Desire For Destiny: A Jamaica...

By MostwantedELLE

44.3K 4.1K 1.2K

Destiny, has recently graduated from college and has moved to the city to pursue her dream career. At no give... More

*Author's message*
Chapter |1
Chapter |2
Chapter |3
Chapter |4
Chapter |5
Chapter |6
Chapter |7
Chapter |8
Chapter |9
Chapter |10
Chapter |11
Chapter |12
Chapter |13
Chapter |14
Chapter |15
Chapter |16
Chapter |17
Chapter |18
Chapter |19
Chapter |20
Chapter |21
Chapter |22
Chapter |23
Chapter |24
Chapter |26
Chapter |27

Chapter |25

1.3K 118 53
By MostwantedELLE

Destiny's P.O.V
January 5
7:39 am

I came here intending to have a vacation.

I got humbled real quick.

And to say I was gonna live it up on my birthday.


I was told that there will be a flight to get back to Jamaica tomorrow, for employees who wish to leave.

Thankfully, this trip will be cut short for me because I got the majority of my agenda out the way.

I don't know how it would look as an executive to leave before the acquired time but I'm using my privileges while I can.

Funny how I've only been here for three days yet I'm feeling homesick.

From the outside looking in, it would make sense to just use the remaining days in Barbados as a vacation.

But I can't. I want to see my mother, just to have a change of scenery, seeing that work has taken over my life.

And yesterday...

Yesterday, was jam-packed with meetings, networking and doing media coverage on the resort.

It was nonstop movement.

Andrew wanted to take me out during my free time yesterday but I took that time to sleep.

Didn't wake up until 30 minutes ago.

I woke up so sluggish and hungry that I didn't even wash my face to go to the buffet.

When I got there, I made it my point of duty to get an array of food that could feed a family of 5.

Fruits, porridge, mint tea and omelette. I also requested for cou-cou, and flying fish since they don't serve that for breakfast. I had some yesterday and it was so good that I had to ask.

I don't know where this hunger came from.

It's probably stress.

I can't eat everything at once if I want to fit in my dress for the ball tonight.

After eating all that I could, I went back into my room and plopped right into my bed. I feel like I could melt into the mattress. My muscles are weak, i'm sore all over and I can hardly move.

I need to go to the spa to set free the pressure my body was under yesterday. I got a spa gift certificate from one of my Bajan colleagues who recommend I should use it before I leave.

I will do just that.

But first, I have other matters to deal with.

"Hello" she answers the phone in a soft tone.

"Hey Ali...haven't heard from you in a minute." I said.

"Oh hey Des...umm...I've been really busy with work and personal stuff, so what's up?"

"I see, I don't mean to disrupt anything but are you aware of the things that your husband is saying about me to the police?"

"Police? What are you talking about? Is this about the Donald thing?" She asked.

What else could it be?

"Let me rephrase, are you aware of anything your husband is at all?"

"Girl, I have my own issues dealing with. What he's doing has nothing to do with me, so no, I'm not aware of what he's doing. So at this point you just need to tell me what's happening." she said blatantly.

Is she okay? Is she hearing herself?

"Aren't you his wife?" I asked annoyingly.

"Yes, Destiny but-"

"I think you have this marriage thing all wrong, he's his own person yes, but as his wife, you have the right to know everything. He is out here spreading lies about the whole kidnapping situation. You must at least know about him going to the police, AT LEAST"

"I don't know about him going to the police. I'm really confused as to why he did that because I did explain your situation to him. So I'll ask him why he did that"

Ask? This girl is testing my patience. For my own sanity, I need to cut this conversation short.

"Forget it." I abruptly ended the call

Waste of my time.

Throughout that phone call all I could think about was if she had anything to do with it or is she being coerced.

I hope it's neither but it had to be one of the two

Also, I didn't feel good leaving this to Alex. I don't want to have anything to do with him, actually.

My phones vibrates and it's a text from Aliya.


When you get back to Jamaica we will talk about this, okay? Now is just not a good time

Me- Okay fine.

I let out a deep sigh and prepare to leave for the spa.

As I gather my things I hear a knock on the door. I open it to see what seems to be a delivery man.

"Destiny Gordon?"


He takes up a flower arrangement off the floor and hands it to me.

"Sign here please" the man said.

I signed the clipboard then he proceeded to give me a box.

When he left, I went back inside to examine them.

They were red and white roses with lilies in them, there's a card too.

The card read:

Happy birthday Destiny. Let this milestone in your life be a prosperous one.


Ps. There is another gift waiting for you in Jamaica.


I open the box to be greeted by a silver watch, with red stones around it, and my name engraved on the inside.

Andrew is so sweet.

I'm not a lover of gifts but I'm really excited see what the other one is.

This lifted my spirits. Though I was conflicted with whether or not I should tell Andrew my answer tonight, my answer is clear as day.

He really showed out.

I should call him and thank him.

"Hey" he answered

"Hii I got the stuff you sent me, they're really nice and I appreciate it very much, thank you!" I exclaimed.

"Uhh...yea you're welcome" he said a bit rushed

"So what time are going to-"

"I'll pick you up at 6, listen I'm in a meeting so I'll call you later" he says then hangs up.


Off to the spa then I get ready for tonight.

Alex's P.O.V
"I don't like that one take it off." Selene says as I try on an outfit for the ball tonight.

"I didn't face time you for your approval, I just wanted to see how you're doing."

"Yea yea I'm doing okay, don't have to worry about me"

"I can see that. You're even FaceTiming me from your new car."

"I slept in it last night too enu, thanks again"


"So you're just going for a simple jacket and tie or...?" She asked

"Jacket and tie" I responded

"Not even a tuxedo, you are so boring"

"Tux's don't suit me"

"It's a ball though and speaking of that, who's your date?" She asks


I never thought about that but I don't see the reason to have one.

"I don't insist on having  one, and I don't intend to"

"But that'll just look bad"

"I'm working so it's really not a big deal"

"Let me add Jacob on this call to talk some sense into you"

"Selene no, he's too much into my business already."

"Yea him nuff fi true but this is for a good cause"

While still looking for a suit, I hear the most annoying voice in existence.

"Why you bring him on the call?"

"Because Jacob is the only person you listen to, and I need him to convince you to wear a tux and get a date, nuh true jake?"

"You disturbed my lunch to ask me fuckry?" Jacob says

"Exactly, you're not needed here and Selene I'm not wearing a tux" i said

"But he needs to look nice and loosen up a bit, you can help him"

"I would like to possess the faith you have"

Why couldn't I be an only child?

"Pleasssee, tell him to bring a date and wear a tux

"Naave time for this, you know how your brother is, bye"

"How about Destiny the girl I met at the airport?she seemed nice! or does she have a boyfriend?" Selene said.

The silence that consumed the call was deafening.

No matter where, what, why and whom, she is brought up.

I can't escape her.

This is getting to me now.

"I may have 5 more minutes to spare..."Jacob said.

"Did I say sumn wrong?" Selene asked concerned

"Nah you said a whole lot of things right" Jacob responded.

If I could just rewind time.

"Firstly, fuck both of you, secondly she most likely has a date already"

"What did I do to deserve that?" she expressed.

"You'll see soon" Jacob said

Maybe a date wouldn't be so bad, maybe it will finally put my mind pass her.

"I'll probably ask Katrina, since you insist" I said to her.

"Ew" they said in unison.


Not the response I was expecting.

"I don't even know who Katrina is and I'm disgusted." Selena said in disgust.

"Bro, you aren't serious"


"Selene give me and him 5 minutes please." I asked her

"No mi wah hear"

Might aswell share my L's to the entire world, right?

"Fine but mute your mic cause if I hear you exclaim I'm kicking you off the call" I said to her

"Ok" she responded.

"Let me get this out the way, Katrina is not my first choice but since Destiny gonna go with that guy might as well.

"So you want to make her jealous?" Jacob asked

"Don't say it like that" I responded

"But that's what it is"

"But it isn't"

"But it is though"

"It's literally not"

"Alex...Every body and their mother knows that you love Destiny and-"

"A weh di rass a gwan ya suh? Alex coulda love somebody?" Selene shouted.

This is turning into a disaster.

"Didn't I tell you to mute?" I asked

"Si Si, he even bought flowers for her today; delivered too."

"Alex, that's so sweet" she said in awe

"It was her birthday" I said in defeat.

"I don't love her, I respect her" I continued

"Him love her, yer Selene?"

"Omggg," she said

Let's sink this ship right now.

"I'll wear the tux and bring a date if that would make this convo short"

"Ok send pics! Of you though, I'm not interested in your date if it's not Destiny"

"Cool" I said in a low tone

Jacob left the call and when I was about to end it Selene said " I don't know what you did to her, but please make it right. Do it for me"

Hm, faith.

*watching the cussing coming in one by one *

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