Her Enchanting Eyes (Harry Po...

By AngelinaM_13

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When Harry Potter lives in Fear of what yet to come after his unpeaceful 1st and 2nd years at Hogwarts, he me... More

Author's Note ( IMPORTANT )
On The Hogwarts Express Train
The Meeting
Boy Talk & Girl Talk
The Prophecy
First Magical Creatures Class
Enemies To Friends
Jealousy, Worry And A Bitter Fight
Black On The Way
Page 394
An Intense Quidditch Match
Blacks' Story
Christmas With The Weasleys
Lies Or Unbelievable Truth?
Back To 7:30 AM For A Rescue Mission
The End Of The Year
Summer News
Quidditch World Cup
Triwizard Tournment
Inserting Names
The Selection
Weights Of Hatred
Receiving The Letter
Unexpected Nightout
Harry And Ron
The Ferret Version Of Draco
First Task
Pre - preparations

The Honest Truth

640 11 26
By AngelinaM_13

"Your proof?"

y/n's pov

We have been walking through the long dark hallway for quite a while by now. We kept walking until we came across a trap door. Harry went up first and held me and Hermione up from the hole.

"Alright, let's stay togather. We don't know what might be waiting for us." Harry instructed.

"We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione asked. I looked around the place. Indeed I could say we are in the Shrieking Shack. The place is dark, wet and dirty. It was clear that no one had lived in it for years.

"Um, look at this." I said pointing at the set of dog footsteps and the dragging line from Ron's body which was forming because of the dust and dirt on the floor.

"Come on." Harry said making his way to the stairs by the trap door. We headed up quickly up the stairs hoping to find Ron safe and sound.

"Ron!" Harry yelled as he spotted Ron.

"Ron, you're okay!" I said as I bent down next to him.

"The dog. Where is it?" Harry asked out of breath.

"It's a trap. He's the dog. He's an Animagus!" Ron exclaimed worriedly as he pointed his finger at someone or something behind us. 

I quickly stood up and turned my head to see who Ron was talking about. I gasped as I saw Siruis Black himself standing behind the door we came from 8 feet away from us.

There he was standing, with his Azkaban robes.Looking like a mess. Bloody dirty robes which were also torn up. His hair had grown out long and he had dark bags under his eyes.

"If you want to kill Harry, you have to kill us too!" Hermione exclaimed at him.

"No." His deep voice replied.  "Only one will die tonight."

"Then it'll be you!" Harry yelled back as he charge at him. Harry had his hands on Black's throat and pinned him onto the floor. He pulled his wand and pointed it at his head.

Black started laughing and asked,: "Are you going to kill me, Harry?"

Another set of footsteps charged in and a man's voice shot,: "Expelliarmus!". Harry's wand flew across the room landing by my leg. It was professor Lupin. Oh merlin. Harry climbed off Black and ran back to where we are standing following professor Lupin's instructions.

I grabbed Harry by his arm pulling him closer to me. Harry kinked my hand with his. "Well, well, Sirius. Looking rather ragged, aren't we?" professor Lupin asked as his wand was pointing at Black. "Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within."

"Well, you'd know all about the madness within, wouldn't you, Remus." Black retorted at him grinning.

Professot Lupin lowered his wand and grabbed onto Black's had making him stand back up on his feet before hugging him. "I found him." Black chanted. 

"I know." the professor answered. Black then pulled away from professor Lupin.

"Let's kill him!"

"No! we trusted you!. And all this time, you've been his friend?!" I yelled as I walked up to the two.

"He's a werewolf! that's why he's been missing classes!" Hermione cut in stating what professor Lupin is. We had figured it out not so long ago.

"Your proof?" Professor Lupin asked with a grin. Hermione looked at me asking if I have proof other than the class with professor  Snape.

I thought for a moment before saying,: "Oh, you want proof?" I asked. "Well, have this: At the start of the year. On the train, the day of the dementors attack. You had your face covered up because it was a full moon night." I replied.

"How long have you known?" He asked us.

"Since Professor Snape set the essay." Hermione answered.  

"Well, you two really are the brightest witches of your age I've ever met." He said walking up to us. Harry held pulled me by my wrist behind him while Hermione back away closer to Ron.

"Enough talk, Remus! Come on, let's kill him!" Black yelled from behind.


"I did my waiting! twelve years of it! in Azkaban!"

Lupin sighed and replied handing his his wand back,: "Very well."  

"Kill him, but wait one more minute. Harry has the right to know why."

"I know why!, you betrayed my parents. You're the reason they're dead!' Harry yelled. 

"No, it wasn't him. Somebody did betray your parents, somebody who, until quite recently, I believed to be dead!" Lupin answered.

"Oh really?. Who was it then?!" Harry demanded.

"Peter Pettigrew!. He's in this room right now. Come out, come out, Peter! come out and play!." Black's voice yelled beckoning for Pettigrew to come out of his hide out. I looked around and found no one. Does he thinks we are fouls?. We aren't professor Snape.

Speaking of which, professor Snape charged into the room aswell and shot,: "Expelliarmus!". Black's wand flew from his hand.

"Vengeance is sweet." Snape explained as he came closer to Black with his wand pointed towards his face. "How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you."

"Severus..,-" Lupin started, but was shortly enough cut off with Snapes wand pointed at him this time as Snape turned to his with a serious face as if he was about to say something significant to Black before he cut him.

"I told Dumbledore you were helping a friend into the castle, and now, here's the proof."

"Brilliant Snape. You've put your keen mind to the task and as usual you come to the wrong conclusion. Now, if you'll excuse us, Remus and I have business to attend to". 

Snape charged at Black and quickly pinned his wand against his throat.

"Give me a reason."

"Severus don't be a foul" Lupin warned him.

"He can't help it. It's habit by now" Black taunted.

"Siruis, be quiet" Lupin asked.

"Be quiet yourself Remus!" Black snapped.

"Oh listen to you two, quarrelling like an old married couple."

"Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set!" Black yelled at him. Snape's wand seemed to me pushed farther into Black's neck.

I felt an arm warp around my waist. I looked at the hand and it was Harry's. I looked back up at the fighting three I felt my wand slip out of my pocket slowly. Harry walked up towards Snape who was still arguing with Black.

"Expelliarmus!" I shot at Snape who fell to the back of the room where there was a bed.

"Harry!. What did you just do?" Ron asked worriedly. 

"You attacked a teacher!" Hermione exclaimed.

Harry pointed my wand at Black and shifted it to Lupin for answers,: "Tell me about Peter  Pettigrew." 

"He was at school with us. We thought he was our friend." Lupin started to explain.

"No," Harry said. "Pettigrew's dead. You killed him!" Harry pointed the wand at Black this time. 

"No, he didn't." Lupin cut in. "I thought so too, until you mentioned Pettigrew on the map!"

My head kept turning from one person to another as they explian, I decided to step in and say something,: "The map was lying, then. Magical items are like humans, they work with their own will!" I said. 

"The map never lies! Pettigrew's alive! And he's right there!" Black said pointing towards Ron.

"M- Me?!. He's mental!" Ron defended. 

"Not you! Your rat!"

Ron gasped at the arraignment, "Scabbers has been in our family for.." 

"Twelve years?, curiously long life for a common garden rat!. He's missing a toe, isn't he?. Black cut in before asking. 

"So what?!" Ron asked pulling Scabbers behind him.

"All they could find of Pettigrew was his.. finger." Harry started  as he processed the information he got.

"That bloody dirty coward cut it off so everyone would think he was dead!. Then, he transformed into a rat!." I said completing the story in shock.

"Show me." Harry demanded. Black tried to grab Scabbers but Ron wouldn't let go. "Give it to him, Ron." Harry demanded.

 I looked at Ron and nodded for him. If Black and Lupin's story was right, Scabbers would be a danger to keep. "What are you trying to do to him?. Scabbers!" Ron asked worriedly. "Leave him alone! Get off him! What are you doing?!" Ron cried as Hermione held him back.

The rat started running all over the place, dodging the spells shot at him. He almost slipped out again through a hole in the wall, but the spells caught him and he transformed back into his human form. The dragged him to the middle of the room where thye had their wands at him.

"Remus? Sirius?. My old friends!" Pettigrew exclaimed. He ran up to them for a hug, but was pushed away. Pettigrew looked around for a way out until his eyes were locked on Harry.

"Harry! Look at you. You look so much like your father!" He said walking up to him. "Like James. We were the best of friends!" He stated hugging Harry. 

"Let go of him!" I demanded at Pettigrew.

"How dare you speak to Harry?! How dare you talk about James in front of him?!" Siruis yelled as he helped me move Pettigrew away from Harry. Pettigrew ran to the hide behind the dusty piano in the room as Sirius and Lupin charged at him wands up.

"You sold James and Lily to Voldemort didn't you?!" Lupin demanded with 'I - know - what - you - did' tone in his voice. 

"I didn't mean to!." Pettigrew hailed. "The Dark Lord, you have no idea the weapons he possesses!" He protested. "Ask yourself, Sirius! What would you have done?"

"I would have died, rather than betray my friends!" He yelled at him. Pettigrew started to cry and crawled under the piano. His eyes locked on me this time. He ran up to me and put his hand on my shoulder and I blocked the door.

"James wouldn't have wanted me killed!. Dear lady, you won't let them killed me would you?. That would be a disgrace to Harry's parents. They would have spared me. You love Harry don't you?"

"Get your bloody hand away from her!" Harry exclaimed pushing him off of me. "Don't touch her!"

"Should have realized if Voldemort didn't kill you, we would. Together!" Sirius and Black said.

"No!" Harry yelled.

"Harry.., this is the man..-" Lupin started.

"I know what he is, but we'll take him to the castle."

"Oh bless you boy bless you!" Pettigrew exclaimed as he slept on Harry's shoes. 

Harry shoved him off and finished,: "After that, the dementors can have you."

Harry's pov

"Sorry about the bite. I reckon that twinges a bit." Siruis apologized to Ron. We were walking back from the hallway we came from.

"A bit? A bit? You almost tore my leg off!" Ron exclaimed, whined.

"I was going for the rat, but he kept slipping away" Black replied. Sped up to talk with y/n leaving the chat. y/n beat me to it as she dragged my by my wrist to stop me.

"Are you okay Harry?" she asked

"I'm fine. You?"

"Fine too. Thank you. Are you sure you are fine? I mean, you just uncovered the truth about your parents' death."

"You worry about me?" I mocked.

She laughed softly and said,: "I worry!. Sue me if you want, but I will still be worrying.". I laughed.

I turned my head and saw professor Lupin and Sirius talking an smirking at one another. I didn't think much of it.

We exited the hole from under the Whomping Willow. This time, it was chill and didn't decid to crush us to death. It was dark outside. We must have been in the Shreiking Shack for a while by now.

y/n left along with Hermione to help Ron sit on a rock. y/n sat next to him while Hermione bent down and said by his leg checking up on it.

Sirius walked to a clearing by the Whomping Willow at stared at Hogwarts. I went and walked up to him after Hermione and y/n along with Ron assured they will be fine.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Sirius asked me in awe as if it is his first time looking at Hogwarts. "I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again as a free man."

"That was a noble thing you did back there. He doesn't deserve it." He said turning to face me and smiling.

"I don't think my dad would have wanted his two best friends to become killers. Besides if he dies the truth will die with him, alive you are free"

"Turn me into a flobberworm. Anything but the dementors!" Peter Pettigrew hailed crying begging professor Lupin. We turned around to see what was happening.

"Shut up you filthy, double-crosser snake!" y/n yelled as she shoved him off her leg. Sirius smiled as y/n was defending us. 

"She is brilliant, no?" I asked.

"Indeed." Sirius replied. "I don't know if you know Harry, but when you were born, James and Lily made me your godfather."

"I know."

"I can understand if you choose to stay with your aunt and uncle, but if you ever wanted a different home.."

"Come and live with you?!" I asked shocked.

"It's just a thought. I can understand if you don't want to..,-"

"I'd love to!" I beamed at him. "Harry!" Hermione's voice yelled. We turned around and Hermione was pointing at the clouds shifting away from the moon, a full moon.

"Remus, my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight?!" Pettigrew said looking professor Lupin up and down. We ran up to them.

Professor Lupin pupils tightened up and his teeth to grow in size and shape shifted. His skin's colour turned to light grey. Sirius ran up to his and held him down.

"You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live! Here!" He yelled. I ran towards y/n and Hermione to help them pull Ron up to his feet.

Pettigrew found this as an opportunity. He took professor Lupin's wand and pointed it at himself. Then, he started shrinking back into his rat form waving us bye.

y/n dived after him. "No!. You bloody rat!". She almost caught him, but he slipped away once again.

Professor Lupin, now was growing taller, he grew claws and fur started covering his body. His clothes got torn up. The four of us huddled toagther. Professor Lupin is a full werewolf now.

"Run! Run!" Sirius instructed - exclaimed.

He looked up the sky and howled loudly at the moon. He threw Sirius away from him to the ground and stood there breathing heavily.

"Come on." I said. 

"Wait. Wait." Hermione walked up to him cautiously,: "Professor?, professor Lupin?"

"Hermione, no!" y/n exclaimed taking her wrist. Professor Lupin looked up at both of them and howled loudly again. They both ran back to us as he came closer.

"Nice doggy. Nice doggy." Ron compliment. Flattering remark Ron, he surely is 'nice'.

Snape must have woken up as he climed out of the hole's tunnel and charged towards me,: "There you are, Potter!"

"Behind you!" y/n warned. Snape looked behind him and blocked us from the werewolf. I didn't know he cares much.

"Where is my wand?!" y/n exclaimed.

The werewolf raised his claw knocking us to the ground. y/n was the first to get up, she ran over to the wolf and held him away from us. He planted his nail in her arms and scratched them hard making her bleed. y/n screamed loudly.

I ran up to her and dragged her away from him. She passed out in my arms because of how much  bloody she had lost.

A black dog jumped in. Sirius. He started attacking the wolf away from him. Snape ran over to y/n too. 

"She won't last long." He said. 

"Take her to the hospital wing!" Hermione exclaimed from behind with Ron. I looked  behind me and saw Sirius having a hard time fighting. Hermione nodded for me. I kissed y/n on her forehead and ran after the two. 

The two really were on it by now in the woods. As I caught up to them, Sirius was bleeding hard and he was clearly losing the fight. I picked up some rocks and threw tem at the werewolf. The attention was now on me. It started geted closer, but it heard another howl from the distance.

It ran off towards the howling sound leaving me alone. I looked to where Sirius was. He turned back into his human form as he was walking down the hill. I ran after him.

He fell onto the ground and layed my the lake. He was hurt badly. I bent down and kneeled next to him. "No! Sirius!". He was cold, but not dead yet. I was still worried. He is the last family member I have left.

A cold breeze went by. It sent a chill feeling up my spine. I looked up and the lake started freezing the was the windows did on the train.


I didn't hesitate pulling my wand out. I stood up and pointedn my wand at the dementors and shot,: "Expecto Patronum!" A soft blue light came out of my wand. I thought about my parents, how I was talking to them. Just like the day in professor Lupin's office.

I allowed the memories of them take over me. The dementors were held back, but not for long enough to hold them back completely.

I felt weak and couldn't hold casting the Patronus charm any longer. Icried out loud as dementors flew over to us and started sucking our souls.

One by one, the dementor got there share feeding their greediness up with out happy memories and soul. Sirius was gone by now. I saw the last bit of his soul leave his body.

I could feel my eyes shutting and my body feeling lighter than ever. Cold and empty it was. I caught a stag patronus holding the dementors back. Like my dad's, mum was there too.

I felt myself hit the ground as I blacked out.


(written on: 22/7/2022 and 23/7/2022 - 2951 words)

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