Scented Candles | Park Jisung

By ncteaxt

665 72 9

"No matter what happens, I will always stay right by your side" Lee Haneul, is a college student. She lives w... More

A new beginning


8 2 0
By ncteaxt

— Chapter 15 —

Ps. Haven't proofread yet

[Haneul's P.O.V.]

"Wah! The air is so fresh here!" Jisung ran around the field while the others took the luggages. I walked towards the old playhouse that me, Haechan and Mark made together with our dad.

"It's still here Chan. I really missed the old days where we'll just play around, not caring about school shits." I sat on the bench beside it and Haechan sat beside me.

The two of us were enjoying the fresh breeze of the wind.

Me and Haechan would always like to stay here more than in the city since it's more peaceful here.

"Guys? We need help with the luggages too you know?" Chenle said sassily and we chuckled and stood up to help them unload the trunk.

"Let's go, grandma and grandpa are waiting for us" Chenle, Renjun, Haechan and Domin ran immediately, leaving me and Jisung behind.

"U-Uhm, I'm kinda.. nervous in meeting them" Jisung suddenly said and I looked at him with eyebrows raised

"Why? It's not like they'll do anything to you?"

"No, it's just that... I've read some stories on Wattpad and the grandparents of the female lead were very strict and-"

"Jisung, my grandparents aren't like that. In fact, they wanted to meet new people like you. They're done looking at those four faces every vacation" I cutted Jisung and smiled at him.

I patted his back and took my luggage. "Let's go, they're waiting".

"Jessyyy!! I missed you so much my dear, how are you? how's Taeyong and Mark?" Grandma hugged me tightly and I hugged back

"I'm good granny, Tae and Minhyung are doing great too. They couldn't come here since they're busy with the company"

"Oh, that's okay dear. We understand that they have a responsibility to take care of."

"Anyways, care to introduce the new face?" They all looked at Jisung who was starting to get nervous

"That's Jisung granny, he's my new friend. I just met him around... months ago"

"How old are you dear?"

"20.. m-ma'am" he stuttered and grandma hugged him and patted his back

"No need to get nervous around us son. Just treat us like your own grandparents. Everyone is welcome in our humble home" She smiled brightly and Jisung slowly got comfortable with them

Jisung looked at the side and saw grandpa sitting on the couch, glaring at him like he wanted to murder him.

"U-Uh, g-good morning sir" Jisung bowed and I stiffled a laugh

Grandpa just nodded and stood up before going outside.

"I apologize for his behavior dear, he just needs time to open up to new people" Grandma said

"Alright kiddos! Let's go to your rooms!"

"Wait, who'll share the room with who?" Renjun asked and they paused for a moment.

"You're like.. 6 in all right?"

"Yes granny. But we only have 3 available rooms left" I said

"How about you guys share rooms? Two per room, are you okay with that?"

"Sure granny"

"You can pick your roommates. I'll be in the kitchen to prepare our lunch." She said before going to the kitchen

"I call the first room with Chenle!" Renjun shouted and the two ran to the first room

"Uh, who's gonna be my room-"

"I call the master bedroom with my sister! Domin you can share with Jisung" Haechan said before dragging me and our luggages in the master bedroom upstairs.

"Well, we don't have any choice right?" Domin shrugged and the two proceeded to their room.

"Kids! Lunch is ready!" Grandma shouted from downstairs and we all went down together

"What's for lunch granny?"

"Your favorite! hotpot and kimbap!"

"Who eats hotpot at lunch-"

"HOTPOT!" Me and Haechan ran to the table, cutting Jisung's words

"Them" Renjun answered and chuckled before sitting beside Haechan.

"Kids after lunch, wash yourselves up and help us feed the animals later. Make sure to wear the usual countryside outfit" Grandpa said and we all nodded

"Countryside outfit?" Jisung whispered to me and I giggled before answering

"He means long sleeved shirts, denim jumpsuits or just joggers, paired with boots and the important thing, the straw hat" Jisung nodded and continued eating

"What will we do tomorrow grandpa?" Haechan asked and grandpa thought of an activity to do tomorrow.

"Why don't we do the usuals? Apple picking, and horseback riding?"


[A/n's P.O.V.]

The six, along with grandpa got ready for feeding the animals. Jisung was confused why he needed to wear the "hand protector thingy"

"Hey, what are these?" He asked Haneul who was tying her hair into a braid.

"Those are gloves pwark, you should wear them when you're gonna feed the animals since the feeds are really smelly. You don't want the odor to stick on your hands right?"

"Ohh, okay"

"Okay kids, gather up! I'll assign each one of you to each animal that you'll feed. Let's start with Domin.

Domin, you'll feed the sheep. Haneul and Haechan, you both will feed the cows. Renjun, you'll feed the chickens along with Chenle. And you... what's your name again? Ji hoon?"

"I'm Jisung, grandpa"

"Right, you Heesung, you'll feed the fishes."

"Grandpa, it's Jisung. Ji. Sung. not Heesung or Ji hoon alright?" Haneul said and her grandpa just ignored her.

"Come on, let's go"


"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE HOLDING THE FEEDS IDIOT. THROW IT ON THE GROUND AND THEY'LL STOP CHASING YOU!" Renjun and Chenle are shouting really loud right now. Grandpa was already used with it so he just let them be.

"Uh, how do I feed fishes?" Jisung asked innocently and Haneul chuckled

"Just drop the feeds on the water Sung. They'll come up and eat those" Jisung followed her words and dropped the feeds on the water, then the fishes started to eat.

"Hey! It worked!" He cheered

"Yeah good job" Haneul said and chuckled.

"HANEUL SAVE ME!" Chenle screamed and ran towards Haneul and jumped on her back

"Chenle get off you're heavy!" Haneul said and Chenle tightened his hold on her since the chickens were still standing below him.

"Give me the feeds hyung" Jisung said and Chenle gave it to him immediately. Jisung took the packet and took some feeds and threw them on the ground, then the chickens started eating.

"It's easy hyung, why are you so afraid of them?" Chenle jumped off of Haneul and placed his hands on his waist

"Excuse me Pwark, you don't know how rich people live don't you? We don't do these stuff"

"Shut up Le, you would come here with us every vacation and do other chores. Just admit that you're scared of chickens" Haneul took the bucket and decided to milk the cows.

"I'm not afraid! I just hate them!"

"Are you done feeding the animals, kids?" Grandpa asked and they all nodded.

"Well good job, y'all should go inside and wash up before dinner" They all nodded and went inside the house.

"Grandpa! Do you still have my favorite shirt that I always wear last year?" Haechan asked and his grandpa told him that it was inside his closet.

"What's for dinner Granny?" Haneul asked and sat on the stool beside her grandma

"Kimchi stew, kimbap and your favorite, kimchi fried rice"

"Yey! I'm sure I would finish about 3-4 plates tonight"

"Don't eat too much darling, you don't want to get fat" Her grandma smiled at her and she just pouted

"But, I love your cooking Granny. I couldn't control myself"

"Alright baby pig, eat all you want".

As they finished dinner, they all went to their rooms immediately since they were tired.

Haechan and Haneul shared the bed since they were used sleeping next to each other when they're in their grandparents' house.

Haneul took her laptop and scrolled through twitter. She would like some tweets and also retweet them.

Haechan was busy playing PUBG with Chenle right now. The room was full of shouts and curses, which made Haneul sigh.

"Chan, lower your voice please. The others might be asleep right now" Haechan muttered a sorry before concentrating back to the game.

Haneul closed the app and opened her netflix. She looked for a nice movie to watch and plugged in her earphones.

Two hours of watching the movie, and Haneul was finally sleepy. Haechan was still playing so Haneul decided to sleep earlier.

"I'm gonna sleep now Chan, good night" she heard him say 'good night too' before she closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber.

"IREONAAAAA" Chenle screamed into their ears making them wake in their sleep. She groaned and softly punched Chenle's arm.

"I swear Zhong Chenle, I'm gonna send you back to your parents if you keep shouting"

"Come on! I'm excited to go horseback riding and apple picking!" He said happily before leaving the room.

"Hey Chan, wake up" Haneul tried to wake Haechan up but he wont budge.

"Yah! ppali ireona!" She hit his arm and he was still asleep. Haneul groaned and pushed his body off the bed.

He landed on the floor with a loud thud and he finally woke up.

"What was that for?!"

"I told you to wake up dumb head. Let's go downstairs, they're waiting for us" The two went to the kitchen and they all ate their breakfast together.

"Okay kids, let's go to the apple trees  first to pick some apples and then we'll go horseback riding" Grandpa said and they all followed his words.

"Hey, how do you ride a horse?" Jisung asked and Haneul chuckled

"You'll know later. Come on! We have to hurry" She dragged him and they ran before the others.

"Woah, there's a lot of horses here" Jisung's eyes widened and Haneul nodded in agreement

"Grandpa used to be a cowboy when he was in his 20's. As he got older, he kept on buying horses and he even built a big fence for the horses."

"Grandpa also won alot of competitions back then, Granny told us that Grandpa was the champion of the annual horseback riding competition, and won a bunch of money"

Haneul took a basket and Jisung followed, they started picking some apples and placed them inside the basket.

"So, that means your Grandpa was the coolest and he managed to take your Grandma's heart?"

"Exactly" The two chuckled and continued talking about other stuffs.

As the basket was already full, they placed it in the truck and her grandpa drove it back to their house.

And when he came back, he told them to pick any horse of our choice. Haneul chose the white horse since it's really pretty like her.

They all hopped on the saddle and Jisung was struggling a bit so Haechan helped him and he thanked him right after.

"Okay kids, let's go slowly. We'll just go around the area for three times then we'll go back home."

"And we also have to go to the market to sell these apples. Hopefully we can sell alot" He said and hopped on his horse.

"Shall we go?" They nodded and the grandpa led the way.

— tbc.

I apologize for another boring chapter:<

word count: 1880 words
date published: 07/20/22


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