A Werewolves Twin

By PotterGirl201

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My name is Alexandra, I am the twin sister of Remus Lupin, he was turned when we were only toddlers, I remain... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three - You Take My Garbage I Take Your Soul
Chapter Four - You Take my Chocolate I Steal Your Ear
Chapter Five - The Sorting Hat's and the Tapioca Pudding
Chapter Seven - Why Can't I Have a Penguin
Chapter Eight - Making New Friends
Chapter Nine - Hogwarts Time
When in Need of a Lily - Chapter Ten
Lies, Secrets and Surprises... Oh my! - Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve - Jumpy
Chapter Thirteen - Lake Side Lies
Chapter Fourteen - What to Believe
Chapter Fifteen - Haunted

Chapter Six - Classes are Cheese Puffs

889 31 3
By PotterGirl201

I woke up to the sound of Lily's lovely voice. Note my sarcasm. She screamed loudly that my pink sparkly tutu was on fire. It was five minutes before I even realized that I did not have a pink sparkly tutu. She laughed the whole fifteen minutes I was in the shower and continued to laugh as we made our way down to breakfast. I was quite surprised to see that James had already asked Lily out, she only then stopped laughing to yell and say no to him. I think that is when I started laughing at her. It was a long laugh filled morning.

After breakfast (I had waffles and pancakes!) I was handed my schedule. It was pretty sucky. I didn't even have defense today, which is my favourite class. So I, to say the least, was not in any way, a happy camper. I have no idea why I used that saying, it confuses me. Are there happy campers? I mean you spend your time in a tent possibly sleeping on the ground and eating horrible food. Not my idea of a good time, it might be yours but this story is about me. Not Kimmy.

"Alex your scowling at the ground again." Remus told me chuckling, I being the mature person I am stuck my tongue out at him causing him to raise his eye brows. "Really?"

"Shut it Rem, come on Lily we can walk to potions together." Yes, I had potions first with possibly the teacher (which I had heard a lot of horrible things about) that favours people and judges you for who your parents are. Remus is still somehow one of his favourites even though our mother is a muggle baker and our father works with magical animals. Real exciting, well actually it is, though it isn't what I would want to do for a career.

Me and Lily speed off to the dungeons (yes they actually have classes down there and dorms, if this were muggle life I think a law suit or something would have been filled against the school.)

We got to class a little early so Lily showed me around. "That is the teachers desk, that is the store cabinet, that's where we sit." She said quickly spinning in a circle, I laughed and sat next to her near the back of the room, apparently she is like Slughorn's favourite student... I feel bad for her.

It was another five minutes until the rest of the class showed up. Hurray we have this class with Slythrin, and that is where Lily's friend is... Snivelus? Snively? Something like that, he and I met of the train... his hair was really greasy and his nose... well it was like slimy or something... gross. I didn't tell Lily what I thought of coarse, but it seemed that James and Sirius shared my opinion. She yelled at them for saying it.

It was two minutes later when Slughorn showed up. He reminded me of Santa. A potbelly stomach and overly rosy cheeks. I think if he had a beard, well he and Saint Nicolas would be twins.

"Ah!" He said suddenly and very loudly, it made me jump almost a foot in the air. As I was the only one to react that way, well it brought some unwanted attention onto me.

"Ah!, you must be miss Lupin, Alexandra correct?" He asked me, I almost vomited, I had never hated someone calling me my full name that much.

"Alex." I said faking sweetness, I could tell that Lily was trying not to laugh beside me.

"Well class why don't we welcome Alexandra to the school." He said, I almost scowled as I corrected him.

"Alex." I repeated, "My name is Alex."

"Sir." He added, and I admit at that point I decided to push his buttons just a little bit.

"There is no need to be to formal with me professor, and I am a girl so it would be mam'." I said smiling, well it was more of a smirk then anything. His face turned bright red, it was quite amusing.

"Five points from Gryffindor." He said, I shrugged my shoulders and smiled a little more. I turned back and James and Sirius were silently applauding me, I did a small bow when old Sluggy's back was turned. Remus was shaking his head but still smiling.

Maybe I will be able to have just a little bit of fun here... even if the classes are cheese puffs.

After that Lily went to go get the ingredients to the potion we were supposed to be making. Draught of Peace. I had made this last year, at my old school.

"Okay... you crush that moonstone and I will do the unicorn horn." Lily said placing the ingredients down on our table, I nodded and carefully crushed the moonstone reading the textbook carefully.

"Your good at this, I thought you told me potions was your least favourite class!" Lily laughed, I shrugged my shoulder and poured the hellebore syrup into the cauldron.

"I don't hate the class because I am no good at it, do you honestly think the Lupin family raises kids that aren't good at school... it's just I hate the teachers I have had for the course in the past." I told her, "Plus I love to cause trouble."

We continued to make the potion until it was a turquoise blue. At that point we knew the potion was finished and Lily poured it into a veil before carefully taking it up to the professor.

"Miss Evans! Did you do this all by yourself?" He asked her eyeing me, I could tell that this professor did not like me and that didn't bother me.

"No professor, Alex actually did most of the work herself, she knew some stuff I didn't even know." Lily told him, it felt odd to have someone sticking up for me, a nice odd though, if there was a sure thing.

"Well, then, I guess it would be a privilege to have miss Lupin join us for that dinner Saturday night, a bunch of students will be eating with me, I do hope you can join me that night." He said, he had this creepy twinkle in his eye, maybe the desire to surround himself with famous, or future famous, people.

I looked at the professor a little disgusted, but he didn't seem to notice how I was looking at him, his facial expression did not change in the slightest way. "I will have to see sir, I have just started here and I am not sure how much homework I will have that night."

He looked disappointed, and if he was trying to hide it he was not doing a good job. He looked like someone kicked his cat and shaved it bald or something. His face reminded me of a sad Santa, and who wants a sad Santa?

After potions we headed to History of Magic, which I admit seemed cool at first. How wrong I was. How very wrong I was.

Professor Binns is the only ghost professor in the school, and I taught originally that it would be really cool to get taught by a ghost... but his talking had one tone and one speed. Slow and monotone. It had almost lulled me to sleep when the class ended, and lets just say much more then half the class had fallen asleep and were drooling on their desks.

I think it was only me, Lily and Remus who managed to stay awake. We took the proper notes and followed along, which was very hard from me... I was constantly thinking about how things were different at Hogwarts, it was all I imagined it to be and a little more.

The bell rang waking most of the other students in the class, but sadly a few did not wake and were late to the next class and received detention from Binns, which I hear can actually be quite brutal.

Divination was insane. Literally insane, I am almost a hundred present sure that the professor was a fake. She went on and on about how the leaves from tea showed our true futures and that it was the most reliable form of divination we could use.

She mentioned nothing of visions, nothing of prophecy, all we did in the class was listen to her high pitch old voice go on and on about how the voices told her all sorts of secrets about her life... half way through the class she turned and looked at me.

"They tell me that you... you will die from a fairy attack! I would watch out Rob." I gave her a really confused look.

"My name is Alex, and I have never seen a fairy before outside of a classroom." I told her, she turned her nose up at me and twirled in a circle, she stumbled halfway through.

"Ah, then it will be a werewolf. A werewolf will kill you." She said, I saw Remus stiffen beside me. I shook my head and laughed.

"Where would I ever run into a werewolf?" I laughed, she is such a fake, it is a good thing I can lie... and I can lie good, she glared at me and turned into another circle before moving onto another student to scare them.


After the last class of the day ended (charms) me and Lily decided to go sit outside by the lake. It was quite a good idea and I have to admit I had a major fan girl moment when I saw the giant squid.

Lily pretended she was not with me.

After sitting by the lake for like an hour or so doing our homework we made our way back up the school.

"I still can't believe you did that in potions, I mean I don't even think that Potter and his 'crew' have done something like that!" Lily said for probably the hundredth time that day, I simple shrugged my shoulders.

"What can I say, I am a rebel." I said laughing, she rolled her eyes and shoved me in a playful way, I still fell over causing Lily to go into the super forgiving panic mode. I was laughing and she thought I was crying.

"Oh merlin! I am so sorry... I didn't mean to... oh god are you okay? I feel so awful... you probably ha..."

"Lily shut up." I said, that is after about five minutes that I finally told her to be quiet. It was funny to see her face though, she probably thought I did hate her. "I don't hate you. Calm down. I am a clutz... falling is in my nature."

She hit me with a book. A big hard cover book.

"Okay." I said as seriously as I could, "Maybe I hate you now."

We both had burst out laughing so hard that I couldn't catch my breath. It was fun, well more full then I ever had at the world famous school of "shhhhhh".

We made our way up to our dorm where we got ready for supper, my second supper at Hogwarts, I will probably stop counting after today as it would take to much effort to keep track of the days I have been here, and I can bet that Lily has already started keeping track for me.

We changed out of our uniforms quickly. Lily dressed in this really nice emerald t-shirt, it went well with her eyes. She murmured something about Sev buying it for her, I smiled and nodded as I had no idea who Sev was, maybe some friend of Snivelly.

I put on a pair of my old faded jeans, there were a few rips in them but I did not care. I also wore my shirt with a moon and a wolf howling at it on the front. I knew Rem would probably give me grief for owning a shirt like that but I did not care, I could dress how I pleased.

After pulling my blonde hair back into a hair tie I followed Lily down into the common room. I feel so formal when I say common room, it makes me feel like I go to this super formal school or something... but I don't think Peeves' belongs at some super fancy formal school. He threw a door knob at me today.

We got to the great hall just as dinner began, but I left Lily to eat with my brother as it was more fun to annoy him then some random strangers... plus once I got him so made his face turned purple, I am hoping I can get it to blue tonight.

I sat down next to Sirius and he wrapped his arm around me. It was like 0.0009 seconds later that he and Remus were brawling on the ground. I have never really seen this side of him, he was never really the super protective older brother type.

It was like only a thirty second fight though, then they made up and went back to dinner... I am scared to think that this is a normal thing here, I mean Remus gave Sirius a bloody nose... I sort of lost my appetite after that but I still ate anyways. I sort of loooove food.

"How can you still eat after that?" Peter asked me, he was very pale and I shrugged and smiled. His face turned a little green in the face and James gave him a small smile.

"Don't worry Pete," James said, I could sort of tell they all cared for Peter in a protective way, the same way I care for Remus and he cares for me. They were all like brothers.

"I'm fine." Sirius said holding a napkin up to his nose, it was now red in colour but was once white. "Really."

I shock my head at him and stood up, "Come on Black, I am taking you to the hospital wing... and don't worry Remmy, he tripped falling down the stairs." I added the last part seeing the worry in my brothers face.

"Really, I am fine Lupin..." He said protesting, I just laughed and dragged him out of his seat and towards the door. No one noticed as the feast had barely begun and people were still coming in the doors.

We were out of the hall when Sirius turned to me, "You really don't have to do this Lupin." He told me, I laughed and shock my head.

"Come on Sirius, your one of my brothers best mates, so I have to... its what you do for family, even if my brother was the one who broke your nose." I said, I was sort of trying not to laugh because as soon as I had said his nose his nose was broken his eyes widened.

"My face! My beautiful face!" He cried, his hands were gently touching his tender nose seeing if it was actually true.

I was giggling, "Calm down, the episkey charm will fix that in just a jiff, and I must admit I am shocked that my brother had it in him to come at you like that, the only time he gets in fights at home is when the muggle boys flirt with me." I told Sirius, he paled slightly but I assumed it was because of the dreadful charm he had to face. I broke my nose last spring, a girl punched me for talking to a guy she liked, my old school wasn't that nice.

"So Lupin, tell me your life story." Black said as we were walking, I guess it was a pretty long way from the dinning hall.

"Well Remus is older, but only by like three and a half minutes," I told him, he shook his head at me.

"Your story, not Remus'." He said, I laughed and threw my head back. My long blonde hair shock.

"It is hard to get to that, me and Remus were inseparable as kids." I told him, "The only night we were ever really apart until we were four was... well you get my point." I said, I put a small smile, a sad smile on my face. "Then my mum, who is a really nice woman believe me, for some reason decided to put me and Rem in different schools. We can see where that got me, expelled.

"So I was terrified at the beginning of the summer, I had no idea where I was going for school. I had preyed it would be Hogwarts of coarse..." Sirius cut me off with a bark laugh, "So for awhile I wasn't really me... I was someone living in the shell of my body."

"The shell of your body?" Sirius asked laughing, "So you have no deep dark secrets, not one?" He added, I rose my eyebrows at him in surprise.

"As if you care, and even if you did I wouldn't tell you." I told him sternly, we had just made it to the outside of the hospital wing, "I guess it is time to fix your face, your... um... average? Face." I said trying to mock him from earlier, he gave me a painful glare. His eyes were becoming swollen and he looked quite funny.

"Well, thanks Lupin."

"Call me Alex, Black." I told him, he laughed at me and winced, I guess his face was in a lot of pain, I would have to congratulate my brother later on that good punch.

"Hah! I will call you Alex when you call me Sirius, is that a deal Lupin?" He asked, I gave him a real genuine smile.

"That sounds like a deal Black, and I think that you will cave before I will." I said, I wore a smirk on my face that probably just screamed mischief.

Black opened the door to the hospital wing, "Oh your so on Lupin."

"I'm glad."

I walked back to my dorm room and sat in my room petting Red, and I couldn't help but think about what the divination professor said. Why would she say anything about a werewolf... unless she was trying to upset Remus...

Hey, so this chapter is a little longer then my usual chapters, I mentioned Red at the end because I hadn't in awhile, and please let me know who you want more of in the story...




And what are you looking forward to?

- thanks for reading, Pottergirl201

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