The Ultimate Shonen Jump Hero...

By JackDroid

71.6K 1.6K 1.5K

Welp, I'm Back, I got new Adventures, New Friends, And even some new Villians! But we also got some new girls... More

Gourmet Hunters?!/New Adventure Begins!
The Gourmet Team!
The Mysterious Island!/ Cute but Dangerous!
A Bigger and Bigger Threat Keeps getting Bigger!
A Bigger Fish to Fry!
A Gourmet News Date!
Gourmet Hunting with Rin!
A Zombie Outbreak!?/ To Racoon City!
My Nemesis!/ My Sick Little girl!
Bullets from your Valentine!/ Birkin Refuted!
God vs Nemesis!/ The Secret Spy!
This is Halloween!/ X Gon' Give it to Ya!
Ice Queendom!
Food Fight!
Grimm Invasion! (Part 1)
Grimm Invasion! (Part 2)
Huntress Confessions!/ Enemies Align!
Son Bra!/ Another Daughter from the Future!
The Pen and the Tanuki!/ Punk Hazard Reborn!
The Former King of Drum Island!/ Revenge is Best served Melting!
The Strongest Man in the World!
Pato's Master!/ Triple Threat!
Red the Aloof Vampire!
New York's Newest Hero, Night Neko!
Ghost Spider and Black Cat!/ Fighting Fat Boy!
All For One's New Portal!
A Ride Gone wrong!/ It's me the Joker!
I'm Batman!/ Parasite!
The Fastest Men Alive... And A Gorilla!
An Amazon Cat Fight!
I speak to the Trees!
The Perfect Punchline!
The Man of Steel!/ Apokalypse!
Reborn God Vs New God!/ A Comic Book Ending!
Infinite Training!/ Unknown Shiranui!
A New Shiranui!?/ The Trials Begin!
More Trials!
Shiranui Village!/ True Darkness!
The Monster from Five Thousand Years Ago!
The History of the Shiranui Clan!
Meet the Parents!/ Recovery!
The Death of Medaka Kurokami!
The Death of Iihiko Shishime
Wrapping things up!
The return of Zero Two and Ichigo!/Let's Hit the Waves!
The Magic Potion!
The New Girl!/ Metamorphosis!
How Many times do we need To Teach you this Lesson Old Man!?
The Cat God and His Angel Assistant!
A Celebration Before Battle!
Battle of the Gods!
The Little Esper!/ The Queen of Thorns!
Assassin's Crush!
Yor's Visit!
Anya's School Days!
Another God and His Angel!/ A New Tournament!
The Tournament Begins!/ Natsu vs Botamo!
Math vs Rota!/ Y/n vs Cabba!
Son and Daughter Vs The Namekians!
Robot vs Robot!
Cat Fight!
Luffy vs Frost the Fraud!
God vs Hitman!/ Meet Zeno!
More Super Girls!
Sparring with Black Canary!
Gotta Catch them all!
New Friends!/ Gary the not-so-great!
The Journey Begins!/ The Lonely Charmander!
Road to Victory Road!
Viridian Forest!/ Misty the Water Girl!
Evolution Time!/ Bulbasaur!
Y/n vs The Rock hard Gym Leader Brock!
Onwards to Mt. Moon!/ Separated!
The Worlds Biggest Onix!/ Robot Rhydon Revolution!
Moon Stone Evolution Time!/ Team Rocket Trust!
Fishing Time!/ The Big Boss!
Y/n vs Misty!/ Poke' Harem!
Rival Returns!/ Bill Nye the Pokemon Guy!
To Vermillion City!/ Y/n vs Lt. Surge!
The Poke' Boat!/ Truth Revealed!
Even More Pokemon!
The Orphan Cubone!/ Ghost Tower!
Invading The Secret Base!
Skeletons in the Closet!/ Hacker Attack!
The Big Boss Reveal!/ Rocket Confession!
Mother Marowak!/ Eevee Time!
Y/n vs Erika The Kimono Girl with A Green Thumb!
More Pokemon!/ The Hex Maniac!
The Safari Zone!/ Y/n vs Koga the Poisonous Shinobi!
Silph Co Showdown!
Y/n vs Sabrina the Psychic!/ Giovanni Finds out!
Sea Foam Island Adventures!/ Fossil Fun!
Y/n vs Blaine the Firey Quiz Master!
Mega Evolution Time!
Giovanni's Last Defeat!
Power Plant Problems!
Fleet Defeat!
Firey Fury!
Y/n vs Mewtwo the "Perfect" Pokemon!
Y/n Vs Lorelei The Ice Cold Strategist!
Y/n Vs Bruno The Rock Hard Fighter!
Y/n Vs Agatha, The Baba Yaga of The Elite 4!
Y/n vs Lance the Dragon Master!
The Champion Battle!/ Hall of Fame!
Summer Begins!/ Strange Things are Happening to me!
Haruko is Acting Strange!/ Alien Immigration Problems!
Meet Canti The TV Headed Robot!
A Full Battle going on!
Haruko what are you doing!?
That Power is Mine!/ Shooting Star!
The World Martial Arts Tournament!
The Quarterfinals (Part 1)
The Quarterfinals! (Part 2)
The Final Tournament Battles!
Survival of the Idiot!
The Cooking Club For Hire!
I Love My Kids!
Concert Passes?!/Hell yes!!
Here Comes Doomsday!/ Man of "Steel"!
God vs Doomsday!
Pool Time with an Assasin and An Esper!/ Assasin Proposal!
My Bloody Wedding!
The Legend of the Legendary Super Saiyan!
Nice Guy Broly!/ Broly's sad Backstory!
Invasion of the Ice Continent!
YMath Vs The Legendary Super Saiyan!
Chibiusa's Cuteness is Over 9000!
Lucy's Harem! ๐Ÿ‹
Devil is A Part Timer!?
Devil is A Part Timer!? (Part 2)
The Missing Tiger!/ Neko Neko Village!
Raiding Neko Neko Village!
From A Long Long time Ago In Another Galaxy Far Far Away!
Robot Riot!
A New Hope!/ EVIL's Androids!
My Friend Asuna!/ ALFheim Online
The World of ALFhiem Online!
The World of ALFheim Online! (Part 2!)
Asuna Kidnapped!/ Leafa!
Cait Sith and Sylph Alliance!
Assault of the World Tree!/ A Bloody Sugou!
More Girlfriends!/ My Sisters are Fighters!?
More of the Same Kind of Villians!/ Teen Titans Go!
Meet the Teen Titans!/ Slade!
God vs Assassin!
EVIL's New Secret Base!/ Weaponry!
Durge comes this Way!/ Send in the clones!
Gen'dai sure are Tough!/ Clone Rights Matter!
My Friend the Substitute Soul Reaper!
Hollows, Hollows, And More Hollows!
Annacar Battle!/ The Annacar Nel 'Tu!
The Meeting!/ The Plan!
Gathering the Gotei 13 (Part 1)
Gathering the Gotei 13! (Part 2)
Soul Society vs Heuco Mundo!
Dragon vs Shark!/ The Tres Bestias!
The Strongest of the Strong!
Saiyan Sons Vs The Annacar!
Nel's Rematch!/ Annacar Hunter!
Xicor vs the Former King of Heuco Mundo!
The "Death" Of Aizen!
Bleach Confessions!
Nearing the End of Summer!/ My Friend the Squid Girl!
The Lemon Beach House!/ The Aizawa Family
Squid Girl Plots!
Squid Girl... The Alien?
Angry Sensei!/ Squid Girl is A Threat?
Beach Cops!
The Competitor's Daughter!
Hello Nurse~!
Love that Squid!
The Tree of Might!
The Crusher Corps!/ Turles the Saiyan Pirate!
The Power of A Saiyan Pirate!/ Destroying the Tree!
Emi the Mom!
Teal and Pink!
Misaka's Clone!?
Misaka and her Sisters!
Attack on the Facility!
Giving the Sisters A New Home!
A World War 1 Iskeai!?
The Devil is A Loli!/ The Primal theory!
Y/n Vs the Loli Devil!
The Truth!/ To Kill A God!
American Might!
The Saga of Love!
The Sandlot!
The Baseball Game!
Y/n At the Bat!
Meanwhile with Frieza...
My Date with Wiz!
New School Year!/ Am I Her tailor Now?
Making Outfits for Marin!
Dress up, My darling Love!
Dress Up Meeting!/ New Clients!
The Tsundere and the Dandere Dress Up!
A New Enemy from the Future!
Book 4 Trailer!!
Thanks for All the Reads!

Viridian City!/ Prepare for Trouble!

396 8 13
By JackDroid

After A While of walking with Pikachu on your shoulders, you had finally made it to Viridian City, which was the first City with A Pokemon center, and A Pokemart, and You were now walking out of the Path, and Inside The Small city!

You were Now Inside of the Pokemon center Just waiting for Pikachu to be Healed when you saw Yellow and Green come in!

Y/n: Hey Yellow! Hey Green!

Yellow: Oh Hey Y/n, are you here to heal your Pokemon?

Y/n: Of course! You too?

Yellow: Yeah, My Pikachu got into A Huge Battle with A Rattata

Green: Yeah, and Eevee fought A Pidgey, and gut hit with multiple gusts

Y/n: Oh Okay, Well The Nurse should be out in A Moment since she walked out after healing my Pikachu, and she should be-

Just then A Bunch of smoke entered the room, and Two People and A Mewoth entered...

Green: Did that Meowth Just Talk...? 0_0

Yellow: I think So... 0_0

Y/n: (Thoughts) That's Team Rocket! Man what A Bunch of Poor Saps, They don't deserve to be in this position, they were just dealt the wrong Hands...

Meowth: Yeah, I can talk so give us your Pokemon!

Green: Why should we listen to The Cat, the Fruit, and the Old Lady?

Jessie: What!? Old Lady!? I am 16!!

Green: Really? You Look much Older than that

James: Jessie you need to check your blood pressure!

Jessie: Shut up!! We're Taking them down!

Green: Our Pokemon need Healing but-

Y/n: No!

Green: Huh?

Y/n: I'm Battling them

James: Okay then, Go Koffing!

Jessie: Go Ekans!

They both sent out their Poison-type Pokemon Out, as you grabbed two Pokeballs!

Y/n: Go Pikachu! Go Charmander!

Pikachu: You're going down!

Charmander: Yes, My First Battle!

Jessie: Alright Koffing use Sludge!

Koffing then Began spinning and sending sludge towards Pikachu!

Y/n: Pikachu uses Discharge to Create A Shield!

Pikachu: Right!

He then creates A Shield to Protect himself, and Charmander stepped up!

Y/n: Alright Charmander Use Dragon Breath on Koffing!

James: Dragon What!?

Charmander then Began to unleash A Purple and Yellow stream of Energy toward Koffing, and Koffing was sent flying!

Jessie: Ekans use Constrict on Charmander!

Ekans then began to wrap its body around Charmander Pinning it down!

Charmander: Argh! I can't hold out any longer!

Y/n: Alright Charmander use Fire fang!

Charmander then lit its Jaws on fire, as it bit down on Ekans, and it freaked out as it let go of Charmander!

James: Koffing use Sludge again!

Koffing did the same thing again but...

Y/n: Charmander use Ember!

He then destroyed it with an ember!

Y/n: Now Pikachu Use Thunderbolt!


He then Shocks Both Pokemon and Leaves them Fainted, as you smile!

Y/n: Alright!

Meowth: Not yet you still got me!

Meowth then Began to use Fury swipes but you came Prepared!

Y/n: Alright, Time for A Combo Move!

Meowth: A-A What now!?

Y/n: Let me show you! Charmander use Flamethrower, and Pikachu use Thunderbolt!

James: Oh No!

Jessie: This can't be Good!

Y/n: Now this is something A Friend of mine taught me which I am now teaching them! Fire Dragon ROAR!!!

They both then combined their attacks into one huge blast of fire and electricity, which defeated Meowth in One shot, and Hit Jessie and James!

Y/n: Za-Warudo!!

You then stopped time as you thought things Through.

Y/n: (Sigh) Well it Looks like, Their gonna get Blasted away again. I feel like I need to do something to get them off the streets. Hmmm... Hey, I got it!


The Trio of Idiots had woken up in the Tree, with Thousand Dollar bills surrounding them and A Note Tied to James's Head!

James: Hey, what Is going- Hey! HEY! WE'RE RICH!

Jessie: Huh?



Meowth: We can buy whatever we ever want or Need! Imagine it! Hey, there's A note on your head!

James: There Is?

Jessie: Let me read it!

Jessie then ripped it off of his head, and Began reading!

Jessie: "Hello there, I know you all Just got handed A Bad Hand by Life for multiple reasons, and I had decided to give you 2 Million Dollars so you can keep Living well. Also, I have two Tips for you which are, Quit Team Rocket, and 2. Teach Meowth Payday, Trust me You'll need it" Signed- YL

Meowth: YL? I wonder who that is?

James: He Must be some Guardian Angel Looking out for us

Jessie: Holy, We Must find this Guardian Angel and Give him Our Thanks! I bet so he's so Dreamy~

James: Jessie, Only one of us can Daydream

Meowth: Really? Because I'm Daydreaming about Fish

James: Of course you are, Sometimes I feel like I'm the only Smart one Here

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