Goal!: The Fourth Chapter!

بواسطة Red_Knight_052

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1 month after the events of Goal! The Third Chapter! Maire who is known as "Five" from the USWNT and "Zero" f... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Sneak Peak

Chapter 22

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بواسطة Red_Knight_052

Meanwhile while Maire was rolling in the hallway along with Christen who was walking alongside her, the girls found Three who was sitting down on one of the hallway chairs. Three looks up at them and shrugs, as the girls continue their way towards him.

"Hey, Three." said Maire, as she greeted Three who sighs.

"Hey." said Three, in a low voice as he looked down.

"Where were you planning on going Three?" said Christen, as she asked Three.

Three gives them a worried look.

"I was just planning on taking a walk." said Three, without looking at them.

Both Christen and Maire looked at one another before looking back at Three, in which Maire suspects that something is wrong with him.

"Oh, well... What's wrong?-" said Maire, before receiving a tap on her shoulder from Christen, who pointed at Jace, who was walking their way.

"Oh, great." said Maire, in a low voice before turning red with embarrassment while looking at him, in which Christen smiles before looking at Jace.

"Hey, Jace. What's up?" said Christen, as she asked him.

Jace stopped walking and stood besides Christen, Maire, and Three.

"I just wanted to check on you guys." said Jace, as he admits to them.

"Oh well, we're fine right now, as you can see." said Christen, before looking back at Maire and notices that she was still embarrassed. "Say, Jace. Why don't you and me go back to the lounge room, so that Maire and Three can talk."

Christen turns to Jace and grabs him by his arm, before she can drag him away from Maire and Three. Jace looks at Christen, as if he wasn't done talking.

"Well, actually, I also came here to talk with Five." said Jace, as he looked at Christen.

"Oh, well..." said Christen, as she looks at Jace and later turns to Maire and Three. "Sorry, but I don't actually like walking alone by myself."

Christen grabs Jace from his short sleeve shirt, instead of his arm, and drags him away.

A few minutes later, after Christen and Jace had left, Maire looked at Three, who looked back at her.

"Do they know?" said Three, as he questions Maire.

"No." said Maire, as she admits to Three.

"How about Jace and your cousin?" said Three, as he questions Maire.

"No, nobody knows. Not even Jace knows." said Maire, as she admits to Three.

"It's better this way, either way they are going to tease me, if they ever found out who I really like." said Three, as he sighs. "I just hope that Jace isn't going to be upset, that you're keeping another secret away from him. You guys already have your first argument, and I don't want you guys to have another one."

Maire sighs.

"Listen, I'm sure Jace will understand this one." said Maire, as she looks at Three. "Either way, the other one was for an injury, but this one is about love."

"Yeah, I hope you're right." said Three

"Yeah, now come on. Let's go with the others." said Maire, as she rolled her seat away from Three and towards the lounge room, in which Three follows alongside her. "Don't worry Three, nobody knows, so all is good."

Meanwhile as Maire was rolling in her wheelchair and while Three was walking alongside her, the two of them heard laughter behind them, as they stopped walking they later turned around and saw that it was Allie, Tobin, and Lynn, who greeted them.

"Hey, what's so funny?" said Three, as he asked them. "Why are you girls laughing?"

"We're laughing because of Kelley." said Tobin, as she admits to them, before explaining them. "Neither one of us could fall asleep last night, due to trying to get back at Kelley for pranking us earlier."

"Oh, she didn't see it coming." said Lynn, as she, Tobin, and Allie, passed by both Maire and Three, while continuing to laugh.

While looking back at Lynn, Tobin, and Allie, both Three and Maire notice that Kelley drew various happy faces on the back of their arms, after reading Tobin's shirt from behind in black words saying "Kelley was here".

"I'm guessing that Tobin, Allie, and Lynn, didn't see it coming either." said Three, as he and Maire started to laugh as well, while walking behind them to the lounge room.

A few hours later, outside of the hotel, after Allie, Tobin, Kelley and Lynn had finally left, Christen, Maire, Jace, Clara, Nora, and Three were waiting for their taxi van to take them to their bus stop.

While waiting, Nora looks at Three.

"Geez, Three. If you wanted to have time with your girl, you should have asked, instead of making a big scene out of it." said Nora, as she teased Three, while everyone looked at Nora and at Three. "I mean, if you have a crush on Kelley, then say it."

"Nora, you don't know what you're saying." said Three, as he deines Nora's claims again.

"We know you do, have a crush on Kelley. So stop lying to us." said Nora, as she tells Three.

"Fine, you want to know why I called Kelley," said Three, as he finally surrendered.

"Finally. Yes!" said Nora, as she breathed a sigh of relief, before questioning Three. "Why did you call Kelley instead of your actual crush?"

"Because, it's none of your business." said Clara, as she tells Nora, who shushes her.

'Shush, you!" said Nora, as she covered Clara's mouth with her finger. "Drama is in session, I missed a couple episodes of my favorite soap operas, and I am not going to miss this kind of drama."

Nora turns back at Three.

"So my suggestion is that you called Kelley, and made us think that you were calling your actual crush, and tried to hide that your actual crush is really Maire and not Kelley."

"Three, is that true? Maire?" said Jace, as he questioned Three and Maire, while starting to feel jealous.

"Well, duh. Of course it is, I mean how else would Maire admit that after she kissed you she didn't feel anything after you guy's first kiss as a couple." said Nora, as she tells them. "I'm sorry Jace, but Maire doesn't love you, she likes Three."

"You got it all wrong." said Maire, as she looks at Jace and at Nora, while trying to admit to them that she doesn't have a crush on Three.

An argument broke out between Maire, Jace, Three, and Nora.

"Nora, how did you even know that I didn't feel anything for Jace after I kissed him." said Maire, as she questioned Nora. "Last time I remembered, you weren't in the room. And who told you about that?"

"Tobin." said Nora, with no hesitation. "I heard her tell the other girls, yesterday." 

"Five, is that true? You don't have feelings for me?" said Jace, as he questions Jace. "Do you have a crush on Three?"

"No, of course not." said Maire, as she admits to Jace, while finally looking at him.

"Nora's lying, I don't have a crush on Maire." said Three, as he also admits to Jace. "And I know that she doesn't have a crush on me."

Nora snorted.

"Oh please, they're lying." said Nora, before starting to tease Three again. "Three likes Five! Three likes Five! Three likes Five!"

Three, who was tired of Nora teasing him, finally breaks out.

"ENOUGH!" yelled Three, as he glared at Nora. "I'll admit the truth!"

"Nice, going Nora. You got him mad." said Clara, as she hits Nora on her shoulder in disapproval while telling her to be quiet.

Three sighs, as he calmed down...

"Hear me out." said Three, as he looks at everyone, including Jace and Nora. "I don't like Maire, she's like an adoptive sister to me. And I know that she doesn't like me at all either, knowing that I'm also like an adoptive brother to her as well."

"One, Three, and I have made a best friend code, saying that neither of them can date one another, while admitting that it will hurt their friendship, if either one of them hurt the other one's feelings while dating." said Maire, as she explains to them, before turning to Jace. "That, and the reason why I didn't feel a spark during her first kiss with Jace, was because it was unexpected. I'm sorry Jace." 

"It's okay." said Jace, as he goes over where Maire was at and hugs her. "I have to admit, I did get a little jealous of Three, a few minutes ago."

Jace turns to Three, as he stops hugging Maire.

"I'm sorry Three, I should have never doubted you." said Jace, as he tells Three.

"It's okay." said Three, as he forgives Jace.

After forgiving one another, the six of them then get their taxi van, who arrives to drop them off at the bus station.

A few hours later, the six of them later arrive at their last stop.

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