Marked Me Like a Bloodstain...

By Miss_Celestia13

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A JakexMC Romance - Duskwood Fanfiction Manon Corvin is many things; a survivor, a fighter and a problem to a... More

No one likes a mad woman
I'm no sweet dream but I'm a hell of a night
I'm coming for you and I'm making war
And there's a storm you're starting now
I'll do anything you say, if you say it with your hands
You did a number on me but honestly, baby who's counting?
Don't you see what you're finding? This is Heaven in hiding
Live with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains down
Don't call me by my name, all of this is temporary
As always, the one trick pony's here, so quit your sulking
We try to forget but the memories left are still haunting
If I could break the spell, I'd shake the gates of Hell
The moon don't pick sides, and the sun won't resign until you're by my side
So you wanna talk about power? Let me show you power
Beware the beauty with the lonely face who whispers every word you want to hear
What the fuck does all this mean? You know, I'm still somebody's daughter
Lost I was born, lonesome I came, lonesome I'll always stay
You're not safe here anymore, this is the sound of war
I woke up just in time, now I wake up by your side
Surrender to your heart, remember who we are
Five seconds later, I'm fastening myself to you with a stitch
Whose eyes am I behind? I don't recognise anything that I see
Daddy's little girl, and daddy made a soldier out of me
We might just get away with it, the altar is my hips
A thousand times I tempted fate, I'll take no more
Let me show you how to touch my trigger
I can feel your heart hanging in the air
Well, flesh amnesiac, this is your song
I must become a lion hearted girl ready for a fight
I was born in the blood with the name on my lips
I don't need a knight, so baby, take off all your armor
Red Light Spells Danger
Look what you made me do
I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground
Long story short, it was a bad time...
Flash forward and we're taking on the world together
Sequel Teasers and Cover...
For the hope of it all - Epilogue Artwork

He's so obsessed with me, and boy I understand!

375 26 66
By Miss_Celestia13

A/N: Sorry this is late! I started watching Stranger Things this week and couldn't stop until I finished it, so good! I hope it's worth the wait and I really enjoyed writing the dialogue between two characters, hopefully the humour translates. The song for this chapter is, I Think He Knows by Taylor Swift!

"He got that boyish look that I like in a man
I am an architect
I'm drawing up the plans!
He's so obsessed with me
And boy, I understand!
Boy, I understand

He got my heartbeat
Skipping down sixteenth avenue
Got that, ah, I mean!
Wanna see what's under that attitude
I want you
Bless my soul!
And I ain't gotta tell him
I think he knows

Lyrical smile
Indigo eyes
Hand on my thigh
We can follow the sparks
I'll drive

"So where we gonna go?"
I whisper in the dark
"Where we gonna go?"

I think he knows"

I Think He Knows - Taylor Swift

Manon was a ball of nerves. Every nerve and vein in her seemed twisted up and tied, her eyes kept darting to the door every two seconds. She was in the kitchen, with Jake. That in itself wasn't the issue, it was the fact Jake had decided to just be there when everyone came down. He'd said to her when she'd got out of the shower that it was time and she hadn't been able to focus on anything but their possible reactions since. He was behind her making French toast and she was supposed to be slicing strawberry's. Only luck kept her from adding some extra protein in the form of her fingertips.

Jake was whistling along to whatever song was playing, honestly she hadn't even thought about it this time, just hit play and hoped for the best. He kept turning to kiss her neck, her cheek or tap her on the ass but she barely felt it. Anxiety crawled up her throat and kept her from enjoying him and she was pissed about that. She wasn't sure why it mattered so much, he didn't seem that bothered but then he could wear that impassive mask too easily. He seemed able to simply come to a decision and just stop worrying about it. It was bizarre. Meanwhile she had planned three monologues, five different scenarios and over 13 comebacks for any taunt thrown his way. She felt like a rabid guard dog pulling at its chain, desperately protecting its territory. She might as well piss on his leg and call it a day.

She reached for another strawberry and her fingertips only felt air, she glanced down to see she'd cut them all up. She clutched the knife, now her hands weren't occupied she felt even worse, why was she so anxious? They wouldn't attack him and she knew that, but still she wanted to hide him. She hadn't realised how long she'd stood there, staring at her hands and palming the knife as though she aimed to use it on someone until Jake came up behind her. He slid his arms around her waist and spoke into her ear.

"What's wrong, Manon?"

His hand moved to her wrist, then over the fist clutching the blade and gently pried it out of her fingers.

"Let's put the weapons away, Hmm" he murmured and kissed her temple.

She loosed a breath and screamed at her body to relax into the heat of him behind her.

"Sorry, I got caught up there." She cleared her throat and shook her head, forcing a smile to her lips.

"No kidding." He chuckled and she leaned her head back on his chest, closing her eyes at the sound of his steady heartbeat and let it calm her own.

"I just - I don't - ugh!" She actually stomped her foot and Jake snorted, clearly amused by her inability to speak.

He nosed her hair away from her face and planted his lips on her cheek, pulling back to whisper.

"I'll be fine, Manon. If it comes to a fight, I can hold my own..."

His tone was teasing and Manon turned to smack his chest but he gave a throaty laugh, the sound making her own lips tug up in answer.

"I'm not completely helpless you know."

There was an undercurrent to his words, like he'd had to prove he could fight in the past and she was so curious she felt like she'd burst. He noticed the gleam in her eye and chuckled.

"Let's just say there have been a few close calls where I had no choice but to fight my way out. I'm here. They're not."

She cocked a brow, smiling for real this time. Pressing against him and pushing up on her toes to brush her lips over his.

"Now I'm picturing you with your knuckles bloodied and men lying unconscious at your feet, it's glorious."

"You're twisted." He laughed and she nodded.

"Obviously. If you tell me you can kill a man with nothing but a pencil I might simply expire." She said with a dramatic swooning sigh.

He smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Sadly not, but I'm willing to learn."

"Best not. You'd never get anything done." She winked and tugged at his bottom lip with her teeth before stepping back. Trying to ignore the electricity that flared bright whenever they were near each other, it reminded her of how it felt before a storm. That charged, heavy air that seemed to press down on you, stealing your breath and lifting the hair on the back of your neck. That sense of urgency and knowing that something big was coming. It was hard to push it away, intoxicating and addictive. It seemed to strengthen day by day instead of fade and it left her restless, he felt it too she could tell by the way he mirrored her movements. He'd lean in when she leaned back and she'd do the same. Thankfully his distraction had worked because when Jessy walked in Manon only noticed her when she let out a surprised "Oh!".

"Morning Jess, how are you?" Manon smiled.

Jessys eyes were stuck to Jake who'd turned back to the stove, when her hazel eyes met Manons she mouthed "well done" and a wild giggle bubbled up her throat. She pushed it down and shook her head.

"I'm good, you? I'm guessing this is the elusive Jake I've heard sooo much about?"

Manon narrowed her eyes, she'd put too much emphasis on that last part and by the way she avoided Manon's eyes she knew it. She didn't dare look at Jake when he replied.

"That would be me. What exactly has she said about me?"

Manon screamed at Jessy with her eyes, trying to telepathically ask her what the hell she thought she was doing. She'd barely spoken about Jake to her. Jessy gave her a sickly sweet smile and ignored her.

"Oh, nothing too scandalous. Yet." Her words held the promise to torture the details out of Manon later and Manon inwardly groaned. Jessy winked at Manon and took a seat across from her. Jake chuckled quietly and went back to what he was doing.

"So! Whatcha making?" Jessy said far too cheerily and Manon knew she was enjoying making her squirm.

"French toast. You good with that, Jessica?" Jake asked and Manon cringed when Jessy glared at his back.

"Let's get one thing straight. It's Jessy! Only my mother calls me Jessica and we don't talk anymore. Understand?" She didn't say it nastily, just exasperated and Manon tensed, unsure whether to laugh or reprimand her.

"I apologise, Jessy. I didn't think I knew you well enough to use a nickname, I meant no harm."

Manon hid a smile, looking at the cutting board before glancing back at Jessy who looked appeased and quite impressed. Again she mouthed "Well done" and Manon said under her breath "why do you keep saying that?"

"Just - well done. Great catch. Good fishing."

Manon couldn't stop the stupid giggle that escaped, Jessy joining in and Jake ignored them, having sensed he wouldn't get an answer from either of them right now. Thomas, Lilly and Richy walked in then effectively spoiling their girlish moment and Manon pretended not to notice the way Richy's eyes lit up when he spotted Jessy. He noticed her a moment later and his brows went up in shock.

"Hi Richy, not what you imagined?" She beat him to it and he laughed.

"I pictured you as a redhead or a brunette to be honest." He admitted with a chuckle.

"If you'd met me 10 years ago I would have been a brunette." She felt Jakes attention then and wondered why he was shocked, he'd argued with her about getting her hair done.

Richys gaze kept bouncing between her, Jessy and Jakes back, he'd gone tense when they'd walked in she noticed. She moved to lean against the counter beside the stove, facing the group but she could watch Jake from the corner of her eye. His face was carefully blank and he took his time plating the last of the toast. Thankfully they quickly began talking amongst themselves, Jessy probably filling them in on who he was, so she could gently question him.

"You okay?"

Bright blue eyes shot to hers and she went still at the worry in them.

"Yeah, just realising this is more people than I've been around in 4 years. I just - I'll be fine."

She felt her own anxiety drain out of her in the face of his, somehow someone else being worse than her made her able to push it away.

"Okay, remember that safe word we talked about?" She smirked and he looked at her with amused eyes.

"Do I even want to know what you came up with?" He whispered and she winked.

"You have such little faith in me. It's nothing awful, well, not that bad."

He gave that low chuckle, the one that was more like a growl it was so deep and she couldn't stop the warm flush that spread over her skin at the sound of it.

"Tell me." He gave in and she eyed the group as they grabbed their plates and left to go into the dining area.

"Beetlejuice" She said with a grin and he frowned in confusion.

"Why Beetlejuice?"

"I always had this weird thing for him," she laughed at the look on his face and continued, "Plus I highly doubt we'll be talking about him. You can only say it twice though, so use it wisely!" He looked confused for a moment before it hit him and the laugh she got for her stupid joke made her feel weightless.

She patted his ass and grabbed her plate, dancing around him when he grabbed for her and followed her friends. Cleo had come down at some point and Jessy had brought her a plate. All at once they looked to her then their eyes rose above her head and stuck there and she knew Jake was behind her. She took her seat at the head of the table and he sat to her right beside Jessy. Manon ignored the sudden tension and poured syrup over her French toast, stuffing a huge bite into her mouth to keep from laughing. She had the worst tendency to laugh in tense situations and it wouldn't help them here. Jake seemed able to ignore it and followed her lead, it was Cleo that broke.

"I'll do the talking then, is this Jake?"

Manon gave a single nod, taking her time swallowing and set down her fork.

"Yes, Jake, meet Cleo, Jessy, Thomas, Lilly and Richy! All of you, meet Jake!" False cheerfulness radiated in her tone and she hoped nobody noticed it, Jake did but she ignored his questioning eyes.

She'd only named Lilly because she knew the group wasn't aware they'd already met, it seemed the best way to keep that quiet though she felt ridiculous doing it. There were a few mumbled hellos and Jake looked around them all with a slight smile, nerves making his shoulders tight.

"And why is he here now? I thought you were keeping him hidden until the big reveal? Or did you decide to do that now?" Cleo poked, eyes alight with excitement and Manon shook her head, clasping her hands as she looked longingly at her breakfast.

"No. Not until Dan gets here. Jake wanted to meet you all before that though."

She kicked him under the table, he had to speak or she'd end up looking like a twat. He jolted and threw her a glare, she smiled sweetly at him, ignoring everyone watching her.

"I'm not used to being around so many people, I thought it would be better to meet you beforehand so I could get used to it."

He gave a self deprecating shrug and Manon reached under the table to lay her hand on his thigh, he immediately grabbed hold of it and squeezed. She counted each one, three again. What did that mean? She didn't get a chance to ponder it because Cleo was on top form.

"Oh yeah, you've been in "hiding" haven't you?" Manons free hand reached for her knife, needing something to hold that wasn't attached to Jake and feeling strangely like she needed a weapon.

"I have." Jake said simply, no explanation and Cleo narrowed her eyes at him.

"Will you tell us why? Or do you want to keep making yourself the most likely culprit? Because right now you're the only one that makes no sense, well, Manon too but I trust her more than I do you."

Manon bit back a snarl and looked at Lilly, she looked furious. Jake surprised her though, stilling any response she might've made.

"I found something that the government never wanted anyone to know. So I released it. Since then I've been on the run."

Cleo's brows had risen almost into her hairline but it was Thomas who spoke next.

"How do you know Hannah? How could you know she was in trouble so quickly if you weren't with her?"

"Nope. Not happening. This is not an interrogation, save it for later!" Manon slammed her hand on the table, the knife held tightly in her palm and they all stared at it nervously.

"You can ask those questions another time." She crooned, a note of violence in her voice.

Thomas sat back and grudgingly nodded, the others followed suit. Jake surprised her though, her attention going straight to him as he spoke.

"It's okay, Manon. I understand their distrust." He sighed, looking into her eyes as though addressing only her as he continued, "I knew Hannah because we were close years ago. I never met her, we spoke through emails mostly. A few weeks ago I got an email from her asking for my help, I didn't see it right away because I haven't used that email in a long time. When I did, I called her and she seemed relieved to see me. But before she could tell me what was wrong, she was attacked and I immediately got you lot together. When she sent Manons number, I contacted her too and set this whole thing in motion."

Manon kept her face blank, she'd figured it had been something like that but she was annoyed he hadn't told her sooner. It seeped under her skin, the irrational need to know before everyone else considering who she thought he was to her. But she knew it was irrational, after all she still hadn't told him anything other than the barest details. The annoyance was directed not just at Jake, but herself too. She felt his eyes on her and forced a smile to her lips, it felt brittle though. She tuned back into the conversation and resumed eating, struggling one handed but determined.

"So let me get this straight. You saw it? Did you see who did it?" Thomas asked urgently.

"Sadly not. Whoever it was managed to stay out of view of her camera."

"Do you think they could've seen you?" Lilly spoke quietly, as though unsure whether to draw attention to herself and Manon felt awful for the secret she had to hide.

"Definitely not. I was... masked up."

Manon raised a brow, he was just as dramatic as she and the thought pushed some of her irritation away.

"Masked up? What the fuck does that mean?" Jessy blurted and Manon snorted.

Jake cleared his throat, "Whenever I have to video call someone I wear a mask to hide my identity and use a voice changer. It's to keep myself safe."

Manon nodded, remembering those early calls and videos where he used the distortion.

"Doesn't the kidnapper do the same thing?" Cleo pointed out and Manon felt something inside her snap, Jake squeezed her hand again trying to keep her calm but she was done.

"For the last Goddamn time! He's not the kidnapper. If anyone suggests he is again I will lose my fucking mind."

Her blood was up, the heat of it was warming her through and she glared at Cleo. The dark haired woman stared back for a long moment before sighing and nodding.


Manon set down the knife, her hand trembled slightly and she clenched it tight enough her nails dug into her palm. Jakes thumb was stroking the back of her hand and she counted each one to calm her racing heart.

"He's too tall to be the kidnapper." Jessy said brightly and all eyes turned to her.

"What do you mean?" Richy asked, leaning closer to her and Jessy smiled slightly.

"I mean, the guy that attacked me was strong, yes. But he wasn't as tall as Jake. I'd take a guess that he's around 5"10 and Jakes over 6 feet from what I can tell."

Silence. Such complete silence that Manon swore she'd hear it if someone dropped a hairpin a mile away.

"Are you sure Jessy?" She asked and Jessy nodded.

"Yeah. I don't remember much but... I'm sure."

Thomas and Cleo seemed to deflate a little, the tension in Jakes body loosened in response. Manons mind was wheeling. She looked around them all, the open animosity seemed to have dissipated in the wake of Jessys words. Though she wasn't naive enough to believe it wouldn't appear again when Dan finally got here.

"Well, that's something at least. Do you remember anything else Jessy?" Manon had already asked her this but did again, sometimes time revealed the things you wanted to keep buried.

Jessy shook her head, "No, sorry Manon."

Manon smiled gently, "Don't apologise."

Jessy grinned, turning back to her food.

"So, Manon." Richy began and Manon turned to him, that easy smile of his easing her tight muscles.


"You know that thing we talked about?"

Manon nodded and he went on.

"Is Thursday good? Any longer than that and I'd start to freak out." He scratched the back of his neck self consciously as he chuckled.

"Yeah, you'll take someone with you though. Actually." She shot a glance at Jake and he stared back as she mouthed "bracelet", nodding his agreement.

"Cleo would you go with him? Then afterwards you could both go to the pawnshop and find out who sold Jennifer's bracelet? I'm sure you can flirt your way to that information." She joked and Cleo's eyes lit up.

"I actually know the owner! He's friends with my parents. I'm sure he'll tell me." She gave a slight smile and Manon was pleased, Thomas jumped in then.

"I could go too, I've got the bracelet with me, maybe if we show it to him he'll remember it better."

Manon inclined her head. "Three is better than two so have at it! Thank you."

They all went back to eating and Manon finished as quickly as she could, she had to get out of this house for a bit. She stood when she was done and excused herself, heading to her room.

Once inside she changed into leggings and a sports bra, was just pulling her sneakers on when Jake walked in.

"You doing okay?" He crouched at her knees and started tying her laces, her hands fluttered uselessly for a moment before she reached up to tie her hair back.

"Yeah I just need to get out and run for a bit. How do you feel after... that?" She winced but he shrugged nonchalantly.

He set his hands over her knees when he was done, the heat of them seeping through the thin Lycra and she suddenly had a better idea to get her blood flowing. No, she cut the thought off, she had to get outside and shake off this energy. Those cobalt eyes pierced hers and held her in place.

"It went better than I expected, I knew they'd be hostile. You didn't stab anyone at least, you sure you're okay?"

Manon nodded, she was but her annoyance at Cleo was biting at her and making her feel a bit unhinged.

"Yeah, I have to get moving or I might actually end up stabbing someone."

"Do you want me to come with you? We did agree to not go out alone." He offered and she couldn't help but smile at him, he was giving her a choice. She knew he wanted to demand he came with her but he was learning fast. Manon thought it over and nodded.

"Yeah, but don't expect me to talk. I'll be rage running to my rap playlist and that takes all my concentration." She joked and he chuckled, Standing to get changed into sweats and T-shirt.

They were just getting ready to leave when her phone rang, Dan. Manon groaned and cursed his name under her breath, she was going to burn this damn thing if people wouldn't stop interrupting her. She put it on speaker-phone and Jake followed her when she sat on the bed.

"Yes, Jack Daniels?"

He choked on a laugh, his voice deeper than she'd imagined it would be.

"Well if it isn't Nancy Drew! Is your mother home? You sound like you're about 14, Nonbon."

"Nonbon?" she glared at the phone, Jake tried and failed to hide an amused smirk.

"Yes, like the sweet." He said as if that explained everything.

"Okay then... What's up?"

"I need someone to come pick me up. I'm ready to join your little detectives club and crack this case." He said breezily, Jake only frowned at her.

That was the last thing she'd expected him to say. "Oh really? Have they taken away your TV again?"

"No, I broke it." Manon sighed but he went on, "They're letting me out early for good behaviour." He jested and Manon knew he was lying.

"That's odd, you've done nothing but complain about the lack of shaven nurses and bad food."

"Well, its only the truth! Honestly, they're letting me go, I need to be picked up though."

Manon decided to just go with it, it played into her plans anyway and saved them coming up with a way of getting him out.

"Fine, I'll come get you. Be waiting at the entrance, I'm not coming into the hospital." She fought a shiver and tried not to imagine the clinically white corridors and bright lights. The smell that permeated every inch of every hospital was permanently branded into her nose, she never wanted to smell it for real again.

Dan cleared his throat, sounding nervous and it made her intuition waken up. "Actually, I'm not there. I'll text you the street address."

He hung up before she could demand answers and Jake made a noise of complaint.

"He's very odd, I don't believe they've actually discharged him."

"Me neither. Let's go get the fool."

She grabbed her jacket and they headed downstairs.


Manon flew round a corner, engine snarling as she turned them onto the road that led to the street Dan had texted her. She was cackling wildly as Jake clung to the oh-shit handle, it was seeing more action than it ever had. Her one hand grip on the steering wheel definitely hadn't helped his anxiety when she swung them around a tight bend and finally screeched to a halt when she spotted Dan. Throwing him back in his seat with a thump.

She put her window down, leaning out to yell at him.

"Get in bitch, we're going to fuck shit up!"

Jake snorted behind her and she turned to wink at him, delighting in the roll of his eyes. Dan just threw her the middle finger and demanded she get out and help.

"I can't get this in by myself."

Confused, she frowned and looked around him, noticing the folded up wheelchair he'd tried to hide behind him. She saw then that he was leaning heavily against a lamppost and he looked like he was in pain. Her brows rose in shock as she sighed but she got out to help him. Jake stayed hidden in the safety of tinted windows since he had no mask to wear.

"What the fuck is this Jack? Why didn't you tell us?"

She kept her tone light and teasing but her mind was working furiously. First he wanted picked up away from the hospital, then he wanted to join their "club" and now he's in a wheelchair. She didn't know what to make of it.

"I can still fuck that mad man up, don't you worry sweetheart! It's just for looks."

Rolling her eyes she decided to think on it later. She watched him walk painfully slowly to the car before she stowed the wheelchair in the trunk and made sure he was settled in the backseat before retaking her own. Jake eyed her warily as she belted herself in. The engine roared to life and she grinned when Jake grabbed the handle again before the car had even moved, Dan looked at him disdainfully until she put her foot down and shot down the road. Executing a mental u-turn to head back to town, the smell of burnt rubber coming through her open window.

"Fuck sake! Slow down Sherlock, my mother likes me to make it home alive!" Dan groaned from behind her, making her giggle and wiggle her brows at him in the rear view mirror.

"Get a grip, Daniels, you have lost the right to comment on other peoples driving. Anyway, I'm an excellent driver!"

"If you were a crash test dummy you would be."

That came from Jake, he had such a dry sense of humour when he let himself out of his head. Manon feigned an obnoxiously loud gasp, turning to look at him as she fixed an offended look on her face.

"How dare you! Are you alive? Do you have all your limbs? Yes you do, so shut the fuck up."

The man threw his head back and roared a laugh, head shaking and his hand tightened it's hold as she swerved for a cyclist. They were making good time, they'd be back within the hour at this rate, she noted happily and ignored the dark looks Dan was throwing at Jake behind her.

They'd turned onto the road into Duskwood when they got stuck behind a car going at a snails pace, making her grit her teeth since she couldn't get past them. They were the only two cars on this road and it was just her luck to get stuck behind some idiot determined to slow her down. They kept swerving and blocking her from overtaking, the third time it happened she lost it. She was yelling and pounding on the horn as she did.

"Get out of the way! Learn to fucking drive! I have people to save and shit to do!"

"Jesus, Mary and the little donkey. I've just survived one car crash Bonny, I don't need another!" Dan shouted from behind her, she ignored him when the car ahead swung out again.

"Fucking idiots, screw this."

She hit the brakes, everyone but her tossed like rag dolls as she changed tactics. Revving the engine she counted down from three under her breath, she saw Jake tense and grab the oh-shit handle with both hands from the corner of her eye. Dan groaned and took a deep inhale as though bracing himself.

Manon stomped on the gas and they shot forward, quickly coming up on the slow car. Dan was muttering under his breath and she thought Jake had his eyes closed though she didn't risk more than a glance. Pansies. She swerved to the left and the one in-front followed. At the last second she threw her weight to the right and pushed the pedal to the floor, streaking past the car in a storm of speed and her shouting obscenities at the couple trying to read a massive paper map. Who knew they still made those?

She slowed somewhat as the forest swallowed them, the winding road was tighter here but she still drove like she was being chased. Her two passengers pale and sweating but she was having a great time, beaming every time they wheeled round corners. She decided to stop in at the grocery store while they were in town, shutting off the car when she pulled into a space near the door.

"Okay, I need to grab a few things. Do you have any requests, Jack?"

Dan had loosened his hold on the seat and only said, "So long as it isn't beige or mushy I don't care."

"I'll come with you, Manon." Jake said quietly and she turned to him.

"What about -" She pointed to her face, looking at him meaningfully and he chuckled.

"Its fine." Was all he said before he tugged his hood over his head and got out, she sat there stupidly for long enough that he made it to her side and opened the door for her, taking her hand once she was out. Dan shouted, "Don't mind me, I'll be fine!" making Manon laugh.

"Don't worry, I've left the window down and there's a bottle of water in the back seat!" She called over her shoulder, ignoring his indignant hollering as she walked away

Manon grabbed a cart and wheeled it through the automatic doors, eyeing Jake who was hidden quite well under that hood. His face was in shadow so she doubted anyone would be able to see him. It felt weird going shopping with him, like it was against some rule and she didn't understand why. Her life, and his she supposed, had been strange for so long it felt absolutely bizarre to do normal everyday things. She hadn't been in a store like this in almost two years, she couldn't avoid people she knew in her small town so she got everything delivered instead. Here though, nobody knew her and she could just exist without worrying if anyone would mention her dad, giving her that smile people have when they pitied you. The thought of being unknown here put a skip in her step, Jakes hand settled on her lower back to guide her.

She wasn't paying much attention to what she was throwing in her cart, just making sure she had enough for everyone and plenty of choices. Jake was silent as he watched her flit from shelf to shelf like some demented fairy, stepping in when she couldn't reach the top shelf and they'd have another of those thrilling moments where he pressed up against her back, her mind racing ahead of time to when they could be alone again. The store was pretty empty, most people would be at work at this time on a Monday and it helped her pretend this was a normal day, a normal life in which nobody was out to kill everyone she cared about. A Taylor Swift song came over the radio and she was singing along as she tossed handfuls of chocolate bars and cookies into the cart, not realising she was doing it until Jake asked her what it was.

"Invisible String. One of my favorites actually." She admitted and she glanced up to see him smiling softly.

"It's quite... lovely." He said quietly and she grinned.

"I'll make a swiftie of you soon, just you wait!"

He laughed, his next words practically a whisper. "I wouldn't go that far but I like it when you sing them."

She blushed. Actually blushed and turned away to hide her pleased smile, he kept surprising her with his pretty words. They headed towards the drinks aisle and Manon wished she'd gotten two carts. By the time they got to the register Jake was hauling cases of beer and soda, looking too gorgeous while doing so. After they loaded it all onto the conveyor belt Jake broke the silence.

"Do you have enough to cover all this?" He was pulling out a grey leather wallet and she spied a few different credit cards, she idly wondered how many aliases he used.

"I'm good, don't worry about it." She said simply, slipping her own credit card out of her phone case, his eyes widened when he saw the black card.

"Still, I'd like to help out. I'm not exactly struggling myself." He had bent down to murmur in her ear so the person ahead of them wouldn't hear and the feel of his hot breath down her neck was delightful, she nodded in agreement.

"I figured as much, you can pay next time I go to the bookstore, you'll have nothing left by the time we leave!" She said cheekily and he tugged on the end of her ponytail.

It took a while for the cashier to ring them up and the woman serving them kept up a steady stream of conversation about the goings on in town, asking if they were here on holiday and other random things Manon cheerfully answered with half truths or lies. They got back to the car and loaded everything in, Dan was pouting but she handed him a Coke and a bag of Cheetos which shut him up. Manon drove them home and tried to ignore the longing she felt for the days when grocery shopping together would be their real lives.


It was late in the evening now. Dan had received a warm welcome with many lectures about his drinking and driving, they'd had a sort of celebratory dinner for him getting out of hospital. He'd devoured everything put in front of him and loudly complimented Cleo on her cooking. He'd spent a good half hour dramatising the drive home and how he was certain Manon was trying to kill him, she only laughed at him while remembering how white his face had been. She was in the kitchen cleaning up when Cleo walked in and asked if she could have a word, Manons defenses went up like an iron shell around her skin.

"It's about Dan," She said and Manon waited as she gathered her thoughts, she was wringing her hands which made Manon nervous.

"He didn't tell any of us he had to use a wheelchair, don't you think that's odd?"

Manon shrugged, "Well, its Dan. He is a bit weird."

Cleo shook her head, "No it's not that, did he come out of the hospital in it?"

"Uhm, no." Manon paused but decided to be open with her, "We didn't pick him up at the hospital, he was quite a bit away from it actually. I got the feeling he left without telling anyone."

Cleo rolled her eyes, exasperated. "I knew it, he was being really evasive earlier when I asked him about it. Why hide it though?"

"I can't say for sure but I think he's very proud and hates to admit when he needs help."

Cleo cocked her head, appraising her. "Why do you think that?"

"Because I'm the same way. But I think he also feels the need to be here and "protect" us" Manon chuckled and Cleo smiled.

"Silly fool, I'll keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't hurt himself. He's already asking for a drink." She huffed a laugh and Manon joined in, the iron around her melting as Cleo looked at her with clear eyes.

"And I'll hide the car keys, but seriously I'll speak to him about it in a few days. Let him think we've just accepted his story for now." Manon said slyly.

"Excellent, I'm glad we're all here now though. It feels... better here." She sighed.

"Yeah, tomorrow we'll all sit down and have that talk. Jake is upstairs preparing everything now."

"Thank you, I know I was harsh with both of you but I had to be. Hannah is my best friend."

"I get it, I would probably do the same thing. I hope after tomorrow we can put it all behind us."

Cleo nodded and Manon tossed the last of the empty bottles into the recycling bin.

"Thank you for doing all of this Manon, its good to actually be able to sleep at night again."

Before Manon could reply she left, going back to the others and leaving Manon alone in her clean kitchen. She yawned and glanced at the time on her phone, she'd barely looked at it since she got home and realised it was late enough to head upstairs. She checked her notifications as she walked into her bedroom and stopped dead at what she found.

Three missed calls and a text message from Alan Bloomgate, Duskwoods police chief. He wanted to speak with her and she had known this would happen eventually, she had planned to be the one to make first contact though. She found Jake at his desk still carefully organising everything they had so far and wordlessly showed him her screen, his eyes narrowed as he read the message.

"What the fuck? I didn't see this come through." He muttered furiously and Manon felt apprehensive, this was new.

"How is that possible? You see everything."

He grunted his agreement and turned to his computer, she was staring at the message wondering if she should just reply when he spoke.

"I've done a quick scan and it seems he's hiding himself from me, whatever encryption he's using is keeping me from seeing what he's sending you. Not bad, I must admit."

Manon frowned, panic swirling low in her gut. "He knows about you, Jessy told us when Phil first got arrested."

Jake nodded solemnly. "Yes. We have to assume he knows I'm watching everything and has planned for that."

She looked to the sky and groaned.

"Fuck me gently, this isn't good. What do you want to do?"

Jakes handsome face turned serious.

"I think we should ignore it. Talking to him now will only put you in his line of suspects. We should continue as we were and act like this didn't happen."

Manon sighed, "Shouldn't I just see what he wants? I think I can clear things up."

Jakes reply was instant, "No. it's bad enough he knows you're involved, Manon. Just let me see if I can break through whatever he's using to block me. We can figure it out from there."

She wasn't fully happy with that but she also wasn't ready to speak to Alan, she wanted it to be on her terms not his and she couldn't do that until Steve got here. She loosed a breath and nodded.

"Fine. But I will have to speak to him soon, you know that right?"

He looked pained but inclined his head.

"I know. Give me some time first. I need to make sure it'll be safe for you."

Manon smiled, touched by his concern and willing to let it go for now. When she did talk to Alan she wanted to have all her cards up her sleeve and make sure he knew just how serious she was about it all.

"Okay. I'm going to have a shower and get into bed. It's been a long day."

Jake chuckled and agreed. She kissed his cheek and strode for the bathroom, ignoring the weight of his eyes on her back until she closed the door.


Manon had crawled into bed after braiding her damp hair, too lazy to dry it properly and had attempted to read a few pages of her book but had passed out quickly. Jake had been zoned out while he worked and she had wanted to wait for him but tiredness hit her so fast she barely managed to put her book down. She didn't know how long she'd slept when she woke later as Jake slid in behind her, the heat of his body pressed against her and his arm settled over her waist. She hummed quietly and smiled when he pressed a kiss to her hair.

"I didn't mean to wake you." He murmured lowly and she blinked her eyes clear, he'd switched off the lights at some point. Moonlight illuminated the room slightly through a gap in the curtain, turning everything to shades of silver and black.

"I don't mind."

He chuckled and the hand at her waist moved, fingers drawing gentle stars around her scars. She was instantly alert, had forgone any clothing before getting into bed, and was grateful for it now. Especially when she wriggled closer into the cradle of his hips and realized he too had nothing on.

"I haven't gotten through his security yet but I will." There was no doubt in his tone and she felt none either, didn't really want to talk about it right now when her mind was conjuring all the ways they could better spend their time.

"Maybe you just need the right incentive."

She grinned when his hand flattened over her hip and tugged her tighter against him, the rapidly hardening length at her ass sending a thrill through her. She closed her eyes when he kissed his way down her neck, his hips lightly grinding into her and his hand crawled up her body to cup her breast, sending a trail of sparks straight to her core.

"My incentive is you, it's always for you." He whispered.

Gods, what could she say to that? Heat licked at her skin as he weighed her breast in his hand. His other arm found its way under her neck, palm facing up and she threaded her fingers through his. He handled her gently, fingers teasing over her hard nipple and ever so slightly pulling, just enough to excite her. Making her feel feverish and impatient, his thigh pushed between hers. He kept kissing her neck, the effect maddening and too arousing. She knew she was wet before his hand let go of her breast and travelled down, down, down.

He didn't tease her this time, fingers lazily dipping into her slick folds, his own need hot and heavy behind her, she shivered when he softly grazed her clit. She tried to let go of his hand to reach back and touch him but he held tighter, the thigh between her legs pressing harder. She lifted her leg and hooked it back over his to give him better access and he rewarded her with a sharp nip at her throat, her breath hitching in reaction. She felt him smile as she grew even slicker under his talented fingers, an ache quickly building low in her abdomen. Every touch felt too intense, the careless way he moved such a turn on she was already burning up.

"I like seeing you like this." He confessed, teeth tugging on her ear lobe.

"You're so beautiful when you fall apart."

She wanted to tell him how beautiful he was too but her words were choked off when he sunk his finger into her. She moaned, tightening her grip on his hand, he squeezed back and made a pleased sound when he found her ready for him. He withdrew his hand but she bit back her complaint, moving her hips so she was positioned to feel the head of his cock against her folds as he lined himself up with her. In this position he could hold her while driving her to the edge of insanity, drag it out until she was a writhing mess in his arms.

His hand returned to her abdomen, pushing her back on to him and he abruptly slid inside her, mouthing roughly at her neck to counter the exquisite pleasure of him so deep in her cunt. She mewled as he moved within her, every grind of his hips coiling tension low in her stomach and making her tremble in his arms. When he found a lazy rhythm his hand moved to grasp her hip and she rolled her hips to take him even deeper, making him whimper in her ear. She smiled when his hand found it's way back to her breasts, fondling them and twisting her nipple until she cried out. Ecstasy consumed her until she could only focus on him expertly playing her body, the languid drag of his cock against her inner walls as he filled her stealing her breath.

Usually they went hard and fast, brutal thrusts and harsh hands but this was somehow just as devastating. She felt like she'd shatter as his hand dropped to her cunt, her skin pricking with nerves as his fingers swirled over her clit. Pleasure built swiftly within her, the tension pulling taught and she sobbed into his arm when he surrounded her clit with his thumb and forefinger and pinched lightly. Her walls clenching tightly around his cock in reaction, he groaned into her neck, biting at her thrumming pulse as she jerked against him.

Her stomach tensed as release swam towards her all too soon. She couldn't hold it back as his fingers picked up their pace on her clit and she whined desperately, Jake soothing her with sweet words rasped in her ear. She felt the warning throb of her orgasm seconds before he told her he wouldn't last much longer, determined fingers pushing her to the edge. Her back arched as her muscles tensed and somehow forced him even deeper, he let out a breathless moan. She threw her head back and keened, body going still as she balanced on that knifes edge, his slow, relentless thrusts and quick fingers tying her up in knots before the coil finally snapped and release shot through her. She felt as if she would dissolve from the intensity of it, electricity flashed through her veins as he fucked her through it. Each new pulse of it fierce and consuming, her body jolted as he found his own end, her name a growl in her ear. She was shaking in his hold and his fingers still teased her over sensitive flesh, only letting her breathe when her cunt stopped fluttering around him.

For once she felt no need to speak and fill the silence, content to just lay with him while they calmed down, a heavy blanket of peace settling over them both. She slowly turned her head to look at him and found him gazing back at her, he lowered his lips to hers in a leisurely kiss. She had no breath left to steal but he gave her some of his own, she found he tasted like sex and felt like home. Her body was boneless as aftershocks jumped under her skin, she felt him twitch inside her before he broke the kiss and gently pulled out of her body. He kissed the tip of her nose before she opened her eyes, his face half lit by the moonlight slicing through the curtains and when he smiled at her, she saw every emotion he was feeling as clearly as if he'd said them. Her own heart swelled in answer and she turned in his arms to face him, finally letting go of his hand.

He drew her over him to rest on his chest, pressing a tender kiss to the top of her head and breathing her in deeply. It was easy to give him her body, it was simple to be with him but to tell him what was in her heart? That was the hardest part. It had been so long since she'd said those three words. Three little words that had sparked wars and made even the most intelligent people lose their minds, they shouldn't hold the power that they did but somehow she couldn't say them. She tried to tell him in other ways and thought that he understood, she saw it echoed back at her in those singular eyes of his often enough to believe that he did. He squeezed her tighter as though in agreement and she smiled against his chest, his heartbeat a melody in her ear. Soon, she promised herself. One day soon she'd find it within herself to give voice to those three words and set her heart free from its golden cage.

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