Salty Song Fics

By PinkSafhires

39.6K 657 524

Lots of salt. Adriensalt. Lilasalt. Alyasalt. Chloesugar. Ninosugar. Daminette. Marijon. Peternette. Etc. By... More

City of Angels
Stand by You
Fight Song
Cinderella is Dead
Numb little bug
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
Part 2 of SPIDER WEB
Not a Chapter

3 Months

1.7K 31 15
By PinkSafhires

This song was originally used in ayshashahana123's book. Go check out her amazing song fic book MLB Songfics! Enjoy!

"Kalki! Take me somewhere safe." I said as I took one last look at my parent's angry faces and my bags in front of me. I jumped through the portal not completely ready to start my new life.

I guess I landed at a park. "This is cool." I glanced around the few lush trees and green grass. "Gotham City Park." The sign facing of me read. "I guess we're in Gotham." I hummed.

I spotted a nearby bench and hoped no one would come up to me. I walked up to it and sat down. Tikki came out not long after.

"Why did you take us here Kalki?" She asked.

"The Guardian said somewhere safe. I teleported us to where your new destiny lies." She pointed out. "Plus I couldn't control it." She shrugged.

"I might as well make use of it." I sighed. Both of the Kwamis hid back into my purse.

"Excuse me, Miss. This is my seat." A rude voice said behind me. "And you're sitting on my pen." I got up.

"Sorry. I don't really know where I am." I said looking up into his deep green eyes.

"Tt. Your in Gotham Park. Obviously." He pointed to the sign I read earlier.

"Oh, right. Could you point me in the direction of the nearest phone booth?" I asked hopefully.

"Tt. Right there. Are you blind?" He stated. He pointed to a red phone box right in front from us.

"Are you rude? Because right now it looks like your insulting someone who's obviously never been here before." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh I'm so sorry." He said sarcastically. "Since you're new here, I might as well offer you a job and a place to stay because everyone in Gotham is really nice and will never hurt you."

"Really? Tt. Thanks. You were so much help." I rolled my eyes while the guy looked flabbergasted I tutted him. Hmph. Serves him right.

I left and went up to the nearest phone booth he pointed out. I dialed a number and patiently waited for them to pick up.

"Hey, Chloe!"

"Mari! Where are you? Class started already." She practically screamed into the phone.

"Yeah so, I'm in Gotham right now-"

"Hold on. Where in Gotham?" She asked out of breath for some reason.

"Gotham City Park-"

"Don't move." She ordered. The line dropped leaving me to fend for myself.

"Great. Just great." I took a step out of the phone booth and shivered. How did the weather change so suddenly? I crossed my arms and walked to the nearest cafe. The bell rang when I stepped inside.

"Hello! How may I help you?" A tall woman with auburn hair said behind the counter. I glanced around the quaint cafe. It wasn't what I expected in Gotham, but it was absolutely gorgeous.

"I'll have a London Fog Tea Latte, please." I smiled.

She nodded and rung up my order. I sat at a counter barstool by the window scrolling through my phone. I heard cough behind me and turned around.

"Can I help you." I said politely and looked at the person. "You?" I said in disgust after realizing he was the rude guy from earlier.

"Tt. Yes, me." He tutted.

"Whatever." I stated and turned back around.

"I'm Damian." He introduced.

"Cool. Did I ask?" I sassed. I rolled my eyes and Damian looked stunned.

"Tt, whatever."

"Why did you approach me, Damian." I glared.

"Tt. I came to say Bourgeois is looking for you." He tutted.

"Great, now lea-" the bell on the door rang.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng! H-"

"Just Marinette." I corrected.


"It's just Marinette now." I stated coldly.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Marinette." She said sympathetically. She then turned back to her usual dramatic expression. "Anyway, as I was saying. Marinette! How dare you leave Paris without me! Leaving me to suffer with the treacherous class." Chloe placed a hand on her forehead. "Oh woe! Woe is me!" She added dramatically. I giggled and patted her back.

"Aw, I'm sorry you were that traumatized, Chloe. Well, if it makes you feel better you're away from then now." I joked. Chloe laughed then looked at me quizzically.

"Mari, I didn't know you were friends with Demon spawn."

"Tt. We aren't." I responded. "Mr. High And Mighty over here is just an acquaintance." I glared at him.

"Tt. Bourgeois definitely knows how to pick them." He muttered.

"What did you say." My fists clenched and I death glared at Damian. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to have an effect on him.

"I said Bourgeois keeps picking friends who are tramps." He insulted. My eyes started to glow a slight red. Damian stood his ground and didn't notice.

"You insulted my best friend?" I asked menacingly.

"Tt, yes." He said smugly.

"Okay, then. I'll be right back." I said sweetly. I grabbed my purse and went in the direction of the bathrooms.

"Plagg. Curse him." I ordered.

"Marinette, no! You can't do that." Tikki reasoned.

"Yeah she can." Plagg argued lazily. "And she will." He smirked.

"Do it, please. I'll go buy you a Camembert as soon as we leave." I singsonged.

"Yes, Mari!" He replied greedily.

"Marinette no." Tikki warned.

"Fine, Plagg. Make it a nicer curse. Like bad luck until he apologizes." I smiled evilly. "Better, Tikki?"

"I guess so." She responded. Plagg nodded and closed his eyes. When they reopened one was black while the other was a brighter lime color.

"Gods and Goddesses. The Guardian requests you curse thee. Bad luck shall reign until he realizes his faults and makes an effort to apologize to the Guardian. Your approval is requested." He said darkly. He blinked and just like that everything was back to normal. "Okay, Mari it's done." He smirked.

"Thank you Plagg. I'll even get you the large sized wheel." I laughed. Time to put a brat in his place.

"I'm back." I announced once I walked back to the table.

"What did you do, Marinette." Chloe asked.

"Nothing." I replied innocently.

"Tt. She can't do anything like the tramp she is." Damian tutted.

"Okay, once again, who asked?" I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." He claimed annoyingly.

"Order for Damian." The lady at the register called. "That's me." He said smugly. He went up to the pick up and looked confused.

"This isn't what I ordered." He declared with an attitude.

"Well, suck it up. We're busy." She replied and left.

"No. I don't want it. Just take it." He said and went back to us.

"Order for Marinette!" The lady called again.

"Thank you!" I smiled and grabbed my latte.

"Oh and there was a mix up. We accidentally made two of your orders. You can have this one." She pointed to the other latte Damian didn't want.

"Really? Thank you!" I exclaimed and left a generous tip. "Have a great day!"

"You too!" She said sincerely.

"What's that, Marinette?"

"Oh, they accidentally made two of my orders. So this one's for you." I smiled and handed her Damian's unwanted latte. Damian's eye twitched in annoyance.

"Tt. Whatever. I'm leaving." He said indignantly. He got his wallet and left. A few minutes later he came back.

"One of you took my wallet." He accused. "Marinette. Give it back or I'm calling the cops." Damian grunted.

"I don't have it. Have you checked your pockets?" I asked like he was dumb.

"Tt. Of course I have." He rolled his eyes.

"Is it that?" I deadpanned and pointed to a wallet on the sidewalk.

"Yes. Tt." He tutted. Before he could leave to go get it, someone picked it up and ran in the opposite direction. "Great, just great. I don't have my coffee or my wallet." He rolled his eyes.

"Maybe if you apologize, you wouldn't have such bad luck." I suggested.

"Tt. Never in a million years." Damian responded and left once again.

"Marinette, I am sorry." He gritted out. We were at the park once again, this time at the fountain.

"For?" I prodded.

"For calling you a tramp, accusing you, and threatening you." He rolled his eyes.

"You're forgiven." I sighed. I saw a small, lime glint in his eyes then it vanished.

"Really? Honestly I wouldn't have forgiven someone who insulted me that much." He attempted to joke.

"You really need to work on social skills, huh?" I asked.

"Yes, I really do." Damian admitted.

"I'll help you with that?" I offered.

"Really? After what I said to you?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, you said you were sorry, so I might as well help you!" I smiled.

"Thank you, Marinette." He said sincerely.

"Of course, Damian." This whole time, Chloe was staring at our interaction with wide eyes. When he finally left after we exchanged numbers, Chloe smirked at me.

"So, it seems like you have a new friend," Chloe prodded. "And he's Damian Wayne. A friend. Him?" I looked at her confused.

"What do you mean, Chloe? He apologized and I forgave him. Of course we're now friends! I'm helping him learn how to be social!" I rolled my eyes. "It's not that big of a deal."

"Of course it's not, usually. But this is the Ice Prince we're talking about! Freaking Demon spawn!" She outraged. Chloe rolled her eyes at my behavior.

"He can't be that bad." I defended wistfully.

"Hey, Damian!" I greeted.

"Hello, Marinette." He said unemotionally.

"Well, lucky you. Today's first lesson is emotions." I sassed. Damian chuckled and offered me a seat on his bed.

"Ok, what's first?" He sat up.

We went through the first lesson I found on wonderful wikihow. This took a few hours since Damian really wasn't used to showing emotions. After a lot of changing, he finally got his emotions down! Just the basics like happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, surprise, and, my favorite, love. It was weird at first. Teaching someone older me how to show emotions. Especially coming from me, since there were akumas in Paris.

"So, Marinette? How did you get from Paris to Gotham?" Damian asked after we finished the lesson.

"Oh well, my parents kicked me out because I was being bullied. So I flew here."

"Wait, you were bullied?" He looked really confused. "How could someone bully such a beautiful and sweet girl like you?" Damian claimed making me blush.

"I pointed out her lies. So she lied to my parents and here I am." I explained.

"Aw, I am so sorry, Marinette." He said sympathetically. "Hey, why do you only come over once a week?" He asked.

"Because I-I'm working the other days." I smiled. 'I'm trying to build my name as MDC.' I was going to say, but I'd prefer to keep that a secret.

"Oh, well that's okay. You're the only person who ever offered to help me, and that's really nice of you." Damian claimed making me feel guilty.

"I'm sorry, Damian. I can't get away from work, though." I smiled sadly.

That's how the lessons went on. I'd come to his house and teach him. Later he would ask me about my past and try to make me come for more than one day.

"Okay! Today's lesson is sarcasm on Wikihow. I don't think you need help in that department, though."

"Tt. Of course I don't, Marinette."

"Okay, then we can either onto the next lesson or do something else since Chloe doesn't pick me up until 5pm?" I suggested.

"Let's do something else." He nodded. Damian led me towards the garden and we sat down on the bench in front of some buttercups.

"Wow, these are beautiful, Damian!" I smiled.

"Not as beautiful as you, Marinette." He flirted making me blush. He took my right hand. "Marinette, I know I've only known you for a few weeks, and when we met I was an absolute brat." He chuckled. "But I love you. I want to make this work." He admitted. I gasped and placed my left hand on my chest.

"I love you too, Damian!"

"Would you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously. I don't remember teaching him nervousness? I guess he learned it from a friend of his.

"Yes!" I said a tackled him in a hug.

I walked in Damian's room with a huge smile on my face. Ever since Damian and I started dating, Chloe's been working some shifts with me, so I could start seeing Damian more. We finished the wikihow lessons in just a few months.

"Congratulations, Damian! You finished all the courses I found!" I exclaimed.

"Really? Thank you, Mari!" He stated. I closed my eyes and waited for a kiss, but it never came. "One second, Mari. I need to call someone, it's an important business call." He explained. He went out into the hall while I stayed alone in the room.

"Shoot, where's my phone?" I asked myself.

"Right there." Tikki pointed to my phone by the door. It must've fallen when I walked in.

"Thanks." I said and grabbed my phone.

"Yes, I finished." I heard Damian say into the phone. "Of course she taught me love." He said. The person on the other line said something. "Yeah, I'll make her lose interest so the media doesn't think I did anything." I heard a few seconds of silence and a 'bye.' The footsteps towards the door. I froze, he'll hate me if he knew I eavesdropped. I grabbed my phone and flopped on his bed. I scrolled through social media like I've been doing that for hours.

"You ok, Marinette? I thought I heard something." Damian asked.

"Yeah, I just fell off the bed." I lied. He laughed. He believed it!

"Of course you did, Marinette." He replied. 'What's that supposed to mean, punk?' I almost growled.

"Heh, you know me. Clumsy ol' Marinette." I stated awkwardly.

"Chloe! Something's wrong." I said sadly.

"What's wrong, Mari?"

"I overheard Damian's phone call today. He said something about making me lose interest in him."

"Are you sure he meant you? Maybe he meant the media lose interest in him, so they won't bother you on dates?" Chloe suggested nicely.

"But after that he said something about the media not thinking it him." I argued.

"I'm not sure, Mari." She paused. "Oh! I got it! Maybe he'll bribe them under another name! So they don't bother you!" Chloe suggested.

"Aw! You're right! I can't believe I ever doubted him." I chided myself.

"That's so cute, Mari. I'm glad you tamed the Demon." Chloe teased.

"I am, too!"

We've been dating for almost a full year now. Chloe said she saw Damian go into an engagement ring store a few days ago. I'm thinking he's going to propose on our anniversary!

"Hello, Marinette." Damian greeted dryly. When did he start calling me Marinette again instead of Mari?

"Hey Dami!" I greeted back with enthusiasm. Damian tutted. Did I do something wrong or upset him again? "Guess what today is!" I smiled broadly.

"What? And don't call me that." He disgusted. My smiled faltered a bit.

"It's our anniversary for when you asked me to be your girlfriend!" I cheered.

"Tt. Ok, so?" He frowned. I pouted, did he really not care? No, I shook my head, he's probably going to turn around and surprise me and then pop the question.

"I love you, Damian!" I hugged him fondly. My heart broke a little when all I received was silence. No 'I love you too, Mari!'.

"Tt. Get off me." He shoved me to the ground.

"D-Damian?" I stuttered fearfully.

"Marinette. I don't love you." Damian said unemotionally. Just like that my world started crashing down. And so did those lessons I taught Damian.

"W-What?" I asked with tears in my eyes. I ran out the front door and all the way back to Chloe and I's apartment. I slammed the door and sunk to the ground in tears.

"Mari! What happened! Oh my gosh!" She said and grabbed a box of tissues and carried me to the couch. "Great now I don't look straight." Chloe joked and plopped me on the couch. I giggled. "Now spill what happened." Chloe said and got up to grab a tub of ice cream.

"I don't want to talk about it now." I said stubbornly.

"That's okay. You can tell me when your ready." She smiled.

We spent the rest of the night binge watching shows, ordering food, and eating ice cream. By the time it was 1am, we were both asleep on the couch. I woke up at noon and saw Chloe cooking lunch for us.

"When did you wake up, Chlo?"

"7am like usual." she responded.

"Really? I kept thinking of what Damian said I couldn't sleep." I admitted.

"That reminds me, you still never told me what happened yesterday." Chloe reminded.

I stood there awkwardly. "Oh well, uh, Damian told me he didn't l-love me, anymore." I started to tear up again. "S-So I ran back here." I stared at the ground.

"It's okay, Mari. Honestly, I always knew he wasn't right for you." Chloe smiled.


"Mhm. You're the nicest person I know. He's the most manipulative and evil person the world has ever seen." Chloe joked. We both laughed and sat down for the lovely lunch Chloe made for us.

"Wow this is delicious, Chloe!" I praised.

"Thanks, Mari!" We both ate in a comfortable silence. "So," she put down her fork. "I was thinking. Maybe we should move somewhere else?" I choked.

"You'd agree to move just to get away from him?" I put down my fork as well. Chloe nodded.

"Mostly. That and the fact that I've been wanting to explore the world. I didn't want to go without you, and you'd want to stay with him." Chloe avoided his name. "But obviously that changed." She rolled her eyes. "So! How 'bout it?" she suggested.

"Sure! I'd love to get away from here anyway." I agreed.

"So it's settled. We leave tomorrow." Chloe announced.

"Wait what? Where are we going? We didn't end the lease on the apartment? Did you plan this beforehand?" I accused. "I bet you did!"

Chloe preened. "I may have."

"I knew it." I mumbled. "Nonetheless, I'm going to go pack." I got up and put my plate in the dishwasher. I spent the rest of the day packing and texting goodbye to Dick, Jason, Tim, and Mr. Wayne. I wasn't sure if they knew what I happened the day before, but they were damn well going to find out.

Jason's POV:

"Hey guys?" I asked Tim and Dick. "Why is Pixie sending us a goodbye text? I thought she was coming for dinner since it was her and Demon's anniversary was yesterday?"

"I don't know, but I got one, too." Dick said just as confused as me.

"I'll pull something up." Tim responded. "Woah..." he flipped his laptop around for us to see. "Marinette's leaving?"

"What?" I asked thinking I heard wrong.

"She and Chloe booked a plane ride for tomorrow morning?" Tim explained.

"What?! Why!?" Dick screamed.

"I'm not sure. It doesn't say." Tim answered. "Wait," he started after a short pause. "I found Chloe booked a moving van there."

"She's moving?" I asked sadly.

"It could be temporary?" Dick attempted to cheer us up.

"Doubt it. She already ended the lease on her apartment." Tim added.

"Why would she do that!" I slammed my fist onto the table.

"It's probably a personal matter." Dad suggested.

"So, we all got the text?" I asked. They all nodded. "What about Damian? He must be devastated."

"Speak of the devil." Alfred mumbled in disgust. The doors opened to reveal Damian.

"Damian, you're late." Dad stated.

"Tt. So? I don't care." He said clearly annoyed.

"Look, I know this is a hard time for you, Damian, but you shouldn't be late for dinner." Dad said kindly.

"Tt. Why would it be a hard time? I'm completely fine." He tutted.

"It's okay, Damian. Let it out. Let it all out." Dick said and pulled Damian's head to his chest as if to comfort him.

"Get off of me, Grayson!" He pushed Dick off of him and grumpily ate his food. "Oh by the way," he started after a few minutes of tense silence. "My girlfriend is coming over tomorrow night for dinner. So don't embarrass yourselves." He rolled his eyes.

"Of course not! As long as we can play Ultimate Mecha Strike III before Marinette unpacks!" I smiled.

"Tt. What?" He asked confused.

"You know. Marinette moved away? Is she flying back, tomorrow for dinner? We can let her stay here?" I suggested. A pang of hurt and regret flashed through Damian's eyes.

"N-No." he composed himself. "I meant my new girlfriend, Rachel." He stated carelessly.

The hall was silent. Everyone trying to process that Marinette broke up with Damian and moved away, and Damian moved on to Rachel so easily.

"What?" I whispered quietly.

"I said I broke up with Marinette and I'm dating Raven." He repeated.

"H-How could you!" I grabbed his collar and shoved a knife to his throat. For once, Alfred didn't stop me.

"I have a knife to your gut Jason. Back off." He threatened.

"I don't care if I die with you. Nor do I care if I go to jail. I'll just break out of it later anyway." I gritted my teeth and dug my knife deeper into his neck. I smiled at the small drop of blood rolling down his chest.

"Alfred, please do something." Dad said.

"No, I think Master Damian should learn a lesson the hard way." He said. Once the words left his lips, everyone had some sort of weapon pointing at Damian. Dad just stood next to Alfred and sighed.

"I know you want to have a turn." Alfred said to Dad.

"Eh, whatever. Hand me those caltrops, will you Alfred?"

Marinette's POV:

"Ready to go, Marinette?" Chloe asked me for the hundredth time.

"Yes, yes. I finally got everything. Only took me three hours." I rolled my eyes. "Maybe you should've told me." I deadpanned.

"So? I didn't start packing until you did." Chloe preened.

A few minutes later we were at the airport. An hour later we were in the sky!

"You still haven't told me where we're going, Chlo?" I reminded.

"Oh yeah. We're going to Metropolis, Delaware." She said nonchalantly.

"I thought we were going to some old beautiful place? Like Rome, Athens or Cairo?"

"Metropolis is beautiful! It's a city of fashion and..." she ranted, I tuned her out, though. Something about leaving both of my old lives took a toll on me. "Did you even hear what I just said?" Chloe elbowed me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I'm just really tired." I excused.

"It's okay. I said put on your seatbelt. We're landing now." She smiled kindly. I put on my seatbelt just as the plane started to rumble.

"What was that?" I asked paranoid.

"Probably just turbulence." Chloe assured.

"Ladies and gentleman. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts. There has been a problem with the plane. Not to worry, we'll have it working as soon as possible." The PA system claimed.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Chloe assured again, this time more nervously.

"Yeah, you're probably right." I shook my head. Just in case, Chloe picked up the emergency magazine. I glanced out the window of my window seat and froze in shock.

"Chloe." I tapped her shoulder.

"Yes?" She said still studying the emergency magazine.

"Chloe!" I said this time with more urgency.

"Yeah? What is it?" She looked at me. My eyes were still glued to the window.

"I think I know what's wrong with the plane." I said and pointed to a flaming engine mere feet away from me. Screams echoed through the cabin as other passengers also realized what was happening.

"Ladies and gentleman, as you could probably tell, a bird has hit the right engine. Please do not worry, though. We can turn around and make an emergency landing in Dover. Please buckle up. And do not panic. Everything is under contr-". Suddenly, we heard another large crash.

"The other engine is on fire." Someone screamed.

"Wayzz? Can you do anything, please?" I asked desperately.

"I'm so sorry Guardian. I can't control my power to make a shield bigger than the plane. It's guaranteed to kill more people than this crash." Wayzz informed sadly.

"So we can't do anything?" I sighed in defeat. "Chloe," I turned towards her. "I-I've really come to treasure our friendship. I see you as my sister instead of my friend. Y-You're really close in my heart, and you've been through everything with me. G-Goodbye." I cried as hot tears poured down my face.

"I see you more as a sister, too, Marinette. You're the best friend I could ever ask for. I-I really treasure our friendship as well. Goodbye." Chloe cried.

We stood sobbing in each other's arms until the plane suddenly rocked. We looked out the window again, and saw a guy our age dressed in blue, red and gold. He was wearing a red belt with gold accents. A dark, dusty blue suit with a huge S on it, and he had red boots. His hair was chocolate brown and was parted on his left side. He had gorgeous bright blue eyes. I felt my face heat up at the sight of him. It could've been because I was crying, but I wasn't sure.

"W-Who's that?" I asked.

"I d-" before she could answer the plane crashed to the ground.

When the plane stopped, I slowly lifted my head.

"Am I dead?" I mumbled to myself.

"N-No, Great Guardian. But everyone else on the plane is." Wayzz claimed sadly.

"C-Chloe!" I sobbed. "P-Please wake up! Please!" I said as I shook her. "Please, Chloe! I can't lose you, too!" I wailed. "Chloe! Please! Stop playing around! I really need you! Please! I'm begging you! Please..." I trailed off. I buried my face in my hands. "Chloe... I-I can't lose you, too. I can't..."

Chloe groaned. "Chloe! You're alive!"

"M-Marinette? What happened?" She asked groggily.

"The plane crashed. Come on, maybe we can still catch the guy on the wing before he leaves!" I rushed.

"Okay, let me just grab my handbag." Chloe said. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course, Chloe." I teased.

Jon's POV:

"Superboy. There's a rouge plane. It's flying with only one engine. The other burst into flames. We need you there now." I heard through my intercom.

"Oh no. Okay, I'm coming." I flew to the location of the plane. I saw it soaring through the sky at an uneven angle.

"They're about to crash in Metropolis forest." Dad said through my ear piece.

"I'm here." I landed on the plane.

I glanced through the window there and stared at the girl in front of me. She was gorgeous. Her midnight hair complemented her pale complexion. Her pump lips were wearing minimum lip gloss. The thing that stood out the most were her large bluebell eyes. I feel like I could stare at them for eternity. I smiled at her. She looked at me with a pleading look. That's when I realized her eyes were puffy and she had red stains on her cheeks.

"Stop staring at the pretty girl and go help the plane." Dad said making my face turn a bright red.

"Right, right. I'm going." I complied and flew under the plane to lift it up, like Aunt Kara taught me. "Dad, I don't have enough time. I'm going to crash into the gr-" I crashed into the ground.

When I awoke I heard two female voices.

"Is he dead?" One asked.

"Of course not, Mari. I just googled him. He can't die unless kryptonite is near him." The other said.

"So I shouldn't wear this necklace Sabine gave me, Chloe?" 'Mari' pointed out her neck.

"No you should not! If you get closer to him, you'll kill him." 'Chloe' warned. 'Mari' tugged on the necklace hard enough it broke from her neck. She then threw it a hundred feet away.

"Good riddance. I've been wanting to throw away that necklace anyway." Mari scoffed.

"Is that good?" Mari asked Chloe. I groaned.

"W-Where am I?" I sat up groggily.

"Metropolis forest." Chloe looked through her phone.

"Now what?" I asked regaining my conscious.

"Could you fly us to Metropolis?" Mari asked. "I'm Marinette." She offered her hand.

I finally took a good look at her and my breath hitched. She was absolutely stunning. Her long midnight hair reached her lower back and she had a thin figure. The periwinkle jumpsuit she wore made her skin glow even more. I felt a strong pull towards her.

"Superboy." I shook her hand.

"I'm Chloe." She rolled her eyes. Marinette elbowed her.

"Be nice."

"Is there anyone else alive?" I asked. Marinette shook her head.

"No, they all died."

"How did you two live then?" I asked suspiciously.

Marinette's POV:

Once we finally figured out how to get out of the airplane, we walked around.

"Chloe! There's the guy on the wing!" I pointed to a body underneath the plane.

"Let's help get him out." Chloe suggested. "And don't think I didn't notice how you're face blushed when you first saw him on the wing." She teased.

"Shut up." When we finally dug out enough to pull the body out, I spoke up. "Is he dead?"

"Of course not, Mari. I just googled him. He can't die unless kryptonite is near him." Chloe said.

"So I shouldn't wear this necklace Sabine gave me, Chloe?" I pointed to my neck.

"No you should not! If you get closer to him, you'll kill him." Chloe warned. I aggressively tugged on the necklace hard enough to break the clasp. I then threw it as far away as I could.

"Good riddance. I've been wanting to throw away that necklace anyway." I scoffed.

"Is that good?" I asked Chloe. The figure groaned.

"W-Where am I?" He sat up groggily.

"Metropolis forest." Chloe scrolled through her phone.

"Now what?" He asked regaining conscious.

"Could you fly us to Metropolis?" I asked. "I'm Marinette." I offered my hand.

I studied the boy in front of me. He was hot. He has a chisled jawline, pointed nose, and thin lips. His eyes though. They were gorgeous! They were a blindingly bright light blue. Sort of like Daniel Craig's. I felt a strong pull towards him.

"Superboy." I shook his hand.

"I'm Chloe." She rolled her eyes. I elbowed her.

"Be nice." I chided.

"Is there anyone else alive?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, they all died." I answered.

"How did you two live then?" I asked suspiciously. Shoot, how did we live?

"We we're on the window seat closest to the wing." Chloe saved. "You know that since you were staring at her earlier." She rolled her eyes. Superboy turned a light shade of red. "Plus, the plane first crashed on the other side, so it tore the other wing first before the pressure caught up with us." Superboy weighed Chloe's excuse.

"Okay, that makes sense." He admitted. "I'm afraid I can't fly, though. I'm still weak from the kryptonite."

"Is there anything that could regain your power?" I asked.

"I have my own healing factor, but it might take a while."

"Okay. Chloe, which way do we start walking?"

"This way." She pointed in front of the plane.

"Wait a second. I'm going to try to contact another hero to help us. We're 5 miles out. I don't think both of you can walk that."

"Of course we can." I said cheerily. "What are you trying to say, Superboy?" I added darkly.

"N-No I didn't mean it like that." He stuttered out.

"I know. Just teasing." I claimed making both of us blush. "Do you want to change into something else?" I asked.

"No, I can't really. I have to keep the suit on."

"Oh, of course." I respected.

"Are you cold?" He said after a while. I didn't even realize I was shivering. "Here." he his arms. "I'd give you a jacket, but my suit doesn't come with that." He joked. I giggled and let him hug me.

"How much long until they're here?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," he paused. He listened to something on his intercom and turned back towards me. "Okay, he said five minutes." I nodded.

"Okay." I cuddled in closer. His face flushed an even brighter red and so did mine.

"I got it bags from inside, Mari!" Chloe announced. "Ooh! What did I miss?" She took a picture of us together. "I'll send it to you, too." She said to Superboy. "Why don't you ask for his number for me, Mari?" She schemed.

"I know what your trying to do. I'm not doing that right after my relationship with him." I said darkly. Superboy looked confused but nonetheless kept quiet.

"We're here." Superman announced. Down came Batman, Red Hood, Nightwing, Red Robin, and Superman.

"Why'd you bring the whole team?" I asked.

"Pixie!?" Red Hood shouted excitedly.

"Jason? You're Red Hood?" Jason's eyes widened.

"Oops. Sorry, Dad." He said to Batman.

"Wait so. Batman is Bruce Wayne. Red Hood is Jason. Nightwing is Dick. And Red Robin is Tim?" I asked. They all froze. "Thank goodness Robin's not here." I joked.

"I know right, Pixie! Totally undeserving. We tortured him for you, though!"

"Without me!" Chloe and I both screamed.

"Yup!" He said smugly. "Oh no, looks like we'll have to do it again." He fake sighed. "Luckily, I brought an extra gun!"

"Not today, Jason. Maybe another time." Bruce stated.

"Superboy, why'd you bring so many people?" I turned the attention back to Superboy who I was still unintentionally cuddling.

"I figured Chloe Bourgeois would have a lot of bags with her." He shrugged. "And I was correct." He eyed the 5 bags Chloe brought out.

"Wait! You're dating J- Superboy!?" Dick cried out. "That's so cute! You two make a cute couple." He fangirled. The rest of the family was quick to follow, even Bruce.

"I'm glad you finally got a girl, son." Superman patted his back.

"We aren't d-dating." I declared. Both of our faces were blushing red at this point.

"But you are Jon are cuddling?" Sleep deprived Tim revealed. No one else caught the slip up except for Jon and I.

"Jon, huh?" I teased. "That's a hot name." I mumbled the last part. Jon's face turned bright red and Superman smirked.

"Thank you, Lois and I love that name, too." Superman prided.

"Shoot, I forgot about superhearing." I said. We all laughed.

"So, are we going to go or not? We already missed our dinner reservation?" Chloe rolled her eyes.

"Sorry about that. Hey, Jon. Why don't you invite your girlfriend and her best friend over for dinner tonight." Superman prodded Jon.

"I-uh... we aren't dating?" Jon choked.

"We'd love to." Chloe responded.

"But we aren't dating?" I choked similar to how Jon responded.

"Aw, they're so perfect for each other." Chloe awed.

Jason, Dick, Batman, and Superman took our bags while Tim carried Chloe bridal style to our hotel.

"So, am I flying with you?" I asked Jon after everyone left.

"I knew they do this." He mumbled.

I laughed. "So you knew they'd leave us alone together and didn't try to stop it?" I teased.

"I uh- yeah? I mean, You don't have to ride with me if you don't want to? I can get Jason or-"

"No it's okay. I'd like to fly with you." I smiled.

"I'd like that, too." Jon smiled.

"So," he started once we were airborne. "What is the real reason you didn't die."

"Wayzz," Wayzz came out from out of my pocket. "Probably put a force field around us. The Guardian can't die." I joked.

"Cool! So you're the Guardian of the Miraculous box?"

"Yup." We both stared at each other and unintentionally leaned closer and closer until... "Oh, this is my stop." I said disappointedly as we stopped outside a hotel balcony. "It was really nice to meet you, Jon."

"You too, Marinette. Here," he handed me a slip of paper. "I usually don't do this, but I'd love to get to know you more." With that Jon placed me on the balcony and flew off.

"Promise you won't tell anyone about my secret and I won't tell anyone about yours." I whispered knowing he heard it.

"You got his number right?" Chloe gossiped.

"Yeah, I don't know if I'm going to text it, though. I mean, I just got out of a one year relationship with Damian. I'm not ready." I argued. "I know this is the worst part. I fell for you, I fell so hard. Those late nights talking in the dark. Now I stay up alone."

"Or you could just go to sleep instead of being jet lagged." Chloe teased.

"But still. I loved Damian with most of my heart, you'd always have the other piece," I said before she could argue. "And now that he's gone. It doesn't feel real."

"It's okay, Mari. Don't worry about that. You have a new life here!" Chloe exclaimed.

"Yeah, I guess so." I scrolled through my social media. "Just look at this! Now we're just strangers on the internet!" I showed her my screen.

"Uh, Mari. Don't scroll down." She warned.

"What why?" I asked.

"You don't want to see it." I scoffed and scrolled down anyway. I dropped the phone on the bed as tears welled up in my eyes.

"D-Damian Wayne announces his engagement to a Rachel Roth." I said slowly. "They've been dating for two years." I paused to let that sink in. "I-I can't believe it. I don't believe it. There must be some sort of trick!" I cried.

"Mari, you should take a nap. We have dinner with Jon in a couple of hours. Sleep for an hour and I'll get everything ready for when you wake up." Chloe smiled before I drifted off to sleep.

"Wake up, Mari." Chloe singsonged. "I put your clothes in the bathroom, and turned on the shower. Remember you have dinner with Jon and his family." I sighed and went to get ready.

"Hello!" I greeted Jon.

"Hey!" He waved enthusiastically.

"Wow, I didn't know you lived on a farm!" I sad with a sparkle in my eye.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool, actually. Fresh breakfast everyday." He joked.

I giggled and Chloe leaned into my ear. "You're totally blushing right now." She whispered.

"Chloe. He can hear you." I reprimanded in a whisper. We turned back to a red faced Jon.

"I uh- sorry." He stuttered.

I laughed. "Don't worry about it." I smirked. "You seem awfully embarrassed." I teased.

"You were, too." He chuckled.

"Hi! You must be Marinette. Jon only met you a few hours ago, and I feel like I know everything about you from what Jon told me. I'm Lois." She offered her hand. I took it and Jon turned an even brighter red.

"Aw, I'm already meeting the parents." I pouted.

"Too bad he won't meet yours." Chloe muttered. Clark and Jon looked confused. "I keep forgetting that!" She lied.

"Sure you do." I rolled my eyes.

"Dinner's ready when you are. And the boys are also here." Lois led us to a simplistic but rustic dining room.

"Hey, guys!" I waved to the bat boys and Bruce.


"Pixie, you're sitting right there." He pointed across from him next to Chloe and Jon. I blushed knowing he did this on purpose.

"Okay." I took my seat and Chloe pushed my chair more towards Jon. "Stop it, Chloe." I warned.

"What? I didn't do anything?" She smiled innocently. I glared at her but didn't move. Jon may be offended if I did, and offending him was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

"I hope you aren't allergic to anything. Or if you're vegan or vegetarian." Lois expressed her concern.

"Nah, I'm just allergic to cherries. This all looks delicious." I grinned.

"I'm not allergic to anything, and I'm a meat eater." Chloe joked.

"Great! Bon appétit!" Lois exclaimed. Chloe and I glanced at each other in horror.

"No. We aren't in Paris. We're in Metropolis." I told Chloe while the adults were talking about the weather.

"So, Pixie! Why move to Metropolis?"

"Chloe booked the tickets. I didn't know where we were going until we were on the plane." I teased.

"Fine. I chose Metropolis since it's a city of high end fashion and Marinette works as a designer." Chloe answered.

"Cool! So you work under a brand like GABRIEL or as your own designer like MDC." Tim asked.

"Oh well. Like MDC but not that good." I shunned.

"Nonsense. I think you'd be like MDC one day. You're crazy talented." Jason praised.

"Speaking of talented, Lois this food is amazing!"

"Thank you, Marinette! Clark hated my cooking." She smacked her husbands shoulder. "He made me get cooking classes, so here I am!" Lois beamed.

"Hey Jon. Could you pass the artichoke hearts." Chloe prodded.

"Sure." A blushing Jon passed the plate over to me and I passed it to Chloe.

"Stop it Chloe." I said aloud this time. The bat boys and Jon stared at our conversation. "You know I'm not ready." I said in the Guardian language.

"But Mari. If you don't do it now, when will you! I can already tell you love Jon!" She exclaimed in the same language.

"Hey what language are you speaking?" Jason asked. We ignored him and continued to argue.

"Chloe! I'm not ready! Would you please respect that! I just got out of my relationship with Damian! I'm not ready!" I shouted in Guardian language. The room was now almost dead silent. You could literally hear a pin drop.

"I'm sorry, Marinette." She whispered in the language. "I just don't want you to be hurt for so long." She smiled.

"I know, Chloe. I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm just too overwhelmed." I sighed and gave a small grin. "Plus, we still need to get you a man." I teased in the language. Chloe blushed and we switched back to English.

"Sorry about that!" I grinned.

"Don't worry about it." Jon laughed. "What language was that? I've never heard of it before."

"Oh it's a dead language only Chloe and I know." I sorta lied.

"Oh cool!" Jon joked. "I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact you're the Guardian right?" Jon asked. I froze in my seat.

"Jon. I didn't tell anyone else here." I whispered.

"Oh. I didn't realize. I thought since you knew them longer you told them."

"I didn't even tell that cheater of a boyfriend I dated for two years." I rolled my eyes. Suddenly there was a dark purple and black portal that opened up in front of the table. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." I muttered. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chloe getting her phone out to record the conversation.

"Father. Why weren't you at the Manor." He raged. "I told you we were meeting my girlfriend for dinner and no one showed up." He glared at his brothers until his eyes finally met mine.

"Short time no see." I smirked. I got up from my chair and walked towards Damian. "And I'd prefer to keep it that way." I said lowly.

"Who's this, Damian?" The gothic girl asked bringing the attention to me.

"Just a nobody." He smirked.

"Oh, I see you've never mentioned me." I smirked. "I was his girlfriend for the last year. Until he broke up with me on our anniversary." I sneered.

"Oh this was the guy you were talking about, Mari?" Jon asked.

"Jon. What are you doing here." Damian glared.

"Oh, this old place? It's my house." He stated.

"Right. What are you doing with Marinette." He glared at me while I stood unfazed.

"She's having dinner with my parents and me? I thought that was obvious." Jon rolled his eyes.

"Tt. Cheater." He glared at me.

"Plagg! Curse him!" I yelled.

I heard a squeaky "Marinette, no." From inside my purse. I ignored her and glared back at Damian.

"Plagg, don't listen to Tikki just do it. Don't make it nice this time." I smirked.

"Marinette." Jon warned. "It's okay."

"For your information I'm not a cheater. In fact, you were the guy who cheated on me. Your issues I chose to forget. All caught up to me, my cheeks are wet, but I know how this goes."

"If you didn't cheat how come you're already dating Jon." Damian said smugly. Jon and I's faces heated up but not enough for Damian to notice.

"We aren't dating." Jon answered.

"And if you didn't cheat, how come you've been dating Rachel Roth for two years and just recently got engaged. While you were dating me for a year." I deadpanned.

"Whatever. Ok, I used you. You taught me how to be social or whatever." Everyone gasped. "It's not my fault, though. You could only come over once a week so of course I used you." He shrugged. "Doesn't matter. I am now social and the media thinks I never cheated. And I know you'll never get over me." He stated smugly.

"Great another Adrien." I mumbled. "And you aren't the first guy I've dated. I've dated Adrien Agreste, Luka Stone, and Nathaniel Kurtzberg. I've gotten over them, so I know how to get over guys." I deadpanned. "In the first month I will wish you were still mine. Second month won't know why I tried. Three months in you'll be off of my mind. Off of my mind, off of my mind," I repeated. "And I know it's for the best."

"Just because it worked on three guys doesn't mean it'll work on someone as famous as me." He bragged.

"I've dated a supermodel, a superstar, and a famous illustrator." I rolled my eyes. "What makes you any different."

"Your friends adore me and so does your family." He lied.

"Excuse me?" Chloe shouted.

"My friends let it slip they hate you, my family's happy I'm not dating you." I answered. "Face it. You're pretty much out of my life. I hate you and so does everyone else once they realize the real you." I warned.

"They won't find out." He glared.

"How are you so sure." I challenged.

"In their eyes I'm the perfect son of a billionaire. Nothing less. No one will believe you without proof."

"Oh like what only Chloe has right now?"

"Pft. I won't be the only one in a second." Chloe said secretly typing on her phone. Multiple dings rang through everyone's phone.

"What did you do." He threatened without looking at his phone.

"Spilled the truth about you.
Now I can never go back, back to you." I shrugged.

"What!? Why." He glared.

"Because my friends said that they hate you. My family's happy I'm not dating you. So I spilled the truth about you. Now I can never go back, back to you." I shrugged again.

"Don't worry, Daddy. They won't believe them." Raven told Damian and hipped his hand. Damian ignored her advances and continued to glare at me. Everyone in the room laughed either from Damian's nickname or the fact that Rachel is so wrong.

"B-But you loved me. You wouldn't actually do that." He reassured himself.

I scoffed. "I got sidelined by reality. I thought you cared, and that's on me! Between your words stood clarity! Your talk, it don't mean much." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. I'm still famous and everyone still loves me." He grabbed Rachel's hand and turned to leave.

"Sure they do. You live your life through computer screens
So far removed from everything." Damian scoffed.

"I do not." He said unemotionally. He's going back to his old habits again. This time he won't have anyone to help him, though.

"The things you say, you might believe
Time tells the truth you won't." I snorted.

"Once again, you know absolutely nothing." He defended.

"I know that In the first month I will wish you were still mine.

Second month won't know why I tried.

Three months in you'll be off of my mind, Off of my mind, off of my mind.

And I know it's for the best. My friends let it slip they hate you,

My family's happy I'm not dating you.

Spilled the truth about you!

Now I can never go back, back to you. My friends said that they hate you!

My family's happy I'm not dating you!

Spilled the truth about you!

Now I can never go back, back to you (to you)!" I rolled my eyes.

"Tt. Whatever." He gripped Rachel's hand and she made another portal back towards where their sorry selves came from.

"How do you feel, Marinette?" Jon asked me.

"Free." I answered with a small smile. "You? I mean you just lost your best friend."

"But now I have you." He said cheekily and wrapped his hand around my waist. I blushed.

"Yes you do." I leaned into his shoulder.

"So you two are boyfriend and girlfriend!" Lois exclaimed.

"I wouldn't mind that title." Jon asked.

"Me neither." I smiled.

Chloe sighed. "Of course I'm still the one left single." She dramatically placed a hand on her head.

"Tim could fix that." I teased.

A few hours filled with laughs and embarrassment later, we were all ready to head back home. Jon offered to drive us since our driver has gone home for the day.

"So," he said once we were both in the car. Chloe was in the back seat while I was next to Jon, who was driving. "I'll take you now for what you were. My new girlfriend." He teased.

"Okay, my new boyfriend." I teased back.

"So Damian-"

"A pretty lie of mine, short lived high of mine." I assured. Jon looked relieved.

"Thank you." He grinned.

"What are we going to do with him?" Chloe smirked.

"Damian? Bury that future underground

So deep it will never be found." I sneered.

"Great! I already sent the proof to a few media companies already. They were asking how they know for sure you dated him." Chloe informed.

"Tell them they could just ask Tim, Jason, Dick, and Bruce." I answered.

"They want to set up an interview with everyone that was in the video I sent them. So that's Rachel, Damian, and his family, me, you, Jon and your family."

"Okay. Just tell me when."


"That's really short notice."

"Damian was the one who set up the interview. Blame him."

"Oh, I already do." I rolled my eyes.

It was the day of the interview. Chloe suggested I wear a Princess Diana's revenge dress inspired outfit. So I put on a black off the shoulder dress with a tiny train to my left side. Black stockings and heels. The main part of my outfit was a stunning sapphire necklace with small diamonds outlining the edges.

Chloe wore her regular style. Black batwing, silk, shirt and white jeans. Her hair was down and braided to the side. We both had on neutral makeup just enough to enhance our natural features.

"Hey! You ready?" I asked Jon when he came to pick me up.

"Yeah. You look absolutely beautiful, Marinette." He praised making me blush.

"Thank you. You look great as well."

"Anyway, let's go!" Chloe exclaimed.

We drove towards the studio in Metropolis. When we got there it was really busy. People were lined up outside the building shouting questions at us. There were many flashing lights and people grabbing at us.

"Ms. Bourgeois!" The lady at the desk said. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Your room is down that hall to the left." She pointed to an eerily dark hallway.

"Shady." I mumbled.

"I'm sure it's fine." Jon comforted.

"Yeah, I feel like I'm about to be kidnapped or something." I joked. We walked down the hall to our dressing room.

"Definitely not what I was expecting." I stared at the bright modern room. There was a full length geometrical mirror in one corner and a makeup table in another. There was a broken pipeline styled chandelier illuminating the room.

An hour later we were all ready. We were all sitting facing the large camera. We had a backdrop of Gotham in the background and the reporter was sitting on a glass, swivel chair facing a modern, white desk.

"Hello! I'm sure by now you've all heard of the scandal with Damian Wayne..." I tuned out everything else she said. My mind wandered elsewhere. I'm not sure how much time passed by but I suddenly heard my name. "Marinette." The reporter turned to me. I snapped out of my daze.


"How do we know that you actually dated Damian Wayne and this isn't a lie, like Damian stated." 

"I'd go over to Damian's house every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. You can ask anyone there." I responded.

"Tim, Dick, Jason? Is this true?" The reporter asked. Damian and Rachel froze.

"Yes, you should've seen how great she is at UMS 3." Jason praised.

"Yeah! She even baked us pastries!" Dick praised.

"Designed me a new suit." Tim praised.

"How did you get over Damian so fast? It seems you already moved onto Jon?" She asked. Not accusatory but curiously.

"Day by day forget parts of you,

parts I thought I knew," I scoffed. "knew were never true."

"Go on." She led.

"Three months in, three months out of sight.

You'll be off of my, off of my mind." I rolled my eyes.

"How did everyone else react to your break up? Like people who care about you?"

"My friends let it slip they hate you.

My family's happy I'm not dating you.

Spilled the truth about you,

Now I can never go back, back to you.

My friends said that they hate you!

My family's happy I'm not dating you!

Spilled the truth about you,

Now I can never go back, back to you! No, I can never go back,

Back to you!

Back to you." I glared.

"Wow, it seems like Damian Wayne was lying. So Damian you did cheat on Rachel with Marinette."

"No, I knew about Marinette. I was fine with it so it's not really cheating." Rachel covered.

"So Damian cheated on Marinette with you?"

"N-No, it's just that- Damian was just using Marinette, so it's not that bad."

The reporter gasped. "Not that bad? Well, it seems like we have our answer." She turned to face the large camera. "Damian Wayne is a cheater and an exploiter. Have a great rest of your day and tune in next time. See ya!" She paused. "Cut!" She got out of her chair.

"Marinette, it was great having you on here. We'll email you if something needs fixing. Other than that you are free to go! Have a great day, Marinette." She waved goodbye warmly.

"Thank you, you too!" I got my stuff and started walking.

"This is now a closed set, leave Damian." She said coldly and glared at him.

"Tt. Whatever." I stood up and stormed out the door. Not before glaring at me one more time.

"Marinette, you have to be ready by now! It's been two hours!" Chloe screamed.

"Yes, yes, coming." I stumbled out my bedroom door.

"You look gorgeous." She smiled. I glanced at my white and navy sundress. I paired it with a navy knot headband and white heels. "Here." She handed me my white and gold purse.

"Thanks. Now lets go!" I beamed and skipped down to our salmon Aston Martin DBS. A short while later, we met Jon at Metropolis forest.

"Jon! How are you?" I asked and kissed his cheek.

"Good! How are you, Mari?" He smiled.

"Great." I leaned into his arm.

It's been three years since I broke up with Damian. Of course there was always the 'Damian Wayne now dating Lila Rossi', 'Lila Rossi exposed', 'Lila and Rachel are having a child with Damian Wayne.', 'Damian Wayne engaged to Rachel and Lila?' or 'Lila Rossi and Rachel Roth dumped Damian Wayne and are now dating each other!' scandal on the news. I always ignored it.

I met someone who cares about me and how I feel. So why think about someone else? I took Jon's arm as he walked with me in the forest.

"Remember, this is where we first met." He pointed out.

"I remember!" I snuggled into his arm. "I'm glad Tikki could make all the passengers alive again." Jon chuckled.

"Me too." He smiled. He led me to the exact spot where the plane crashed. They decided to just abandon the plane which never seemed right to me. Apparently, Jon got the plane cut open like a little hut, there were many candles glowing through the windows and a delicious looking picnic basket.

"Awh! Jon!" I lightly punched his shoulder. "You shouldn't have."

"Marinette. I know Damian didn't treat you the way you deserve. You deserve so much better, but I will try my best to give that to you. I love you, Marinette Bourgeois. I wanted to ask." He got down on one knee. Cliché if you ask me, but Jon's always been cliché and I loved him about that. "If you'd marry me."

"Yes!" I beamed. Jon slipped the gorgeous stone onto my finger and I tackled him into a hug.

One thing's for sure. Damian Wayne is now for sure off of my mind.


Three Months


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