By ZynneMan

19.4K 476 167

The world was left in chaos after AFO killed last wielder of one for all... siblings Hiroaki and Reiko are se... More

"Spitting Image"
"Class 2-A"
"The Midoriyas"
"Welcome to Class A"
"Just a Secret"
"Partnered Up"
"Go Momo!"
"Tailman and Invisible girl"
"Explosive Illusions and Acid Riots"
"Two Deku's"
"Class Dismissed"
"Truth about Midoriyas"
"Bets and Tests and Dates"
"Set up"


539 15 11
By ZynneMan

"I guess you were right Aizawa...the fight's not over yet..." All Might said watching the match unfold he turned to look at his colleague and was a bit intimdated by Eraserhead's annoyed face... "Grargh! I told them to minimize the destruction... problem children..." Aizawa said with his quirk activated.

"Was it a good idea for papa to fight at that state aunt Kyo?" Reiko asked. "Not sure... but you know what, I know your dad would be disappointed if Mr. Aizawa and All Might stopped it." She replied. "You feeling better Hiroaki?" The raven haired girl asked with concern. "Weirdly enough I'm doing fine now Auntie, when dad woke up I didn't feel anything anymore." "Well that's fine atleast..." She knocked on the Midoriya's forehead with a smile. "Don't scare us like that kid okay?" She uttered smiling to which the young Midoriya nodded. 'I know it's weird but... I think I'm gonna make a great aunt...'

Meanwhile a certain Pikachu just got back with Iida and Mei from the infirmary.

'Huh?... what in the crap load was that?!.' He screamed internally out of jealousy seeing Jirou and Hiroaki. 'That kid is something else...'(Give him a break he didn't know)

"Hey Kyouka, Reiko, Hiroaki... so what did I miss?" An enthusiastic Mei asked. "Well, Deku's quirk got out of control so there's that... but everything alright I guess, they didn't postpone the fight so no winners yet." Jirou replied. "Aunt Mei where have you been?" Reiko asked with curiousity in her eyes. "Well I gave Iida a lecture for destroying my baby... It took me 4 sleepless nights and a ton of paperwork to make his upgrades..." She uttered lowering her head.

"Yeah... sorry about that... how are they by the way?" "Who?" "Iida and Kaminari..." "Who's Calamari?" "Calama.... The dude with Pikachu hair..." "Oh him? Yeah we all got here together they're over there." Mei pointed near the passage way towards the infirmary.

Meanwhile Iida was just around the corner sulking for some reason... Ojiro noticed this so he decided to approach the engine hero. "Hey Iida, I see you changed into your normal pe clothes." The question snapped Tenya out of his own thoughts. "Well... my hero costume got obliterated by Jirou's final attack so I had to put this on."

"By the way Iida what are you sulking about just now? You alright?" the Tailman asked.

Then in a regular anime fashion..................................

Earlier in the infirmary

"TENYA IIDA!!!" Mei shouted kicking the door of the infirmary open heavily panting waking up the unconscious Iida. "H-Hatsume..."

"HATSUME!!!!" Iida exclaimed knocking off his glasses out of shock.

During the war especially during Deku's vigilante days, Iida and Mei have grown quite close, even giving the inventor an opportunity to remember the former Class 1A representative's name; that and the fact that Iida frequents in the support studio for adjustments and upgrades for his suit. In Iida's words, their relationship had grown more from acquitances to friendship...

"I told you to take care of my babies!!!" Mei scolded, suspiciously with a smile on her face. "Well, Jirou was quite a formidable opponent...my apologies..." "They've been destroyed... my babies were destroyed...." A small playful tear fell from the inventor's eyes as she glanced at his hero suit that was set aside beside the clinic bed. "Sorry, I should've been more careful, sorry for the troubles..."

"hmmm............. Oh well, no worries I guess I have to make some more upgrades for you now ..." Hatsume expressed confusing Iida in fact, his apology seemed to went over her head. "What? Why aren't you mad?" Tenya asked. "Huh? Why would I be? I get to take notes... Now I have an idea for a new vibration proof baby!!!" Mei replied loudy with stardust sparkles in her eyes. "I-I see... thank you Hatsum...." He was about to bow when Mei turned to look at him. That's when he saw something that he never thought he would see...

"That fight was quite intense huh... I can't wait to add a vibration and sound resistant plating on that hero costume of yours..." She stated with sparkles in her eyes.
















End of Flashback







"Iida your spacing out a bit... I guess that's understandable since you're always hanging a lot with Midoriya." Ojiro remarked. 'What in the wor... Is he sweating?'

'This is incredibly inappropriate... as a hero and a student... I must not think of any other things... let alone a fellow student...' He told himself, still failing to resist the urge to look back at Mei with shoujo bubble backgrounds. 'Damn it... Tenya Iida, be a model student resist your urges!' He pondered to himself seemingly participating in an internal conflict. 'I feel like my body's going to explode..''


Deku vs Kirishima and Bakugo

"AP SHOT: MACHINE GUN!!!"... "AIR FORCE!" both heroes released projectiles at the same time effectively cancelling each other out. With Deku pre occupied with canceling the multiple explosions. Kirishima took the opportunity to sneak up behind Deku. "RED GAUNTLET!!!" He shouted attempting to punch Midoriya at the back.

However, it proved ineffective when suddenly the punch was blocked by blackwhip and countered with a pinpoint focus at will sending Kirishima at a great distance. 'Wait how am I able to do that?!' Deku pondered looking at his hand. 'Did my danger sense just act on it's own?! Remarkable!'

"HEY DEKU DON'T GET COCKY I'M STILL HERE!!! HOWITZER IMPACT!" Katsuki exclaimed sending a powerful explosion towards his rival. Midoriya was able to dodge the attack at an overwhelming speed, he did not waste any momentum he gained and charged towards the blonde at 45% full cowling. 'I can barely feel the strain on my body when I'm attacking... I'm even faster than I used to be.... Future me was able to hone an already overwhelming power... But... THAT OUTBURST OF POWER TOOK A LOT OF MY STAMINA!!! DAMN IT FUTURE DEKU!'

Testing his new potential, he lunged forward chambering his fist once again. " "Nice try Kaachan! DETROIT... SMAA... huh?" "STUN GRENADE!!!" Bakugo countered disrupting his opponent's vision. "HA! NICE TRY DEKU!!! But it won't work!"

'Damn it... I fell for it again' "SHITTY HAIR DO IT NOW!" After Bakugo's instruction, Kirishima ran to his blonde friend leaping in front of him he formed a cross with his for arms making his whole body unbreakable. "ALRIGHT BAKUGO LET'S DO THIS!!! RED RIOT IMPROVISED MOVE: TANK COLLISION!!!" "That's a shitty name shitty hair!!!"

Uncertain of what's to come, Deku activated smokescreen as decoy but then combined his air force move with float to send himself upwards away from the hot zone. However, being the incredible tandem they are, Kirishima and Bakugo actually baited Deku on "Dodging" the attack upwards, giving him no time counter with another float and airforce combo, they commenced with the real offense "NOW... GET UP THERE SHITTY HAIR!!!" Bakugo shouted firing a condensed shot at an angle that would propel Eijiro towards Midoriya. "ANOTHER IMPROVISED MOVE: UNBREKABLE RIOT HOLD!!!" it was at this time that Midoriya was able to regain his sight, by then Red Riot trapped him into a bear hug forcing him down back to the ground like Rock lee's primary lotus. 'They're attacking continuously... what am I gonna do...'


Ochako vs Mina and Camie

"Do you have any ideas what to do?" Camie asked puffing a breath. "Damn Fam she's really good." She added as she and Mina are in a stand off with Uraraka who upon contact with Pinky's acid man, lost her head gear and a chunk of her boot's padding, the brunette managed to keep her distance because of her mastery in gunhead martial arts as well as the use of her grappling hooks in tandem with zero gravity.

"Ochako's a good fighter so yeah we'll have a hard time capturing her..." 'How long can I keep this up?!! Two against one is really unfair...' She puffed her cheeks in frustration while still managing to keep her defenses up.

"Psssst hey fam... I have a cute idea... do that swoosh swoosh gush thing with your acid." "Huh? For what?" "Just follow my lead fam I got you." She winked using her glamour to create an illusion. 'Huh? What are they up to now?!' Uraraka thought in an exhausted manner. 'I have to keep my guard up, Mina might use her quirk anytime.' "ACID SHOT!!!" Mina nozzled her palms releasing her quirk with great precision towards her brunette friend. 'AAAHHHH TOO SOON!!!'

As the acid sprayed towards her, Uraraka did all sorts of dodging tactics to prevent herself from getting hit. She did a back handspring, side roll, and even shielded herself with weightless chunks of debris. 'Ugh I hope Izu's not having a hard time like I am...' She pondered while taking cover behind a huge rock.


Observation deck

"Wow Bakugo's and the others are doing really good against the power couple!" Toru remarked as she watches the match grabbing on to Ojiro's tail. "They might just win this, I mean even though they're fighting Midoriya whom no offense managed battle all of us back then." The tailed fellow said.

"Huh? Kaminari are you alright?" Ojiro asked witnessing a depressed Denki mindlessly looking up at the sky. 'What in Horikoshi's name happened in the infirmary...' He contemplated as he turned back to see Iida still sulking around the corner where he left him. '*sigh* weird day...'

"Whatchu thinking about Ojiro?" Toru asked petting the guy's tail. "Iida and Kaminari looked like they just got out of a horror movie.... Uhm Hagakure don't take it the wrong way but... can you please let go of my tail? (Before I have a heart attack)" "Huh? Why? Hmmmm.... No I don't think I will..." She teased playfully smilimh while hugging his tail. "Gaahck... F-Fine..." He gave in with a sweat. 'I swear this is a weird day...' "Letting Toru hug your tail like her personal teddy bear... well that's sweet..." A wild Jirou appeared with a smirk on her face. Seeing her raven haired friend made Toru let go of her crush's tail, it wasn't noticeable but her face started to heat up. "Eiep!! J...J..Jirou hey... what's up..." "Haha don't mind me, I need to borrow the idiot for a moment..." Kyouka uttered. "Hngg I don't know if he'll say anything I think he's still broken."

"Well I have my ways Ojiro don't worry." Jirou smiled grabbing Kaminari which made him snap out of his own mind trap. "J-Jirou?!!" "I need to borrow your time for a moment if you don't mind..." "Why?" "Ugh, just go with it okay?" She uttered dragging Denki with her towards the way to the clinic. "What are you doing? Taking me back to the infirmary?" "No... I just needed them to think I'm taking you there." She replied stopping.

Denki was about to say something but he was interrupted when Jirou grabbed his face with both hands. "Hey what's..." "Stop asking questions moron... I'm trying to kiss you." She said with a pouty face. "Oh I get it... been holding it in the whole time huh" He replied childishly with perverted grin. "Arrggh baka!"

"Perv! Moron!" Jirou asserted.  "I-I was just joking babe..." Still convulsing from the mini heatbeat distortion she released in his ear. "Yeah... that ruined it..." She uttered letting go of him. "Haha sorry I thought it would be funny." "Clearly it wasn't..." "Can I still get a kiss though?" Denki requested with puppy eyes. "Nah kiss yourself, forget it, moment's gone dummy."


Deku vs Kirishima and Bakugo

'I hope Ochako's not having a hard time like I am... Even though I don't feel the strain from my quirk... ' Deku thought while continuously dodging the Bakugo's explosions while countering with blackwhip.

"STOP DODGING DEKU!!!" Kaachan yelled propelling himself with a condensed explosion. "Alright Kaachan! TEXAAAAS SMAAAASH!!!" Deku threw a straight punch with Faux 70% creating a wind pressure that sent Bakugo piercing through a building.


"RED GAUNTLET!!!" the red haired hero declared landing a punch on Deku's stomach causing the hero to stumble. Concluding that he should take this opportunity, Kirishima threw another punch that was blocked by Deku but again then he threw another one, then another one that's when he yelled. "RED RIOT SPECIAL NEW IMPROVISED MOVE THAT I THOUGHT ABOUT EARLIER! MANLY RIOT BARRAGE!!!" 'I might not be strong enough to beat Midoriya but I can wear him out until Bakugo gets back.' Each punch were sharp enough to cut through the sleeves of Izuku's hero costume. Giving his opponent little to no time to react on a counter attack. However, when Kirishima threw a jab from his left arm, that's when Izuku dodges pivoting his left foot while arching his right back. 'Damn it he dodged it!' "Faux 75%, 50% full cowling! St. Louis... SMAAASSHHH!!!" at the last moment, Deku swung his leg delivering a roundhouse kick on Kirishima's head. 'Arrrgh damn it that got me... this is bad...' 'This is my chance Faux 75%... Smaaaashh!!!' Even for a held backed full cowling, the broccoli haired hero managed to penetrate through Eijiro's defenses making him lose his balance giving Deku another opportunity to use the momentum of his round house kick and performing a spinning side kick that landed on Kirishima's face sending him flying unconscious towards a different building.

"WE'RE NOT DONE YET DEKU!!!" a shout was heard from a distance coming from the tunnel Deku's texas smash made.

As Bakugo heads on full charge at Deku, the green hero was still recovering from the punch he received from Kirishima a second ago. "WE WIN!!!" Bakugo proclaimed as he held out his palm planning to release another Howitser but was interrupted when surprisingly multiple chunks of debris hit him causing him to lose his flight balance before Deku can even counter.


Earlier at Ochako's fight against Mina and Camie

'Ugh I hope Izu's not having a hard time like I am...' Ochako's efforts to make sure she doesn't get hit or captured greatly drained her stamina. She took a deep breath to come up with a plan to beat the duo and somehow meet up with Deku. However, all her efforts were wasted when out of thin air Mina suddenly appeared. "Peek a boo Ochako! Hehehe" Pinky playfully said as she charges towards her. "Where did you came from?" Ochako asked as she clenches her fist out of anticipation. But then coming from the other side of the rock where Uravity took cover, "Heya fam! I make illusions remember hehe." Camie greeted mid air with Illusion smoke coming out of her mouth.

'This is bad... at this rate I'll...' "It's over Ochako we got..." Mina and Camie we're about to overpower Uravity when they heard a loud rumble... suddenly coming through a building , "DAAAAMMMN IT!!!" Bakugo shouted. "Eh... Bakubae?" "Bakugo?!" the strong wind pressure tore a hole through the bulding accidentally crashing Katsuki on to Mina in the process. "Wow that's that cutie's really strong huh?" Camie remarked taking a glimpse on the large hole made by Deku's last smash. Seeing an opportunity to turn the tides to their advantage, Uraraka immediately used a grappling technique on Camie and restrained her with handcuffs. "What?!!! How did you do that fam? Wow you're really good I didn't notice... hehe" "We're you even trying to win?!!!" Camie's laid back reaction confused the brunette, however it was overcome by a relief. 'Yosh! 1 down 3 to go... ' She just finished cuffing Camie when she saw Bakugo getting up from the rubble he was buried into after Izuku's attack. "WE'RE NOT DONE YET DEKU!!!"

Not wasting a second, Uraraka used her wire to slingshot herself to Deku's location grabbing rubbles with her Grappling wires on her offhand. When she reached the appropriate height, she threw the rubble straight below timing it ahead of Bakugo's propulsion making it possible for her to hit him.


"Uravity! Thanks!" Deku smiled as she releases her quirk landing beside him.

"Sorry I was a little pre occupied awhile ago... you got a plan to win this Deku?"

"Well I knocked out Kirishima so we'll have to deal with 3 opponents now."

"Two... I captured Camie... so we'll only be fighting Mina and Bakugo..."

"Great work Uraraka!" Deku cheered causing Ochako to heat up. "T-thanks Deku!"

"Flirting even in battle so cuuttteeee." Mina teased as she ran towards them with her acid man once again activated and with her was Bakugo who quickly recovered from Ochako's Zero Satellites move. "Stop with the teasing and focus raccoon eyes!!!"

"Uraraka... I have an idea... let's switch opponents for now..."

"Huh? Why?"

"Trust me and take my hand." Ochako nodded taking his hand.

"2 on 2 NO HOLDING BACK DEKU!!!" Kaachan declared as he once again attempted to charge at the duo with Mina following behind him using her acid to slide.

"Alright let's do this!" Ochako declared using her quirk on herself as Deku spun her around building up momentum before he threw her towards Bakugo. "IMPROVISED MOVE: URAVITY METEOR STRIKE!" Uravity shouted hitting the blonde with a drop kick.

While this happened, Deku activated his blackwhip towards Mina in an attempt to subdue her. "HEY NO FAIR! WHY DO I HAVE TO FIGHT YOU MIDORIYA!" Deku only smiled at the remark as he continuously shoot out blackwhip at both of his hands.

"*coughs* Damn it what kind of attack was that?!!" Bakugo groaned in frustration. "Care for a rematch Bakugo?" Uraraka challenged with a determination to win. "Tch I beat you once, I can do it again Round Cheeks." The blonde took a stance holding up his palms forward towards Ochako's direction. "You asked for it! Howitzer!! Imp... what the f?" "BAKUGO! LOOK OUT" Mina clutched with blackwhip, was thrown by Midoriya using a move inspired by Tokoyami's Ragnarok. 'Damn it Round cheeks! That challenge was a bluff!' He thought evading Mina.

"NICE TRY DEKU BUT IT WON'T..." Before he gets to finish his sentence, Midoriya was already at his side with his fist already chambered. "DETROITT!!!!" Reacting at the last moment, Bakugo aims his arms to the ground. "LAND MINE BLAST!!!" The second he said it, an explosion blew up causing a shockwave that sent Deku a few feet back interrupting his attack.

"Tch, think that would work Deku well try again!!!" Katsuki let out a playful grin. "I know that wouldn't work I just needed to distract you." Deku smiled as he glanced towards Mina's direction... she was already cuffed by Ochako meaning Katsuki was the only one active at the battlefield. "Two against one... Tch fine... COME AT ME!!! I'LL BEAT YOU TOO AND BECOME NO.1!!!" Kaachan declared with explosive passion. The fight was on ready to charge against one another when suddenly...

EEEEEEEEEEEENGGGGGGGGG (Yeah that's a bell ignore it.)

"Time is up!!! That concludes the fifth match!!! Well done heroes!!!" All Might announced.

"WHAAAAATTT?!!!! WE'RE JUST GETTING STARTED!!!!" Bakugo angrily shouted. "No, you heard the timer the match is over..." Aizawa replied after taking the mic from All Might "Geez Bakubae looks like a cute angry dog when he does that." Camie (still wearing the cuffs) remarked suddenly appearing behind Deku and Uraraka. "eeehhh Oh h-hey C-Camie d-didn't see you there." Deku nervously chuckled rubbing the back of his head. "Hiya there greenie you were so hot... Any chance I can get that number now?" She teasingly commended with a wink that caused the cinnamon roll to freeze in embarrassment.

"That was some match Ochako I thought we would win for a second there." Ashido muttered but she did not get a replied from the brunette. "Ochako? O... chako? Yoohoo" Mina did her best to get her friend's attention but to no avail.

'C-C-C-Camie p-please step away from him!!!!' Uraraka internally shouts in blushing frustration. Ochako was always a jealous type, but somehow she always ignored it and was mature enough to understand the situation first. However, seeing Camie flirting with Deku was a difficult sight for her knowing that a many months ago... she was spotted naked with Izuku during the Provisional Licensure Exams. Granted she wasn't really the real Camie but the thought did not make it easier for her.



"Aizawa" All Might called out to ask a question. "What is it?" "Still going to talk to Young Kirishima and the others." "Of course... they might as well know since they eavesdropped... I might reprimand them for doing so." Aizawa replied unamused about the current events of the day... "So, did you call the Shield's yet?"


Author's Note

Hello readers! How you doin'? Noticed viewers have been declining, I don't know what that means but I guess it has something to do with the quality of this book which I imagine is awful at best. But still, I'm not gonna stop until I finish this story, thanks for reading guys I apologize for any mistakes especially in the fight scenes I tried to write it canonically as if you were watching the anime but I might have failed miserably... Anyways thanks again! I hope I can publish the next one as soon as possible.

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