Number 8 (Umbrella Academy Se...

By multi_story_fandoms

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Number 8 also known as Phoebe was kept as a secret weapon by the commission until she was partnered up with s... More

chapter 1: This better work.
Chapter 2: Sparrows vs Umbrellas
Chapter 3: concern.
Chapter 4: Deal
Chapter 5: what are you?
Chapter 6: Worse than we thought.
Chapter 7: Memories.
chapter 8: She tried.
Chapter 9: Threatened
chapter 10: Raven
chapter 11: Long story
Chapter 12: The meaning behind the number
chapter 13: Deal
chapter 14: reveal
not a chapter just a massive thank you.
Chapter 15: 'Disowned'
Chapter 16: Falling for you
Chapter 17: Problem remains
Chapter 18: Big ball of Black holes
Chapter 19: Dont become a Villian, Viktor
Chapter 21: What are we?
Chapter 23: Kugelblitz last victim
chapter 22: Wedding at the end of the world
Chapter 24: The Guardians
Chapter 25: The button
Chapter 26: New Life

Chapter 20: Immortality

135 10 0
By multi_story_fandoms

Luther and Sloane saw the Kugel wave burst from the Academy and destroy buildings. They felt the Academy move slightly and set off running. Lila and Diego had the same idea and got out as quickly as possible. Viktor and Five left the room and were about to run when Five remembered Ben. He teleported to Ben and looked round trying to find Phoebe.
"Oh shit, please have gotten out." He thought to himself before teleporting both him and Ben to the hotel.

At the Hotel

"Is this everyone?" Five asked as he looked round.
"Does it fucking look like it?!" Ben replied angry, looking for Phoebe.
"Shit, Where's Phoebe?" Luther asked.
"She was with Ben last time I saw her." Sloane replied, hanging onto Luther's arm.
"I told her to go. I told her to leave the academy." Ben said sadly.
"Then she will have gotten out." Five said firmly, reassuring Ben.
"What do we do now?" Diego asked trying not to think about the possibility that Phoebe never made it out alive.
"There isn't anything we can do. We are too late. I suggest what ever is on your bucket list, you do it." Five replied and walked away.
"No Five wait there has to be something to do!" Diego called out.
"Why are you so keen to help now?" Ben asked taking a step closer to Diego.
"Who cares. At least he's trying to. What did you do?" Lila asked defending Diego.
"You blew up half your family." Diego said smirking.
"Oh you wanna talk about family problems! You know what should have blown up? You head on that neck of yours!" Ben replied taking another step towards Diego.
"I wish I had a cake to shove in you face!" Diego said and they were stood face to face.

Ben started talking to Diego in Korean and Diego began replying in Spanish.
"Oi! Shut the fuck up!" Someone shouted from the doorway and everyone turned.
"Holy shit, you're alive." Diego muttered as he saw Phoebe stood by the door.
"Yes Diego, I am in fact alive but why the fuck are you two arguing about something completely irrelevant when the world is ending!?" Phoebe asked clearly annoyed Ben wasn't more worried about her.

"Phoebe where the hell have you been? I thought you didn't make it." Ben asked walking towards her.
"Yeah clearly." Scoffed Phoebe before she walked away.
"Phoebe wait. What the hell is wrong!?" Ben asked as he went after her.

Ben followed Phoebe down a corridor, trying to catch up up her.
"Phoebe what the hell is going on?" He called out to her.
"Why don't you tell me!" She snapped at him. 
"Because I have no idea what the fuck is wrong!" He snapped back at her.
"That's funny because right before your idea went to shit, you said something to Fei and wouldn't even look me in the eye after. So what is it you have planned for the Umbrellas then?!" Phoebe asked glaring at Ben. They were still stood in the corridor so Ben took hold of Phoebes wrist and pulled her into the nearest, empty room.

"I don't have to tell you anything and everything I do!" he answered her letting go of her wrist.
"You do when it comes to the Umbrella Academy, or have you already forgotten I have a past with them?" Phoebe said, getting annoyed by Ben.
"You said they aren't your family. Not anymore!" Ben replied trying to make a point.
"They aren't ANYMORE! They once were which means I want to know what kind of plan you need them for! They used to be my family and I still care about a couple of them which is why I won't let you hurt them." Phoebe said firmly, standing her ground.
"I wasn't going to hurt them Phoebe. It was a lie to protect them from Fei." Ben said softly, almost sounding hurt.
"Why didn't you just tell me? Why make me think you had some evil, twisted, messed up plan for them? Phoebe replied, sounding equalling hurt.
"Because there wasn't a chance for me to tell you, not with the Kugelblitz erupting, then you being missing." Ben said after a while.
"I couldn't bare the thought of coming back here to find you hadn't made it back. It's why I spent so long to return and I only came back when I heard you and Diego arguing." Phoebe said almost expecting Ben not to hear.
"Think about how I felt Phoebe, when I came back only to realise you weren't here and no one had seen you!?" Ben replied the anger in his voice returning. He took a step closer to Phoebe but to his shock, Phoebe stepped away banging into the wall.

"I'm sorry. I should have never have left you." Whispered Phoebe looking at the ground.
"If you'd have stayed, you may have not made it out alive Phoebe. I just wish you'd found me earlier." Ben confessed, willing Phoebe to look at him.
"You're right. I should have found you." Phoebe apologied, finally looking up at Ben. Their faces were inches apart and Phoebe felt herself leaning towards Ben. This time there was no hesitation as Phoebe pressed her lips to Ben's.

The next day

Luther and Sloane annonced their wedding would be taking place that evening. Klaus also returned and told everyone how him and Reginald had been on a trip and discover Klaus's immortality.
"You're immortal?" Diego asked in disbelief. Phoebe grabbed one of Diegos knives and threw it at Klaus, hitting him so hard it caused instant death.
"PHOEBE!" Diego yelled in even more disbelief.
"You needed proof, so there you go!" Stated Phoebe as Klaus got up, alive.

The Wedding

Chapter 20 is done
Sorry I've skipped a few things in this chapter and sorry if it seems a little rushed. There is between 4 to 5 chapters left of this story so the introduction of characters had been published ag the first chapter will be put either tonight or tomorrow

So Klaus is immortal, Luther and Sloane are getting Married, Ben and Phoebe worked out there troubles and the world is ending.


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