Everything Ariella (COMPLETE)

By Dreamy627

227K 8.4K 1.2K

Kai, wrecked, careless, he thinks everyone is against him, friends are meaningless, he's never been one to be... More

Ariella Hanson
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Hanson
Kai Embrose
Ariella Embrose

Kai Embrose

4.3K 161 9
By Dreamy627

I smiled, high-fiving her.

"Wow. 108." I smiled.

It had been more than two day, it had been four.

She's been eating more frequently, if she paced herself she kept it all down.

Last night I bought her a 10 pack of chicken nuggets and a medium fry and all of it was eaten. Granted it took her an hour and a half but she was able to keep it down.

"Have you tried on any of your 00 jeans yet?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I'll do that now." She ran to her room and I laughed, putting on sweats.

She came back out.

"I can button it. I can't zip it." She said and I smiled.

"I'm so proud, you're doing really good." I told her and she bowed.

"Thank you good sir." She went back into her room and changed.

She came into my room and looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Where's your closet?" She asked.


"Answer me." She poked my chest.

"In my bathroom." I pointed and she ran in there.

I sat on my bed, she walked back out in one of my giant hoodies and I laughed.

"My new prom goal is 115." She nodded.

"We'll work on it." I patted the space next to me.

She came, sitting on top of the covers and frowned.

She sat up, putting the hood up, turning onto her back, her head in my lap.

"Comfy?" I asked.

"Yup." She nodded.

Butterflies bubbled in my stomach.

She was a beautiful girl as it was, her pink, plump lips, big blue eyes, a cute pointed nose.

I had previously asked about her makeup wear amount because I didn't like that she packed on foundation to cover the freckles she had. They were across her nose and cheeks and I only see them when she's not wearing any makeup.

Fortunately she hasn't been at all the past two days because everything on her face completely healed.

I looked down, pushing some of her blonde hair farther into the hoodie.

She smiled at me and I smiled back.

I might've had a tiny-itty-bitty baby crush. She was the most ridiculous yet optimistic person I'd ever met.

I cupped her cheek and she looked at me, curious.

"Why is your hand always so warm?" She asked.

"Scratch that your body radiates heat." She put the back of her hand on my chest.

"I couldn't tell you." I mumbled, grabbing her hand from my chest and looking at it.

Her nails were quite healthy, her hands small and feminine but by that I mean they look like the dainty hands that wouldn't dare to touch anything without precise softness.

"You gotta paint my nails again." I said.

"Very true. I will tomorrow." She nodded.


I woke up, smelling something good but unsure where it was coming from.

I walked out and downstairs seeing Ari dancing to music playing off her phone and making something.

I smiled, leaning against the counter behind her.

She flipped a pancake and I laughed, causing her to jump.

"No, that's so mean!" She out her hand to her chest and smacked me with the spatula.

I laughed harder, and she turned back around.

"Sit down." She told me and I did.

She did some more things, walking over with five stacked pancakes, each covered in syrup and butter with raspberries and cut strawberries and bananas around it.

"Awe thank you." I smiled.

"I've never cooked before so I tried it before giving it to you and I am in fact a professional now." She said and I laughed.

"You're eating?" I asked.

"Yea I made two for me." She nodded, turning off the stove and washing things off before coming over here and sitting across from me.

"I have a question." She mumbled over the food in her mouth.

"What's up?"

"When I gain weight will it go to other places beside my stomach?" She looked at me.

"Yes. So your healthy weight will probably be around or more than 130. As you eat it should fill out your arms and belly, your thighs and hips, because you're on the kind of taller spectrum for girls now you'll fill out in your breasts and your butt. It won't just go to your stomach." I said and she nodded.

She looked worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"No I just- I- I'm worried I won't." She mumbled.

"It's been a bit more than two weeks sweetheart, it's not gonna happen immediately after having food be taken from your for like 7 years. Give it till this summer, you've been doing so well I don't doubt you'll be around 120 then. Even more. And that's good." I told her and she shrugged.

"Sorry I'm about to be 18, I want to be healthy and honestly I want to be pretty. Feel pretty. I think my mindsets been pretty good but when we walk around in public people look at you and I feel like a scrawny shrimp." She looked at me and I shook my head, both of us starting to laugh.

"You are pretty. It's not all appearance angel. People shouldn't only see you pretty physically, your mentality and the way you view life should be cherished, you're kind and smile at whoever walks by. Your demeanor itself makes you attractive." I forked a strawberry into my mouth.

"If I'm being honest those girls who wear those tight ass ripped jeans or booty shorts and let their tits hang out aren't attractive to me, those are the girls you walk past and they won't offer a smile, they might laugh and make fun. I do understand what you mean but the charm in personality you have should be known first, don't finally be your ideal weight or size and become mean because you feel too pretty to be nice. You're absolutely gorgeous the way you are." I told her and she smiled at me, looking down at her plate as red covered the entirety of her cheeks and blotched up her neck.

"Are you blushing?" I laughed and she covered her face.

"No! It's just a bit warm in here." She smiled, fanning the hoodie she wore.

She grabbed her fork again and flung a raspberry at me.

"Mean." I grabbed it and ate it.

She shook her head, finishing the first pancake and it's been a good 15 minutes.

"Look at you! Finishing a pancake all quick." I took a bite of mine.

"I'm talented." She nodded.

I rolled my eyes, laughing.

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