I miss you James

By s715116

5.7K 120 53

This comes after the book I Love You Keith. Keith, Pidge, Hunk and Lance have rescued Shiro, and been sent to... More

Team Bonding
Heat Preservation
Where is Keith?
Blade of Marmora
Lost Memories
Belly of the Beast
Where's Shiro?
Three Months
What now?
A new way of things

Coran's Journal

177 5 6
By s715116

AN: I'm gonna be real this book was planned but I have since forgotten a lot of that plan there's going to be a lot of time skips bc 1. I say so, 2. going through the may seasons they were in space isn't that important, 3. I've rewritten my plan for the story. We'll hit the big things, but I'm putting a lot of my own spin on it, and borrowing from the somewhat linear VLD plot, most of which I have forgotten so things may be out of order, sorry. That being said:

edit: yk what nvm fuck cannon it can go suck a dick here's my story


Entry 5972, last edited 19:46
It's been about three months since Keith became the Black Paladin. There was a... rough adjustment period, and Lance became the Red Paladin while Allura became the Blue one. While I'm very proud of her, I do worry. She's been very stressed lately. I've been thinking about who will take Zarkon's throne, if it'll be someone even more ambitious than him. I have an idea on who it is, but he was just a child when the war started. He was never around Zarkon much, but would often visit Altea. He had a fascination with Altean Alchemy and the multiverse theories. But he lacked the natural ferocity of a Galra child. He was much more subdued, but that might have been because of his Altean heritage. Oh quiznak, I can't remember his name. I do hope it's the boy, he seemed so sweet as a child.

Entry 5973, last edited 21:58
Lotor was his name. He's probably grown a lot over the last 10,000 years. I asked Kolivan about him, and he claims he was banished in his teen years, and hasn't been heard of since, which disappoints me. Without a clear leader, the Galran Empire might decend into chaos, causing more death and destruction. Currently, Sendak is in charge, but I believe he's just a figurehead. There are also rumors saying Haggar is reviving Zarkon. Before the destruction of Altea, such a thing would've been impossible, but she's already done such horrible things with magic, reanimating a body probably isn't out of the question. Allura mentioned the witch is Altean, but I can't imagine why an Altean would corrupt Altean Alchemy for such horrible things.
Allura and Keith almost got in a fight again. She still doesn't completely trust the Blade of Marmora, while Keith is deeply attached to them, possibly because they're his only connection to his mother. He's never mentioned her to me, but I overheard him and Shiro discussing a vision in which he saw her. Speaking of, there's still no sign of Shiro, All of our scanners are looking for him, but there's nothing yet. Keith remains adamant that he's still out there, but the other paladins are losing faith. Except for Number 5, of course. They're still looking for their father and brother. Neither them or Keith is having much luck finding their lost family members. I do hope that changes. We could all use some good news right now.


Entry 6013, last edited 08:25

Perhaps our luck is changing! Pidge recieved word about a possible location of their brother. Hopefully, they will find them and their father. Alas, that's the only good thing that happened today. Keith and Lance came to blows today, and I fear the Red Paladin will have a nasty bruise. This does not help Keith and Allura's relationship, and I fear the team is falling apart. There are fights almost everyday, and Keith spends less and less time with the team, choosing to train alone or with the Blade instead. The Galra are still in disarray, with no stable leader. I do wonder, where is Prince Lotor? Sendak and Haggar are the highest up in the Galran chain of command, but both are vile creatures that share the same ideas as Zarkon. If the prince is how I remember he can be reasoned with. And the Galra could use reason.

Entry 6014, last edited 16:45
Sadly, Pidge did not find their brother at the location, but a fake grave instead. But there is a happy ending- they found coordinates in an Earthen code that lead them to their brother! His name is Matthew, and he's a rather interesting fellow. I can see the family resemblance. He's apparently working with the rebels, of which there are many more than we originally thought. They have small outposts and bases scattered around the cosmos, and are silently fighting the Galra. With the help of the rebels, we stand a chance of defeating them. Already Allura is talking with their leader and the Olkari on a weapon to end the war. Hopefully it will all be over soon, and we can get the paladins home.

Entry 6014, last edited 12:15
We rarely see Keith anymore. He's spending lots of time with the Blade, which is wonderful, he's connecting to his heritage, but I worry. There have been times where we can't form Voltron because he's with them. Allura is furious. She still holds the Blade to the same standard as the Empire, which is worrisome and cause issues between her and Keith. but he seems happier. It's not Earth, but he's been smiling more. He's particularly close to Ulaz, Thace, and Kolivan. I do believe Ulaz and Thace are together, but it would be rude to ask. Either way, they are taking good care of our Black Paladin.

Timeskip 2 months
Entry 6023, last edited 03:61

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