Stitching A Broken Heart

By MicahMcConnell5

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Read and find out, Summary can be found in my ao3 account because Wattpad is acting weird and keeps deleting... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92

Chapter 34

543 18 1
By MicahMcConnell5

2 Weeks later:

MK woke up to the sound of his alarm clock "uuugh no" MK said hitting the snooze button "five more minutes" the teen said falling back to sleep, only to be awakened by a sudden shake throwing him off the bed "Earthquake!!" MK yelled covering his head as things fell off shelves and onto the floor. Then the room stopped shaking MK looked around with a groan, seeing the mess his room was in, knowing he'd have to clean it up later "aw man and I just cleaned up yesterday" MK said with a groan, he then suddenly took notice that his room looked different "that's weird, I don't remember redecorating my room?" MK said looking around noticing that the walls weren't orange, he then looks at his alarm clock and saw it was 8:35 a.m.

"Ah!! I'm late for work!!!" MK said getting up and grabbing a set of clean clothes, rushing into the bathroom to get ready "Dadsy's gonna' kill me!!" MK said shutting the door. Once he'd gotten dressed he rushes out of his room but came to a halt when he saw the unfamiliar hallway 'what the?' MK thought but quickly shook it off as he rushes downstairs to the main level and came to a halt when he saw that he was already in the noodle shop 'that was weird...wait...that was my Baba's old apartment room, how did I and all my stuff got there?' MK thought looking at his Baba who was lacking a bowl of noodles

"Dadsy, I'm so sorry I'm late!" MK said when Pigsy walked out of the kitchen "I overslept! And I guess I didn't set an alarm? Honestly, I don't even remember going to bed, not to mention the earthquake and, and, and....please don't fire me!" MK said clasping his hands together begging "Fire you? Why would I fire you?" Pigsy said, before turning around, a bright smile on his face painted across his face. MK's jaw dropped, his eyes the size of plates at what he heard and what he is seeing but shook his head from the shock and confusion "Uh, w-well, the last time, you said, If you are one minute late, ever again, son or not, you...are...FIRED!!'" MK said repeating what his dad said to him

"I said that?" Pigsy asked in confusion, MK nodded "you said it from the top of your lungs" the teen said still shooken up from the yelling. Tang gave a chuckle, sliding up next to Pigsy, and wrapping an arm around the pig demon's shoulder, "That doesn't sound like my best friend, Pigsy!~" Tang said with a big smile "Best friend?!" MK said looking at his dads in shock as he noticed the wedding rings Pigsy and Tang wore were missing......something wasn't right here. Before MK could say anything another earthquake shook the shop, the teen let a shriek as he protected himself from the objects falling onto him "It's happening again!" MK shouted, once the rumbling had stopped "Again? Whatchu' talking about, MK?" Pigsy asked, his smile not faltering for a second "Did you not feel that?" MK asked, confused as to how they'd miss such a thing

"Feel what?" The pig demon raised a brow "I think someone has a real case of the Mondays, hmm?~" Tang cooed, managing to officially creep out the kid, who backed up a couple of steps 'Maybe I should stop putting the staff in my ear before I go to bed' MK thought going to pull it out.....only for nothing to happen "Wait....why isn't the staff in my ear?! I thought I--" MK said feeling around his ears for the staff "The staff ain't in your ear, kid," Pigsy chuckled....the two adults still had yet to let go of one another....and to stop smiling "Then where is it?" The teen asked, worried that he might've misplaced it "On top of the mountain, sealing away the Demon Bull King, and his entire family!" Tang spoke up still smiling "what?" MK said blinking in confusion not remembering such an event taking place

"You do remember, right?" Tang said frowning, before giving a sigh "I keep saying you work him too hard~" Tang said smiling over at Pigsy "That's it! You're taking the day off!~" Pigsy cheerfully shouted, still smiling. MK nearly fainted at what he heard " I...thanks...I-I-I guess" MK said and left, he grabs his hoverboard and speeds off down the road processing what happened "okay, despite the weirdness, this is my first day off in like a year, I guess this could be a perfect day" MK said with a smile "Perfect~!" A stranger said with a smile scaring MK a little "that was...weird" MK said

Things have been getting weirder and weirder with strangers following him, offering him free stuff, having a big creepy smile on their face, and always saying perfect all the time it made MK super uncomfortable, after loosing the creepy smiling mob he began thinking about the situation "Alright, this is weird, something's wrong..." MK said frowning as he thinks over the day's events, and walking back to the shop "First off, Pigsy smiled, he never smiles! Then, he gave me the day off! Followed by all these strange people--ack!" MK was cut off by another earthquake "and these weird earthquakes that no one noticed?!" MK said then the earthquake stops "and to top it all off my staff is back to the mountain, what is going-ack!!" MK was cut off again as he fell over again, looking up to see Mei standing over him, a smile on her face

"Mei!" MK said smiling at his friend "hey MK, you good?" Mei asked getting off the teen "boy am I so glad to see you!" MK said happy to see her "Please, tell me you can see them too?" MK said pointing to the strange people behind them, with a nervous smile "Shhh!" Mei placed a finger on the boy's mouth "None of that matters. We're gonna' be late!" Mei said before grabbing his free arm, and running off in the direction of the docks "Late for what?" MK asked as he struggled to keep up with the dragon girl. The boy never got an answer, as Mei kept running until they got to Sandy's boat, once they got to the boat he was immediately sat down at a table and Sandy placed a menu next to him, when he looks up at his friend he saw that she was now wearing a very fancy dress, her hair done up and everything

MK's face displayed shocked disbelief "Uh....what? Mei, w-what are you doing?" MK asked looking at his friend "MK, there's something I wanted to tell you...Since the first day we met" Mei started off, fidgeting with her hands looking away with a blush on her face 'Please don't be what I think it is' MK thought looking about ready to faint "I just can't hold it in anymore, MK!~" Mei shouts out flinging herself onto MK "I...I love you" Mei said looking into MKs eyes MK looked like he was going to be sick "M-Mei....I....uh, am really flattered but...uh...oh geeze..." MK stuttered looking away scratching the back of his head "What? What is it?" Mei asked, a worried look on her face "I can't return your affections Mei, you know this......I'm gay Mei.... A-and I'm sorry that I can't return your feelings but--" MK was cut off by the dragon girl "O-oh! Did I say 'in love?'......I meant to say...I love being your friend!" Mei said smiling

"R-right..." MK winced, still not looking at the dragon girl, guilt weighing down on him heavily "L-listen Mei...I'm sorry that I can't accept your feelings, your more like a sister me....but I still do want to be your friend!" MK said with a nervous smile. There was an awkward pause until MK finally spoke " I'm gonna go to the arcade and I'm sure you'll need some time to....sort this all out, so--yeah...see you later?" MK said starting to leave "A-as friends?!" Mei called out as the boy was walking off "Friends!" MK forced his smile to widen, keeping it on until he was out of sight before booking off somewhere that he won't be followed


After a while of running he heads to an alley, the teen looked around to see if anyone was in the back alley, and upon seeing it vacant of life, he gave a sigh of relief leaning against the wall "alone at last" the teen said to himself "how you doing down there?" a voice called down to him from up above, MK looked up and saw Monkey King floating above him on his Somersault Cloud "Monkey King!" MK said smiling but he frowned "wait a minute, what are you doing here?!" MK said as Monkey King lowering the cloud to be eye level with MK "Ah, you know. Hanging, chilling, Monkey Kinging around. Uh, anyway, enough about me. What's new with you? You seem agitated" Monkey King said raising an eyebrow "well yeah, I mean...everyone's got dumb brain, Dadsy gave me the day off, and Mei said she....loves me" MK said shivering at the last part "I-I think I'm going crazy" MK said clutching his head as Monkey King hops off his Cloud

"Ah you're not crazy, this is all very normal, my powers just soo great" Monkey King said pulling out a bamboo stick and pointed it at MK "it's probably too much for your brain to handle" Monkey King said tapping the end of the bamboo stick on MKs head "you're gonna see some weird stuff, you just gotta accept it" Monkey King said smiling leaning the bamboo stick on his shoulder "accept it huh?" MK said crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow "yeah accept it, apart from that love bit it all sounds fine perfect" Monkey King said turning away from the teen "uh but you know, if you think about it, actually maybe you and Mei would be, like a re--" But when Monkey King turned around he saw that MK was not in the alley "MK" Monkey King said, he then crossed his arms and scowled "Dang it!" 'Monkey King' said in an unfamiliar voice

While 'Monkey King's' back was turned MK turned into a shadow and zoomed out of there 'This is insane, everyone is acting crazy, I need to go somewhere else...Ma's place!' MK thought and speeds off towards Macaques home making sure not to be seen. As he makes it to the forest he was about to turn back to normal when he saw that the stone gate wasn't there 'What the?' MK thought as he moves forward, he saw that there was nothing there just an empty field with overgrown weeds, MK looked at the field in shock as his mother home was nowhere to be seen 'This...this isn't right....none of this is real' the teen thought, then he remembered something 'The staff!' The teen thought and speds off towards the mountain

Soon the teen made it into the cave, he turned back to normal and began walking over to where a beam of light, shone down upon a familiar looking red and gold staff "hopefully by taking the staff, I'll get some answers on what's going on" MK said walking towards the staff "Taking the staff?" Mei's voice calls out, causing the two to whirl around, seeing the gang there with nervous looks "Why would you do that?" She said tilting her head "Oh, just uh, taking it for a spin!" The boy laughs, hoping that Mei wouldn't question him further as he slowly backed away "Take it?! But you can't take it! If you do that, then the Demon Bull King will return!" The dragon girl's voice got a bit darker, as she narrowed her eyes at the teen. MK nervously backs up, right into Sandy, he look on the water spirit's face sent shivers up the teen's spines "Leave the staff where it is, dude" Sandy said as MK quickly backed away

"Oh, MK! You don't want that mean DBK to return, do you?" Tang cooed, as he suddenly appeared in front of him, making the youth jump in surprise "Why don't we just return back to the shop?" Pigsy suggests, walking up next to Tang "I'll make us a nice pot of noodles!" The pig demon said pulling out a bowl of noodles.The sound of footsteps behind the pair, caused them to turn once again, seeing Monkey King "You can still have your perfect life" Monkey King said smirking ", this isn't right....this isn't real....none of you are the people I know! Are you?!" MK growls out glaring at the group, there was a pause, before the false Monkey King scowled at the boy, "Guess the jig is up, get him!" The false Monkey King said, the group lunged at the duo, MK immediately bolting off in the direction of the staff, in the hopes that he could reach it in time. Unfortunately, they'd managed to catch up, and dog-piled onto the boy

"Let me go!" MK shouted, struggling underneath the weight "don't struggle kid, just relax and accept it" false Monkey King said smiling down MK, the teen growls and his eyes glowed purple "No. I. WON'T!!!!" MK shouted, he turns into a shadow and zooms towards the staff, he turns back to normal, grabs the staff, and pulls it out of the ground. Suddenly, the world around him began to crack, beams of light shining through and before the teen realized it, he had landed on a wooden floor, the staff falling down in front of MK, the teen slowly stands up clearing away the dizzy spells and saw that he was in an old storage room, he heard a klank sound and turned to see a blue and orange demon sneaking away but looked at MK

The teen blinked and screamed as well as the two demons "WHO ARE YOU, HOW DID I GET HERE, AND WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?!?!" MK said, the two demons looked at each other and back at MK with a smirk "why mortal, we are the greatest trickster ever!" The blue demon said smirking "Jin!" Jin said crossing his arms "Yin!" Yin said crossing his arms, the two demons snickered and Jin stood on top of Yin both posing "the golden super demons!" Jin said smiling "SILVER and gold, Silver and gold" Yin said and the two demons began fighting each other while MK just watched. The teen then spotted the corkboard that was covered with pictures of him, his dads, Sandy, Monkey King, and Mei with red string attach "wait...have you two been stalking me?!" MK said and the two demons stopped fighting looking at the teen "not entirely stalking you, just...observing you so we could capture you and destroy you" Jin said looking away "But instead, we'll have to destroy you the good old fashioned way!" Jin said and he and Yin took a fighting stand

Just then, a cold breeze entered the room as the two demons shadows stretched on the wall "is that so?" A voice said making the two demons jump and turn around to see a shadow behind them, the shadow then formed and Macaque stepped out of the shadow "Jin and Yin...not surprise to see you two clowns back in town" Macaque said glaring down at the two quivering demons "M-M-Macaque, w-w-what a pleasant surprise" Jin said terrified of the shadow demon "w-w-what b-brings you here in this part of town?" Yin said equally terrified "when my cub didn't appear for his training I asked his friends and they haven't seen them either, so I looked for him and spotted a trail you two left behind" Macaque said his glare not moving "your...cub?" Yin and Jin said and the two demons turned to MK and back to the tanned simian "we-we didn't know that he was YOUR cub honest if we have we would've--" but the orange demon was cut off when Macaque slammed the end of his purple staff to the ground cracking it and making the two demons hug each other in fear "if you EVER come anywhere near my cub again, I will hunt you down and gut the two of you like a pair of fish" Macaque said his eyes glowing purple. The two demons quivered in fear and quickly nodded all the color drained from their face

"Scram" Macaque said and the bolted out the door, running so incredibly fast that it was if they'd teleported, leaving only a cloud of dust, Macaque huffed as he watched the two leave, he then walks to MK and placed a hand on the teens shoulder "are you alright, those two didn't hurt you did they?" Macaque asked looking over at the teen. MK looked up at his ma and hugged him and Macaque hugged MK back "it's alright, you're okay" Macaque said gently petting MKs hair "what...what was I in?" MK said the false friends smiling at him still in his mind "It's called the Calabash, the two demons tricks you into answering their call, and get you trapped in there" Macaque said running his claws through MKs hair "S-sorry..." MK said hugging tightly "It's not your fault you got tricked, the Calabash is very hard to get out of, so don't apologize for something that isn't your fault" Macaque said looking down at MK

The teen looked up at his ma and smiled "now why don't we have some lunch at the shop? Your friends are waiting for you after all" Macaque said smiling at MK "Sounds great ma" MK said and the two left heading towards the shop taking a Shadow portal into the shop, where MK was immediately tackled by the gang. MK then explains the event that had happened to him and they were shocked, Mei wanted to go out on a headhunt after the two demons but Macaque calmed her down telling her that his threat to them was more than enough for them to not bother the teen "so MK, since the Calabash makes the world you want, how did you notice something was wrong?" Mei asked as MK was eating some noodles "well other than the creepy smiling strangers following me saying perfect every five wasn't there" MK said the others looked at the teen in surprise "really?" Sandy asked

MK nodded "I even went to ma's home and it wasn't there not even the stone gate was there, it was just an empty field" MK said looking down at his bowl, he felt a hand on his head and saw Tang gently petting him along with Macaque "I'm just glad that you're out of there" Tang said smiling at his son, MK smiled back at his Baba and Ma feeling better now that he was with his real family

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