Destined Couple

By ZoneRobotnik

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The Sundrop and Moonstone are fated to be together. When Rapunzel meets young Varian, her relationship with E... More

Drops of Magic
Dead Man
Pascal's Story
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127 4 0
By ZoneRobotnik

Dinner was a pretty calm event. Eugene had his spot next to Rapunzel, as usual, and the conversations were light-hearted enough. He couldn't help but glance at the unexpected threat to his happiness, the homewrecking disaster-child that had been charming his way into Rapunzel's heart. And now her parents and his dad were going to be having some big, private talk with them after dinner?

Looking at him, you'd never expect Varian to be the threat he is, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Looking at him, he looked like a normal teenage kid that for some reason wore googles, an apron and gloves all the time over his ragged clothes that looked like they didn't quite fit right, like they were made for someone bigger but at the same time smaller in certain places.

Looking at him, you would never expect him to be anyone that could catch the eye of a Princess. Hell, he didn't even look like he belonged in her company, much less a potential suitor. And how could he be considered a romantic option; he was a kid! This was just plain unbelievable! Eugene should be living a happily ever after with his beautiful girlfriend and instead he's at war with a kid that didn't even reach his shoulders!

"Eugene, you're making some odd faces." Rapunzel commented. "Is it the food?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, no. The food's great. I'm just thinking of something upsetting." He admitted. "Don't worry about me, Sunshine." He smiled fondly. "I'm okay."

She smiled and then went back to her conversation.

"So, that's why I'm thinking that it might be useful to arm the Royal Guard with my goo bombs, to assist in capturing criminals." Varian said, continuing a conversation Eugene hadn't been listening to.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Rapunzel said encouragingly. "I've been caught in those traps; it is not an easy getaway. He had to free me himself with some other chemical!"

"It's certainly an idea, but we don't have an alchemist in the castle." Queen Arianna said thoughtfully.

"I can mass-produce them and bring them to the castle." Varian offered. "I'm happy to assist in ensuring the safety of the Kingdom in any way."

"Well...I suppose it is a good idea." King Frederic looked at Quirin. "Would you be alright with bringing the shipments?"

"If I can't do it, Adira can." Quirin assured him, smiling at his sister next to him.

"Then, we will be happy to accept your help, Varian." King Frederic smiled warmly at him.

Great, now he'd just earned more points. Eugene was going to have to earn points with the King somehow, and soon. This was so unfair!


After dinner, Cassandra and Eugene were dismissed and the rest of them went up to the King's study.

"Oh, so Adira gets to go?" Eugene asked as they left.

"Come on in, get comfortable." King Frederic said, gesturing to the seats in his study. They all took seats and then Adira stood at the door, locking it and standing in front of the keyhole to ensure absolute privacy.

"What is this about?" Rapunzel asked as she sat down next to Varian, the other seats already taken by the time they got to the loveseat.

"Rapunzel, there's something we need to talk to you about." King Frederic started. "I don't know if you have been told this or not but, while you are the Sundrop, Varian is your counterpart, the Moonstone."

"I know." Rapunzel nodded. "He told me, and about the legends."

"Well, that makes this easier. Quirin and I have been talking, and we thought that it might be in your best interest if you were...intended for someone else. Someone who, in my opinion, seems to care for you and your interests more than your current object of affection." King Frederic looked at Varian. "Seeing as the two of you are destined to be together and you get along so well, I thought you might not be opposed to this."

"But..." Rapunzel looked a bit flustered. "I still like Eugene..."

"Well, of course you don't have to rush your decision. After all, Varian will not be of marrying age for a few more years." Queen Arianna said gently.

"We just thought we would propose the idea to you two. After all, you are not yet engaged to Eugene, and there is nothing wrong with exploring other options. And he was the first person you met besides that woman in your 18 years of life." King Frederic reminded her.

"If you decide that you absolutely are opposed to the idea, we can call it off." Queen Arianna assured her. "You have time to decide."

Rapunzel looked at Varian. "Destiny...has a way of getting what it wants..."

Varian nodded. "We can give it a shot. Like your mother said, if you find you're repulsed by the idea or that you want to be with Eugene and marry him instead, we can call it off. I won't fight your decision."

Rapunzel smiled softly, then looked at her parents. "Can I...have some time to think about it?"

"Of course." Quirin nodded. "As the Queen said, you do not have to rush your decision."

Rapunzel nodded. "Okay." She stood up. "I...uhm...I'm going to bed, then. I'll sleep on it."

Varian stood up as well. "I'm going to head to bed, too. You guys can keep talking, I'll just have Adira take me." He assured them.

"Alright. Sleep well, you two." Queen Arianna smiled.

They both headed for the door, which Adira unlocked and opened for them.

"Wow..." Rapunzel said as they headed down the hall together.

"You okay?" He asked, looking at her.

"Just a bit...surprised. I mean, we have been really close, haven't we?" She looked at him.

"We have been." He nodded. "I have made my interest in you no secret."

"And Destiny wants us to be together..." Rapunzel nodded.

"But that shouldn't be a reason to marry. Or even date." He shook his head.

"And I do like you, I just...I mean, maybe not that much, and I like Eugene, so..." She looked to the side.

"Well, I won't force you to choose me." He reminded her. "But, even if we agree to the idea, you can still change your mind at any time."

"I can, can't I?" She nodded. "At least, up until you're an adult and we can actually get married." She brought her hands to her face. "Oh, wow...marriage..."

"Hey, why did you turn down his proposal?" He asked curiously.

"Well, I..." She wrapped her arms around herself as she looked around. "He was talking about living in this castle for forever and the same routine and I've...I've lived the routine life. I want something unpredictable. I want adventure, I want to see the world before I even think about settling down anywhere!" She looked at him. "I that so much to ask? To experience...freedom, for once?"

"Of course not." Varian assured her. "I said it before, no one understands what you've been through, and they never will. The only way you can be happy here is if you've seen the rest of the world and come back on your own instead of being locked up in a cage."

"Exactly! See, no one else understands me, but you do! You understand me, you know what I'm saying, why I'm so..." She groaned. "Why doesn't Eugene understand?"

"One, he's never lived a life of stability. He's been on the run since he was young. Two, he's never had to live hiding away magical powers, so he doesn't understand the danger involved in it and the overprotective parents that come with it. And he is overprotective." He looked at Adira.

"Oh, absolutely; even if you weren't the Moonstone, he would be." Adira assured him.

"I'm just so tired of the routine." Rapunzel sighed.

Varian nodded. " least we know we have an adventure waiting for us." He said encouragingly.

"Oh, right, we forgot to mention that to my parents." Rapunzel realized.

"We'll bring it up closer to the actual time." Varian assured her. "They know the legend; they know who we both are. Let's just give them more time with you, without knowing about it. We don't want them acting overbearing because they're 'already missing you'."

Rapunzel nodded, then looked upas they reached the stairs leading to her tower bedroom. "Well, here's where we part."

He nodded. "Sleep well, Sundrop. I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast."

She smiled, then looked around. "Hey, did you see where Ruddiger and Pascal went?"

"Actually, no, they just kind of wandered off after we got back." Varian said thoughtfully. "I'm sure they'll turn up, though. Ruddiger never lets me sleep alone."

"Yeah, same with Pascal." Rapunzel giggled.

He took her hand and gently kissed it. "Well, good night, fair princess."

"Oh, wow. How do you that so smoothly? Who taught you to do that?" She asked, blushing.

"I, uh, I read it in a book. "He smiled shyly. "About etiquette and...courting."

Rapunzel looked amused and he rubbed the back of his head nervously. "I mean, I've been wanting to be with you ever since I heard about us being destined, so I wanted to impress you and...did it work?"

She smiled and hugged him. "It's very sweet. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

He nodded. "See you."

She waved as she left his side and headed upstairs. Varian watched her go with a shy smile, then turned to Adira. "...Right. Uhm...let's go...bed."

"Bed." Adira grinned and led him to their guest room.

Ruddiger scampered up to him and climbed up on his shoulders. "Hey, Ruddiger. Did you have fun today?" He asked, stroking his fur. "Because I did."

Ruddiger nuzzled him happily.


"Oh, Pascal." Rapunzel sighed and sat down on her bed, her chameleon friend climbing into her lap and up to her shoulder. "What am I going to do? Eugene is going to be so heartbroken when he hears about this." She laid back slowly, so he could safely climb down onto her chest as she stared up at the ceiling. "Varian is so good and kind and understanding, and my parents like him and everything is pointing me to him, and what if my dad is right? What if I've...settled for the only option I knew? I thought I loved him, but...what if my dad is right?"

Pascal squeaked at her sympathetically. She gently stroked his back with a sigh.

Varian was so sweet, but he was also so young. And Eugene was so kind but had seen and done and probably been with so many other girls before Rapunzel. And she found she liked both of them, but she didn't want to hurt either one and then there was the whole "destiny" thing but she didn't want to break Eugene's heart...

"Hey, Raps."

She looked over to see Cassandra had come in. She closed the door behind her and walked over to looked at her. "Talk didn't go well?"

"Oh, Cass, I don't know what to do." She sat up and Cassandra sat next to her. "My parents and Varian's dad told us that they want us to be...engaged."

"Wow." Cassandra blinked. "Did not see that coming."

"I mean, they've assured me that I can change my mind at any time and Varian assured him that he won't fight my choice if I decide to be with Eugene, instead—"

"Which is better than what Fitzherbert would do if it was the other way around, I guarantee you that he would not be so kind and understanding." Cassandra chimed in.

"—but, I don't know what to do, wouldn't this make us...official?" Rapunzel grabbed her head.

Cassandra started to patiently unfasten the beads around Rapunzel's braid, letting her braid fall loose. "Well, Raps, that's really a choice that you have to make."

"My dad reminded me that Eugene was the first person I've ever known, besides Mo—Gothel. That there was nothing wrong with exploring other options." She sighed. "What if he's right? What if I've mistaken my feelings for Eugene?"

"Well, you know how feel about the guy." Cassandra shrugged and got up to get Rapunzel's nightgown. "I mean, he's a decent friend, but it kind of feels like he's pushing too hard to get you to marry him so he can have a stable home life. Especially with how he dropped that proposal on you in front of everyone." She came back with it and Rapunzel got up so she could undo her corset and remove her dress. "And magic boy over there? Well, I hate to admit it but he's done a pretty good job at making sure you are happy, even putting himself at risk so we can work out our differences."

"So, you think I should agree to the arrangement?" Rapunzel asked.

"I think you should give him a chance. I mean, he's young. Maybe he'll decide or you'll decide during the four years before you can actually get married that someone else is better. But you know I've never approved of you being with Fitzherbert," she pulled the dress up and set it to the side before grabbing the nightgown, "and Varian is the son of a knight, the Mayor of Old Corona, and your father's friend." She pulled the nightgown down and smoothed it out over Rapunzel's body before pulling her hair out of the fabric. "I'm just saying, between the ex-thief and him? I'd go with the kid."

Rapunzel nodded. "Thanks, Cass. I mean, it's not like it's binding, we can cancel it at any time. I just..." She sighed. "I need to talk to Eugene before I agree to anything."

"Yeah, where is he, anyway? He's usually up here by now." Cassandra looked around.


"Hey, kid."

Varian tilted his head to the side slightly, looking at Eugene standing in front of his door. "Eugene." He greeted.

"We need to have a talk. Alone. You know, man to man." Eugene stepped away from the door.

Varian looked at Adira. "Should be okay."

"I'll be nearby, just in case." She nodded.

"Come on." Eugene walked off and Varian followed him, Adira followed at a distance.

They went outside and Varian recognized the place he took him to as where he'd witnessed him with Rapunzel before. Eugene sat on the edge of the dock and Varian walked over to sit next to him.

"Right..." Eugene sighed. "Look...kid. Varian. This whole...flirting with Rapunzel thing..." he looked at him, "it has to stop. You're...she's already with someone. With me. You're ruining her happiness."

"She seems pretty happy to me, still." Varian hummed. "Are you sure you're not just focused on your own happiness again?"

Eugene sighed and looked at the water instead, his hands clenching and unclenching. "Rapunzel and I were perfectly happy until you came along."

"Why did she reject your proposal, then?" Varian challenged.

"It wasn't the right time." He glanced away.

"She's been out of the tower that she was trapped in for eighteen years for less than a year, and you were talking about getting married and living in the castle and going for rides out to the wall every day for...forever." Varian looked at him. "That's not what she wants. Like I said before, you've seen it all and she wants to see it all. And you're trying to lock her in marriage when she barely knows the outside world, when she's still learning about who she is."

He looked forward. "She and I are bound by destiny, but I don't want her to be with me just for that reason. That's why I'm trying to help her be happy, I'm trying to ensure that she doesn't feel shut down and locked up anymore. She spent eighteen years being manipulated and controlled and shut down and locked away by a woman that claimed to love her. I'm trying to give her the freedom she wants, or at least a piece of it, by showing her that not everyone is trying to lock her into a lifestyle she's not ready for."

Eugene sighed. "I'm trying to do that, too. I didn't want her to feel trapped, I didn't want her to give up everything, I just...I love her, and I want her to be happy, with me. Because I am so, so happy with her and we were happy together but then you came along with your notes and your words and your...your...everything. You're smart and kind and a good fighter and it's just unfair how perfect you are, and—"

"I'm not perfect." Varian sighed. "I have my flaws, like when I do my alchemy. I have more mistakes than...accomplishments."

"Uh, right, yeah." Eugene nodded. "But anyways, you just come in and you've got the whole 'destiny' thing and the magical hair and the fancy black rocks and you just have so much just on your own, but you also already have the favor of the King and Queen because of your father, and how am I supposed to compete with that?!" He threw his hands in the air then groaned, running his hands down his face.

"Well, you can start by focusing on improving your reputation." Varian suggested. "So far, you've just shown that you're a skilled criminal and that's not exactly the kind of person the King and Queen would want for their future son-in-law."

Eugene sighed. "Yeah, even my 'to catch a thief' classes are reliant on my criminal history. And, I tried to get an honest job, but the only one I didn't completely fail at I got fired from because, surprise, surprise, I stole from them before!"

"You have to rebuild yourself." Varian shrugged. "Use your skills for something that doesn't have anything to do with being a criminal."

"Wait, why are you giving me advice?" Eugene asked, looking at him.

"Because I want a fair fight." Varian chuckled. "You're right, I have a big head-start on you. And maybe some people would take advantage, but I want to actually see you improve as a person to try to beat me for her affections." He stood up. "So, show me that you're more than just the thief people say you are." He turned to go, then paused and turned back to him. "You should probably know, that talk tonight? It was about the possibility of Rapunzel and I being arranged to be married when I turn eighteen."

"What?!" Eugene stood up.

"Yeah." Varian nodded. "It's able to be canceled at any time before then, but our parents apparently think we're a good match." He smiled. "Rapunzel and I are thinking of giving it a shot, so you should work towards giving them a reason to cancel it." He walked back to the castle. "See you tomorrow, Eugene."

Eugene stared after him in disbelief.


A cloaked figure made his way through a secret tunnel that led into Corona. It was a tunnel that the guards didn't know, but almost everyone in the criminal world knew well. The figure looked over his shoulder furtively and hurried on before opening a door at the end and closing it behind him. Then he pushed a large rock and a log in front of it before stepping out of the hidden glade it was in and heading through the woods, whistling nervously. 

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