Diabolic Desire

By CloudyXAutumn

136K 8.5K 4.7K

"How could you Deku..!?" "Oh please, don't tell me you're surprised. I thought you were the smarter of the bu... More

All Might
Quick save
Class president
High Stakes
Hero Meet
Sports Festival Ditch
Personal Confusion
The Past
run in
Training Weak
End Internship
Surprising Team
Case: Blood Reaper
Villain vs Hero
Attack On Camp
𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔤𝔲𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔫𝔰
Press Conference
All might 💀
Catastrophic Devastation
Blood Plan
Blood drive
Final Class Training
Provisional Hero License Exam
The Great Reveal
Kill Streak
The Meet
Pure Fear
First Betrayal


1.7K 125 106
By CloudyXAutumn


I need you to meet me at the Tokyo skytree at 12am"
Midoriya sent the text, it was only 10pm so there wasn't any way Hawks could be asleep.

Or so Midoriya thought.

Though he was lucky Hawks was a light enough sleeper to hear his notification go off.

At 12am...?

...did something happen...??"
Hawks mumbled to himself as he sat up and grabbed his phone properly.

"Is everything okay??
This is an unusual request??
Should I bring back up???"

"Everything is fine.
I just wanted to talk about the Blood Reaper case as it's personally stressing me out and...
I found no one else to talk to."

Hawks warmly smiled at the text, he hardly had friends growing up so it was nice to see someone reach out to him to talk.

"Alright but why so late?
I mean...

"Tokyo is calmer during that hour"

"I'll be there.
Do you want me to bring any drinks of some sort?
Orange juice?"

"No thank you."

"Suit yourself"

Hawks crawled out of his bed and sighed.
"Something feels off about this text..."
He mumbled.
While he was happy to receive it, he couldn't help but feel something was horrendously off.

It doesn't matter.
I'm the #3 pro hero so even if it's something I can handle it alone.

Besides, who would actually be able to steal from Endeavor?"
Hawks said as he made himself feel better.

He got into his hero outfit, it was nicely insulated which was what he needed as he'd be pretty high up.
He washed up, put his phone in his pocket and awaited for 12am to come about.

Midoriya waited at the top of the Tokyo skytree.
His legs dangled on the edge as he waited for midnight to come about

"Hawks will be here any minute now.

Any minute...

And then after that...

He'll die!"
Midoriya manically grinned as he stared at the ground below.

Midnight hit the clock.

Midoriya shapeshifted into Endeavor as Hawks quickly made his way there.

Hawks landed on the Tokyo skytree, 'endeavor' was there too.
"Heya endeavor.
I'm just on time.
Whatcha need to talk about?"
Hawks smiled as 'endeavor' stood up.

Midoriya glanced down at Hawks and sighed.
"...I figured out who the Blood Reaper is"
He said, holding back a grin.

"You did?!
Hawks said as his eyes widened.
After theorizing for so long, he was desperate for an answer.

'Endeavor' laughed.
Hawks stared in pure confusion as he watched 'endeavor' melt away...

He felt his heart drop to the floor as Midoriya revealed himself in his true form, fangs and all.

hawks screamed as he pulled out a feather blade.

Midoriya couldn't hold back his laughter as he disarmed Hawks of all his feathers and left him completely flightless.

How are you doing that..!"
Hawks said as he found himself in a perilous situation.
His heart was beating so fast that even a human could hear it.

Midoriya pulled out a lighter and lit all the feathers on fire.
"Now you have no way of escape"
He said as he ended his laughter.

"Are you a relative of Izuku Midoriya!?
You look too much like him!"

"A relative?

I am him."
Midoriya laughed as he transformed into his human verison.

Hawks felt his mouth run dry as he struggled to come up with a way of escape.
"All those people...!
You have all those people fooled!
Your classmates!
Your teacher!?
Your best friend!

Just what are you!?
And how could you?!"
He screamed as he wanted answers to any question that came in mind.

"I suppose I could tell you"
Midoriya sighed as he transformed back to his true self.
He practically loomed over Hawks who was several times shorter than he was.

"But first"
Midoriya stole his phone.
"I can't have you revealing my identity"
He stuck Hawks's phone in his pocket.

"...what do I do...!
That was my only way of getting help!"
Hawks's breathing became shallow as panic unsued throughout his entire body.

"Let's set things straight.
I'm not a human.
You may have already guessed that during the internship, it's why you brought all that food to test me I figured"

"What are you then!?"

"My looks speak for themself."

"...a vampire!?"

"Hey you're not entirely dumb.
Good job."

you were in the sun!
And you ate the food!"
Hawks screamed as he couldn't wrap his mind around it.

"It's not a quirk.
I've been alive for far longer than anyone else on this earth."

"...how old are you..."

I was able to watch the pyramids in Egypt get built if you want that for perspective"


"If it's impossible then why am I here?"

"...all those innocent people...!
How could you kill all of them...!
And what about everyone else that you're fooling!?
Like eraserhead!
Like Bakugo!
Like your adopted mother!
Don't you think they'll be devastated!?
How could you live with yourself like that!"
Hawks screamed once more.

"Humans are far from innocent.
Besides, you eat chicken.
It's the same thing for us vampires.

"...plural vampires...!?
There are more!?"

"I'm getting to it.
Bakugo stuck by me by his own accord.
Whatever happens to him is his own fault.
My 'mother' I don't care about.
She was a pain to deal with, that's why I put her in a coma."

"You put her in a coma...!?
How could you do that to that innocent woman!?
And what about eraserhead!?
Do you know how much praise he gave you?!
Just for you to be a villain?!"

Midoriya laughed, "Aizawa should be the last of your worries.
Wanna know why?"
He paused.


"He's a vampire too!
Infact, he's my apprentice.
I've known him since he was 5 a couple thousand years ago!
And to also put it into perspective, he also watched the pyramids get built."
Midoriya sneered.

How could you both!?
You're both the Blood Reaper?!
You're so cruel!
Fooling all those people!!
They don't deserve this!
How could you!?"
Hawks screamed in a fit.

Midoriya shook his head, "hawks.
To me and Aizawa, you humans are just prey.
Like how you see chicken.
Or like how a lion sees a gazelle.

I need blood to survive just like you need food to survive.
What's so wrong about it?"

"What's wrong is that you're killing innocent beings!
If you need blood so bad you could've always gotten it from a blood drive!"

"There isn't enough blood in those
A couple thousand years ago they didn't have that."

"...why are you telling me all of this..!
What's the point in telling me...!?"
Hawks groaned as angry tears streamed down his face.

"What's the point?
It's so that you die knowing you'll never have ever been able to tell the people the truth."
Midoriya turned his body to face him as he slowly approached him.

Hawks slowly backed up and pulled out a weapon he had within his hero suit, it was a gun.
"If you don't stop!

"Go ahead"
Midoriya laughed as he approached some more.
Hawks shot his head.

The bullet pierced right through and came out on the other end but Midoriya was still alive.

(Slight Tw 🛑)

Hawks's eyes widened as he watched the wound close up and heal.
"You really are a monster...!"
Hawks said as he made it to the end of the platform, he was on the edge...

"I know.
And what're you going to do?"

"...I'll tell everyone..!"

"You know Hawks.
They say the best way to keep a secret.

Is by getting rid of those who know it."
Midoriya innocently smiled, sending a chill down his spine as his heart dropped.

"No... You can't do this..!-"

"I can and I will"
Midoriya stretched out his clawed hands and...

Pushed Hawks off the edge.

"Bye bye birdy~"
He laughed as hawks stretched his hand out to grab onto anything.

There was nothing to get a hold on.

Tears flew off of Hawks's face as Midoriya looked down at him from above, waving his hand giving him his last farewell.

"This is really the end...

I die here...

And I'll never be able to tell anyone the truth...

I should've listened to my gut...

I should've brought back up or at least messaged for some...

But it's too late now...

Goodbye Japan..."
Hawks thought to himself as he landed on a spiked fence.
It instantly killed him as it skewered right through everything.
His bones were instantly shattered as his head slammed the ground at a weird angle from the fence holding his body up.

Blood splattered everywhere as it practically poured right out of him.

His eyes were rolled to the back of his head and his mouth was left shut by gravity.

The fence could be seen through his flesh, completely bloodied.

(Tw end).

Midoriya laughed sinisterly as he took a picture of it with the use of Hawks's phone.
He then went to endeavor's contact and erased the messages completely.
He also erased the messages in endeavor's phone before teleporting it back to where it came from.
He never touched either of the phones, he had used his telekinesis as he didn't want to leave any fingerprints.

He flew down and placed Hawks's phone in hand, it'd only make the news story more interesting the next day.
From there, he also left the engraving of BR in his neck.

He wanted to make sure everyone knew it was the Blood Reaper's doing.
It would help scare the heroes even more.

From there, Midoriya teleported away, got a meal, and went to sleep to prepare for the next day.


"Breaking news.
Pro hero Hawks found dead early this morning by the Tokyo skytree.

Heroes and citizens all around are completely devastated by his death, police and other officials began an investigation and found it is likely a murder.
Especially because of the engraving of 'BR' in Hawks's neck.
Heroes have pinned his death on the infamous Blood Reaper, a notorious villain who's been killing hundreds.

He was found wingless, and because of how he was found it was also said that he was most likely pushed off the Tokyo skytree.
Images cannot be shown as it is too graphic.

Officials are questioning how this has happened.
Especially considering an image of his dead body was found in his phone.

Many are mourning over his tragic death.

What does this mean for other heroes?
Was this a warning from the Blood Reaper?
A sign to tell them to give up now or they'd end up like him?
Heroes and other officials aren't sure yet what this murder is meant to mean but nonetheless it still has scared many people into hiding.

With a nation wide lockdown also initiating later tonight, everyone is on edge"
A news reporter reported.

Aizawa had been playing the news for all the students to watch as it was too important not to discuss.

He sighed, "I understand many of you must be shocked.
His death was tragic...

I also know this may discourage some of you to become heroes.
And that's 100% okay.

You all have to understand what exactly you're getting into when you sign up to become a pro hero.
You become a target for all the evil in the world.

And that is exactly why a hero course exists.
It's to prevent you all from getting hurt on the job by teaching you all what you should and shouldn't do.
How to use your own witts and strength during battles...

So I want you all to take this information in and digest it properly.
Is this the path you want to go down?
The path of saving people and risking your own lives for justice.


Do you want to live out a different life.

It's okay to have your doubts.
It's okay to feel discouraged.

But I want you all to see this and use it as an opportunity to try harder.
Use it as a reason to keep moving forward.

For justice."
Aizawa said as he gave out a motivational speech.

"Ew. Really Aizawa?"

"Shush it's a requirement"

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