery here."

Quirin nodded slowly. "Well, you all may as well come in. I'll prepare some food and drinks." He walked inside.

Varian smiled and opened the door wider. "Come on in, everyone!"

They all went in and Quirin got refreshments for them, Adira going to join them. Varian sat at the table with the other three, humming happily.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Eugene asked.

"One, I'm back at home and I like it here. Two, I'm helping someone out, and that's always made me happy." Varian looked at him. "What's got you in such a bad mood?"
Before Eugene could reply, Quirin and Adira were back with food and drinks and they all started to eat. Attila reached into his belt and pulled out a straw, which he used to start drinking the juice from under his helmet. He shifted the helmet just slightly to take a bite of one of the muffins that were brought out.

"So, you want to open a bakery?" Quirin asked.

"Yes, sir."Attila nodded.

"Attila is really good at baking!" Rapunzel chimed in.

"Well, why don't you show me what you can do?" Quirin said, nodding to the kitchen. "If you prove that you can bake well, I will consider location options for your bakery here and contact the King for the forms we need."

Attila nodded and stood up. "I'll start right away!"

"Also, do you have a particular sentimental attachment to that helmet?" Quirin asked.

"Why?" Attila asked, surprised.

"Well, I don't blame you for hiding your face if you have a grotesque scar, but your appearance is less 'kindly baker' and more 'highway robber'." Quirin explained. "Perhaps you could improve your image, wear less rusty armor, lighter colors."

"I guess I could clean up my helmet..." He said, touching it. "It's all I have left of my father, so..."

Quirin smiled softly. "I understand. Lucky for you, I have stuff here for maintaining and restoring damaged and rusty armor. Let's get your baking done and then we'll see about improving your image, hm?"

"Yes, sir!" Attila nodded. "Thank you, sir!"

"What are you going to call the bakery?" Adira asked.

"I'm going to call it 'Attila the Bun'!" He said excitedly.

"Come on, let's get started." Quirin walked over to the oven and Attila followed him.

"Let's go into the living room and wait." Varian suggested, getting up. "Or we could go to the music room, or do something else?"

Rapunzel hugged him and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips that only lasted a second, but it was enough to make Eugene fume a bit. "Thank you for this, Varian. You have no idea how long he's been wanting this! You're helping his dream come true!"

Varian smiled. "Whatever I can do to help, Sundrop." He said fondly, hugging her tightly.

Rapunzel nodded, then released her hold on him. " room?"

"This way!" Varian walked off to further into the house and Rapunzel followed him.

Adira watched them go, then looked at Eugene. "What's the score at now?" She asked casually.

Eugene groaned, laying his head on the table.

"I didn't know you could play piano." Rapunzel said as he sat down at one. "You know, there's a piano in the Snuggly Duckling that hasn't been seeing any use."

"I can play every instrument in this room." He said, starting to play. "I'm a really quick learner."

Rapunzel giggled. "I can tell!" She walked over and picked up a flute. "Shall we play together?"

He smiled. "Why don't you start and I'll join in?"

"Okay!" She started to play something and he joined in after a bit, playing along with her tune easily and even la-da-da-ing as she started to dance around the room, Pascal on her shoulder. Ruddiger came into the room from wherever he'd been wandering and started to dance around her feet as she danced and Varian smiled fondly as he watched her, his fingers flying across the keys in perfect time.

When she finished, so did he and he got up to clap. "That was wonderful, Rapunzel! I didn't know you could play the flute!"

"I haven't done it in a while." She admitted. "The last time I did, I embarrassed Cassandra."

His brow furrowed. "How could you have embarrassed Cassandra? You play beautifully."

"Well, the event wasn't about playing instruments. We were dancing, and I got...bored and decided to play the flute, instead. Then I did it again another tme, Maximus started to dance around and Cassandra got knocked off her horse and into a mud puddle!" She sighed and held the flute close. "Ever since, I've been reluctant to play the flute." She admitted. "I didn't want to embarrass her again."

He got up and walked over to her, gently taking the flute and putting it away. "" He said softly, and she looked at him with pink cheeks, "you shouldn't live in fear of constantly upsetting someone. It's okay to make mistakes, you know?" He gently cupped her face in his hands. "certainly do. But you can't let your past mistakes drag you down and ruin things you love. You did something that's usually just fine at the wrong time. That's fine, you made the mistake, you learned. The alchemist creed is 'every mistake is a step towards success'. And it doesn't just apply to alchemy." He smiled. "If you're so worried about not embarrassing people, then you'll never be able to be yourself. And, eventually, all that bottled-up truth will burst out and you'll do something really upsetting, to everyone. Little mistakes here and there, that's healthy. It's part of growing up. And you didn't get to grow up normally, so you're still learning." He then moved his hands down and took hers. "And you're not alone. I'm here with you, always and forever, the moon to your sun, ever-constant." He smiled. "Even if you end up not choosing me in the end, I will always be there for you, Rapunzel. I love you. You're my friend, my light, my love, my other half." He gently cupped her cheek. "And that will never change."

She smiled and pulled him closer, kissing him gently as they hugged. Then she slowly broke the kiss and sighed, leaning her head into his shoulder. "Thank you." She said softly.

He smiled and hugged her tighter. "You can always count on me."

Eugene silently stood outside the music room and then turned and walked back to the kitchen, deciding not to make his presence known to the two in the room. Adira looked up at him curiously, but he ignored her and went outside, going to sit down in the basket of the hot-air balloon.

"I need to even the odds." He muttered. "He's only fourteen, how is he so much better at this than me? He's loyal, he's sweet, he's everything she needs, how can I compete?" He ran his hands through his hair. "If it wasn't for his age, she probably would've said 'yes' to him by now! Shit!"

"Language." Adira said, and he jolted and looked up at her. "If Quirin hears you swearing like that around Varian, he'll beat you up." She smirked.

Eugene sighed and buried his head in his hands. "What am I gonna do..."

Adira shrugged. "Don't ask me. You're the one that's trying to keep her heart, I'm just here for the show and to give my nephew emotional support."

Eugene sighed and sat up, leaning his head against the wall of the basket. "Please, go away."

"Alright." She turned and walked off inside.

Eugene looked up at the sky. "It's gonna take a miracle for me to win her back, at this rate." He mumbled.

Attila finished baking some delicious cupcakes and they all gathered at the table to try it. He looked a bit nervous as he watched for Quirin's and Varian's reactions, but Rapunzel was feeling confident that they'd approve of it.

Once all the cupcakes were gone from the plate, Quirin wiped his lips with a napkin and then stood up. "Well, then. Let's go look around and see what building you would like to have as your bakery and home." He smiled.

Attila looked stunned. "'Home'? I've never had a 'home' before...not in any town."

"Well, now you will." He walked to the door. "Come along."

Attila nodded and got up, following him out.

"They can take it from here." Varian said, watching them go. "I'm sure, once they have everything arranged, you'll get the notice."

"Will people really be okay with him living here?" Rapunzel asked.

Varian grinned. "As long as he doesn't blow up anything or hurt anyone, they don't care. That's the difference between this town and the city. No one blinks an eye about you, as long as you aren't causing trouble for them."

"He would know." Adira said with a smirk.

Varian shrugged. "Alchemy comes with its mistakes. What's important is that no one died."

"Well, that's good!" Rapunzel smiled.

"Well, if we're done here, can we go?" Eugene asked.

"Yeah, we can go." Rapunzel smiled. "I'll let dad know that Attila is going to be moving his bakery, and get those forms ready!"

"Dad will handle that, it's his job." Varian grinned. "We can go do something else."

Rapunzel nodded. "You're right. I'm going to go and ask Attila if he wants us to stick around to give him a ride back or if he's okay with us going back while he's looking around!" She got up and ran out of the manor.

Eugene watched her go, then looked at Varian. "So. You happy with your extra points?"

"It's not always about our competition, Eugene." Varian said calmly. "I just wanted to help him, after realizing that he would only get hurt with his original plan. Business is cutthroat and Monty is not very nice, despite what people seem to think. He may try to sabotage him in some way, or just take advantage of people knowing his store more to get them to abandon Attila's and make the competition close down."

"Uncle Monty isn't that kind of person." Eugene frowned.

"He booed Rapunzel just for being different and changing the seal and insulted Rapunzel's friends, one of which is Attila." Varian said calmly. "But, I guess you wouldn't know that, since you were so blinded by his good reputation to notice that Rapunzel was seeing his true colors. Everyone wears a mask, Flynn."

"Even you?"He retorted.

Varian glanced away. "I'm not half as confident as I act like I am. I'm still a kid that doesn't want to disappoint his father and peers, even if I act like I'm on top of the world and nothing bothers me." He then got up and went to wash the dishes.

Eugene sighed and nodded. " too."

Adira just got up and went to help Varian with the dishes.

"Nothing makes me happier than a dream coming true!" Rapunzel said cheerfully as she stood in front of Attila's brand-new bakery in Old Corona, scissors in her hands. "Especially when that dream belongs to a dear friend like Attila!" She smiled at the man, who had gotten a little more cleaned up, with his helmet no longer covered in rust thanks to Varian's alchemy and wearing brighter colors. "So, let me be the first to welcome Attila the Bun Bakery to Corona!" She used the scissors to cut a ribbon that was over the door.

The Snuggly Duckling thugs and the people of Old Corona all cheered, and Attila cleared his throat, pulling out a notepad. "My mom always said that you can only get what you want outta life by using the three Cs; crime, carnage...and crime. But, thanks to Rapunzel and Varian and Mayor Quirin and everyone that has supported me and helped make all this possible, I've learned that there's a fourth C: Kindness."

The crowd cheered again and Rapunzel smiled happily.

"Uh, 'kindness' doesn't start with—" Cassandra started quietly, and Eugene shook his head and waved his hand to quiet her.

"Not the time, Cassie." Andrew said quietly.

"I now declare Attila the Bun officially open!" Rapunzel said cheerfully, moving out of the way so people could go into the bakery with Attila leading the way. She smiled and walked over to Quirin. "Thank you, so much, for doing this for him."

"He can consider himself a citizen of Old Corona now." He smiled. "If he needs anything, he knows where to find me."

"Wow, you've actually got a house now!" They heard BigNose say to Attila. "No more sleeping in the pub!"

"I know, it's amazing." Attila replied in awe.

"I'm sure that he will prosper here." Quirin smiled.

"You know what'd really draw in crowds?" They heard Varian saying, and Rapunzel went over to look inside curiously. "You could get yourself a shop bunny, a little mascot! A bun for Attila the bun! People would love it! Come for the bunny, stay for the buns!"

"Hah! And it's a pun, too!" Hookfoot said, slapping his knee.

Rapunzel giggled. Attila would be just fine here.

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