A Frozen Heart ⭐

By jenica1988

6.4K 661 107

*~COMPLETE~* Aspen has almost had her power since before she can even remember. Her childhood is a mystery a... More

Back Again
Flowers & Familiarity
Let It Go
Kingdom of Isolation
Do I Know You?
Flowers & Frost
Secrets Revealed
Making Plans
First Date
Let's Get Ready for A Party
I Dreamed A Dream
The Cell
She's Not an Animal
The Apology Tour
A Couple of Firsts
The Future
Let's Have Some Fun
You Will Never Have Control
Power Up
The Only Way
What If There Was a Way...?
Goodbye Old Friend, Hello New Life

❄ I'm Frost ❄

252 25 2
By jenica1988

I insisted Steve let me arrive to the party by myself, so he wasn't making trips back and forth. Tony wouldn't let that happen either, so he sent a town car to come pick me up. I had put a small wave in my hair and wore it down. I was checking myself out in the mirror before I left the apartment.

"Stop fidgeting you look amazing. Steve won't be able to keep his hands off." Frost said and I sighed.

"That's the problem..." I mumbled. My cellphone pinged letting me know my car had arrived. I walked downstairs and the driver opened the back door and I got in. The drive to the compound was long and nerve wrecking.

"You want me to keep my nerves under control, I need you to do the same." Frost said and I sighed knowing my emotions we also hers. I felt the coolness in my hands as we arrived. I took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Okay backseat Frost." I said and she disappeared. The driver opened my door for me and helped me out of the car. I looked at people entering and sighed. I followed a few people in and noticed there was a staircase and it would be this huge entrance I didn't want to make. I stood at the top of the steps looking for Steve so I could walk right up to him when I heard someone come up behind me.

"He is by the bar and doesn't see you." I looked at saw Tony. "Let me go make sure he watching the stairs because you look absolutely breathtaking and he won't want to miss your entrance." Tony said kissing my check and walking down the stairs. I was just watching Tony walk to Steve and I knew when Tony pointed to me that was my que, Steve turned and saw me walking down the steps. He set his drink down and walked over to me.

"Penny....you look..." Steve said at a loss for words.

"Tony said absolutely breathtaking." I said with a small laugh.

"You look gorgeous." Steve said and I smiled. He kept looking at me and I saw his eyes move down from mine to my lips and back up to my eyes.

"Steve...you can kiss me, you never need permission." I said and he smiled. He placed a hand on my cheek and leaned down and kissed me. Started off sweet but I quickly felt the heat in his kiss and he pulled away. I smiled at him.

"Why did I wait so long...?" Steve asked and I shrugged.

"Not quite sure but don't ever hesitate again." I said and he smiled. I linked his arm and he walked me over to the bar and I hugged Bucky and said hi to everyone else.

"Aspen, I love the dress and I want to borrow it." Nat said and I smiled.

"You are more than welcome to." I said and she smiled.

❄ ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

Steve had taken me around and introduced me to a lot of people and there were even some jealous looks from some girls that I knew found Steve handsome and wanted to be the woman on his arm. We were out of the dance floor and he was holding me super close and I smiled at him.

"Alright Captain Rogers, I have dressed up, came to a Stark Party, met everyone you know and now we are dancing. What else is left?" I asked and he smiled. He leaned down and kissed me again.

"I was thinking more of that." Steve said once we broke apart.

"I like that idea." I said and Steve smiled.

"Also...you want to take a little trip with me?" Steve asked and I nodded as we got out of our dance position and he lead me down a dark hallway and up some steps. Once he opened the door I realized we were on the roof and I smiled looking up at the sky.

"Stars." Steve said coming up behind me and placing his hands on my hips and chin on my shoulder.

"Steve it's beautiful." I said and he smiled.

"You're beautiful." He whispered in my ear.

"You're a charmer." I said and turned my head to look at him. He gave a small chuckle and a small kiss. We didn't talk much just looked at the stars for a while and Steve groaned.

"We should probably head back inside." Steve said and I groaned.

"Okay, but can we have a date night up here some night?" I asked and Steve nodded.

"Picnic under the stars sound amazing." Steve said as we walked back inside.

"And where were you two?" Bucky asked and I smiled.

"Messing up your room." I said and Steve laughed.

We all stood around talking for a while and the party was winding down when the compound started to shake uncontrollably.

"Steve?!" I asked as he held on to me.

"Frost! No!" I yelled at her in my head wanting her to stay back. Then tons of alarms starting going off and everything started going so fast. I saw Tony suit up with some bracelet he had that he hit a button on. Nat threw Steve his shield from behind the bar. Steve kept me behind him keeping me safe and my eyes searched for Bucky. He found me and panicked. I felt the chill up my spin and everything changed, I knew Frost took over because my fear was too strong and that's when she appeared. No but Bucky had noticed yet.

"Frost. Please let me back out." I said.

"Sorry Aspen, I need to protect you and something is happening and I don't trust lover boy to protect you." Frost said.

"Frost, I haven't told anyone about you....please." I begged. She was ignoring me and I knew then she was in full control. I tried fighting back but she had weakened me. Tony got all the alarms off as Thor and a couple other people came walking in.

"Sorry everyone we landed the jet a little off course." Thor announced and everyone seemed to calm down. Steve turned to look at me and then backed up.

"Hey Stevie." Frost said and he just looked at her.

"Who are you?" Steve asked.

"I'm Frost, I protect Aspen and I have since she was kid." Frost said and then turned to Bucky. "Hey Buckaroo!"

"Bucky..." Steve said and he groaned.

"Frost is a by product of HYDRA. She was held captive during my last couple of years as well. They made her. Aspen usually has her under control though." Bucky said.

"You knew about this?!" Steve yelled and Frost laughed.

"He did! He didn't tell you because Aspen begged him not to. She wanted to tell you on her own time." Frost said.

"So why are you out now?" Tony asked.

"Well Aspen was scared because of the shaking and sirens, when she is scared I have to protect her, that's our deal." Frost said.

"Come on Frost as you can see the threat is gone now. Let Aspen come back." Bucky said and Frost laughed.

"I don't think so. I like being out and she kept me away too long from all of you." Frost said. She then turned and looked at Steve.

"Hey Stevie, do you know why Aspen left so fast that morning she saw you with Sharon? It's because I was about to come out and send an icicle right through her to you." Frost said and started moving her hands conjuring something up. "Let's see if you big bad shield can stop everything." Frost said and quickly shot an icicle at Steve and he blocked it and it shattered.

"Frost! Stop!" I screamed at her still trying to fit.

"Back off Aspen!" Frost said to me. Before Frost could do anymore damage there was I prick in the back of her neck. Frost turned to see Bruce standing there holding a now empty syringe.

"Son of a bit-..." Frost said and fell to the ground but Steve caught her before she could hit the ground.

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