Six the Musical Oneshots (Not...

By lonely_Lesbean_

23.4K 473 1K

I don't post frequently anymore, but I do post, just please stick around Alright, I'm trying. It gets better... More

Katanna (+Some Parrmour)
Parrward And Aralyn
Aralyn p1
Aralyn p2
Aralyn p3
Aralyn p4
Parrward, Aralyn, Clevemour
Parrlyn? Idk
Catalina And Jane (+some Indirect Parrlyn)
I can't write

Anne And Catalina

369 6 0
By lonely_Lesbean_

This one's platonic

Anne's dead and has unfinished business and Catalina helps her

Ghost/monster-y AU/"Do you believe in ghosts?" prompt

Also I guess Jane and Catalina kind of have a thing going on, but that's really more of a background thing

Idk man I randomized this idea as a challenge

Warning: mentions of suicide, mentions unhealthy/abusive relationships. Plus I haven't checked for mistakes more than twice

Also I cried while writing this, read at own risk.


Catalina wasn't easily scared.

If anything, people were scared of her.

So when she moved to a small town, the last thing she expected was to be haunted.

She didn't expect it and she didn't believe it.

It wasn't like ghosts real.

So why would she be scared, when a girl kept following her. And attempting to talk to her and her only.

She even followed her home once. Or twice. Or let's say a few times.

She never did anything though.

And she didn't seem threatening in the slightest.

Like the day they met, she was just being impossibly fast and kind of weird. Not scary.


Catalina was just out on a walk. Looking for a nice spot near the forest, when she saw her. She was the only face she could remember from being in this town.

She dressed differently, but no one else even looked at her. The people in town were all dressed simply, while the girl wore shiny green clothes every day.

She always wandered through the streets with such confidence, something Catalina thought was impressive. Having the energy to be so, so special every single day.

Catalina could never manage that, yes, she was confident, and yes, she walked with a straight back. But the energy to skip around town everyday singing random songs so loudly was simply not with her.

She caught herself staring at the girl, it was obvious too, she was the only one on the sidewalk at the time, so she turned away.

But as soon as she did, the girl stood in front of her.

Jumping back slightly, Catalina took a good look at the girl, "well hello there."

The girl's eyes shot further open, as a wide grin stretched across her face. "You! You're different!" And then within a blink she disappeared.

"That was weird," Catalina mumbled to herself, before continuing her search for a nice little spot.

She almost found what she was looking for, but a shop owner called out to her, "I wouldn't go to close to that forest if I were you.."

"Why is that?" she had replied coldly.

"Well last year a girl, I'd say around your age, hanged herself there. Some people keep going missing in the woods," he explained.

Catalina laughed full heartedly, "yeah right. People go missing in the woods all the time."

But just to be safe, she didn't return there.


Now, where ever she went, she either had the feeling of being watched or saw the strange girl.

At some point, Catalina would spend her whole day with her following.

Sometimes they even talked, talked about everything yet nothing at the same time, like the weather or something of the sorts. Talking without getting to know each other, up until now.

"I never learned your name," the girl popped up, causing Catalina to wince slightly.

She was just going to go shopping, but the girl interrupted her plan.

"Maybe that's because I don't want you to know," Catalina suggested.

"Ouch," the girl hummed, "you're so mean."

Catalina rolled her eyes, then looked at the girl again, her face seemed naturally very pale and she had reddish eyebags. She looked like a middle school twilight fan that never grew out of her phase.

The girl waved her hand in front of Catalina's face, "helloooo? Earth to youuuu!" she dragged out the words, "I just told you something!"

"Huh? What?" Catalina came back to her senses, "what did you tell me?"

"Easy! To meet me at the little lake at eight!"

And then within a split second she was gone again.

Catalina groaned.


Despite her paranoid thoughts, she went to ask some people where this 'little lake' was.

She got a few different responses.

"That's not a good idea."

"That place is haunted."

"Last time anyone went there, they found a dead body. I'm not telling you."

"There's a lake around here?"

"Who would tell you to go there? They must be horrible."


"It's in the woods, like 100 meters behind the back of the supermarket."

"Be careful, someone died there."

Catalina wasn't sure what to make of that, why were the people here all believing in ghosts?

Was the girl she met like that too?

Probably, considering she looked like a cartoon vampire.

She started walking there, trying to think of reasons why she should go there, there weren't many, but the girl telling her to meet her there overpowered all reason.

"Holy shit!" she heard once she reached the clearing, "you actually came!"

Catalina looked around, but didn't see anyone.

"Over here," the girl giggled, only then did Catalina spot her in a big and strong tree.

Catalina blinked and saw the girl now on the ground, "so what?"

"Oh it's just.. I didn't expect it."

Catalina raised a brow, "well one thing you can expect is for me to leave unless you explain why you called me here."

"Right! Okay, first off, did I understand it correctly that you are completely new in this area?"

Catalina nodded skeptically.

"Then let me tell you that you look completely insane when you talk to me," the girl said before a sad laugh.

Catalina's face softened, but before she could ask anything, the girl interrupted her, "hehe, no worries, I'm not the town maniac. I act like it, but they don't.. don't see it."

Catalina then got to ask, "what's your name, so I can ask? Or would you tell me yourself?"

"I'll tell you! But at a price," the girl smiled mischievously.

Catalina sighed, "what do I have to give you?"

"Your name," the girl hopped around her.

"Either Catherine of Aragon or Catalina de Aragon," she responded bluntly.

"Great! Hi Catalina! My name is Anne Boleyn and the town doesn't see me!" Anne grinned.

"What do you mean doesn't see you?"

"They can't see or hear me," Anne repeated.


"I mean.. I could tell you, but I doubt that you would believe it."

"Try me," Catalina grinned, she was starting to warm up to Anne.

"One last question before though," Anne swirled a strand of her messy hair in between her fingers, "do you believe in ghosts?"

Catalina, taken aback by the question, laughed softly, "no, I don't."

Anne's happy expression dropped slowly, "oh... Then you'll have to Google me yourself.."

And just as suddenly as she appeared, she disappeared again.


Catalina sat in front of her laptop, hesitant to type anything, but after half an hour she finally did type in the town's name and Anne Boleyn.

She wasn't sure what to expect, maybe police reports or some ghost buster club, but not 'Young Adult Hangs Herself, Only To Be Found By Family.'

Catalina read the article, then the next one. And the next one. Until she read everything there was to find.

Anne Boleyn hung herself, without leaving a note or clue as to why she did it.

Her older cousin, Jane, who had found her, refused to say anything about Anne's mental health to the public. And her best friend, who happened to be her younger cousin, broke down crying whenever Anne was even mentioned.

There was nothing on her parents or siblings, though she did have them, they weren't close at all.

Catalina was shaken by the articles, too much to even realise what this girl had claimed to be. She didn't believe in ghosts, so if she would have thought about it, she would have come to the conclusion that she did meet a very unstable girl who claimed to be a real dead person.

But Catalina got pulled into a rabbit hole of articles and started to believe in ghosts.

She found images of the place Anne's body was was found, there weren't pictures of the body itself, Jane had refused to let them take any.

It was a small clearing in the woods.

Her body was hung from the biggest tree.

Catalina's heart dropped. That was the exact tree the girl who claimed to be Anne had sat in.

But that couldn't be.

Catalina looked through the images that she found, anything she could find of the Anne that was in all these articles.

It was like a scene from a movie to Catalina, she saw one full body picture taken of the girl.

Dark long hair that was partially down, but had two buns.

She was wearing a sparkly green dress and stood confidently.

Her brown eyes were soft, the person taking the picture must have been important to her.

"Oh fuck," Catalina muttered as she stumbled upon another image, this one had Anne and who she assumed to be Jane and her other cousin.

They looked so happy..

What would drive Anne to... end her life without a confirmed goodbye?

Catalina grabbed her coat, marched out the door and into the night.

She didn't believe in ghosts before, but she did like ghost stories, so maybe there was some kind of unfinished business that Anne had to fulfill.

She walked through the forest until she reached the spot where Anne had been before.


"You're back," Anne said, stopping to kick stones around, "did your research?"

Catalina rushed to her side, "why did you do it?"

Anne sighed, "you did do your research. It's a long story.. Are you sure you want to hear about it now?"

Catalina nodded, "I have all night." Catalina sat down in the spot she was standing.

"Okay.. If you insist. It's not like I can do anything else. I had a boyfriend," Anne said seriously before breaking into giggles. "No, that's pretty normal.. But he wasn't.

His name was, or well is, Henry. Henry Tudor. I loved him dearly, and I thought he loved me too. Turns out, I was wrong.. Happy?"

Catalina didn't believe that, "you're trying to tell me that you killed yourself because of a guy? Try again, this time the whole story."

Anne sighed, "alright, alright.

I loved him a lot, but he started to lose interest as soon as things started getting serious, which already took a long time by the way.

He was perfect, rich, beloved by everyone who ever met him and he was so kind and loving. But that was all just an act that he put on. He made me feel like I was untouchable by anyone else. Like I was a goddess and that no one but him could ever love me.

Fast forward a few months, he made me cut off all my friends, and tried to touch me every time we were together."

Anne paused for a second to take the ghost equivalent of a deep breath, "when he finally met my cousins, Jane and Kat, he started to change to someone even worse.

He wasn't hesitant to tell me that he thought they were both more attractive than me, which is fucked up on its own. Like, Kat was, no, is, literally a kid. But mainly, he tried to get Jane. Jane kept pushing him away, she's the best, but he was being pushy and creepy.

She banned him from our house, which I didn't understand because I was so blinded by his act. I was mad at Jane and that probably left her to think of me badly up until now.

That's when he started telling me that he hoped I would die, so that he could get with Jane. At the beginning I thought it was a sick joke of his. But he kept repeating it. He told me that he wouldn't be hesitant to do it himself if something didn't happen soon.

Long story short, I killed myself because I was too scared of him killing me."

Anne looked to the night sky, "actually, it's going to be my death anniversary soon. What date is it?"

Catalina didn't respond for a while, staring at Anne wide eyed in shock, "what the fuck..." she breathed out.

"What a crazy coincidence..." Catalina looked up at Anne, "I moved here because of him."

Anne frowned, "Henry?"

Catalina nodded hastily, "we are talking about the Henry Tudor who thinks he's the shit because of his beard? Known to harass girls?"

Anne confirmed her statement, "he got you to move here?"

"Well not here necessarily, he moved to my old town about ten months ago and ruined everything I had built in my life there. I was dating his brother, Arthur, but that's a story for another time. I was just done with his bullshit to the point where I just moved."

"Damn. My question remains though, what date is it?"

Catalina pulled her phone out, "since about half an hour it's May 19th. Uh. Do you know who found you?"

"No, I don't," Anne realised, "who?"

"Jane," Catalina said, "Jane did on the 21st. Also, uh, specialists told her when you.. did it."

Anne's jaw dropped, "no, really?"

"Yeah and she didn't tell reporters anything about your mental state," Catalina explained, as if she was a teacher.

"Huh," Anne stared at the lake, "do you know how she reacted?"

Anne looked like she was about to cry, "I just.. I just would like to know..."

Catalina shook her head and put a hand on Anne's cheek to make her face her, "I'm not sure, but I can't imagine how much pain she must have felt. I'm more than sure that she doesn't blame you. Like you said, she knew the shit Henry did."

Anne nodded slowly at first then more energised, "you're right.. She knew! She probably shamed that dickhead to the point where he couldn't bear it any more and he moved! Hah! Jane remains the best!"

Anne seemed to feel more awake.

"Hey, Anne," Catalina asked, "what would your unfinished business be? If that is even how it works."

Anne grinned, leaning to lie on the grass, she glowed softly, creating enough light to let Catalina see her surroundings perfectly, but not as bright as day or morning.

"Hmm... When I was still alive, I always wanted to write songs. But now I just want to see Kat and tell her how proud of her I am. Oh, how I'd love to see her grow up..."

Anne looked over to Catalina, "y'know... I haven't been home in a year now, you think I could even find the way there?" she chuckled dryly.

"We could go there if you want. Maybe they can see you too?"

"Aww.. now you're getting my hopes up," Anne mumbled, "but it's worth a try, isn't it?"

Catalina smiled, "it definitely is!"

Anne hugged her, happy that she could, "you are awesome! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Catalina shifted a bit and hugged her back, "I'm not that great.. Heh... Thank you, Anne.."

"We are friends now! And you're not getting rid of me!"

They laughed and talked for hours, Anne learned that her ghost privilege to not need to sleep could be shared. And with that knowledge, they happily told each other every single secret and worry.

It all got less stressful and less difficult after they talked about it. They quickly got very close.


In the early hours of the day they had been lying in the grass in a comfortable quiet for a while now.

Obviously they heard it when soft footsteps came closer and closer.

Catalina rushed to hide in bushes and trees, while Anne stood behind the tree she hung herself at to observe the scene.

A girl that seemed familiar to Catalina stepped into the clearing, Anne gasped slightly. She saw images of her in most of the articles.

"Hmmm," the girl slowly turned around herself with closed eyes, "it's really already been a year."

Anne smiled brightly, but there was a sadness to her. This must have been Jane, Catalina concluded.

"Seriously, I miss you. So much has happened! That unbearable guy moved away, Kat got her first girlfriend, I've picked up sculpting and overall everything has been almost great."

Jane dug through her bag, "almost. Because there has been this big hole in our lives. A hole no girlfriend or hobby could ever fill. You left. And even if I don't know why, I hope you're doing better now."

Then she pulled out a small green vase, "I made this for you.. I hope you like it," Jane smiled sadly and stood exactly where Anne's body hung a year ago, "goodbye, Annie."

Anne moved to hug her, but she couldn't touch her. Her arms went right through, but Jane shivered, so she must have felt something.

Jane left again, slowly trying to shake the faint smell of strawberries as she went.

Anne stood frozen in place, only a bit away from where she had went through Jane.

"Jane!" she had called multiple times, "I'm right here!"

Catalina had held herself back from intruding, this seemed personal.

Anne cried out for Jane, until Jane was out of sight. Then she collapsed to the floor, one hand grasping at her neck, the other clenched in the grass.

Catalina snuck to her side and offered her arms for a hug, Anne fell in her arms immediately and started sobbing into her shoulder without tears staining.

"Shh, it's alright.." she whispered, "we can still try if Kat can see you."

"But- But what if she- she doesn't..?" Anne sobbed out between sharp breaths.

"Then we tried," Catalina stroked her hair, "then we tried.."


Anne took a deep breath in, Catalina was going to pretend to go from door to door. Catalina was going to ask if they believed in ghosts, to start a conversation.

"It's this one," Anne pointed to the door. She mentally prepared herself and let her absolutely favourite signature dress float around her.

Catalina steadily walked up to the door, Anne still hiding behind her, then she sharply knocked on the door.

A girl in her late teens opened the door and looked at Catalina confused, "hello?"

She had long brunette hair in a ponytail which was passing into pink.

Catalina cleared her throat, "ahem, yes, hello. I'm going from door to door asking around, do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?"

Anne face palmed behind her, why was she so awkward?

"Uhhh, I do believe in ghosts, but I don't know if I can tell you without breaking down," the girl said, almost equally as awkward.

"Boo?" Anne tried, while stepping to the side behind Catalina.

Kat, who had previously been holding a glass of water, dropped it and took Anne's look in.

Her partially see through figure.

The pale skin.

Her awkward smile.

The dress.

Her messy hair.

The soft glow.


"Kat? You okay?" Jane called from the kitchen after she heard glass shatter.

"A- you- wh-" Kat spluttered out.

Anne sighed relieved, "oh thank goodness, you can see me.."

Kat stepped to the side, letting Anne in, "wait, can Catalina come too? She encouraged me to come here," Anne asked.

"That's really not necessary!" Catalina attempted to decline, but Kat pulled her in by the sleeve.

"Kat?" Jane called again, "are you okay?"

"Mhm!" Kat hummed loudly.

"Hi," Anne smiled.

"Hi!" Kat greeted, overly happy.

"Goodness," Anne chuckled warmly, "you've grown so much.."

Kat got her hair ruffled by a ghostly hand.

Jane walked in, sweeping plate in hand.

Kat grinned excitedly and Anne sighed, "Jane couldn't see me earlier, I don't think she will now."

"Hello? Who are you?" Jane asked Catalina.

"Oh, right. Uh, I'm also here.." Catalina uncomfortably tried to make up an excuse, but didn't get very far.

"Jane," Anne tried again, without success.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" Catalina asked, Kat looking at Jane expectantly.

Jane sighed, "I'm afraid not," at that Anne commented, "you have to believe in ghosts to see ghosts."

"What?" Jane asked, "who said that?"

Anne perked up, "Jane? Can you hear me?"

Jane shuddered, not believing her ears.

Kat jumped up, "look closely!" she sat Jane where she was just seated and turned her head to Anne.

It took a few moments and instructions from Kat and Catalina to get Jane to see the outline that was cleary Anne to the others.

"Anne?!" Jane gasped, when Anne came fully visible in a heart beat.

Jane's eyes fluttered shut slowly while she passed out on the couch. "Great," Anne grumbled sarcastically, "now I killed Jane."

Kat frowned, "not funny..."

Anne shrugged and took Kat's hand, "Kit," she started, "I'm pretty sure that I have my unfinished business to fulfill."

Catalina awkwardly fanned Jane while Kat and Anne talked.

After a few minutes of catching up between Kat and Anne, Jane started waking up.

"Hi," Jane mumbled looking up at Catalina, "that wasn't a dream was it?"

Catalina shook her head, as Jane sat up, she couldn't keep her eyes off of Catalina.

Jane was stealing glances at her until Anne finally got to hug Jane, who started crying softly.

"Annie," Jane sobbed, "how are you here?"

Anne pulled away from the embrace, "I've been here the whole time.. but I didn't think you'd want to see me."

Jane frowned, "why would I not want to see you?!"

"Because I said those.. terrible things to you and then just left without saying anything."

"To be honest, I was convinced he killed you in the three days you were only registered as missing," Jane mumbled.

"That's funny," Anne tried to hide her pain in a giggle, "he kind of did."

Kat looked up, "he what? I thought he was just not that nice and that's why he wasn't allowed around!"

Anne shook her head, "he is not allowed to go near you, under any circumstances. He told me that he hoped that I would die."

"Don't tell me that's why-"

"He told me that he'd do it himself if something didn't happen," Anne added.

Jane hugged her as tightly as possible again, "why would he even say that. You're awesome."

Anne looked at Catalina, not wanting to say it herself, "he wanted to get with you," Catalina said quietly.

Jane looked back and forth from Anne and Catalina, "what?! That asshole!"

Kat choked on air, "why didn't I know any of that?!"

Jane and Anne shared a look, "he was after you too," Jane said as carefully as she could.

Kat visibly shuddered, "ew."

Jane turned to Catalina, "I'm sorry, but remind me why exactly you are here?"

"Fair question, fair question. I could see Anne ever since I moved here. She more or less followed me around and I somehow didn't realise she was a ghost until tonight. Also we all here can bond over hating Henry, he messed up my life too."

Jane was a bit shocked by Catalina managing to keep her calm. If not, impressed.

"Oh and because you were passed out while I told Kat, I think I have unfinished business. And I don't want to do that without you," Anne told her cousin.

"What can I do?" Jane asked, ready to murder Tudor if that was what it took.

"It's not going somewhere or anything you could help me with, except for listening."

Anne readied herself, "Jane. You are literally the best. You've always defended me, even if it was against myself. I want you to know that I am so sorry for just leaving and let me tell you, it was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make in my life. Also I absolutely love the vase, you're really skilled!"

Jane felt her heart melt a bit, Anne was never really one for speaking her heart. She usually got people gifts or tried to humor them by doing something stupid.

Anne ruffled Kat's hair again, "And Kat! Shit, I've missed so much! Look at you! You've grown! You have a girlfriend, damn that's amazing. I'm so sorry that I wasn't there. During the 'Henry time' as well."

Kat was staring off to the side, not daring to look at Anne, in fear of crying her soul out.

"Kat," Anne's voice was soft, "can you look at me, please?"

Kat did as asked and Anne smiled, "I was really an ass and treated both of you like shit. Kat, I'm so sorry. You didn't know what was going on and I didn't take the time to even talk to you. I hope you can forgive me for the shitty way I acted. I am so proud of you. You've done so much more than me when I was your age, keep going. You're the best best friend anyone could ask for."

Anne started glowing softly.

Jane and Kat hugged her tightly before she disappeared in a bright flash.

Now, after one year, Anne was gone.

Gone for good.


The end

Done bitches.

I may have made myself cry a bit, but I'm sure why.

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