The Lord Of The Rings | Kili...

By AlexJacksonO_Brien

2.7K 113 31

Twenty years have passed since Erebor was recaptured. Kili and Malia lead a quiet life until one day a messen... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26


135 2 0
By AlexJacksonO_Brien

"They're back! " We heard familiar voices that we missed so much. "They're back!! "

Kili and I looked at each other and then at Legolas and Gimli. With smiles on our faces, we came into the middle of Erebor, where the dwarves and even the elves who helped us, were just beginning to descend.

I got off my horse, with Kili's help, and looked around at the crowd. Literally a second passed when suddenly Fili ran out of the crowd towards us. And right behind him remained from our Company.

"Brother! " Kili called out happily and ran up to his brother, and after a while they fell into each other's arms, which was very sweet.

I also didn't wait a moment and ran to the brothers to say hello as well.

I managed to hug Fili, and immediately afterwards I had to hug everyone from our Company, even Dwalin, who didn't always like tenderness, but never refused to give me a hug.

"It's good to see you again. " Bofur smiled.

"You too. " Kili laughed and hugged his friend.

" Legolas! " I heard girl's voice. Not just any girl, of course. It was Tauriel.

I turned to them the moment elf threw herself around Legolas' neck.

"Looks familiar, huh? " Kili poked me to which I laughed.

He was right. I knew the feeling very well. The tears of joy in Tauriel's eyes reminded me of the moment I found Kili whole and healthy after fighting Bolg. I was very afraid that I had lost him, but fortunately it didn't happen.

"Well, what are you waiting for? " Kili said with a smile, to which the elves looked at us. "Kiss her, idiot. " He laughed, and I joined him.

" That's what I was going to do. " Blond man smiled. "Don't disturb, Kili. " He laughed, and we joined him.

Our elf didn't wait long and joined his mouth to that of his beloved. I smiled at the sight. Next to me, I also saw Gimli greeting his father, Gloin.

The sight was really adorable. At that moment, I turned to look at Fili.

"Fili... " I looked at dwarf and he looked at me. "And where's... "

"Behind you. " He entered my words to which I was surprised. After a while he nodded with a smile so that I would turn around.

I did it insecurely and saw the person I missed so much for the whole thirteen months. My father, Thorin Oakenshield.

Without thinking, I just ran towards dwarf and threw myself around his neck. Thorin laughed, grabbed me in his arms and turned me around his axis.

"I missed you so much..." I whispered through tears of joy.

"I missed you too, flower." He whispered and kissed me on the forehead.

I looked at him through tears. Here and there gray strands appeared on his hair and chin. He smiled warmly at me and wiped away my tears, and after a while I did the same with his tears. I still couldn't help but feel the smile on my face at that moment. I was so happy to be back home. Too many times I was afraid that I wouldn't come back here and that I wouldn't see my loved ones again. But fortunately this didn't happen. Now we were together again and that was all that mattered.

I couldn't stand it any longer and after a while I cuddled up to Oakenshield again. Dwarf, of course returned the hug and leaned his beard against my head.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kili walking towards us with a warm smile. And after a while, Thorin hugged him as well. And that's when the three of us stood together, in the warm and tender embrace I'd been waiting for and dreaming about for so long.


In the evening there was a supper to celebrate our return home. We all laughed, talked and joked like we used to. Among us, only Balin was missing. Just before the supper there was a ceremony dedicated to his honor, followed by a funeral. I missed him very much, but I believe he's now in a better world and watching over us as he has always done.

The evening, on the other hand, couldn't take place without dancing and singing, so I was practically constantly on the move, because as soon as I finished dancing with my husband, suddenly his brother and the others appeared out of nowhere, and over and over again as on the carousel, but I didn't complain. I enjoyed their company.

After about two hours, when I finally managed to get away, somewhere to the side I finally decided to eat something. In fact, I don't even remember the last time I had such an appetite, but I ate four chicken legs, two portions of salads, three pieces of cakes and drank two pints of milk. To be honest, I was surprised by myself.

"You've an appetite. " Tauriel laughed and walked over to me, to which I smiled.

"I can't believe it myself. " I looked at her and put down the empty plate after the third portion of the salad. "I haven't had such an appetite for a long time. "

"Yhymm... " Elf narrowed her eyes and smiled suspiciously.

"What? " I looked at her. "A horse runs on my forehead? " I asked what she laughed at.

"No, stupid. " She smiled. "But I think I know what's wrong with you."

"What is it? " Kili heard and approached us with Legolas, Fili and Thorin.

"Something serious? " Fili asked.

"Very serious. " Legolas supported, he apparently guessed what his girlfriend meant.

"Well, will you say it finally? " Kili was impatient. "It's about my wife."

"Not only about her. " Tauriel interjected, and Kili and I exchanged incomprehensible glances.

"On Durin..." Thoirn interjected, and after a while a wide smile appeared on his face.

"Lia..." Tauriel came up to me and took me by the hands. "You know we elves have sharp eyesight and hearing..." She said, to which I nodded. "And do you know why I can now hear more than one heart beating in your chest?"

For a moment I couldn't understand what she meant, but after a while it came to me and I opened my mouth wider. And when I looked at Kili I saw his shocking face.

"Malia, you're pregnant! " Elf called cheerfully, hugged me and began to laugh.

After a while, I joined her, followed by everyone around me.

I walked over to Kili.

"We're going to have a baby..." I said, and I felt a tear of joy run down my cheek.

Kili and I looked into each other's eyes for a moment, and after a while brunet couldn't stand it and screamed with joy. Then took me in his arms, and began to rotate with me around his axis.

"I'll be a father!! " He shouted and I couldn't help but laugh. "Men! Elves! Dwarves! I'll be a father!! "

Everyone around us started cheering and applauding us.

"Put me down, dummy. " I laughed.

Dwarf only after a while fulfilled my request. Then he took my face in his hands.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" He asked with a smile.

"Maybe once or twice. " I laughed.

"So: I love you. " Dwarf smiled wider. "Can you hear me?! I love my Lia!! " He shouted happily to which the others laughed with me.

After a second, brunet looked at me again and joined our lips in a warm and tender kiss, and those gathered around us didn't cease to cheer and applaud us.


Now I was in the chamber I shared with my husband and I was finishing combing my hair. I put down my brush and sat on the edge of the bed. I sighed and touched my now slightly thicker belly with my hand. I smiled under my breath as I felt warm hands wrap around my waist and hug me. I glanced at Kili with a smile and he kissed me on the forehead.

"Can you imagine? " I asked and leaned against my husband's torso. "Finally, we'll be able to lead a peaceful and normal life. "

"Normal? " Kili laughed. "It has never been like that and never will be, it always gives us something. " Laughed again, and I joined him.

"At least it's not boring. " I smiled.

"At least that. " Brunet supported me and kissed me on the cheek and then gently massaged my stomach with his hand.

"Kili? "

"Hm? "

"You know... " I started to tangle in my own words. "All in all, right now I'll get... "

"Get fat? " He guessed, and when I didn't answer he knew that he guessed. "Honey... My sunshine." He turned me facing him and raised my chin so I could look at him. "And do you think that's why I'll stop loving you?" I still didn't answer and tried to avoid his sight. "Or that you'll cease to be attractive? "

"I've already stopped. " I sighed. "Anyway, I've never even been... "

"You were..." He entered my words and continued. "You are..." He kissed my neck. "And you always will be. And I love you, very, very much. And now, and later, when your tummy grows as well. There inside. " Stroked my stomach. "There is our little one, baby. And I loved you not for your figure or attractiveness, but for who you are, and for the way you are. " He told me to look at him. "And nothing will change that, dummy. " Added and put a light kiss on my lips, which after a while I reciprocated. "Do you understand? " He smiled at me warmly.

"I understand. Now, change of subject. " I said quickly to which brunet laughed, and I hugged him again. "What will we call our little one? Any ideas? "

"Actually, yes. " Dwarf replied after a while and then added. "If it's a girl, Let's call her Frigga. "

"What if a boy? " I asked with a smile.

"And if a boy, then, Mitchell." He said.

I blinked several times and then straightened up and looked my husband in the eye.

"Something wrong? " Brunet asked and smiled slightly.

"No..." I replied. "Juts... It's... "

"Your parents' names, yes. " He finished for me, which I looked at him. "In my opinion, these names are beautiful and will fit perfectly. " Brunet moved closer when he saw the tears in my eyes. "Exceptional names, after exceptional dwarves, for exceptional children." Added with a warm smile.

"Kili... " I smiled at him gratefully and felt tears run down my cheeks. Dwarf, seeing this, hugged me.

"What do you say? " He asked and stroked my head. "Do you agree? "

I smiled slightly.

"Of course I do. " I replied and cuddled more into my husband's torso. Kili kissed me on the forehead and rested his beard on my head.

That moment could last forever for us. The wars were over, and we were finally able to enjoy each other and finally be able to start a family. We'll not have to worry about any orcs, demons, wars and other evil things. Now all that mattered was the here and now.

We were on the right track, and soon a little treasure was to appear in our lives, which we loved now.

I lost my family, and now I've got it back. I found the love of my life, parents I missed, friends and peace. We have gone through all these bad days together and I know that as long as we are together we can do everything. Because together we are stronger.

We are one big, unique and extraordinary family.


And that's how we get to the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed the epilogue?

Thank you so much for reading!

Feel free to read my other stories that are already on my account and that will still appear. I hope you stay with me so see you. ♥

Have a great day/evning Mellondil! ♥

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