The Vampire Diaries.

By HazzaStyles2021

5.9K 191 109

Based on Season Two of TVD ... Ellie and Elena's doppelgรคnger, Katherine Pierce, arrives in Mystic Falls, and... More

One: The Return.
One: The Return. Part Two.
Two: Brave New World.
Two: Brave New World. Part Two.
Three: Bad Moon Rising.
Three: Bad Moon Rising. Part Two.
Four: Memory Lane.
Four: Memory Lane. Part Two.
Five: Kill Or Be Killed.
Five: Kill Or Be Killed. Part Two.
Six: Plan B.
Six: Plan B. Part Two.
Seven: Masquerade.
Seven: Masquerade. Part Two.
Eight: Rose.
Eight: Rose. Part Two.
Nine: Katerina.
Nine: Katerina. Part Two.
Ten: The Sacrifice.
Ten: The Sacrifice. Part Two.
Eleven: By the Light of the Moon.
Eleven: By the Light of the Moon. Part Two.
Twelve: The Descent.
Twelve: The Descent. Part Two.
Thirteen: Daddy Issues.
Thirteen: Daddy Issues. Part Two.
Fourteen: Crying Wolf.
Fourteen: Crying Wolf. Part Two.
Fifteen: The Dinner Party.
Fifteen: The Dinner Party. Part Two.
Sixteen: The House Guest.
Sixteen: The House Guest. Part Two.
Seventeen: Know Thy Enemy.
Seventeen: Know Thy Enemy. Part Two.
Eighteen: The Last Dance.
Nineteen: Klaus.
Nineteen: Klaus. Part Two.
Twenty: The Last Day.
Twenty: The Last Day. Part Two.
Twenty-One: The Sun Also Rises.
Twenty-One: The Sun Also Rises. Part Two.
Twenty-Two: As I Lay Dying.
Twenty-Two: As I Lay Dying. Part Two.

Eighteen: The Last Dance. Part Two.

81 2 7
By HazzaStyles2021

Still with Damon, Ellie, Elena, Stefan, Bonnie, and Jeremy...

"That was a lame, cheap shot. He's just trying to bait us." Damon says.

"I know everyone here." Ellie says.

"Maybe he's not here. He just wants us to believe he is." Said Stefan.

"It's a party, people. Blend. Let him come to us." Damon tells them.

"Good idea." Elena says.

Bonnie pulled Jeremy onto the dance floor.

"No, no, I really don't feel like dancing." Jeremy tells her.

"Too bad." Said Bonnie.

"There's Ric. I'll be back." Damon tells them.

"And I'm gonna go see if there's anything to drink around here." Elena said, walking away.

"Well?" Stefan asked, grabbing Ellie's hand, and he nodded to the dance floor.

Damon approached Ric...

"Special dedication, huh? This guy's a little twisted." Alaric says.

"Stefan's not impressed; me neither."

"No?" Alaric asked, looking at him.

"Let me know if you see anything out of whack."

Damon walked away.

Bonnie and Jeremy slow-danced, and she rested her head against his chest.

Stefan and Ellie danced, and he spun her around. Ellie saw Caroline and Matt walk in.

"Caroline's here. She doesn't know. We have to tell her."

"I'm on it. But first..." He said.

Stefan grabbed Elena's free hand and spun Ellie around, and he placed Elena's hand in Ellie's.

"Stefan, I'm not dancing..." Elena says.

"Stefan." Ellie says.

"Just until I'm back." Stefan said, walking away.

"I need toilet anyway." Ellie said, smiling, and walked away.

Damon walked over to Elena.

"Where's she going?" He asked.


He grabbed her hands, and they danced.

"How you doing?" He asked.

"Um, freaking out a bit. You?"

"Cool as a cucumber."

She looked at him.

"Oh, come on, remember the last decade dance? The vampires were all, "aah!" And you were all, "ahh!" He tells her.

"Right, and we won."

"Yes, we did." He says.

He spun her around and pulled her back to him.

"You're good at this."

"I've got moves you've never seen." He says.

He pulled her towards him, and she laughed.

Caroline pulled Matt onto the dance floor...

"Dance with me."

"I'm a really bad dancer." He says.

"I know better than that."

She placed her hand in his and the other around his back, and they danced.


"You look really pretty tonight." He says.

They went to kiss when Stefan walked over.

"Hey, guys. Oh, sorry to interrupt."

"Hey." Caroline says.

"Hey, what's up?" Matt asked.

"Hey. Do you mind if I steal your date just for a moment?"

"No, not at all. I'll, uh, get us something to drink." Matt said, walking away.

She placed her arms around Stefan, and he did the same to her. He looked around.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Klaus is here."

"What? Really? Where's Ellie?" She asked, panicking, looking around.

"Yeah. And left her dancing with Elena."

"Where is he?" She asked, looking at him.

"We have no idea."

Ellie came out of the bathroom, drying her hands, and walked over to the drinks table, where she caught Stefan and Caroline dancing.

She pouted softly.

Back with Stefan and Caroline...

"Keep your eye out for anything that might look weird, okay?" He asked, staring down at her.

She nodded.

Back with Damon, he walked over to Bonnie and Jeremy...

"May I?"

Bonnie nodded. Jeremy walked away.

Bonnie and Damon connected hands and danced.

"You heard Jeremy and me talking, didn't you?" She asked.

"Is it true?"

"Yes." She tells him.

He spun her around, and her back hit his chest.

"The part about you having a fifty-fifty shot of surviving? Is that true?"

"He was upset. I didn't want him to worry." She says.

"So you lay it all out on the line for Ellie, no matter what."

She turned around to face him.

"No matter what. She's my best friend, Damon; I'll die for her. You can't tell her. It's why I haven't told Stefan. He will tell Ellie, and Ellie will try to stop me." She tells him.

"Your secret's safe with me. But, I mean, with all that power, is there no way to increase your odds?"

"Careful, Damon. I might start to think you actually care." She says.

"We wouldn't want that."

On the other side of the dance, Ellie, Elena, and Jeremy are watching Damon and Bonnie dance...

"What are they up to?" Ellie asked staring between them.

"Who knows?" Elena asked.

"Is something else going on, Jer? You okay?" Ellie asked.

"Fine. I'm fine." Jeremy said, smiling softly, looking at Ellie.

Jeremy walked away, and Elena signed and walked away.

Ellie signed, and Stefan walked over to her.

"Hey, everything all right?" He asked.

"I'm not sure."

A few minutes later, Stefan walked down the corridor and found Jeremy...

"Jeremy. What you doing? Ellie thinks we should stick together."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I've got my ring." Jeremy said, holding his hand up.

Stefan just looked at him, and Jeremy looked down.

"It's... it's Bonnie." Said Jeremy.

"What? What is it? Hey, you got something on your mind; spit it out."

"If Bonnie takes on Klaus... channeling all that energy's gonna kill her." Jeremy tells him.


"But she doesn't want Ellie to know, because if Ellie knows, she's gonna try to stop her. And it's Ellie that could turn up dead, so... what am I supposed to do?" Jeremy asked, looking at Stefan.

Back at the dance, Ellie walked over to Bonnie...

"I need to talk to you."

Damon looked over, watching Ellie and Bonnie walk away.

Stefan stormed up to him.

"Come here. Come here. Tell me you didn't know that Bonnie was on a suicide mission." Stefan says.

"Oh, great. Jeremy told you, and, of course, you told Ellie."

"Yeah. I told her. She's my girlfriend, and I promised her no more secrets. And you promised her." Said Stefan.

"I changed my mind."

Back with Ellie and Bonnie, they walked around the school...

"How could you not tell me?" Ellie asked.

"Because I knew how you'd react."

"No. No way, it's not an option." Ellie says, shaking her head.

"It's our only option."

"Then we'll find another way, okay? Bonnie, you're not dying to save me, okay? No, I won't allow it."

"I have the power to save you. If I don't use it and something happens, that would kill me more."

"I can't let you do that." Ellie says, looking at her and shaking her head.

"Just answer one question. If the situation were reversed... would you do it for me?"

Ellie looked at her.

"Now you know why I have to."

Ellie scoffed and shook her head.

"No. No." Ellie said.

Jeremy continued walking down the hallway when three guys came into view...

"What's going on, guys?" Jeremy asked.

"You okay, Gilbert? You don't look so good."

"Dude, seriously? Wrong day, wrong guy." Jeremy tells him.

The guy shoved Jeremy, and Jeremy shoved him back, and the two other guys held Jeremy back. They got Jeremy to the ground, and they kicked him.

"Hey, idiots." Damon says.

Damon and Stefan ran over, and one of them fired a wooden stake into Damon's chest. The other two took out their weapons and aimed them at them.

"Let me guess. Klaus says hi."

Stefan sped towards one of the guys, elbowed him in the face, and knocked them both out.

Damon sped towards the third one and was about to kill him.

"No. No. Don't kill him. He's compelled." Stefan tells him.


"So the whole thing is a distraction. Go find Bonnie and Ellie. I got this. Go." Stefan says.

Damon threw the guy against the lockers and ran down the hallway.

Outside with Bonnie and Ellie...

"Ellie." Ric said, running over to them.

"What is it?" Ellie asked.

"He has Jeremy." Ric tells her.

"What?" Ellie and Bonnie asked.

"Yeah, Klaus has Jeremy. Come on." Ric tells them.

Ellie and Bonnie ran with him, and he opened the door for them.

"Where are you taking us?" Ellie asked, looking at him.

"Just a little further." Ric says.

"Wait. Wait. Stop. Stop. Something's not right." Said Ellie.

"Where's Jeremy?" Asked Bonnie.

"Stop!" Ellie shouted at Ric.

Ric had his back to them, and he laughed.

"I just had to get away from that dance. The '60s. Ugh. Not my decade. I mean, whose call was that anyway? Much prefer the '20s."

Bonnie looked at Ellie, and Ellie shrugged.

"You know, the styles, the parties, the jazz."

"Alaric. Are you on vervain?" Ellie asked.

"Now, why would you ask me that question, Ellie?"

Bonnie stepped forward, and she stood in front of Ellie.

"He's being compelled." Ellie says.

"Nope. Try again."

Bonnie placed her arm around Ellie.

"What's going on?" Bonnie asked.

"Really? Does school teach you nothing? Okay, I'll give you a hint. I am not Alaric."

He looked at Ellie, and his head tilted.

Ellie's eyes widened, and she looked straight at him.

"Figured it out yet, Ellie?"

"Klaus." Said Ellie.


"Oh, no. No, it's... it's not possible." Ellie says.

"Just relax, Ellie. I'm not here to hurt you. You're not on my hit list tonight. But you are."

Klaus ran at Bonnie, and Bonnie flung him back against the lockers.

Klaus chuckled and stood up.

"Did I forget to mention that I know a witch? You're gonna have to hit me a lot harder than that."

He went for her again, and Bonnie lifted her hand, and his body hit the trophy case at the end of the hall.

Ellie gasped.

His body hit the floor, and he laughed.

"By all means, fire away. If you kill this body, I'll just get a new one. Maybe Jeremy."

"Go. Run. Run." Bonnie tells Ellie.

They ran down the corridor, and Bonnie used her magic to shut the doors.

Damon found them, and he ran over to them.

"Where's Stefan?" Ellie asked.

"What happened?" He asked, looking between them.

"Alaric... Klaus is in Alaric's body." Ellie says, breathing deeply.

"What?" He asked.

"He's possessing it or something." Bonnie said.

"Go find Stefan. Now." He tells Ellie.

Ellie turned to Bonnie.

"Now." He says.

"Okay. Okay." Ellie says, running out the doors.

"Can you still kill him?" He asked, looking at Bonnie.

"He's got some kind of protection spell."

"You have the power of a hundred witches. Break it." He tells her.

"I'm trying. If I kill Alaric, he'll just possess someone else. He knows I have my power, Damon. He's trying to kill me."

"No. Klaus does not get to win tonight, no way. You still willing to do whatever it takes to kill him?" He asked.

She nodded at him.

Ellie arrived back at the dance, and she looked around for Stefan...

Caroline watched Ellie spin around and walk over to her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Caroline asked.

"Um, yeah. I'm just..." Ellie says, seeing Matt walk over and stand a few feet behind Caroline. "I'm looking for... Stefan."

"Seriously, what's wrong?" Asked Caroline.

"Uh, just..." Ellie said, shaking her head. "Just, um, stay with Matt, okay?"

Ellie looked around and saw Stefan running back to the dance, and they saw each other.

She ran over him, and Matt stood in front of Caroline.

"What was that about?" Matt asked, standing in front of Caroline.

"Oh, uh, you know, just some kind of drama." Caroline tells him.

Back with Bonnie, she walked through the double doors that she and Ellie ran through...

She walked to the end and found Klaus sitting in another room with his feet on the table.

"What took you so long?"

She walked into the room.

"Now, do you wanna do this the, uh, easy way or the hard way?"

She just stared at him, and she moved her hand, breaking his hand, and he groaned, dropping the knife he had hold of.

His bones cracked back into place, and he looked up at Bonnie.

"The hard way. Got it."

She lifted her arm again, and she broke his arm.

He groaned.

"What? Would you kill your favourite history teacher?"

He cracked his arm back into place.

"Alaric would want me to. He and Ellie are close. And he'd want you to suffer first."

He saw the blood coming from her nose.

"Look at you. Is that all you got?"

She wiped her nose with the back of her hand.

"Let's find out." She tells him.

Stefan and Ellie ran down the hallway hand in hand, and Damon came into view...

"What are you doing? W... w... where's Bonnie?" Ellie asked, stammering.

"She's doing what she has to do."

"What? Where is she?" Stefan asked.

"Stefan, let her do this."

"Damn it, Damon, where is she?" Stefan asked.

Back with Bonnie, the lights flickered...

She broke his leg, and he screamed and fell to the floor.

All the pieces of paper flew off the wall, and Klaus got back to his feet.

She broke his other leg, and he landed on the ground.

The blood from her nose was pouring down her chin.

Ellie and Stefan saw Bonnie and Klaus. Bonnie saw them and used her magic to shut the doors.

"Bonnie, no!" Ellie shouted.

She banged against them, and Stefan rammed his shoulder into the doors. But the doors wouldn't budge.

Bonnie looked back at Klaus, and she broke his arm and hand at the same time.

The lightbulbs all burst, and the sparks flew down.

Ellie banged on the door.

Bonnie looked back at Ellie, and Ellie looked back at her.

"Bonnie? No! No!" Ellie shouted, banging against the door.

Bonnie looked at her for a few seconds before making something else explode.

Bonnie's body jerked forward, and she fell to the floor.

Ellie just stood there, staring at Bonnie's body.

"No!" Ellie shouted.

The lights went completely out. Klaus just stood there, and Stefan managed to get the doors open, and they ran towards Bonnie.

Ellie dropped beside Bonnie's body, and she grabbed Bonnie.

"Bonnie, Bonnie. Bonnie, Bonnie, hey, hey."

Stefan looked around to find Klaus gone.

"Stefan, she's not breathing."

He grabbed her wrist and checked for a pulse.

"Stefan. Stefan, I can't find her pulse. Stefan. Stefan, why can't I find her pulse?"

He looked at her.

"No. No. Do something, please. Stefan, please. Just give her blood; do something, please."

"Ellie, giving her my blood won't do anything. It's too late. I'm sorry." He says.

She shook her head rapidly, and she looked at him, and tears fell from her eyes.

"No. No. No, no, no. This wasn't supposed to happen. Bonnie. Bonnie."

Stefan's head snapped up, seeing Damon.

"I need to get Ellie out of here." Stefan tells him.

"Yeah. I'll deal with the body." Said Damon.

Ellie looked up at Damon.

"What do you mean? Deal with the body?"

"The Sheriff can't know about this. Last thing we need is a mysterious death." Damon said, picking Bonnie's body up.

"This is Bonnie!" She shouted, glaring at Damon.

"Get her home. Now. So, I can clean this up." Damon tells Stefan.

"Hey, hey, hey, babe." Stefan said quietly, and he helped her stand up.

Her eyes widened.

"Jeremy. Elena. Oh, my God, Jeremy. What about Jeremy and Elena?" She asked, looking up at Stefan.

"I'll find them." Damon says.

She looked at Bonnie's body, and she cried more.

"No!" She says, crying even more.

"Shh. Shh. Shh." Stefan said, comforting her, and they left the room.

Damon touched Bonnie's face softly. Then he closed her eyes.

Later, he placed Bonnie in the boot of his car. Jeremy came running over to him...

"Damon. Hey, I got your message. I can't find anyone. Where's Ellie and Bonnie?"

Damon looked at him.

"We need to have a little talk." Damon tells him.

Back with Ellie, she sat in the chair in front of the fire, and she shuddered...

Tears still fell down her face, and she stared at the flames.

Stefan walked in, holding a cup, and he placed a blanket around her.

"Hey. Here, drink this."

She shook her head.

"I can't."

"Yeah. Yeah, you can. Please drink this." He says, kneeling down in front of her.

She took the cup, and she brought the cup to her lips, her breathing uneven.

She started crying again.

"Stefan, this is all my fault."

"No, no, no. Hey, no." He said.

She nodded.

"This was Klaus. Listen to me. Klaus did this." He tells her.

The front door opened, and they saw Damon coming in.

"What did you do with her?" She asked.

"Will you please calm her down?" Damon asked, staring at Stefan.

"Don't talk like I'm not standing right in front of you." She said, crying and glaring at Damon.

"Please calm down."

"You knew, didn't you? I see it all over your smug little face. You knew that if she harnessed all that power, she would die."

"Yes. Yes, I knew." Damon tells her.

She shouted angrily and slapped him across the face.

"You need to listen to me and prepare for what I'm about to say. Bonnie had to die. Klaus using Alaric's body was a total surprise. She wasn't prepared for that."

Jeremy had found Bonnie lying on the ground in the abandoned house's basement.

"And he wasn't gonna stop. And we weren't gonna be able to stop him until he knew she was dead. He had to believe it. He had to believe she was dead."

Back with Jeremy, he had lit every candle in the basement. Bonnie's eyes opened...

"Hey. Hey. Hey." He says.

He lifted her up, and she wrapped her arms around him.

Back with Stefan, Damon, and Ellie...

"She cast a spell. Bonnie's okay."

Ellie looked at Stefan.

Damon walked towards the stairs, and Stefan followed.

"You could've told me." Said Stefan.

"How do I know when you're gonna go blabbing things at your girlfriend?"

"That was evil. Pure evil. You have no idea what you just put her through." Stefan says.

"See? That's why I didn't tell you. Because you would have never been able to do it. Don't get me wrong, Stefan. I don't mind being the bad guy. I'll even let her hate me for it."

"Damon, we both know she hates you anyway. We need to be able to tell each other these things if we wanna keep her alive, Damon. And I want her alive." Said Stefan.


Back with Jeremy and Bonnie, he pulled out his laptop...

"You sure it's safe here?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." She says.

He pulled out a small box, and she stared at it, and he switched it on.

"What is that?" She asked, staring down at the small box.

"It is MiFi. If we're gonna be stuck here, we may as well have Internet."

"You don't have to stay down here with me." She said.

"Hey, look, I'm not letting you out of my sight."

"I... I need you to talk to Ellie for me. Tell her how sorry I am for what Damon and I had to do." She tells him.

"Well, uh... why don't you tell her yourself?"

Jeremy turned the laptop to see Ellie on the screen, and Ellie saw Bonnie.

Ellie breathed heavily. A sign of relief flooded Ellie's tone.


"Ellie." Bonnie says, whispering and smiling. She took the laptop from him. "Ellie. Ellie, I'm so sorry."

Ellie: "It's okay; it's okay. I just needed to see you for myself."

Bonnie: "There wasn't enough time for me to tell you."

Ellie: "It's okay, seriously. Damon just explained it all. In his own way."

Later, Ellie arrived at Damon's bedroom.

"Ugh. Look, Klaus had to think she was dead. Your reaction had to be real."

She nodded.

"I'm not here to talk about that. Let's get one thing straight, Damon. Bonnie will not die for me. I won't let that happen." She said.

"We need to kill Klaus, Ellie. Real Klaus. Who will probably be coming to pay you a visit soon... now that he knows that Bonnie's dead? She's the only one who can do it."

"We'll find another way." She tells him.

"I hope so."

"Stefan thinks we should keep the peace between us. So, I shouldn't have hit you." She says.

"Was that an apology?"

She nodded. "That's the best you're getting."

"Then apology accepted."

"Good." She said, leaving his room.

Seconds later, she walked downstairs and looked around to make sure Stefan wasn't around...

She walked down to the basement and opened the locked cell, seeing Elijah's dead body on the ground.

She kneeled beside his body and pulled the dagger out of his chest.

Song: Dream Lover, The Dollyrots

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