Chorus Festival - A Luke Hemm...

By irwinxx5sos

1.8K 35 2

"If he's mean to you, he likes you.." That is something Addison never thought would be true. While in an all... More

Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 2 - Meeting Luke
Chapter 3 - Warning
Chapter 4 - She Will Be Loved
Chapter 6 - Medicine
Chapter 7 - Chasing
Chapter 8 - Ignored and Chasing
Chapter 9 - Sorry
Chapter 10 - Stopped
Chapter 11 - Birthday Gift
Chapter 12 - Concert
Chapter 13 - Dance
Chapter 14 - Luke's House
Chapter 15 - Hidden
Chapter 16 - The Band
Chapter 17 - Announced
Chapter 18 - Go Away
Chapter 19 - Love
Chapter 20 - Thinking of Tour
Chapter 21 - Cupcakes
Chapter 22 - Hotel
Chapter 23 - Daddy
Chapter 24 - 37 times
Chapter 25 - Symptoms
Chapter 26 - Positive and Negative
Chapter 27 - Skype

Chapter 5 - Thinking

91 3 0
By irwinxx5sos

That night, I went home and told my mum about meeting Luke. She was excited to hear about me meeting a boy, but a I told her he was an asshole to me.

"Sweetie, that's good that you met a boy there. I thought you were just going to meet some new friends there, but you might have a boyfriend now!" She smiled at me while I helped her make supper.

"Yeah, well, he's kind of an- no, not kind of. He is an ass," I told her, and she was stunned by me telling her about him just to tell her he's an ass.

"Well, sweetie, you seemed to be happy about meeting him."

"I was happy when i met him because he was nice when we first met, but now he's mean to me.."

"Honey, sometimes if a guy likes you, he is mean to you. That might be his way of flirting with you," she pointed out, just like Michael.

"That's exactly what his friend told me.." I looked down at the food I was making.

"What did his friend tell you?"

"That if he's mean to you, he.. likes.. you..." I paused, "He likes me."

"See sweetie, I told you that you might have a boyfriend," she smiled at me.

"I might," I smiled, but I tried to hide my smile.

"Mum, I'm sorry.. I need to go to my room for a little while," I told her.

"That's fine sweetie. But get your brother down here to help."

"Okay.. I will," I ran up the stairs, going into my older brother's room.

"Hudson, mum wants you!" I said after opening his door. I noticed he had his earphones in.

"HUDSON ETHAN!" I yelled and got his attention, "mum wants you to help with supper."

"Oh, okay.." He said, turning around and getting up to go downstairs.

I closed his door behind him and walked to my room beside his. I flopped onto my bed, thinking about Luke. What if he did like me? What if he did end up being my boyfriend? I like him, I have to admit it. I want those things to happen. He is an ass though. I wonder if he'll stop being an ass if we start dating? Ugh, I need to stop thinking about these things. I just met him today, and I say that I want to be his girlfriend!?

*Luke's POV*

She is so beautiful. I can't stop thinking about her even though I met her only this morning. I spent most of the day either looking at her or listening to her sing right beside me. Her voice is just as beautiful as she is. I hope I don't come off as an ass to her, except I think she does think I'm an ass. Michael always tells people that if I'm mean to a girl, that's my way of flirting. Even though that's true, I don't want him telling Addie that, if he didn't already. I really like her.

I wonder if she's thinking about me right now...

*Addison's POV*

I wonder if he's thinking about me right now...

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