By ZynneMan

20.5K 502 261

The world was left in chaos after AFO killed last wielder of one for all... siblings Hiroaki and Reiko are se... More

"Spitting Image"
"Class 2-A"
"The Midoriyas"
"Welcome to Class A"
"Just a Secret"
"Partnered Up"
"Go Momo!"
"Tailman and Invisible girl"
"Explosive Illusions and Acid Riots"
"Class Dismissed"
"Truth about Midoriyas"
"Bets and Tests and Dates"
"Set up"

"Two Deku's"

643 14 3
By ZynneMan

"One for all... what is going on." Izuku grunted as his quirk emits power that even produced powerful winds that was felt even from the viewing deck.

"Izuku!" she shouted struggling to approach him due to the force of the quirk pushing her back.

(Clarification, the following incident occurred within the "slowly fell into a trance" phrase last chapter)

The sudden outburst of power caused the battle to halt for a moment, with Dynamight's team running to Deku and Uravity to see the commotion. "Round Face, what the hell is happening!" Bakugo asked. "I-I don't know... he suddenly crashed while flying... I can't get close to calm him down..." The brunette replied while struggling to stay on the ground. 'This is not like when his blackwhip started appearing... This is something else.' Bakugo thought.

"This is so scary what's with the glowing?!" Camie remarked as she among with Mina and Kirishima also struggle to plant their feet as they were pushed back by One for All. "Why is he always losing control when we're training!!!!" Mina yelled in frustrated concern. "Bakugo! Can we get close enough to stop it? Kirishima asked slowly walking towards Katsuki and Ochako. "I can't... the nerd's quirk is pushing me back even with condensed explosions."


"Grandpa Might! Papa's hurt please do something!" Reiko pleaded in tears tugging on the retired hero's suit. "Aizawa can you erase Young Midoriya's quirk?" Toshinori asked while still assisting a weakened Hiroaki. "I'm afraid I can't..." The former Class 1A adviser replied gazing at the brown haired Midoriya with his erasure quirk activated. "If I deactivate my quirk he'll go out of control again as well." Aizawa deducted. "That's what you were thinking about right? All Might?" He muttered.

All might choked at his own words, "Well, that's the theory... that's why we need to stop it before anything else happens... Shinso might be able to help right?" "He and Sero are still in the infirmary recovering from the first battle." "Damn it... what should we do..."

The teachers and students remained clueless about the situation until suddenly felt a sudden surge of heat and a powerful wind, Deku's out of control power reached the observation deck. Everyone tried to hold their ground as the winds attempt to push them back.

"What is happening to Midoriya?" Yaomomo remarked distressed about the situation, covering her body from the violent force that kept on pushing her. "It's like what happened to him during the joint training last year.... This is scary!" Hagakure remarked holding on to Ojiro's back, since she's invisible... she couldn't risk getting blown away cause no one will see her. "Sorry Ojiro!" she uttered closing her eyes in embarrassment. "It's alright just hold on!" Ojiro wrapped his tail around her.

'Midoriya... Hiroaki... do they have the same quirk?... what does it mean... how can this be possible... Can he be their son? But how? How can Uraraka manage to hide two pregnancies?' Todoroki continued to ponder even through the powerful waves of energy completely ignoring the situation.

"MIDORIYA!!! DAMN IT!!!" Mineta screamed as he gets blown away by the strong wind. "AAAAAAAAHHH WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO DO THIS!!!" He yelled in frustration, fortunately Shoji was close by. He extended an arm towards Mineta holding him by his leg.

"Niisan!" Reiko shouted as she held her older brother who easily being dragged by the wind due to his weakened state. Thankfully, Aizawa used his binding cloths on Hiroaki while still doing his best to dampen the Midoriya son's quirk. Reiko on the other hand was grabbed by Jirou. 'This is nothing like last time... Midoriya's too powerful...'


"AAghh, one for all... come on... please... why... after all this time training... why would I lose control again..." Deku held on to his body tight, trying to contain his power. Tears started to flow on his face due to the excruciating pain, he then glanced over to his classmates seeing Uraraka who looked extremely worried stumbling as she attempts to approach him. 'Ochako... no... I can't make her or everyone else worry again... not again... not after what we went through...' He slowly loses his consciousness as the power kept on increasing. 

At this, like a wish seemingly coming true, Midoriya's quirk deactivated like nothing happened. However, the transition of his full cowling from 100% to 0% as well as the strain of One for all's overwhelming power sent him into falling face first on the ground. Seeing this, Ochako immediately rushed to his aid. "Deku!" she shouted in a worried tone. Mina and Kirishima who were worried as well ran to their friend to find out if the One for All user was okay.

"That was... surprising? What do you think happened?... Bakubae?" Camie asked. "Don't ask me I have no idea!" Bakugo barked with furrowed brows. "And for the thousandth time don't call me BAKUBAE!!!" "Awwww you're loving it..." Camie teased, surprisingly, a faint tint of red surfaced on the blonde face causing him to fall silent. "Seeeee.... You're cuter when you shut up... anyways you should probably see if your cute green friend's alright." Camie suggested gazing over Deku.

"Tch... oh he'll be alright don't worry about him." Bakugo stated walking away. "Besides, the match is not over yet... When he wakes up the fight will go on... I'm not gonna let this pass..." "Geez you're so on edge... lighten up a bit Fam!"


"What in the world?" Aizawa asked flabbergasted about the sudden change. "One for All just... went out... Aizawa I think you can release your quirk now." All Might replied. "It'll be better if we stop the match for the time being..." The former hero suggested. "No... atleast not yet... let's wait a few minutes... There might be a reason why this happened..."

"Aunt Kyo... Will Daddy okay?" Reiko asked with concerned tears in her eyes. "Don't worry Reiko, Midoriyas survived even greater things than that." Jirou assured patting her niece on her head. "Hiroaki, you doing okay?" She asked. "I'm fine... just a little tired... sorry for giving you a hard time Auntie..." Hiroaki bowed his head in regret. "No it's alright it's not your fault." She smiled giving her nephew a pat as well.

"What just happened? Is it over?" Hagakure asked still holding on to her bestfriend. "Not sure... everything just calmed down in a split second... you got any ideas Todoro... huh?" Ojiro interrupted himself after seeing his friend in pondering about something.

"Uhm Yaoyorozu... is Todoroki alright?" Ojiro asked the onyx haired girl standing beside the fire and ice hero. "Oh uhm I'm not s-sure..." She replied then turned to stare at Shoto. 'I never looked at him this up close before... he looks handsome... wait...' then suddenly, like an arrow to her heart. It struck her making her clench her fist against her chest... 'What is this... why am I feeling this... Do I like him???? No clearly I don't....' But then she remembered the aftermath of the first match.

"I-I'm fine Todoroki... I'm very tired that's all." She replied. "Do you want me to carry you Yaoyorozu?" He asked.


"hmm why?"

"No... it's nothing, you don't need to carry me Todoroki....What are you doing?!"

"Well, I remember doing this during rescue training... Isn't this how it's supposed to be done?"

'Oh gosh why am I thinking about that?!!! Get it together Momo this is incredibly inappropriate!' She pondered shaking her head rapidly while covering her face. Meanwhile...

'Maybe it's a quirk? Could they be just relatives? No... they remarkably looked like the two... but how? This is getting really hard to follow...'


"Where am I?" Deku asked himself... "A memory?" he added. The incident earlier sent Midoriya to the One for All vestige world but weirdly, the seats of the vestiges nor the vestiges themselves can be seen. What he saw was a big crater that destroyed a familiar city. 'What is this...' He pondered unable to move.

He was thinking of what the possible implication of his vision but then he was interrupted when he saw a huge shadow that took a shape of a man. "Do you really think I could die that easily... Midoriya?" A familiar voice uttered from behind him. Hearing the voice bothered Deku, "Wait... no it's not possible..." when he heard it he suddenly was able to move. He turned to see who it was, seeing the owner of that voice sent him to a state of disbelief. His eyes widened and knees weakened, a masked man wearing a suit was levitating in front of him. "A-All for One... H-how are you alive?..." He asked in a shaky voice.

"You underestimate me Midoriya... too focused on peace... look where it got you... now your daughter's quirk is mine..." The villain mocked as he lift his hand.

'Daughter??? I don't have a daughter... wait... could this be...'

"Kinetic booster x4... Springlike limbs... Hypertrophy... Strength enhancer x5... Your master survived this attack let's see if you can handle it..." Deku froze in disbeliefas he saw the supposedly deceased villain linger in his visions. He took a stance to block the attack but then he saw flash of light pass right by him and towards the villain.

"One for All full cowling... 100%... 100% Detroit Smash!!!!" the voice shouted as his fist collided with the villain causing a powerful shockwave that destroyed everything. Midoriya was left in awe when he saw who it was... 'T-that's me... how is this possible...'


(Art belongs to artist Zino from ArtStation)

Izuku Midoriya

Hero name: Deku

Quirk: One for All

Hero Rank: No. 1 Hero


"GIVE HER BACK ALL FOR ONE!!!" Adult Deku shouted as he released blackwhip from his back and sent it towards the villain pushing him towards a destroyed building... The hero charged towards the villain to follow through another attack when All for One used Hardflame fan igniting a wall of flame that stopped him.

"Sorry Midoriya... once I took her quirk I made sure to dispose of her... no hard feelings." The villain said menacingly as his mask suddenly crumbled away. Both the young and adult Deku were shocked with what they saw, All for One was returned to his former self, his face not distorted and his evil smile noticeable. "Besides... I needed her so I could stay young... the mask was vexing... I hope you don't mind."

"YOU BASTARD!!!" Adult Deku was about to continue on his attack when a shadow stopped him... "Midoriya calm down... he's trying to lower your guard stay focused..."

"Tokoyami? What are you doing here?" Adult Deku asked still angered. 'That's Tokoyami? He's way different than he used to be.' Young Deku thought.


(Original Tokoyami drawing belongs to Jeronimo Bocunano, Art Station)

Fumikage Tokoyami

Hero name: Tsukoyomi

Quirk: Dark Shadow

Hero Rank: No. 5 Hero


"Your wife said you're going to need help so we came..." Mirio appeared from the ground looking pissed off. "We'll make him pay for what he did to my niece..." he added cracking his knuckles angered.

Mirio Togata

Hero name: Lemillion

Quirk: Permeation

Hero Rank: No. 2 Hero

'Wife? Could she be... no I need to know why I'm being shown this vision what could this be... it shouldn't be the future... we made sure to stop All for One ... he's dead... this couldn't be the future.' Deku argued when suddenly the vision became smoke. This confused him not knowing what he should do...

But then, he heard footsteps approaching him,it belonged to a figure hidden by black clouds of the festige world. When the figure stopped in front of him Deku was lost for words when the stranger said something... "I'm sorry... it must have been painful to deal with that sudden outburst of power..." A somewhat familiar voice uttered. "I'm sure you were more worried about the others right?" 'Could he be...'

"I can't disclose too much at the same time... but know this... the future remains uncertain." The figure said before revealing himself to be the much older Izuku Midoriya from the earlier vision... The matter raised more questions for Izuku than it answers... However he understood the confidentiality of the issue so he chose to ask another question. "Why did I lose control earlier... can you tell me?" He asked his older self. "Let's just say One for All is more than just a culmination of quirks... it's a connection that given the right circumstances, can be very useful... that overwhelming power you experienced... that's the power of One for All I honed to my maximum potential... your body adjusted to that power that's why you felt the strain as it happened... the quirk is fed you that power." He replied. 





"Look I know you have a lot of answers but I don't have much time... Please... Protect them will you... protect the future..." The older Deku uttered before disappearing into thin air.








It is at this time that Izuku heard a voice calling him. "Deku... wake up... DEKU!!!" "Yo MIdoriya wake up man stop scaring us." "Midoriya come on you're making us worry too much..."

"O-Ochako?" Deku muttered opening his eyes. "EEEHHHH?!!!" The three exclaimed out of shock. Realizing what just happened, a blushing Uraraka slowly turned her head towards Kirishima and Ashido who were smiling freaky.

"Did he just call you by your first name????????" Mina asked with a gleeful grin. "IIIII KNEW IIITT!!!" The pink skinned hero cheered and giggled while Uraraka suffered from her intense fluster. "M-Mina don't jump it to conclusion like that I-I'm as shocked as you are!"

"Yeah Ashido, Midoriya's a bit light headed, he must have been confused..."

"Not you too Kirishima!..." Uraraka complained as she rapidly waved her hands upfront. The teasing was interrupted when Deku moved to lift himself up to stand back up, "Deku!" Ochako immediately went to his aid to help him up. "Are you okay?" "Yeah sorry if I made you worry..." He smiled discretely assuring her. "AP SHOT!" The little moment was interrupted when suddenly a beam of explosion head towards them. Deku and Uraraka managed to dodge the attack before it hits.

"HEY BAKUGO WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA!!!" Kirishima exclaimed shocked at the blonde's sudden attack. "DON'T ACT LIKE THE FIGHT'S OVER YOU EXTRAS!!!" "Bakugo's as stubborn as always." Mina remarked. "LET'S DO THIS DEKU!!!" Kaachan shouted propelling himself in an incredible speed. "Bakugo's way too determined to fight...." Ochako sighed in frustration as Deku began charging towards his rival. 'Time to test the power future me was talking about.'

"Greenie made quite a commotion huh... He's such a cutie" Camie uttered appearing behind Ochako with a roundhouse kick which the brunette dodged with a side roll. 'There she goes with Izu again...' Ochako thought with puffed cheeks and furrowed brows.

"It's a weird start but Bakugo's right, let's join them Kirishima!... ACID MAN!!!" Mina announced running towards Ochako. "Right!... UNBREAKABLE!!!" Eijiro replied while he charged towards Deku.


Author's Note

Sorry I wanted to finish my first book so I had to put this on hold for a few days... but now I'm back... I hope you guys have been enjoying the story so far

Tell me what you think in the comments. Have a great time everyone!

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