The Second Flash And The Wind...

By eddies19

22.3K 391 63

Naruto is a boy that possesses the Nine Tail Fox making the young boy known as a jinchuriki. He was looked do... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.

Chapter 9.

1.2K 25 1
By eddies19

After Naruto and Temari composed themselves, they then turn around and came face to face. Temari then breaks the ice by starting the conversation, "Hey Naruto do you know how to play shogi?" "No. No one really ever played with me before but if you explain the rules I might be able to play Temari." Temari then runs upstairs to her room and goes through closet to find it "No one ever really played with Naruto back at the leaf village? Why wouldn't they want to play with him, he looks so innocent. Once I find it and when me and Naruto start playing Shogi it will help cheer him up." Temari says in her mind and smiling while looking through her closet and once she found it she heads back to the living room. "I'll show how to play shogi Naruto. It'll be fun." Temari smiling. Naruto then smiles. "Oh no Naruto don't play shogi with Temari she always wins." Whined Kankurō. "That's because you're too dumb to play a mind and strategy game instead of those dolls of yours. And my mind is one of the best strategic minds in the village and the academy you idiot." "Hey! They're puppets not dolls Temari! And puppets are part of the puppet master jutsu techniques invented by the hidden sand village!" Kankurō replies. Karura laughs "Kankurō, when you were little and when you started learning the puppet master jutsu you did used Temari's dolls for your training and you used my makeup before you decided to start going to Temari's room to use her makeup." "Mom! Not in front in my new friend Naruto!"  Everyone then laughs as Kankuro is embarrassed by his mom and sister.

Karura goes to the kitchen to prepare dinner while Kankuro watches Naruto and Temari play shogi. Temari explains the rules of shogi to Naruto and they then begin the game. Temari then starts the conversation after she goes first, "So you came all the way from the hidden leaf village in the land of fire to come here?" Naruto replies, "Yes. I came here with the third hokage, he's like my grandfather figure I look up to, also his escorts went with us well like Kakashi Hatake aka "Kakashi Of The Sharingan" and many other nicknames he's called so on and so forth, and then Jiraiya Of The Legendary Sannin. I traveled through the Land Of Fire and Land Of Wind until I made it here in the Hidden Sand Village. When I was traveling I started on my Kenjutsu training with my swords and I was working on a fire style technique that required my swords in order to use the technique. It's like a combination of kenjutsu and fire style being used together to use this technique that I have read the instructions on and mastering the technique itself." As Naruto goes next. Temari surprised at what she just heard from Naruto replies, "Wow that's some traveling Naruto. Plus also interesting hearing about this technique you mastered on using kenjutsu and fire style." Temari then goes next. "Hey Naruto can I look at your swords?" Asked Kankurō. "Sure Kankuro, just be careful alright." "Thanks Naruto and don't worry I will be careful."

 Kankuro then grabs Naruto's swords and unsheathes the swords as he looks at them in awe, "Wow! These swords are perfectly balanced and you kept them prestige shape!" Exclaimed Kankuro. "Yeah, when using kenjutsu you need to keep your swords in good shape and always sharpen them." Replied Naruto. Kankuro then sheathes the swords. "Hey Naruto may I take a look at them?" Asked Temari after she moves her piece. "Sure Temari go ahead." Temari then looks at Naruto's swords, she sees the white and black sheathes and the white and black wrappings around the handle of the swords as she then unsheathes the swords. "These are quite nice and Kankuro's right about them being perfectly balanced, plus you have the Uzumaki Clan crest engraved on the swords." "These are quite familiar it's like I saw these swords in a couple of pictures that mom, dad, Pakura and Baki were in and they originally belonged to a woman with long red hair and she looked beautiful and deadly plus she was a close friend to everyone and Naruto's looks are very familiar like I saw something before. Does Naruto know who is parents are and just what happened to them exactly, also who are his parents?" Temari spoke to herself in her mind. Temari also notices some scrolls that were in Naruto's pockets and Naruto's necklace he is wearing underneath his shirt, "Those scrolls, what kind of Jutsu's was Naruto practicing when he got here? Could one of those scrolls be the one that he talked about earlier? Plus who gave him those scrolls? Also I can see the necklace he has around his neck, did his parents gave him that necklace before something happened to them?" Temari then sheathes the swords and gives them back to Naruto, "Thank you for showing me and Kankuro your swords Naruto." "Your welcome. You know Temari, once we're done playing shogi maybe you can show me your war fan." "Sure I'll show you my war fan Naruto once we're done." They then continue the game, after about an hour Temari gets surprised and frustrated as Naruto moved his next piece instantly and captures her king. 

"Checkmate Temari." Naruto says softly and she gave out a frustrated cry and Kankuro's jaw dropped and Karura and Rasa were surprised by Naruto's victory, Rasa came by home a couple of minutes ago while Naruto and Temari were still playing.

"Arrgh! How just, how can I lose!? I don't get it! How do you do that Naruto, you have no strategy you move your pieces instantly without thinking the moves ahead and this is your first time playing shogi how did you do that? You are so so so..... unpredictable!" Temari said in a frustrated tone. Naruto smiling, "I am unpredictable, plus I got a mind of my own. That was actually a lot of fun Temari. You did almost get me a couple of times. We should do this again sometimes you know." Temari's anger died down seeing Naruto happy and she smiled and replied "Yeah your right Naruto it was fun. But remember I'll get you next time just you wait Naruto Uzumaki." Temari smirked. "Hey I'm always ready for anything and whatever you throw at me Temari "The Wind Goddess". Naruto replied and smirked. They both then laugh. 

They then head to the kitchen to eat dinner and after dinner they head back to the living room. "This is my war fan Naruto. It belonged to my mother, she then gave it to me as a birthday present and wanted me to have it. After that my mom trained me with how to use the war fan. Also be careful it'll be heavy when you try to pick it up." As Naruto grabs the war fan he easily lifts it up, which makes both Temari and Kankurō shocked. "Naruto... you lifted my war fan!" Temari stated with a stupefied expression. "It took me three years to lift it properly!" She continued in anger with a scrutinizing gaze. Naruto opens the fan to the first moon, then the second moon and the third moon to fully look at the weapon. "Fascinating weapon you have Temari." Naruto then closes the war fan and gives it back to her. Naruto laughs nervously. "If you were wondering how I lift it, all I did was just train, that's all I did honestly. Naruto nervously shrugged and sweat dropped. "Please don't hit me with the fan and already she's starting to become really scary right now because she's angry." Naruto speaks to himself in his mind. Temari's anger disappears and she smiles "Well you're truly something else Naruto. Plus since you're going to be learning on how to use the war fan tomorrow besides my mom helping you, I'll help you train as well. This is going to be good Naruto." Naruto then replies "Yeah it will be. Hey Temari, if you ever want to learn some Kenjutsu I can help you with that if you want." Temari ponders, she smiles and replies "I'll think about it Naruto I could learn a little more to add to my weapon arsenal since I use wind chakra." Naruto smiles "Alright. Just let me know when you're ready and we can begin." Temari nods "Right, thank you Naruto." "Your welcome Temari." Replied Naruto.

"Well it's getting late, I'm going to call it a night. Good night Temari I'll see you in the morning." said Naruto. "Good night Naruto, you better be ready for training tomorrow." Temari replied and smiled. Naruto grins as he replies "Trust me Temari, I'll be ready." He then goes to his room to change into his night wear. While he left for his room Temari watches from a far, she smiles as she made a new friend and was happy with the results of cheering him up with their game of shogi, Kankuro then approaches her and chuckles Temari turns around and looks at her brother "What's so funny Kankuro?" Asked Temari. "Oh you wouldn't get it." Replied Kankurō. Temari then scowls "What do you mean I wouldn't get it?" Temari replied. Kankuro then laughs at his sister "Like I said you wouldn't get it." Temari starts getting angry and grabs Kankuro and bonks him on the head with her fist, "You will tell me or I'll use my fan to make it worse for you." "Ouch. Why do you have to do that? Alright. What I'm saying is someone is starting to have feelings for a certain someone." Kankuro rubbing the spot on his head while he's in pain and couldn't help but laugh a little. Temari then starts blushing red and bonks Kankuro on the head again this time with her fan "Ow!" Kankuro in pain after getting bonked on the head by Temari's as she angrily replies "I just met Naruto and I'm trying to get to know him Kankuro!" Scoffed Temari. Temari then goes to her room to change into her nightwear. She takes off the bands holding her four pigtails and lets her hair down, she puts on her pajamas being a purple shirt and white floral pajama pants. She gets in bed and covers herself up "Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. Training with Naruto and teaching him about the war fan, he'll be a good training partner, I wonder how his wind style is. Maybe I might also take up on the kenjutsu training offer he offered me. Maybe one of these days I want to take him on in a sparring match. Also during training I can get to know Naruto a little more." Temari smiles as she falls asleep. Naruto goes into his room to change he changes into his pajamas being a white shirt and black pajama pants. "Well today was a good day, tomorrow is going to be an interesting day and some interesting training I'll be getting. I have to say Temari is something else. She seems to be quite smart and strategic when I played shogi against her and now tomorrow I'll see how strong she is with her wind style." Naruto then turns off his light and does his five minute meditation before heading to bed, after he finishes his meditation he then gets into his bed, covers himself, he then smiles as he then falls asleep.

The next day. Morning.

Ever since Shukaku was sealed into Gaara, he's been asleep for quite a while, today Gaara will awake from his slumber today this morning as he is in his bedroom tucked in bed still sleeping but will soon awaken from his slumber.

Gaara's mindscape.

Gaara opens his eyes as he notices he's not in his father's office at the kazekage tower or anywhere in the hidden sand village or his own house or anywhere in the world, but in a very different place he doesn't even know or heard of. "Where- where am I? Hello? Anybody here? Hello? Jiraiya Of The Legendary Sannin? Lord Third Hokage? Pakura? Baki? Mom? Dad? Kankurō? Temari? Anyone?! HELLO!" Gaara sees himself in ankle deep water that is in a red color and sees a reflection of himself.

"Go back to sleep, worm!" Gaara winces at the loudness of the voice and is looking around to see where the voice is coming from. "What? Who are you and what do you want from me? And I'm not a worm, I'm a person." Replied Gaara. "I don't care who you are, you foolish child! You're not supposed to be here and I'm not supposed to be here either! So surrender the body to me Shukaku the one tailed beast and I will finally be free from this prison I was placed in!" Gaara then keeps walking to the source of the voice and finds a cage that has four heavy seal steel bars. He couldn't quite see how tall the rods were, because those steel bars seem to be going on forever into the darkness of the sky above. He slowly stood up and walked close towards the bars to get a good look. He stops ten feet before the bars and found that the bars were held close by a tag with a kanji being written on it that reads "seal".

He was still observing the seal on the bars and then suddenly found himself skidding back a little by the sudden wind coming from within the bars. He braced himself against the sudden wind and understood that whatever was on the other side of the cage just exhaled its breath.

The child saw what appears to be a giant beast's shadow slowly rising up within the darkness of the other side of the cage. He couldn't see it clearly cause the beast was not coming out into the light. The only things that are visible were its eyes in the darkness.

"Mark my words you stupid child... This seal may stop me for now... But I will find a way out of this prison here and I will destroy everything and kill everyone you love." Came the booming voice of the beast. Then the beast sat down resting its head on its front legs. It was somewhat visible now but still not clearly.

Gaara was scared at first, but only until he heard what the beast said at the end. When he heard what it intends to do at the end of its sentence, Gaara's posture suddenly changed. The beast saw that the fear in the eyes was replaced by something else, something that I can't understand. Then Gaara suddenly surprised it by coming through the steel bars. The beast was too surprised to do anything, but Gaara didn't stop there. He went up to its front leg, climbed on it and kept on walking until he was right in front of its right eye.

"Shukaku, will you be my friend...?"

The words caught Shukaku unaware and he was shocked beyond relief. "What?" was the only reply that came to Shukaku's mind.

"My father sealed you into me. He believes that only I can protect the village and the people I care about with your help." Gaara replied putting emphasis on the word help.

Shukaku didn't reply, but let Gaara continue. "I don't want to use your power... I'm requesting you to help me with your powers to protect the village and those I love and care about..."

Those words put Shukaku in deep thought, which was an unusual thing for it. "I want you to be my friend and one of my most precious people Shukaku..." Gaara finished saying.

After a few more moments when Shukaku still didn't reply, Gaara slowly climbed down from its front leg and started to walk towards the bars with back turned towards Shukaku.

"This is my chance to attack this boy and escape from here before he crosses the bars!" those were the thoughts screaming in Shukaku's mind.

He turned towards Gaara and raised his claws to attack him. But Gaara still had his back facing Shukaku. Then the realization struck Shukaku's head like a sledgehammer. Gaara trusts him so much.

Gaara reminded him of another person Shukaku respected. A person who also trusted Shukaku so much that he also had his back facing Shukaku. A fond memory Shukaku always cherished made its way into his mind.

"There's really no need to distinguish between man and beast... Because a friend of the heart provides peace of mind, no matter what their species." A very old looking man said to Shukaku. He was sitting cross legged in ankle deep water of his own mind-scape."

"I gotta say... You're one strange person... I bet there isn't ever going to be another human being like you again..." the very same Shukaku replied and he was seen sitting behind the old man.

"No... I think you're wrong here... Human souls are like reflecting water... People often speak or act the opposite of their true feelings... But I believe that fundamentally people's hearts wish to connect with and accept each other, even with beasts." The old man replied with sagely wisdom and the beast was surprised at his words beyond belief.

"You know... You kind of remind me of my own father... The Oldman, The Sage Of The Six Paths." Shukaku said genuinely.

The old man's eyes were starting to have tears of happiness at hearing the acknowledgment in Shukaku's voice. "Thank you very much... I believe that those are the most heartwarming words, I've ever received from you..." He replied with a shaking voice.

"Hey... Serious note... I really can't see there being other people like you out there in the world..."

"Oh... I'm sure there are... I know that one day, someone will emerge who will protect, redeem and cherish you..." The old man started to say and paused while raising his hands and placing them in such a way that his palms were facing his face. There are kanji written on the palms of both of his hands. On his left hand palm there was a kanji that reads "Acceptance" and on his right hand palm there was a kanji that reads "Heart".

"... and the moment you come to accept his true heart... You too will likely comprehend the meaning of these words that my mentor etched onto my palms." He finished his saying referring to the words on his palms and then joined both his palms in a praying gesture. Both the kanji fused together and gave another kanji that read "Love".

Shukaku found himself staring at the same word on the forehead of Gaara who was now standing outside the bars and facing it. The boy was observing Shukaku curiously because of his unusual silence.


Gaara looked at Shukaku with something akin to understanding and then bowed to him. "Shukaku, I can understand that you don't trust me right now after everything you've been through for so many many years... But Shukaku, I will promise you this, I will work my way until I have earned your full and complete trust... I will also show you that not all humans are bad, that there are some humans that are good and as your new host that I'm not afraid of you and that together we will protect everything and everyone that we care about and I will restore your faith in humanity and that you won't be alone anymore and we will be friends Shukaku." Gaara smiling at Shukaku.

To Gaara's surprised and shock Shukaku started to laugh and after he was done laughing he subsided a little and Shukaku asked, "What's your name kid?"

"My name is Gaara." Gaara replied and held out his hand to Shukaku.

Shukaku was surprised that Gaara stretched his hand out after he introduced himself to him, Shukaku then smiles as he replies "My name is Shukaku. It's nice to meet you Gaara." Shukaku then stretches out his finger towards Gaara and Gaara shakes Shukaku's finger and replies "It's nice to meet you too Shukaku."

They then break from their hand shake as Shukaku speaks to Gaara. "Hey Gaara, you remind me of Bunnpuku so much."

"Who's Bunnpuku?" Gaara asked with confusion.

"That will be for another time Gaara. Now leave me be!"

With that Gaara was forcefully expelled from his mind-scape.

Real world. Kazekage mansion. Gaara's bedroom.

Gaara then awakens from his sleep. He opens his eyes and sees he's in his bedroom in his bed, as he then sits up. He then hears his door knob move and the door opens and sees his mom walk in. Karura walks in to check on Gaara and finds her son finally awake as she then immediately goes to her son "Gaara you're awake! You're okay!" Karura then hugs her youngest child with motherly love. Gaara then hugs his mom back. 

"Yeah its me mom, I'm okay. Where's dad, Kankurō and Temari?" Gaara asks after his mom breaks from the hug.

"Well right now your dad is resting, your brother Kankuro I'm not sure what he is doing with his puppets or when your sister Temari would call them dolls. As for your sister Temari, she's in the kitchen having breakfast right now. Also we have guest staying with us for the week, he's already made friends with your brother and sister and I'm sure you two will get along great as well." "Wow I can't wait to meet him mom! We'll be best friends!" replied Gaara. "I know both of you will Gaara." replied Karura and smiles.

Naruto wakes up after having a nice sleep and gets up does his morning routines and does his ten minute morning meditation and goes down stairs to have breakfast as he prepares his training on learning the war fan. After heading down stairs he heads over to the kitchen to have his breakfast as he sees Temari and her family having breakfast. "Morning." said Naruto. "Good Morning Naruto." replied Karura. "Better eat your breakfast Naruto it's going to get cold and you're going to need it before you start training." said Rasa. Naruto then gets to his seat as he sits right next to Gaara as he starts eating his breakfast. After eating breakfast he meets Gaara. "Hi, my name is Gaara what's your name?" as he holds his hand out and Naruto smiles as he replies and shakes Gaara's hand "My name is Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki. It's nice to meet you Gaara." "I remember briefly seeing you at the kazekage tower when your dad was taking you home after the sealing process." "Wow. You're the one that's the surrogate grandson of The Third Hokage that was at the negotiations meeting." replied Gaara. "Yeah that's me, I was learning on how to be a kage and I went with my grandfather figure to the meeting  at the hidden sand village to learn about being a kage because it's my dream to become Hokage when I grow up. Also on the way here I was training as well during the journey to the Hidden Sand." replied Naruto. "That's neat. My dream is to become the kazekage like my dad and I've been learning from my dad about being the kazekage and one day I'll be the kazekage for my village and home." Gaara smiles as he replies. Naruto smiles and replies "I respect that Gaara. You know the both of us we're going to be very good friends indeed since we have the same dream of becoming leaders of our villages." said Naruto. After Naruto finishes his breakfast he leaves the kitchen to use the restroom and to wash hands and heads over to his room really quick to grab his gear and walks out of his bedroom and heads downstairs to the living room where Gaara and Kankuro were "Come on Naruto we got training to do right now!" Temari yells as she's behind him and immediately grabs Naruto's hand, "Woah!" Naruto was quite surprised by Temari just grabbing his hand so casually as she is fighting the urge to not blush in front of Naruto and Naruto trying to not blush either as he tries to find his footing with Temari pulling Naruto through the house. Gaara was surprised by his sister taking Naruto by the hand as she always never wanted to go out with any of the boys and fan boys in the village and the academy that have numerously asked her out and would get either a warning from her or let her fan do the talking for her when they couldn't take no for an answer, the other nickname she had in the village besides "The Wind Goddess" was "The Cruelest Kunoichi". Kankuro who couldn't help but smile and quietly laugh at the sight as his little brother Gaara asks his big brother, "Kankuro, why is Temari trying not to blush when she grabbed Naruto's hand and what's so funny?" Kankuro answers his little brother's question "It's nothing Gaara, nothing really." The brothers then follow suit with Naruto and Temari as they were also going to train and Gaara's father Rasa was going to help him on his training with controlling his sand. Rasa and Karura who saw Temari grab Naruto's hand and pulling him so they can get going, the parents couldn't help but smile, "It seems Temari's heart is slowly but surely melting being with Naruto and I'm glad Naruto's made friends with our children he deserves friends. Also if Temari and Naruto ever get together later on, I would say I approve." said Rasa. "I would agree as well. Naruto has a good heart. When I look at Naruto, I see Minato and Kushina, it's like looking at a mirror." Karura replied while smiling. "Well I better get catch up with them I'll meet you at the training field." said Karura. "I'll see you there as well." Karura then leaves the house to catch up with Naruto and the others, while Rasa leaves the house and locks the door and then teleports using his gold dust.

Hidden sand village streets.

After leaving the house Karura catches up to Naruto and the others as they all went to the training field together, while Temari was still holding Naruto's hand wanting to get to the training field already and some of the villagers said hello and waived to Karura and were surprised that the daughter of the kazekage was seen holding hands with the surrogate grandson of the third hokage who was also one of his guests that traveled with him, Kakashi and Jiraiya to the hidden sand and also passing by through the village Temari seeing some of her classmates from the academy that looked at her holding Naruto's hand, some of the girls blushing on how handsome Naruto looked. They also walked past the fan boys that have numerously asked Temari out multiple times but to get rejected, those who got a warning from her and some that have gotten the war fan treatment from her when they didn't take no for an answer and saw her with Naruto and they were quite jealous and heartbroken at the sight. Naruto saw the looks and knew they were wondering what a girl like her was doing with someone she met yesterday. "Hey umm... Temari I don't think we should be holding hands, some people are staring at us, plus you met me yesterday and you barely even know me." Naruto said in a quiet voice so that only Temari heard him as she stopped and looked at him with a blank face and the others stopped as well as Temari starts talking to Naruto. "Naruto, I couldn't care less what some of the others would think and I would be with you over any of them any day of the year, plus we're friends now Naruto so don't worry about it." Temari said with her hands on her hips and Naruto then nodded with a small smile as Temari smiled back at Naruto. She then took his hand as they continued walking to the training field. Temari didn't want to let go of Naruto's hand, it was big, rough and strong in her opinion which wrapped her hand completely and his hold was still so gentile that she felt safe. The only people that ever hold her hand were her parents and also her siblings, plus her family friends like Pakura and Baki since they both know her parents, but when it came to holding Naruto's hand it just felt so different to her, she liked the warmth that she felt holding Naruto's hand though she won't admit it out loud to everyone. Naruto was blushing a bit for holding Temari's hand for so long and would admit that she could be quite demanding at some times but she was a dedicated and proud Kunoichi at the most and was glad to have a friend like her and especially make friends with her two brother's Kankurō and Gaara. Kankuro and Gaara were surprised by what their sister Temari told Naruto and the interaction between the two, the brothers looked at Naruto like something happened to him a long time ago and why he acted like that to Temari as they want to get know their new friend more and help him. Karura smiled at how Temari cheered Naruto up during their interaction and was seeing a bright future for the two. 

Training field.

After walking through the streets of the hidden sand village they finally arrive at the training field where Rasa was waiting for their arrival. "Perfect you made it just in time. Karura you train Temari and Naruto with their wind style and also train Naruto on using the war fan. Kankuro you train on your ninjutsu, and Taijutsu. Gaara I will help you train on controlling your sand and help you on your training." And with that they began training as Naruto was ready to learn new techniques on wind style and ready to learn on using the war fan being a new weapon for Naruto to use and to add in his arsenal of weapons.

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