By WCwriteslemon

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CSR: Crystaliqueeen's Soukoku Realm is basically a compilation of Soukoku ones-hots and stories in one book... More



303 11 4
By WCwriteslemon

Crystaliqueeen's Soukoku Realm Presents:


"Chuuya, the dare is as clear as the sky. All you have to do is go downstairs, find the tallest man you can set your eyes off, kiss him with tongue until you're breathless, then punch him hard before hiding and going back here. So easy."

See? Again, how the fuck is that easy!?

{Chuuya has to deal with a dare where he needs to kiss the tallest man in the bar with tongue and then punch the man afterwards. What happens next is history.}



Those are the firm words that come out of Chuuya's mouth while they are sitting inside the bar's VIP room with his unusually rich friends. Chuuya shouldn't have come here but it's unfortunate that he has to deal with all their weird teenage stuff, not that he's not a teen to begin with but— well, at least this bar can offer some nice wine.

See, Chuuya is a very independent person. A working student who has no life other than going to school and work, a repetitive cycle. Of course, life is hard and thus, he needs to strive to survive. He's not born rich and he doesn't have any parents who can support him at all. In the university, he has some friends that he can actually call friends. Unfortunately, right now, he's with the friends that he can't fully call his friends. They are Chuuya's rich classmates and since the semester is over, they invited Chuuya for a drink. Chuuya's already in his last year in the university (tomorrow is also their graduation) so it's obviously tempting to agree, plus, the drinks are all free and it is his day off at work. So Chuuya did the most acceptable thing to do— agree.

Which should've been a very bad idea since right now, almost all of his classmates are staring at him with some patient pairs of eyes. Chuuya is sitting right between Shirase and Yuan, and the two are also eyeing him hopefully. Chuuya groaned in protest as his gaze looked down to the bottle pointing at him. They are sitting in circular couches and are playing some truth or dare while drinking some alcohol as what people should do in bar.

"If you're not a chicken, the dare should have been easy for you, right?" One of his classmates teases and Chuuya mentally curses himself.

It should've been easy. A simple truth or dare wouldn't hurt right? Of course it is always easier to choose "Truth" because basically, all you have to do is answer with honesty. But in Chuuya's case, he's not really comfortable with being honest about his personal life with anyone else unless he wants people to see his vulnerability. One more thing, there's no certainty what kind of questions are they going to ask him. That's the reason why Chuuya ended up choosing the other option that could be quite a pain in the ass. "I choose dare." Those words repeated inside his mind, the words he just spit mindlessly a few minutes ago.

"Yeah, sure, it could've been easy but you're making me do weird things." Chuuya replied and lean on the couch while sulking a little, "You're basically making me do things that—"

"Ah, ah, ah. You choose dare, Chuu-chuu," Shirase's annoying voice cutted and Chuuya rolled his eyes, "You can do it. It's not that we mind you doing it. It's all a part of the dare, a part of this game, nothing serious."

Oh, right. Right. Nothing serious. It's just a part of the dare. Sure, sure.

Like how the hell is it easy!?

"Chuuya, the dare is as clear as the sky. All you have to do is go downstairs, find the tallest man you can set your eyes off, kiss him with tongue until you're breathless, then punch him hard before hiding and going back here. So easy." Yuan stated as she sympathetically pats Chuuya's shoulders.

See? Again, how the fuck is that easy!?

"I—" Before Chuuya can say anything, Shirase cuts him.

"You told us you're not a chicken, and it isn't the best place to chicken out like that because of a dare. Oh, unless you want us to ask you questions if you choose the truth." The silver haired man smirked and Chuuya sighed heavily.

The dare is easier compared to answering all the whatever risky questions they might throw. So Chuuya stands up heavily as he puts his hands on his pocket.

"Fucking fine, let's get this over. I told you, I have my word and I'm not a fucking chicken, so yeah. I'm going to do it." Chuuya stated bitterly.

Everyone inside the room clapped their hands and cheered for Chuuya. The redhead sighed again as he walked towards the door to get down and do the dare. But before he can touch the doorknob, he hears some of his classmates tease him.

"Oh, Chuuya, we hope you're not going to find some ugly ass tall men or fugly old men to kiss with tongue!" They laugh and Chuuya raises his eyebrows.

Oh shit. He didn't consider that scenario earlier. But it's too late to back out since his classmates are all rooting for his dare's accomplishment. Chuuya ignored all of them as he went out of the room and walked outside. His classmates are probably watching through a television or something inside the VIP room that shows the footage happening downstairs, on the bar near the dance floor filled with people.

It is Shirase's bar after all, that man is very rich but sometimes, his brain is too small as well. Not that Chuuya minds. He can taste expensive wines thanks to that guy. But in return, he has to do something as embarrassing as taking this dare. Why did he even agree to play that truth or dare game to begin with?

Chuuya swears he's not going to agree to any of their invitations again. It's fine though. Once he's done with all his educational stuff here, he would definitely travel to a country far from here and start a new life. Everything that will happen in this bar tonight because of a dare will become a distant, embarrassing memory.

And so, he walked on the stairs towards the main bar and as he got closer, he could hear the sounds slowly getting even louder. The place is a little dark because of the dim lights and blinding disco lights as well. Chuuya's wearing his usual black leather jacket with a red sleeveless shirt underneath. He's also wearing his collar, and fitted black jeans to complete his outfit. He finally gets there and he winces when the music gets louder and everyone is basically jumping and dancing wildly. Some are making out and maybe doing more but Chuuya's respectful enough to let them mind their own business. Chuuya calms himself as he walks on the corner of the place to look around quietly.

There's only one quality of a certain person that he needs to find— that person must be the tallest man in the place.

Easy peasy. Right now, it doesn't matter who it is, Chuuya just wants to get this over and get drunk on some wines later on. Come to think of it, it is all that bottle's fault that he's in this situation. If only that freaking bottle didn't point on him then he would've been spared from this mess!

And one more thing... one important thing that Chuuya almost forgot...


Oh shit.

Maybe he should reconsider choosing the truth now? Fuck, right now, Chuuya's getting more nervous. He's thinking what if the words his classmates stated earlier would be the case here? What if he'll see a very ugly old man, taller than anyone, and he would be giving his first kiss to that person? Just the idea of it makes Chuuya want to throw up and just run home already. What if he'll see a—

His eyes landed on the entrance and he paused when he saw a tall man walking in with a smaller man wearing an eyeglasses. The taller man has a black perfectly messy hair and his posture is good. He's wearing a black turtleneck long sleeves underneath an oversize white jacket. His eyes are smiling as he seems to be talking to the eyeglasses man beside him. They just entered the place and the first thing that comes into Chuuya's mind are the weird thoughts that shouts:

Compare his height to everyone else inside this place!

And Chuuya did as the voices asked. He immediately looks around to see if there's anyone else taller than the brunette. Since the place is dim and people are like partying to their heart's content, Chuuya can't determine whether the man that just entered is indeed the tallest man inside but if he were to kiss someone for this damn dare, he would definitely do it with that man. Plus he's tall so maybe it's acceptable.

Come on, Chuuya, this will be a one-night memory of embarrassment. The place is dark and it's too loud. He will definitely forget your face once you do it. Come on. It is an easy dare, no hard feelings.

"Fuck it, shut up." Chuuya whispered to himself (as a way of encouragement, of course) as he straightened up and walked towards the entrance.

His heart starts beating fast in nervousness and his palm gets a little cold. It's his first time doing this and to a total stranger! It would be embarrassing but he doesn't have a choice! He keeps walking on walking, the loud sounds of rapid beats gives further nervousness inside his system. He walks and walks, and curses himself, and continues walking again until he's near the brunette man.

From his distance, he can hear the man talking to his friend or whoever it is.

"...Odasaku will be joining us here for a moment." The taller man stated.

"He also informed me earlier that he needs to refill his car's gasoline. All we have to do right now is find a spot where we can wait for him." The glasses man replied.

Chuuya's getting closer. His feet are moving closer towards the taller man and his heart beats even faster. Everything happens rapidly but Chuuya can clearly remember everything. His vision focuses on the brunette and he can clearly see him talking calmly with his company.

It's now or never.

"It's too bad Lupin Bar is temporarily closed tonight. It gives off a different atmosphere. We have to wait for—"

The taller man suddenly stops talking and he freezes when someone suddenly pulls his jacket a bit down, making him lower a little. Then, a harsh, soft lips crashes against him. He's too stunned to react but then the man who just pulled him suddenly runs his hand towards his hair before pulling him even closer. Their bodies touch as well. His eyes widened a little as his mouth parted because of shock.

Chuuya took that opportunity to kiss the man deeper as his tongue entered the other man's mouth, claiming and tasting him with a passionate sense of urgency. Chuuya's eyes are closed but the man he's kissing remains frozen with a slightly wide eyes.

Chuuya's one hand held the man's jacket to prevent him from escaping and his other hand rested on the man's nape to pull the man even closer towards him. Chuuya gasped and a soft moan escaped in his mouth as he deepened the kiss and tasted the man even more.

So this is what kissing feels like? There's no doubt people like doing it if the sensation is like this.

Chuuya, for a moment, feels like his head is non-functioning. All he can feel at the moment is the taste of the man leaning down to him (because his jacket is being pulled closer) and the tingly sensation that it brings him. He moves his lips and he loves how it suits perfectly with the other one. His lips are warm and comforting. Chuuya feels like he's floating and the brunette's hair is also soft against his hand. Their height difference is also perfect for the angle of the kiss— an acceptable reason why Chuuya could feel his knees weakening.

He continued kissing the man deeply and passionately until he ran out of breath. That's when he pulled out and let go of the man's jacket. Their lips are swollen from the kiss, and Chuuya is panting slightly. The taller man is still shocked as he sees a redhead standing in front of him with cheeks flaming red like his hair that shines amidst the dark like fire.

"What was that—"

Before the brunette can continue his word, Chuuya did the most unforgivable thing he can do to such an innocent person being pulled cluelessly into this dare.

He punched the man hard straight to the face— hard. The taller man didn't move as he looked on the ground in silence.

Shit, retreat! Chuuya's lips trembled a little as he tried to whisper some words in the middle of the extreme music blasting over the surrounding, "I-I'm sorry."

Those are his words before he turns around and runs as fast as he can away from the person that he just kissed like there's no tomorrow and punched hard.

Chuuya's heartbeats triple as he feels himself getting dizzy. He silently prays that the man won't kill him and he's damn sure that he'll certainly yeet himself away from this country after a week because of embarrassment. Fuuuuuuuuuuck.

"Lupin Bar will be closed temporarily for a week." Odasaku informed Dazai from the phone and Dazai let out a calm exhale, "There are still nearby bars when we can take a drink."

"But those bars are all too noisy and crowded." Dazai whines a little in protest in Ango's passenger seat. There's no reason to whine actually, they're already on their way to a certain bar near Lupin.

"Yes. Maybe we can try visiting a coffee shop instead?" Odasaku asked calmly from the other line and his voice was genuine. It makes Dazai chuckle and Ango smiles as he listens to the conversation.

"We can't drink whiskey in a coffee shop though." Dazai replied and sighed in exhaustion before looking on Ango's side, who's currently driving the car, "Do you think there are coffee shops who sell whiskey, Ango?"

Ango also sighed in exhaustion from Dazai's question, "You should have rode with Odasaku instead of riding with me here."

"Come on now, Ango, don't be such an old grumpy man. I know you don't want me to not have a ride and I know both you and Odasaku want the best for me." Dazai grinned widely and Ango just stayed silent, tired of dealing with Dazai's shit.

"You are right, Dazai." Odasaku agreed in the other line and it made Dazai laugh even more.

"Now, now, Odasaku, we'll wait for you inside this bar. Ah, I can hear the sounds from here and it's too loud. You better buy some earmuffs later on your way here, Oda."

"Can you ask Ango what color of earmuffs would he like? I know you'll like black but I'm unsure of Ango's favorite color." Odasaku asks sincerely and it makes Dazai smile with how Oda easily takes his joke seriously.

Ango heard the conversation as he states, "Don't believe in whatever Dazai-kun is stating, Oda, he's just messing up with—"

"Ango likes orange earmuffs." Dazai grinned at Ango with a bad intention, "But if there's no orange, he suggested you buy the purple ones, Odasaku."

"Wha— no!"

"Ok, Dazai. I'll see you both later." Odasaku replied before hanging up and just then, they arrived in the bar named Arahabaki.

As they park, Ango gives Dazai a disapproving look as he hates the colors that Dazai had suggested earlier. But what can he do? He's already immune to Dazai's antics. They talked a little as they entered the bar. While walking, Dazai can already feel the place vibrating because of its music and the area is a little dark with only disco balls that serve as light up the ceiling. They walked inside.

Dazai immediately knew that they should get out of there as soon as possible. Aside from the fact that there are quite a lot of people here, it is also noisy. It will be hard to talk audibly with Odasaku and Ango later about their day if it is this noisy here.

"Maybe your suggestion of earmuffs can be effective here." Ango states and Dazai nods as his eyes look on the wild crowd.

"I can't wait to wear the earmuffs. Though I have no worries. Odasaku will be joining us here in a moment." Dazai replied. For some reason, he feels an unfamiliar chills running down his system as if someone is checking him out but he just ignores it.

"He also informed me earlier that he needs to refill his car's gasoline. All we have to do right now is find a spot where we can wait for him." Ango said as he looked around for possible seats. This entire bar is spacious with its bar area and dance floor. The only ugly thing about it is the absolutely loud music.

It is really different from Lupin. The manager of that bar is currently on a vacation and he said he doesn't want anyone else to take up the responsibility for the said bar. In Lupin, they can listen to some gentle classical music while sipping their drinks but here, it is impossible to drink whiskey in silence.

"It's too bad Lupin Bar is temporarily closed tonight," Dazai started as he also searched for possible seats, "It gives off a different atmosphere. We have to wait for—"

That's when the entire thing happened.

His jacket was tugged down as someone suddenly kissed him without saying anything! Dazai can feel all his thoughts shut down and he can't think straight for a moment. He's frozen and the grasp of the man kissing him is also tight that he can't pull away. Dazai is shocked but he knows Ango is even shocked from where he is standing. His jaw is probably on the floor as he sees the entire thing unfold.

Alright, back to the kiss.

The smaller man kissing him has his eyes tightly closed as he deepens the kiss. Dazai can clearly see his cheeks flaming red at the moment. Of course, Dazai can't think logically right now, but the man's tongue is quite... soft and sweet. It is like the state of a wine and strawberry mixed together. Intoxicating yet delightful. Is that even possible?

The redhead chibi pulled his head closer and kissed him so hard that he felt like he's drowning. His tongue is inside his mouth, making him vulnerable, and his tiny fingertips are caressing his hair.

Oddly enough, his ears seem to have deafened as he can't mysteriously hear the blasting music around them. All he can hear is the sound of their mouth's slick and the chibi's rapid heartbeat. Is it normal to hear other people's heartbeat like it's the only existent music around?

He gets so lost in the kiss that he didn't even realize the chibi already parted away from him. Dazai's mind is still processing everything and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is...

"What was that—"

Then he get punched, hard. He can feel the tingling ache in his cheeks and it's a little itchy. For a man of such small height and petite body, he's stronger than he looks like. He feels Ango flinch when the unknown man's fist landed on his cheeks. He swears, if Ango's jaw dropped upon seeing the kiss, now Ango's probably in the verge of passing away with what's happening.

Dazai remained silent.

What's happening now? He calmly looked back at the man trembling and blushing in front of him. His hair is bright and flaming red, like the scene of the sunset falling freely on his creamy skin. His eyes are blue like the ocean, and it's crystallizing and captivating. His lips, swollen and moisturized from the kiss, are naturally red like some tasty apples. Dazai's eyes remain calm and impassive as he observes the man who just kissed him and punched him a few seconds ago.

Why did this chibi kiss him? No, why did this chibi kissed and punched him later on? Why does his hair and eye color resemble the sun and the ocean? Why does his small flush cheeks look so delicate? Why did his fingertips have to run softly on his hair while he's kissing him earlier?

Who is this guy?

"I-I'm sorry." The chibi stuttered and even his voice is quite firm yet delicate. He didn't give enough time for Dazai's reply as he immediately ran towards the exit, leaving Dazai and the shocked Ango behind.

"Are you alright, Dazai?" Ango asked in concern as their eyes never left the exit where the redhead suddenly runs off, "Did the punch hurt? Should we call the police? Do you want to change location and we'll just inform Odasaku that you've been harrassed—"

"No." Dazai cuts his friend as a small, amused smile plastered on his lips. His cheek is still aching and it might bruise, but his lip feels abandoned right now.

"No? But you've just been kissed and punched by a total stranger without your consent." Ango replied and Dazai remained calm as his finger gently touched his wet, swollen lips.

Dazai gives Ango a short side glance and his lips curve into a lopsided smile. He breathes calmly as he gives Ango his reply. The glasses man freeze on where he is standing.

"Things are getting interesting, Ango."

After that night, Chuuya's life became a total mess.

Actually, it's not entirely his life, but more on his emotional state. His classmates who witnessed everything gave Chuuya a proud look and a teary eye later when they met him at their graduation. After that night of the dare, Chuuya runs away and cages himself inside his apartment. He shut his phone down to avoid receiving messages from Shirase, or Yuan, or whoever the fuck sees him do the dare.

How did Chuuya's life become a total mess, you ask? It's simple. Whenever he wakes up, he can feel his heart beating a little fast as he remembers the kiss. Before he falls asleep, he remembers the deep brown eyes of the stranger that stares into him. Every single minute of his life, he's a little scared that he might hypothetically run with the man on the streets and the man would get extremely angry with him.

Shit. He can't even erase the man's face in his brain, too! There are times in his job, being a part-time bartender, where he would panic a little whenever he sees brunette people thinking it might be some man he just kissed because of a silly dare. Argh!

It's supposed to be a one-night-only-embarrassing-experience but no, it gives a full time watermark inside Chuuya's memories. He even dreamt of the man and the kiss multiple times!

What makes it even more frustrating is the fact that it's been four years since it happened and yet, Chuuya's still being haunted by that 'easy' dare.

Yes, it's been four years. After his graduation, he continued his plan to move to a different country to start a new life. Well, now he's living in Europe and working at a restaurant of a kind man named Verlaine. If he has free time, he works at his part time job as a bartender. His life is quite busy yet he's content with it. It's been four years since he last set foot in Japan and he guesses maybe it's alright to go back there? After all, he misses his home country a little.

And he finally got a job in Japan when he applied online, getting a high position instantly in a company named Port Agency Enterprise. Chuuya is well aware of his academic credentials and experience so now, he's going back to Japan. He had passed his resignation letter yesterday and Verlaine is very understanding. He supports Chuuya's decision and even offers that if things get bad in Japan, Chuuya can still work at his restaurant anytime he wants.

Now, Chuuya's currently in the airport while holding all of his baggage. It's still a week before he starts working on his new job but he's really excited with what this new life will give him.

A week later.

Time has passed rapidly and now, it is his first day in his job. He's been receiving emails for the instructions and what he should do. He's also done with all the interviews and such. Right now, Chuuya's mouth curves into a smile as he stands in front of the company where he would be working. It is owned by the man named Mori Ougai and upon doing his research, Mr. Mori is quite an influential businessman. Chuuya's actually in both secretariat and managerial positions in this company and he's already been given all the instructions for his job.

The first thing that he needs to do right now is meet the executive that he'll be working with as a secretary.

As Chuuya enters inside the company, an extravagant atmosphere welcomes him. The place is filled with professional-looking individuals and the entire interior of the place is one of a kind. No doubt, this company is one of the biggest companies in Japan. He straightened up and walked towards the place where the email instructed him to go. Chuuya's currently wearing a normal white button-up shirt under a dark red vest, a black choker, a black ribbon bolo tie held together with a small silver buckle, an open black cropped jacket with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, black slacks, a black belt hanging off his right hip and black low-arch shoes. He chose this outfit because he once dreamt of wearing these outfits while being a part of a Mafia, but naaah, it's only a dream so it's no big deal.

Anyway, he entered the elevator and a tall redhead man also entered and stood beside him. The man has a calm expression and from his posture, Chuuya can tell that he's respectable and kind. He's wearing a black-and-white pinstripe collared shirt and gray pants. Chuuya remained silent as he waited for the elevator to move. His destination would be the 22nd floor, main office.

The man standing beside him gives Chuuya a small glance and blink blankly before nodding as a sign of politeness. Chuuya nods back and again, there comes silence. After a few moments, the elevator door opened and Chuuya went out of it to walk towards the main office of his boss right now. He genuinely wishes that whoever it is, it won't be a bastard with an unwanted attitude. Chuuya hates people who are unkind and cruel. He has met a lot of them in France and it's really annoying.

He remains calm as he stands in front of a metal door before he presses a buzzer. The small light turns green which means he can enter and Chuuya did. He entered inside with pure confidence and he was amazed by how huge a single office can be. It is thrice as big as his house in Europe and it's quite minimalistic and neat. The gray marble floor that contrasts the dark table and black swivel chair in the middle looks elegant. There is also a glass window that has a great view of Yokohama outside. For an individual's office, this one is massive.

"Good morning." A calm and gently deep voice started and Chuuya's glance went back to the person sitting in the middle of the office. He can feel a small portion of his body tense up in confusion. The man was facing his back and the swivel chair is too big so he can't see the man, or his boss, right now.

"Good morning, boss." Chuuya replied politely and then, he heard the man chuckle a little.

"Boss, huh?" The person whispered before he turned around and Chuuya froze on where he was standing when he finally saw who the person behind the swivel chair was. His entire body felt cold and his eyes widened a little when the man continued, "How have you been, Nakahara Chuuya?"

Shit, shit, shit. Chuuya immediately feels the urge to turn around and run away as fast as he can when he sees a familiar face sitting on the chair. He was wearing a neat black suit and a black coat. There is also a calm smile on his lips as his eyes penetrate the redhead. Why the fuck... how... why aren't I dead yet? Chuuya can feel his hands getting sweaty as his heart thumps fast in nervousness. Damn fucking it. Why is he here? What is he doing here?

Why does his voice sound meaningful when he gently speaks my name?

"I've been f-fine," Chuuya stuttered and he clears his throat immediately as he repeats, "I'm absolutely, perfectly, and definitely fine."

The man's lips curve in amusement.

"Hmmm, good." The brunette stands up and from their distance, Chuuya curses when he realizes how tall the man is. His height is the main reason why Chuuya is experiencing this near-life experience of heart attack right now. The man calmly walked closer towards Chuuya as his eyes never left the smaller one, "I think it's impolite of me to not present myself properly. I'm Dazai. Osamu Dazai."

Then the man lent his hand for a handshake. Chuuya gulps nervously. Should he accept Dazai's hand? Absolutely. Should he accept it right now? Absolutely not! His palms are sweaty and it would be embarrassing to shake someone's hand with a sweaty palm. So Chuuya immediately wiped his hand dry on his cloth before accepting Dazai's hand.

And shit, what the fuck are the electricity for!?

Chuuya flinches a little as he immediately pulls away from touching the taller man's hand. A weird electrifying sensation suddenly touches him and it might be because of the 4-year worth of guilt hiding inside his system. Chuuya cleared his throat again as he tried to speak while averting his gaze, "Yeah, nice to meet you."

Dazai smiles as he tilts his head a little to catch Chuuya's eyes. The chibi looks pale like he'll pass out anytime soon, "Of course. Nice to finally meet you." Those words are meaningful and Chuuya's heart skipped a beat, "You look nervous, Chuuya, have I done something wrong?"

Chuuya looks up a little and mentally curses at their height difference. Now, he knows why he had to tug this man lower when he kissed him four years ago— ah damn it! It's all in the past! Plus, the place is dark at that moment so Dazai probably forgot about it already. After all, Chuuya's easy to forget and there's nothing about him that people can remember.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong," Chuuya replied as he tried to calm himself and his heart beats, "I'm just..."

"You're just?" Damn this guy, why did he look like he's enjoying teasing me like this? Chuuya tries his best to not glare at his boss as Dazai is waiting for his answer with a small, really meaningful smirk on his lips.

"I'm... well," Chuuya helps this feeling of helplessness as if he's a prey unable to escape its predator, "I'm just glad to have this job. S-should I start organizing some documents and files?"

Dazai nods and smiles in amusement again before he walks back to his swivel chair, "Sure. Here." Dazai got some files on his desks and handed them to Chuuya. The redhead accepted it. He's excited to get out of this office and be gone forever because of the overflowing embarrassment in his senses.

What if Dazai remembers him? What if Dazai knows that he is this idiot who kissed him and punched him afterwards? But it's been too long. It's really impossible to remember such a thing. This coincidence is also suspicious and how the hell did they meet each other again? Is the world really this small that weird plot twist like this exists? Chuuya really needs to get out of here and maybe reconsider calling Verlaine after work to ask if the restaurant is doing well? If Dazai knows and remembers him from the past, then there's a huge probability that this man is incredibly angry with him.

Chuuya is about to turn around and walk away (fucking finally) when Dazai speaks again, "Oh and Chuuya?"

"Yes, boss?"

"This table is too big for me. Which is why, you can have this office as yours, too. We can share my table and work together. You are my secretary, after all. I don't mind."

Chuuya wants to scream and jump off the window right now.

Everything in his life is falling into chaos with Dazai here as his boss, the man he did the dare with. It's just a night, one fucking night, but why is he feeling these weird sensations inevitably? Chuuya remembers the words that Yuan told him that night in the bar. It is as clear as day and he can still remember every words of her statement.

"Chuuya, the dare is as clear as the sky. All you have to do is go downstairs, find the tallest man you can set your eyes off, kiss him with tongue until you're breathless, then punch him hard before hiding and going back here. So easy."

Chuuya stares into Dazai's eyes and he can feel his heart beating fast as Dazai stares back at him like he wants to tell a thousand words. Dazai's eyes are silently communicating through him. Now, Chuuya knows he has no escape. It's supposed to be just an embarrassing memory in Chuuya's life and now, he has to deal with this reality where he's professionally tied with Dazai.

Yeah, sure, sure. Right. It's just a dare. No hard feelings. No big deal. You're young, dumb, and idiotic enough to agree in such a dare. It's just a small, easy, dare after all. Yes, an easy dare.

Chuuya blinks when Dazai's lips curve meaningfully again while still staring at him and Chuuya screams internally.

How the hell was that an easy dare!?


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