The Ferryman's Son

By dummy_11

26.4K 492 382

Being the son of a heartless man is impossible. Literally. Charon goes to the mortal world one day to buy a n... More

Son of the Ferryman
Who is this Boy
A Lightning Thief
The Crooked One
The Quest of Death
One Step Ahead
Zoe Nightshade

A Suicide Mission

1.8K 52 27
By dummy_11

Previously on The Ferryman's Son

In the end Percy and Annabeth won, thanks to Tyson's shield that he made for Percy. Percy went to take a shower, which after he talked with his mom. She told him to brace himself for what, he doesn't know. But he wasn't going to take her words lightly.

He went outside to get dinner, but no one was at the Pavillion. He followed all the noise and commotion to The tree. He noticed everyone gathered around Thalia's tree so he made his way to the front. "It can't be," "No way" "is that" was all he heard in whispers from various Demi-gods. When he got to the front he saw a beautiful girl with black spiky hair in punk and goth clothes. When she opened her eyes he was shocked. She had electric blue eyes. The eyes of Zeus. "Thalia?" he asked. She looked at him. "How do you know my name?" she asked. His expression turned dark as he looked down right murderous.

"Bastards," he said.

"They played us," He said walking to Chiron and Annabeth who had tears in their eyes.

He looked to the two. "We played right into their trap," He said. Annabeth looked confused while Chiron got a look of knowing. "We have been playing their game," Chiron said.

"They have taken control of the prophecy," Chiron said.

They were always

"One step ahead,"


Percy, Thalia and Annabeth appeared outside of a large school called Westover Hall via Percy's fire travel. The building was black and looked like it was a castle from Dracula. "So cool," Thalia muttered quietly, a little jealous of Percy's mode of transportation. "We need to find Grover," Annabeth said. The two nodded and followed Annabeth into the school. As they entered the school, they were wowed by how big it was. As they entered the doors shut automatically, slightly surprising the trio. They walked further into the school, following the sound of the music they heard from the other side.

When they got to the other side they were stopped by a woman who looked to be in her late forties or early fifties, with light grey hair. "What are you doing away from the dance, children?" she asked as a man walked up beside her. "We were-" Annabeth was going to say but was interrupted by the man. "Visitors are not allowed here," He said. His voice held a french accent. Thalia snapped her fingers and the air around the face of the teacher and the vice principal suddenly got thicker, as Thalia spoke, "I'm Thalia, this is Percy and this is Annabeth, we are in eighth grade," She said. The woman looked dazed and then the man spoke. "Mrs Gottschalk, do you remember these students?" he asked and the trio had to practically fight themselves not to burst out laughing at her name. "Ah, yes Children what are you doing from the dance," she asked.

Just as they were going to answer, Grover interrupted. "Finally you guys-" he seemed to notice the situation they were in because he quickly spoke, "I was looking all over for you," he said as he pulled them away. "Guess what, there are not only one but two powerful half-bloods," he said having the trio get wide-eyed. "Are you sure?" Annabeth asked. "Yes, siblings," he said pointing to two children in a corner. Percy looked over past the crowd of dancing children to see a girl about a year younger than him and a boy about 3 years younger than him. He sensed a slight aura of death coming from them but shook it off. He couldn't take his eyes off the girl, she had black hair that flowed down her back though some of it got in her face, untamable hair like his, however, it made her all the more beautiful. Her eyes were onyx gemstones he couldn't get enough of. Though not as dark as his father's void orbs, the darkness in them emitted beauty. Her olive skin colour seemed to reflect the light from the dance. Her brother had the same features however he was a little paler but still held the olive skin tone.

"rcy? ercy? Percy!" Grover called Percy. "Uh yeah?" Percy asked snapping out of his daze but not taking his eyes off the girl. Grover followed his line of sight and back to Percy with a smirk. He in return got a glare from Percy to shut up, and he quickly nodded. "There is a monster here," Grover said. "Dr. Thorn, I know," Percy said getting shocked looks from the three. "How did you know?" Annabeth asked still shocked. "He wasn't fooled by Thalia's use of the mist," he said. "What do you mean he wasn't fooled, he let us through, it obviously means he was fooled," Thalia said indignantly. "It doesn't matter, he knows that there are two half-bloods here," Grover said. "They're over there," Grover said pointing to the two. "Bianca and Nico Di Angelo," He said. "They are Italian?" Annabeth asked. "I think so," Grover answered. "Let's grab them and go," Thalia offered. "Damn it," Percy muttered. "What? What's wrong," Annabeth asked. "Thorn, he is going to them," Grover said. "Blend in," Thalia said. "Dance," she said and grabbed Grover. That left Percy and Annabeth who were standing around awkwardly. "Would you care to dance, m'lady?" Percy asked in a playful mischievous manner. Annabeth blushed and accepted.

While they were dancing, Percy also engaged her in a conversation. "How is you new school?" he asked. Annabeth's eyes visibly lit up as she spoke about architecture and all the plans and models she designed. Percy was listening to her while looking over to the door where Thorn. However he lost his line of thought when Annabeth tapped him, are you even listening to me?" She asked slightly hurt. "Of course wise girl," he said and recited most of what she said shocking her for the second time already. When he looked back to where the Di Angelos were supposed to be, they were gone. "Di immortales," he cursed. "What?" Annabeth asked. "They are gone," he said as he stopped dancing. "Wait we need Thalia and Grover," Annabeth said. "Annabeth, no time," Percy said. "No but we need them," she said, he didn't like that they constantly depended on Thalia and looked to Thalia for answers, but she was older and was a daughter of Zeus so he let it slide. "Annabeth," He said but she was already gone looking for the two. He sighed, the children were in danger and the three of them together could take care of themselves.

He summoned his sword from his ring and ran after the children to the main corridor where he saw them standing together, fear written all over Bianca's face, and for Nico, well his eyes held fear while his mouth was etched into a smile... "I won't harm you, I'm here to help," he said seeing them fearful. He stopped moving toward them, he sensed something dangerous. He turned around and deflected a spike projectile out of the air which was coming towards him as he turned around to see Thorn. "Ahh Perseus Jackson," Thorn said, as he shot another projectile. However, it wasn't towards Percy. It was toward Bianca. Percy quickly turned and deflected it out of the air. However, when he turned back around, Thorn kicked him in his chest sending him into the wall. Thorn grabbed Percy who was slightly dazed, and the children and brought them outside into the snow.

He brought them into the woods rambling about some great stirring and how the darkest and evilest of monsters would rise and tear Olympus down brick by brick. Thorn brings them to a cliff where he continues to talk about the great stirring until he stops and brings out a phone and dials a number. "Ready for delivery," he says. He grins then hangs up. At this point, Percy had enough of playing majorly hurt and listening to Thorn. "Hey, Thorn!" He shouted to the monster in disguise. As Thorn turned around he was met with a fireball to the face. Percy stood up to his full height as he summoned his sword again, lighting it on fire. Bianca and Nico looked at the son of Hestia in shock. As Thorn recovered he too looked at the demi-god in shock. He growled and fired his spike projectile at Percy, who deflected it. Just then an invisible force pulled Bianca and Nico out of the way of the battle. Thalia and Grover then appeared as Thorn glared at them. Thalia was wielding a spear and a shield that held the face of Medusa on it. When Percy first saw it he never flinched or showed fear on his face, which shocked everyone, however, it sent shivers down his spine and unnerved him.

She charged at the thorn who in return swatted her spear away and transformed into his true self. Everyone was shocked when Dr Thorn turned into his true form. "The Manticore," Nico said in awe. "Percy charged at the manticore as Thalia blocked a strike from the manticore with Aegis, her shield. Percy weaved his way through the projectiles deflecting some on the way to Thorn and he slashed at the monster. Thorn ducked and swiped at Percy who rolled out of the way and delivered a blow to his side. The manticore screamed in pain as Grover played something on his reed pipe that created vines around its legs of Thorn. Percy was going to strike Thorn down, but a volley of spikes rained down on the demi-gods and he had to worry about dodging and deflecting them. When they recovered Percy was going to attack again this time with Thalia's help but, a helicopter appeared above and the searchlight blinded them.

Thorn used that time to kick Thalia back and swat her weapons away, and shoot an arrow into Percy's chest, which thanks to the searchlight blinding them they didn't see that it didn't pierce his skin. Percy ran over to Thalia and pressed a button on his watch which turned into a shield and covered the two.

Just then a silver arrow whish through the air and pierce the manticore. He screamed in pain as he backed away. "That isn't fair, no-" Thorn released more volleys of spikes however another silver arrow sliced through the spike and pierced the Manticore again, shocking the demi-gods and satyr. Percy growled, he knew exactly who this was. Just them girls ranging from 10 to 16 appeared in silver parkas and ambushed the manticore. Percy looked to the one who seemed to be leading the group. A 12-year-old girl with her auburn hair tied back into a ponytail, with piercing silver eyes.

"No, this isn't fair, you are directly interfering, this is against the ancient laws," The manticore bellowed. "I hunt all wild animals, in my domain, and you, manticore, are a wild animal," The 12-year-old with silver eyes said. "Permission to kill milady?" A 14-year-old girl asked, her volcanic black eyes however held knowledge and experience that proved she was definitely not 14 years old. "Yes Zoë," said the 12-year-old.

"Dead shall these half-bloods be if I cannot acquire them!" The manticore shouted. Just as he was going to release another volley of spike Annabeth climbed onto his back with her dagger in hand. Percy and Thalia's eyes went wide as they watched the daughter of Athena do something so stupid. "Wait!" Percy shouted, "Get out of the line of fire maiden," Zoe shouted but it was to late. "Fire," Zoe and the rest of the hunters released their arrows and it rained down on the Manticore who fell off the cliff. Percy looked on in shock. He glared at Artemis and the hunters, but as much as he wanted to blame them he knew he could barely, he knew it was Annabeth's fault. Anger clouded his mind. Everyone there had a thought about what Percy was going to do. "Percy no!" Thalia screamed. "Do not do it, boy," Artemis ordered as the rest of the hunters looked fine with what they knew Percy was going to do. Percy turned around and faced the hunters, demi-gods and the goddess. His eyes were not the beautiful mix of colours they were before. They were now aflame, a fiery reddish orange. Everyone including Bianca and Nico gasped taking a step back.

Percy looked at each and every one of the hunters. "If she isn't alive, I am killing every single one of you... slowly and painfully," he said in a demonic voice which not only shocked all who were there but scared them. He turned around and jumped off the cliff as Thalia and Grover screamed. When they all recovered, Artemis ordered the hunters to set up. "Hunters, set up camp," she said. The hunters all did as told muttering how stupid the boy was to jump off the cliff, while Thalia's eyes held tears. Artemis looked toward the Helicopter and it burst into dust, the mortals inside turning into birds.

"Grace," Zoe said with distaste. "Nightshade," Thalia said with anger and hate. "3 demi-gods and a satyr m'lady," Zoe said. A man his hair, hand and feet on fire, flew from below the cliff and landed in the snow before the hunters and demi-gods. When the fire cleared it was Percy and he was staring at the hunters with hate. He unsheathed his sword and stalked towards the Hunters. Zoe looked on in shock. All the hunters loaded their bows and released their arrows at the son of Hestia. Percy moved with incredible and unbelievable speed slicing and deflecting the arrows. When he finished everyone was looking in awe and fear. He charged at Zoe who unsheathed her hunting knives just in time to block a strike from his sword. Zoe knew Percy was very strong and skilled, though she wouldn't admit it. She witnessed his skill first-hand 2 years ago.

(0:49 seconds-1:56 seconds demonstrates how Percy flies with his fire powers)

He rolled under a strike from her hunting knives and slashed at her leg which she parried and swung at his head. Percy jumped back and unsheathed his dagger dual wielding a dagger and a sword at the same time. Zoe and Percy went back and forth for about 10 minutes everyone watching in shock and the battle. Even Artemis couldn't bring herself to stop the battle yet, she was so captivated. She hated to admit the male was very skilled, no one could hold their own against Zoe for 5 minutes much less 10, not even male. Just 3 minutes later Percy decided to end the battle since he was getting tired and he had other hunters to kill so he did the disarming technique he taught Tim, and disarmed one of Zoe's hunting knives as he held his sword to her throat. He had to admit Zoe was skilled, the only person who could go against him for more than 3 minutes.

"Do you yield and accept a painless death," he asked her venom lacing his voice as he glared at her, "only if you do too," was her response as he looked down and saw a knife at his abdomen. "Well if you noticed I was using two weapons," he said as he pressed his dagger a little more against her back but not enough to draw blood. Zoe's eyes widened as she noticed he had her at his mercy. Plus how could she forget he was indestructible. She experienced it first hand in capture the flag. She didn't notice how close they were, they were both breathing heavily and their faces were inches apart. Though Percy had a towering form over her body. Zoe blushed as her breath hitched and quickened. Percy admired Zoe's beauty in the small moment. In that small amount of time, a bit of Percy's hate disappeared for the hunt. He admired their skill.

"Enough!" came Artemis' commanding voice which held authority. Percy slowly released his grasp around the hunteress' body. He looked at the goddess in a twelve-year-old form who was glaring at him. He flinched at her glare. Her piercing silver eyes made it worse. "He bowed Lady Artemis," he said respectfully. He did not want to go against the most skilled olympian or get incinerated or turned into a jackalope. He knew he couldn't last 1 minute against the goddess of the moon.

"Perseus, Zoe, Bianca to my tent now," Artemis said leaving no room for arguing. The three called walked forward towards the tent Lady Artemis headed in. Constantly the hunters threw glares at Percy and muttered things behind his back but Percy ignored them. As they got to the tent Percy allowed Zoe and Bianca to go first. Zoe glared at him, but it was clear she expected him to want to go in first.

"I would like you Bianca to explain what you saw," Artemis said softly to her. Bianca went on to talk about being in the school dance, Dr. Thorn, the hallway and all the way up to where the hunters appeared, however, she missed a lot and wasn't clear since she didn't understand the mythology word. "Perseus, I would like you to explain, detailing what happened from your point of view," Artemis stated with a little venom in her voice. Percy flinched when he caught onto it. Zoe smirked in contentment. Percy then went on to explain what happened, and Thorn talked about the great stirring and about the most ancient monsters rising. Artemis paled when hearing this.

"I have a mission to go on, but before I take my leave, I would like to offer Bianca," she said looking towards Bianca. "A place in the hunt," she said slowly. Percy's eyes widened as he started to panic internally. "What! No, you can't do that!" He shouted a little too loudly. "Quiet boy or I will take what you hold so dear from you," she said taking up her hunting knife. Percy involuntarily covered his crown jewels, making Zoë snicker. Percy however regained his wits but was interrupted. "You will forever get a place in the hunt, with a new family," Artemis said. "You will also serve an Olympian Goddess," Zoe said smugly knowing she was just buying Bianca in. "Bianca you can't do this. You don't even know your godly parent yet, you can come to camp, with Nico and we will introduce you to Chiron and the other campers, it is fun," he tried. However, Bianca was in awe of what the Goddess and her lieutenant offered. "The best part of it all, you get immortality, free of worry, living forever, No boys, No bother," Zoe said. That was the icing on the cake for Bianca.

"I ACCEPT!," she shouted. Percy's features grew dark, his true power threatening to be revealed. The room grew slightly darker as Percy fought from revealing his powers from his father. "This is what you do! This? You buy in young girls to your hunt with immortality, you blind them with all the upsides but never tell them about the downsides until it's too late?!" he shouted to the goddess and her lieutenant. They swore they saw his eyes flick black briefly. He turned to Bianca, betrayal in his eyes. "You turn your back on your brother, dump him at camp, abandon him, so you can live your oh-so-perfect life?! Sister of the decade am I right?" He muttered darkly. Fear grew in the hearts of the half immortals. Artemis looked on in shock. A male dare talk to her like that! An Olympian no less. "Come here boy!" she shouted to Percy who ignored her and walked out.

"Bianca repeat after me," Zoe said. "I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis," She said and Bianca repeated. "I turn my back on the company of men," Bianca repeated again. "accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt," Bianca repeated and then glowed silver signalling Artemis accepted.

Artemis then walked out of the tent, her two huntresses' behind her, to see Percy talking and consoling Nico. "S-so my si-ster i-is just ab-abandoning me?" Nico asked crying as Percy consoled him. Percy didn't know what to say. That literally was what she was doing. "Don't worry Nico, camp is fun, you'll like it there. You'll forget about what she did," Percy said. At that moment, Bianca felt the guilt grow in her heart. She abandoned her brother for a carefree life, the one person who had always been with her, she threw him away like he was a piece of used-up gum. Also at that moment, the small amount of hate that left Percy for the hunt came back in triple. Not only did they kill his mother, but they also force children to be abandoned and on their own. He could only imagine the number of boys, abandoned and hunted by them.

Percy seemed to know they were watching him because he looked up and glared at them, Bianca included. Bianca looked away, almost regretting her decision. "I am needed for a solo hunt, I will send you all back to camp via my brother," Artemis said. "Which brother m'lady," a young huntress asked. "Apollo," she said causing them all to groan. Artemis closed her eyes and muttered a few words in ancient greek at a speed Percy couldn't comprehend. After a few seconds, a flash appeared and when it cleared, a man with golden honey blond hair, stepped out of a golden Maserati. He took off his shades revealing sky blue eyes, as his dazzling smile instantly left some hunters and Thalia weak in the knees. "Apollo is seriously hot," she said. Percy tried to erase it out of his mind that the two were siblings and that gods don't have DNA but couldn't succeed.

"Ahh little sis, how ya doin, in need of my awesomeness," said the handsome God of the sun. Artemis, growled, "I need you to transport my hunters and these campers to the camp. I am going on a solo hunt that father ordered for a dangerous monster," she said glaring at her brother, "And I am older," Apollo just grinned. "Well this won't do," he said pointing to his Maserati, "Give me a second I have a haiku," He said.

"Little sister needs help,

To bring half-bloods to camp,

I am so awesome,"

All the hunters groaned and covered their ears, Apollo snapped his finger and the car turned into a bus. "All aboard," he said, and the Demi-gods loaded onto the bus. Now, who would like to fly the sun chariot," he said getting everyone wide-eyed. "Thalia come one up," he said, and after a while of disputing Thalia finally went to the front, a flew the chariot.


After a gut-wrenching experience, they all arrived at camp, Apollo swearing never to let his sister fly again, after figuring out her secret. When they arrived, the campers and Chiron made their way to where they landed to welcome them back. "Welcome back to camp huntress', campers, and I see we have two new campers," Chiron beamed knowing the quest went successful. The hunters all rolled their eyes making Percy silently growl. They still had no respect for Chiron.

"Chiron this is Nico and Bianca," Thalia said, with no enthusiasm. Just at that moment, Chiron seemed to notice he sent 3 half-bloods on the quest, not 2. "Where is Annabeth?" he asked. Percy sighed and glared at the huntress' of Artemis. "She is gone," Percy said. "Chiron looked shocked then guilty. "It isn't your fault Chiron," Thalia tried to console the centaur. "I issued the quest it is my fault," He said somberly. "She could still be alive," Percy tried. "Come on, let us introduce Nico and Bianca to the welcome video," he said. "Sorry centaur but Bianca doesn't need to see that video, she is a hunter now," Zoe said smugly staring right at Percy when she said it. Percy growled.

"Well come on young one," Chiron said signalling to Nico. Percy and Thalia followed him to the big house. They made their way to the big house, where they saw Dionysus playing pinochle with the freaked-out satyrs. After a 20-minute video explaining what camp is for and that you are a demi-god, Nico finally finished watching the video. "We need to issue a quest to find Annabeth, Chiron," Percy said. "No Perseus, it is too dangerous, you were sent on a quest to retrieve two half-bloods and look at what happened, we cannot risk losing more people," Chiron said. "It's not like she can survive, I mean Anniebelle was smart, but if she managed to get herself kidnapped, I am now wondering if she is a daughter of my sister," Dionysus muttered. The sky rumbled, signalling Athena heard exactly what Dionysus said about her daughter. "Oh shush," he said looking to the sky. "Percy, Thalia, I suggest you get settled, we are having capture the flag since the hunters are here," Chiron said. The demi-gods sighed and brought Nico to the Hermes cabin which was now ruled by the Stolls.

Percy and Thalia made their way to their separate cabins. Annabeth's disappearance took a toll on Thalia since they were together more than anyone. Percy sighed and flopped down in his bed, he looked to the ceiling of his roof zoning out thinking of Annabeth until a voice spoke in his head.

"My son, how are you?" he recognized the voice as his mother. "I'm ok, just thinking about Annabeth," Percy replied. "I know you miss the daughter of Athena," she said. "I know, it's just, she is like a sister I never had, occasionally annoying but smart and adorable, she knows me better than anyone in this camp," He said. "We know when you speak about knowing you, she barely knows anything about you," his mother said. He smiled. "I wish she could know," he said. "If she finds out she will find a way to kill you," Hestia replied. Percy sighed.

"Have you spoken to your father?" Hestia asked. "Not in a while," Percy said guiltily and regretfully. "He would know exactly what to tell me to make me feel better," he said. Just then 30 golden coins appeared on his desk drawer. "You need to contact him," Hestia said, and cut the connection before Zeus could sense anything.

Percy picked up a Drachma and went to the bathroom. He clogged his sink and filled it up with water via the spigot. He boiled the water via his powers until a mist was created. He threw the drachma in and commenced to say "Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow, do me a solid and show me Charon, God of the dead, the underworld," he said.

Just then a man in a hood appeared, Pery's eyes watered. "Dad?" The man turned to the iris message and smiled. "My son, How are you," Charon asked. Percy then told Charon about his predicament and everything that went on in the quest. "My son, I was born heartless, however when I met your mother she gave me one, she gave me a soul. You have a heart do what it tells you, Do what feels right," He said. Percy smiled, and they talked for a bit more until Percy heard the horn for dinner. "By dad, I love you," Percy said. "I love you too my son," Charon said. Percy swiped through the mist and made his way to the pavilion.

On his way, he saw the Hermes cabin making their way with Nico at the back and the Stolls leading. He sat alone at the Hestia table. People were still shocked by Percy's parentage, as they stared when he sat down. He was also a celebrity among campers. He returned the Helm of Darkness, The Masterbolt and defeated Ares as well as returned the fleece and saved Thalia and the camp. Thalia was also a celebrity in camp. She was for one a daughter of Zeus and she died saving her friends, after which a few years later she was revived. Chiron promptly announced capture the flag for the next day, which raised the mood of the campers.

Percy looked to see Thalia making her way to the Zeus table. Her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red and puffy. However, she had the courage to glare at the hunters who glared back. Percy didn't know why the hunters and Thalia would hate each other, they were the same gender after all but he ignored it. He finished his food quickly and went to the Amphitheatre, where he unsheathed his sword and started hacking at the dummies. He didn't notice the audience he had attracted as he was too angry hacking away.

He could have been better, he could have been faster, He could have been stronger. If he just trained harder he could have saved Annabeth, If he just trained harder he could have defeated the manticore, If he just trained HARDER he wouldn't have needed the damn hunter! At that moment he decapitated the last dummy. (ouch! Damn Percy, you're hurting my friends) He was sweating like crazy, he was breathing hard. His shirt was glued to him showing off his body. He sighed, that wouldn't help Annabeth, she was already gone. All he could do was train more so that he never had a repeat of that so that there were fewer deaths.

He walked away from the Amphitheatre to his cabin not paying anyone attention as they all looked at him in shock, awe and fear. Even the hunters were grudgingly impressed. He took off his clothes and went into the shower. Closing his eyes he saw flashbacks of what happened on the quest.

The mortals blinding him.

The hunters showing up

Annabeth climbing on the back of the manticore.

Annabeth's fall

He opened his eyes, just as a tear escaped.

He dried himself via his powers, got dressed and flopped in the bed as soon as his head hit the pillow he was out. He didn't even notice the toll all the training had taken on his body.


Annabeth was in a place with no sky. Pure darkness above. No light rained down from the moon or the stars. Just darkness. Over a hilltop where the fog was thick and there were broken greek columns everywhere. "What am I doing here Thorn!" Annabeth shouted. She got no reply, however. She crawled over to one of the broken columns and rested against it. However, when she looked forward she gasped in shock.

Luke, the traitorous son of Hermes was struggling to hold a circular ball of fog and clouds, that had lightning flashes every occasional second above his head. His clothes were ruined. He grunted as he was almost forced to his knees. While front of him was a boy with black hair that looked almost brown and sea-green eyes. Tim, the traitorous son of Poseidon. He was injured and trying to crawl to Luke to help him. They seemed to hear Annabeth's gasp as Luke struggled to look up.

"A-Annabeth?" Luke called. His face emitted looks of pain. Tim had his leg broken. "L-luke, T-Tim," She called. "Annabeth help," Luke called. "The titans, you were right, they only care about themselves," Tim said. "They wanted to kill you but I told them not to touch you. They were angry that we disobeyed them," Tim's face conveyed pain. "They threw Luke under that...thing, and broke my legs leaving us for dead," Tim finished. Annabeth looked on in shock.

"P-please help Annabeth, I tried but my legs are broken I am useless. Please help Luke with his burden," Tim pleaded. Luke then fell to a knee and screamed in pain. "H-help please Annabeth, I'll die" Luke pleaded. After hearing that Annabeth rushed to Luke's side and crawled under the thing as she helped him lift it. Luke then slipped from under the ball of cloud and fog, as Annabeth then screamed in more pain. Luke's face conveyed relief and smugness. "Thanks, Annabeth, that meant a lot," Luke said, as Tim then got to his feet standing perfectly fine. "W-what," Annabeth barely managed to get out as she was in visible pain.

Suddenly the air around Luke and Tim's bodies got thinner as it started to ripple. Slowly the mist cleared until it was a very tall man, about 7 feet tall in Luke's place and a woman about 5'8 in Tim's place. "I told you Atlas, my magic always works, nothing can beat it," said the woman, who had black hair and poison greenish purple eyes. The man grinned, "Yes Hecate I had my doubts but you impressed me," the man said, who had black hair and volcanic black eyes that seemed awfully familiar to Percy but he couldn't place it.

The dream then shifted, It shifted to a beautiful woman with black hair and pale green eyes in a river picking up shells. Her eyes were red and puffy as she continued to pick up the shells, silent tears made their way down her face.

"Mother, you know I must do this," A man about age 20 with blond hair and pale green eyes said. "Yes I do my son but you know of the prophecy, you will die," I do not want my only son, my only child to die," she said. "Please live like, settle down, have children, start a family," she said. "Mother-" He was interrupted by the woman, however. "Please Achilles think about it," She said. "Mother I have already thought of it. Even though this war has probably the stupidest cause, I will forever back Greece, it is my home," He said. "Thetis, this is his choice, he will bring glory to the house of Thetis and Peleus," Said a man with blond hair and brown eyes. "But at what cost my love," The woman said looking at the man. "At what cost Peleus," She asked. The man looked away, he couldn't meet her eyes. "If this is your choice, I back you," Peleus said. "I-I guess I do too," The woman, Thetis said, she looked away and disappeared in a vapour of water.

"Achilles, If you choose to fight in this war," Peleus started. He looked his son right in the eye. "There is no coming back. Make sure you have no doubts, no second thought," He said. "And if you do finally choose to go to war," He walked up to his son. "Make sure Troy burns,"


Perseus woke up in a cold sweat. He didn't know why he kept having dreams about The Legendary Achilles but he knew it meant something. "I have to talk to father about that," he muttered. He raced to the big house to talk to Chiron about his dream about Annabeth. But Chiron wasn't there. He decided to get breakfast first before the time ended. When he returned to the big house after, Chiron was there talking to Zoe.

"She is in danger, we need to go get her, we are her hunters," He heard Zoe shout. He walked in getting their attention. "Zoe you were told by Lady Artemis to stay at camp," Chiron said. "And how will we be updated by her differently if she has been kidnapped!" Zoe shouted getting Percy wide-eyed. Chiron ignored Zoe and moved on to Percy. "Child, do you have a question?" Chiron asked Percy. Percy told him about his dream and Chiron had a thoughtful look. "Leave it alone child, I will update you later. Probably for the first time and last to ever happened Percy agreed with Zoe. "Chiron we can't just do nothing, she is in danger, and from what I hear so is Lady Artemis. We need a quest, we need to go save them," Percy said. "Child if what I am thinking is right, you are going on a suicide mission," Chiron said putting an end to the conversation.

Percy exited the Bighouse, Zoe in tow. He decided to go along with his normal daily routine. He still couldn't keep his thoughts off of Annabeth and Artemis however. How could Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and Moon be captured? How could the most skilled Olympian be captured? He decided to ignore those thoughts. Capture the flag was coming up. But if no one was going to help him he was going to find another way.

Percy snuck into the big house and climbed up to the attic where he saw the dusty mummy he had to visit two years ago. He walked up to it, with no fear in his eyes or heart. Only determination. "How do I save Lady Artemis," he asked. Nothing. "How do I find Annabeth Chase," Nothing. "How do I retrieve Annabeth Chase and Lady Artemis," He asked again. Nothing. He growled as his eyes turned black and darkness started to surround him. His true power. He stopped himself before he got too angry and destroyed the big house. He snuck out and went to his cabin, to rest before capture the flag.


Percy walked to the campers who were preparing for capture the flag. Not a lot of campers were there, only the ones who stayed year-round. Which was only about 15, the same number of hunters. He looked at the hunters who walked past them to their post, he saw Bianca, she looked beautiful, and the moonlight reflected off her skin, however, he couldn't forget how she just abandoned her brother for immortality. He looked at her emotionless which Bianca looked away with guilt in her eyes.

"Alright everyone to your posts," Thalia yelled. "Wait what. What is the plan and why was I not included," Percy asked as he looked at the campers. "We couldn't find you," Thalia lied. Funny because I was in my cabin so if you knocked I would have answered," Percy said. "Anyways," Thalia said and revised the plan to Percy. It was a good plan, but Percy went against the hunters head-on before, and he knew exactly what they were capable of. "I'll be offence you can be defence," Percy said. "Well I was thinking the opposite," Thalia said. "You would be good at defending since you have your shield and spear, which were and still are weapons used prominently to defend," Percy said. Thalia turned a little red in embarrassment but Percy shook it off as the cold. "The shield would be good in attacking to throw the opponent off," Thalia said. Percy really didn't want to argue and cause any problems. "Fine, I will defend, but if I see an opportunity I will go in, I know the hunter's defence, strengths and weaknesses," He said. "I went against them head-on and defeated them and ended their streak two years ago," Percy said. Thalia was shocked to hear this. She knew Percy ended their win singlehandedly but didn't know the details.

Everyone went to their post and Chiron repeated the rules of the game. "Remember no killing or maiming. Magical items and powers may be used," He revised. "Let the games... BEGIN!" he shouted and everyone was off. Thalia ran after the hunters' flag, Percy noticed that her shield was heavy on her back and slowing her down. He didn't know why she insisted on being attacked while it made sense to defend but he didn't want to argue. "If she wanted him to defend she could at least trade weapons for the time being. As he said to her, spear and shield were mainly used for defence and are best for defence.

Percy used his pyrokinetic flight powers to hover and see what was going on. Group a seemed to be doing good, however, he noticed Thalia straying from group B. Group C was also doing good. He noticed the hunters dispersed and Thalia was walking right into their trap. She wouldn't be able to take them down. Literally, about 10 hunters were guarding the flag, all hidden at all four points in trees. Thalia was surrounded. He knew they would never win if she tried to take them all alone. He doubted if he was in her position he could take them all. He only hoped Thalia knew what she was doing. Her father's domain was the sky, so maybe she had a plan, but he wasn't going to leave the fate of the game in the possibility of maybe.

"Guys, Thalia might be in trouble, I'm going to help her, ya'll think you could hold down," he asked. Nico, the Stoll brothers and Beckendorf nodded however they lost hope of success. He smiled and used his power to instil hope in them. They then looked more confident. "Don't worry perce, we got this," Beck said. Percy grinned, "you bet," He took flight a little to see the hunters attacking Thalia and that she was most likely gonna lose against them. They had a better plan than the last time. He quickly flew in after her. She was under her shield trying to block the arrows raining down on her.

Percy landed beside her and tapped his watch. The shield sprung to life as he used it the block the right side of Thalia. "What the Hades are you doing here," Thalia almost shouted angry Percy disrupted her failing plan, however, there was some gratitude. "Your plan sucked and would have failed. I don't know what you wanted to achieve straying off and fighting the hunters on your own but it was a stupid plan," Percy said. He discreetly used his powers over darkness to sabotage some of the hunters in the trees. When the line of fine stopped from behind him he stood up with his shield and fired three fireballs into the direction on his right, briefly stopping the fire from behind him and on his right. He unsheathed his sword and took flight where he deflected and blocked incoming arrows, while he flew the hunters in the trees and blasted them out. Thalia took out the other side by summoning lightning and blasting the others out. When the hunters on the left side and in front of them landed on the ground, they unsheathed their hunting knives and charged at the two. Percy charged at the two hunters coming from in front of them he parried a strike from the first hunter, rolling under her knives aimed to decapitate him, while he delivered a gash to her quad. He ducked under a strike from the second hunter and kicked her in her back pushing her forward into her sister, the first huntress.

He blasted them with a fireball which knocked them out. He sensed something coming from behind him so he spun around quickly and slashed an arrow out of the air coming from the trees. His eyes widened. He looked over to Thalia, to see her holding her own against the two huntresses as she disarmed one. However, an arrow was coming to her from behind that she didn't notice. Percy ran towards her but was late as it struck her in her back. He didn't see any blood so he decided that it was blunt. Thalia turned around after being hit by the arrow but was hit in her temple with the but of a huntress' hunting knife. Percy sighed. He blasted fireballs like crazy into the trees where the arrows were coming from to hopefully delay the hunters. Lightning blasted in front of Thalia when the Huntress had her knife at Thalia's throat.

"Go!" He shouted to Thalia who picked up the flag. She looked like she didn't want to leave him but started to run off. That was when she noticed she was slower. She looked down to see plants growing around her legs stopping her from moving. She looked towards the hunter, who she blasted to see her arm outstretched. "A daughter of Demeter," she muttered annoyed.

She started slashing the plants. She knew blasting her with a lightning bolt would work faster but she was tiring. Another bolt would drain her. "GO!" Percy shouted as he blasted the daughter of Demeter with a fireball that broke the girl's focus and allowed Thalia to escape. "She was bout to get to the creek when she ran into Zoe Nightshade. "Would you look at that," Zoe sneered. "If it ain't lover girl," She finished. "Shut up manhater, let's fight," Thalia replied back with venom. Thalia dropped the flag and picked up her shield off her back. Zoe put the flag on her hip and took out her hunting knives. Thalia's shield made Zoe flinch which was all Thalia needed to charge. She jabbed at Zoe's unprotected side, which Zoe though late, managed to block the strike Zoe jumped forward at Thalia and swiped at her leg. Thalia raised her leg, but that was a mistake as Zoe ducked under a strike for her head and swiped Thalia's leg from under her making her have a painful meeting with the ground. Thalia's back was slightly paining, but she recovered. Just as she was going to get a good strike on Zoe a fireball interrupted her and blasted at Zoe who rolled out of the way. "Give me the flag," Percy shouted to Thalia who picked up the flag. "I got this Thalia," shouted. Zoe knew she couldn't go against the two and win so she used her stealth to get away. Thalia made it for the creek.

It was a race against time. Every step brought Zoe and Thalia closer to their destination. Unfortunately, the weight of the shield slowed Thalia down and Zoe won the race over the creek. The horn was blown signalling the end of capture the flag. "The hunters of Artemis win," Chiron announced causing the campers to groan. "Zoe smirked at Percy and Thalia.

"Good tr-," Percy said but was interrupted as he went up to Thalia as she ate a square of ambrosia. "This is all your fault human torch" Thalia shouted and pushed Percy who stumbled. Percy glared at her. "My fault? If you listened to me we would have one. I told you you would be better at defence, your shield slowed you down, I am quicker. Or if you at least gave me the flag when I asked we could have one," Percy shouted. Everyone gathered around to see the confrontation. "Children calm down-" Chiron tried. "No Chiron he needs to pay, I had a plan and you ruined it," she shouted to Percy. "Oh you mean you plan to be spending weeks in the infirmary, yeah it would have worked out perfectly," Percy growled and glared at her.

As he started to walk off, the smell of ozone started to linger around his nose. His eyes widened as he wasn't quick enough to avoid the blast of lightning. When the dirt and smoke cleared, Pery was standing there his shirt burnt off and his eyes glowing a fiery orangish-red. "Oh you wanna go huh," Percy shouted to Thalia, "Perseus-" Chiron tried again. "No no no Chiron, I think the oh so mighty, sparkplug daughter of Zeus would like to be put in her place and put her pride down a few notches," Percy growled but everyone heard him. His whole body was set on fire as he took flight and blasted huge fireballs at Thalia, who used her shield to block them. When she came up she was kicked back as she landed on the ground. Percy picked her up by her punk goth death to barbie shirt. "Listen to me daughter of Zeus, I have no problem with you and I don't need problems," His eyes were still ablaze, Literally, and it freaked Thalia out, but her body was crackling with electricity as she blasted Percy into the creek, not knowing it only rejuvenated him.

Just as Percy was about to lose control of his true powers, he was interrupted by multiple gasps. The old mummy was walking. "Incredible!" Chiron muttered. The Oracle walked up to the Lieutenant of the hunt. And pointed to the terrified lieutenant. The Oracle's eyes glowed as green mist poured out of its mouth.

Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

One shall be lost in the land without rain,

The bane of Olympus shows the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail,

The Titan's curse must one withstand,

And one shall perish by a parent's hand.

The mummy said. It collapsed to the ground after its eyes stopped glowing and the mist stop pouring out of its mouth.

From the last and second-line everyone could clearly tell

The quest was...

" A Suicide Mission"

8165 words. Sorry for the chapters taking so long. Please tell me if you liked this chapter in the comments. Vote. Also, the next updated book will be power. I don't know when but I do have around 1.7k words already for the next chapter. 

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