Number 8 (Umbrella Academy Se...

By multi_story_fandoms

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Number 8 also known as Phoebe was kept as a secret weapon by the commission until she was partnered up with s... More

chapter 1: This better work.
Chapter 2: Sparrows vs Umbrellas
Chapter 3: concern.
Chapter 4: Deal
Chapter 5: what are you?
Chapter 6: Worse than we thought.
Chapter 7: Memories.
chapter 8: She tried.
Chapter 9: Threatened
chapter 10: Raven
chapter 11: Long story
Chapter 12: The meaning behind the number
chapter 13: Deal
chapter 14: reveal
not a chapter just a massive thank you.
Chapter 15: 'Disowned'
Chapter 16: Falling for you
Chapter 17: Problem remains
Chapter 18: Big ball of Black holes
Chapter 19: Dont become a Villian, Viktor
Chapter 20: Immortality
Chapter 21: What are we?
Chapter 23: Kugelblitz last victim
chapter 22: Wedding at the end of the world
Chapter 24: The Guardians
Chapter 26: New Life

Chapter 25: The button

103 9 0
By multi_story_fandoms

Phoebe began to look pale, her breathing became shaky as she realised this was the end.

"I'm dying aren't I?" She asked going into shock.

"No! No, no. I'm not going to let you die." Ben replied in denial.

"You have to. You have to let me go." Phoebe said as her eyelids began to flutter.

"Phoebe stay with me." Ben said, his voice surprisingly steady.

"Ben-" Phoebe said weakly, placing a hand on his cheek.

"Save your strength. Its going to be ok. Don't leave me." He told her, his voice become more unsteady as the colour drained from Phoebe's cheeks.

"I'm sorry. Don't . . . Blame yourself." She muttered weakly, her breathing became shallower.

"Phoebe don't go." Ben whispered to her, his eyes were glossy and even dying Phoebe could tell how hard he was trying to keep it together.

"We'll . . . Meet . . . In another . . . Timeline. I promise." Coughed Phoebe.

"Another timeline." Replied Ben, his heart ache bleeding into his voice.

"Promise you'll . . . Save the . . . World?" She asked, stuttering.

"I promise." Ben replied, the sadness in his eyes showing Phoebe how much it hurt him to say it.

"I . . . Love . . . You." Phoebe whispered as she drew her final breath.

Her hand slipped from Bens cheek and a droplet of blood escaped from her slightly parted lips. Ben lowered his head and gently kissed Phoebe's forehead before whispering
"I love you too."

He stood up, his whole face emotionless. Sloane could tell he was completely numb. He'd lost the love of his life and he couldn't do anything to save her.

"Lets go." He said, his voice monotone.

As Five passed Phoebe's body, he bent down and closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I promise I'll save the world. For you, sister." Five whispered to her before he followed Ben out.

Sloane passed Phoebe and she wiped a tear that ran down her cheek before sitting on the floor next to Phoebe.

"We'll meet again, Phoebe. I just know it." She said to Phoebe's corpse before getting up and walking out the door.

The 3 of them went down to the lobby where Diego, Lila, Allison and Viktor were all stood round waiting. Allison had a makeshift bandage over her arm while Diego, Lila and Viktor seemed unharmed. Five looked over at Diego who was talking to someone.

"Klaus?" Five asked as Diego turned to face Five, Ben and Sloane.

"Where's Phoebe?" Diego asked, his eyes widening.

"She didn't make it. Sword to the stomach." Five said quietly and the atmosphere changes to one full of sadness.

"Phoebe's dead? Klaus asked in disbelief.

"She wants us to save the world. She made us promise to." Five said trying to keep everyone on track.

"I guess now is a bad time to say dad killed Luther, locked me out the tunnel and rang the stupid bell?" Klaus asked the reality of Phoebe gone began setting in and he began remembering all the good time him and her had.

"Shit." Five muttered before walking over to Reginald.

"What's your plan old man?" He asked.

"We don't have time for this!" Reginald said trying to avoid the question.

"You killed Luther!" Sloane shouted at him, her heartache returning.

"You refused to come together as a team. It was the only way." Reginald replied seeming unbothered by his actions.

"Why did you bring us here?" Ben asked still showing little emotion.

"Somewhere in this hotel is the key to resetting the universe. We just need to find the sigil." Reginald said trying to keep on track.

"I don't care about your sigil! None of us do!" Sloane yelled, clutching her side.

While everyone was arguring about what guardian they killed Five ran up some stairs trying to get a look at the floor. It was only then that he saw the sigil on the floor in a the form of 7 stars.

"Guys I found the sigil. It's on the-" Five began to shout when the glass on the ceiling broke and the final guardian crashed to the floor. As it fell to the ground, it threw its weapon out which reached Fives arm and cut it clean off. He screamed in pain as he tried to stop the bleeding. 

The rest began trying to fight this final Guardian. It threw its weapon, the blade slashing Klaus's stomach. The blunt end hit Ben. Diego began fighting it and he was getting a few good punches in until the guardian hit Diego to the ground before turning to Sloane. She looked at the guardian before using one had to stop it from swinging the weapon on her. As she began to struggle, she dropped her hand and closed her eyes waiting for the blow but it never happened. When she opened her eyes, she saw Luther holding onto the guardian. 

"No one hurts my wife, you son of a bitch." He told the guardian before throwing it in the air behind him.

Behind where Sloane and Luther where hugging, Klaus was desperately trying to stay strong, using all his remaining energy to project Luther. As his energy slowly drained from him, the projection of Luther became fainter and fainter.

"I will love you forever. Okay?" He told Sloane before he vanished leaving Sloane crying.

The guardian got back up just as Five as stopped the bleeding of his arm. 

"The sigil is in the lobby floor. It's the stars." He shouted down to everyone.

"Quickly children. Find a star and stand on it." Reginald commanded. 

 Everyone moved to stand on a star. Allison moved to stand on the remaining start but Reginald stopped her. Allison and Five looked at each other, waiting for the other to move. After a moment, Five sighed before teleporting to the last star.
There was a beam of energy that came from all 7 of them. It hit the guardian killing it. Once the guardian was dead, the hotel began changing and soon they were stood in some weird looking control room. Those stood on the stars were straining, obviously powering what ever brought the change in the hotel. Allison looked round in confusion and almost awe and what just happened. Reginald entered some dome at the end of the room and began pressing things all while Allison looked at the others struggling. 

"You're hurting them!" Allison said to Reginald.

"I can't stop now." He replied once again seemingly unbothered by his actions.

Reginald continued to press buttons and the machine gave a pulse of energy causing the others to scream.

"The particles inside their bodies are the only thing that fuel this machine." Reginald told Allison.

"He killed Luther, he tried to kill Klaus. He won't stop until we're all dead." Five said to Allison, straining. 

The machine begun powering up causing them to scream again. When Allison's power didn't work in trying to get Reginald to stop, she grabbed the guardians weapon and threw it at him.

It cut his head open revealing what looking like the inside of a robot. Allison walked towards a faint red pulsing button with curiosity.

"Allison, don't do it!" Five shouted to her before looking at Viktor who got up and walked over to Allison before powering up.

"Don't make me hurt you." He said weakly. 

"I'm sorry." Allison whispered as she pressed the button.

Chapter 25 is done
Next chapter will likely be real short but I think this chapter is long enough plus it ends on a great cliff-hanger.

So Phoebe is dead, the rest almost died and Allison pressed some button that no one knows what it does. Great.


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