The Bad Guys Justice League:...

By Flashbolt157ninja

8.6K 94 158

(This takes place before Meta Crisis) The Bad Guys were now enjoying life with their families as they spent... More

Moe Jr. and Willow's birthday
Valentine's Day
Easter Day
Viper, Skales, and Lily's birthday
Mother's Day
Pepe Jr., Joy, and Nellie's birthday
Father's Day
Graynoldus & Luna's Birthday
Christmas Eve & Day
New Years Eve
Snake & Princess' Birthday
Comic of Wolf and Snake Part 1
Comic of Wolf and Snake Part 2
Comic of Wolf and Snake Part 3

4th of July

467 5 18
By Flashbolt157ninja

14 Years Ago

There were two sharks, a male and female named Drinnok and Kendra. The two met at a con-cation and fell in love. They became a pair of criminals then, stealing and pulling off heists. They called themselves: The Cold-Blooded Killers. They never killed anyone but the name was to strike fear into people's hearts and it did. That and they were sharks.

It wasn't for long that they got married, but what was better... after 4 months later, she was pregnant. After 3 months later she gave birth to eight pups. 4 boys and 4 girls. She named them: Striiker, Avery, Xander, Velenka, Gwen, Ripper, Mari, and Lou. Lou was the oldest of the whole bunch.

He was known for being such a sweetheart and didn't really like seeing blood. He enjoyed taking care of his brothers and sisters when they were young. Their parents taught them everything they knew about being criminals. How to scam, trick, fool, and to steal. All of Lou's siblings were fast learners, him as well. But Lou also had a different passion. Acting. He saw his best way to be a criminal... was being a master of disguise. And he became an excellent master of it. Fooling people to get what he wanted. His parents were proud of him.

"You have such a talent." Drinnok said to Lou.

"You're a great criminal." Kendra said to him. Lou blushed as he got commented on his talent.

His siblings got a little jealous of him but they were happy for him. They were the ultimate crime family to the city of their times. But then... one day changed that...

Lou was now 22 years old. His brothers and sisters adults as well. At this time, Lou was pressured to get married and having kids, expected to leave the nest with a wife. Being the oldest son was tough for Lou. Wherever he walked, he would scare people nearby, which is why he had to disguise himself. One day, he decided to pull off a crime by himself. A bank job smuggling gold out of the safe in a disguise. He disguised himself as one of the workers to he can steal the gold. He slips into the vault and as the guards turned their back, he tranquilized them. He then grabbed as much gold and money he could take in his bags.

"Piece of cake." Shark thought as he makes it out with his prize. He is now on his way back to his family.

He was now by the river line going over the bridge almost home when he tripped over a brick and dropped his case full of that money into the water.

"Noooo!" Shark yells as he tries to get it but saw it go into the sewers pipes. He lost his money.

"I failed...." Shark said in shock and sadness. He couldn't believe he failed. He couldn't go back empty-handed. His parents would be so upset with him. He then decided to run away. He would miss his family, but he couldn't go back as a failure.

Lou was now trying to figure out what to do now. He was now wandering through the streets in a disguise, sad and scared of what he would do now. He was now sitting in the Tilt Coffee Bar, drinking coffee and eating a doughnut. He never felt so scared before. He looks up to see a wolf in a white suit come sit in his booth.

"Excuse me, but I couldn't mind seeing you upset." The wolf said.

"Yeah, I... failed a job. And I can't go back to my family as a failure." Lou said.

"You don't look like a failure to me. I see you have a gift in... disguising yourself." The wolf said.

Lou was surprised by this. He saw through his disguise. No one has ever seen through him, except his family.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I'm smarter than I look. The point is: I'm putting together a crew to pull of some jobs and heists. We could you a master of disguise like you. So you fail, so what? With us... you won't fail again. What'd ya say?" The wolf said.

Lou thought about this and it was a tempting offer. He knew he couldn't go back. Plus, working with others might help him fix his talents.

"Okay. I'm in. I'm Lou Shark." Lou said.

"Moe Wolf or just Wolf is fine." Wolf said. Shark smiled knowing this was going to be fun.

Present Day

Shark and the others were getting things ready for their pool party. Plus they got fireworks, from one of Piranha's brothers who owned a lot of explosives. Soon their guests came. Piranha's brothers and Snake's dad. Some members of the JL were there to party with them. Team Flash, Team Arrow, Team Supergirl, Team Legends, and Team Werewolf. It was a great day. The kids and teenagers were having fun in the pool with Shark and Piranha while the grownups chat. It was a wonderful time, and it going to be better when it's night time. Shark then got out of the pool and dried off and eats.

"Oh yeah baby! This party is awesome!" Shark said as he dries off.

Wolf, and the other Bad Guys were now inside with some of their kids talking with Barry, Oliver, Cisco, Kara, Sara, Flasheart, Hotspur, and Ryan Wilder.

"I gotta say... you Bad Guys know how to have a party." Cisco said.

"Thanks. It's just great to spend time with friends and family together here." Wolf said. Suddenly the doorbell rang, grabbing their attention.

"Oh, were we expecting anyone else?" Snake asked.

"It's probably Jefferson with his family." Barry said.

Cryptor goes to open the door only for it to burst open slamming Cryptor against the wall. Coming in was a bunch of sharks. Shark spurted his drink out when he saw who it was. It was his family! His father, mother, and his 3 brothers and 4 sisters. All excited and happy to see Shark again.

"Mom? Dad? Siblings?" Shark exclaimed surprised.

"Louis! My baby boy!" Kendra exclaimed hugging her son. Soon his father and siblings surrounded him buzzing him with questions and complements.

"You've gotten so big, son!" Drinnok said.

"You've changed a lot!" Mari said.

"He looks like dad a bit!" Avery said.

"You lost weight!" Velenka said hugging him.

"No, he's gain weight! A little chubby at the belly." Ripper said poking at Shark's belly.

"He's so handsome looking." Gwen said pinching his cheek. Shark couldn't help but feel a little under pressure.

"Uhhh... guys? What are you doing here?" Shark asked.

"Why, we came to see you, big bro!" Xander said giving him a hug.

"Ok where is she? Where is our granddaughter?" Kendra asked looking around, as did his father.

They then saw Princess on the floor playing with a toy. John and Keisha laughed in joy as they swooped her up. They began to rock her like a baby.

"She's so adorable." Kendra said cuddling her.

"She's so small." Drinnok said petting her. All of this excitement was starting to scare Princess a bit. Shark then approaches his parents.

"Uhhh... mom... dad... what are you guys doing here?" Shark asked.

"Like what your brother said, we wanted to see you! It's been years since we last saw you." Kendra said. Princess then started to cry a bit.

"Aww, don't cry sweetie. Here, maybe this will cheer you up." Kendra said pulling out a plush shark for her. She stops crying and sees the toy.

She laughs as she hugs it. Shark recognize it. It was Sharko, his favorite toy when he was a pup.

"You... kept that?" Shark asked looking at Princess hugging it.

"Of course! I've kept everything of yours." Kendra said. Shark smiles at hearing that.

"Daddy? What's going on?" Graynoldus asked as he, Luna, and Athena came in to see what was the commotion.

"Daddy? You're married and have kids?" Drinnok said looking at Shark who looked embarrassed a bit.

"Finally! I knew my son would get married!" Kendra said putting Princess in Shark's hands. His parents and siblings then head to them.

"Hi, I'm Athena, Shark's wife." Athena said introducing herself to them.

"Hello, I'm Drinnok and this my wife, Kendra. We're Lou's parents." Drinnok said.

"And these are Lou's siblings: Striiker, Ripper, Xander, Mari, Velenka, Avery, and Gwen." Kendra said showing them Shark's brothers. Striiker was holding Graynoldus and Mari was holding Luna.

"So what are your kid's names?" Ripper asked.

"This Graynoldus or Gray for short and this is Luna." Shark said to his family.

"Their so cute." Mari said. Drinnok saw Shark was looking shameful. He figured he, his wife and Lou should talk.

"Say, Rip. Why don't you guys go outside with everyone while me and your mother talk with your older brother alone." Drinnok said.

"Sure." Ripper said as they left. Even the Bad Guys and the JL left. Shark looked like he wanted to cry.

"Hey, sweetie... what's wrong." Kendra asked.

"I'm just... wondering why... you're not mad at me?" Shark said in sadness.

"Mad at you? Why would we be mad at you?" Drinnok said.

"Because I ran away. I failed pulling of a crime by myself and I was afraid you be mad at me. So... I ran away." Shark said with little tears in his eyes. Kendra lifted his head up and wiped his tears.

"Oh, Lou... we're not mad at you. Sure we were upset you left without saying goodbye but we would've understand." Kendra said.

"Nobody's perfect at pulling off a heist by themselves. We weren't good at first either but we would've given you advice and tips." Drinnok said. Shark begins to smile.

"And besides... you turned out great by yourself with your friends. We saw you on the news and were so proud of you." Drinnok said making Shark feel better.

"And when we saw you and your friends go good... we decided to go good too. So we gave up crime and started a new life, all of us." Kendra said.

"We started our own clothes designed company together. Inspiration from you with your disguises. Even your brothers and sisters got jobs as doctors, trainers, scientists and lawyers." Drinnok said.

Shark was surprised by this. That his family gave up crime because of him and got better jobs. It made him feel better. He then grabbed his parents in a big hug.

"Thank you." Shark said with happiness in his voice.

"Of course son. We love you no matter what." Drinnok said.

"Now come on. We want to know more about your family and friends." Kendra said.

"Okay. You got a deal." Shark said as they join the rest of the party. Soon Shark and his family were able to catch up with each other and introduce themselves to the rest of his friends. Soon the Blast Man and Rocket Man launched the fireworks into the sky. It was the best 4th of July for Shark.

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