Goal!: The Fourth Chapter!

By Red_Knight_052

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1 month after the events of Goal! The Third Chapter! Maire who is known as "Five" from the USWNT and "Zero" f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Sneak Peak

Chapter 15

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By Red_Knight_052

After the power comes back on, and as then seven of them gasped, since the dark figures turned out to be Allie, Kelley, and Tobin.

"You gotta be kidding me, what are you girls doing here." said Kling, as she tells Allie, Kelley, and Tobin, who all grinned.

"Surprise?" said Tobin, as she chuckles.

"So...-" said Christen, before she was cut off by Kelley.

"Can you girls please let us go, first!" said Kelley, as she looks at them.

"Oh right sorry." said Clara, Kling, and Nora, before they started to free them.

Kling, Clara, and Nora then let go of them, as Christen helped Jace put Maire back on her wheelchair.

Meanwhile in the middle of the hallway...

"So, why are you girls here?" said Christen, as she questions Allie, Kelley, and Tobin.

"Uh, it's kind of a long story." said Allie, as she grins, while Tobin rubbed her neck.

"Yep." said Tobin, as she tells them.

"Yeah, well you kinda have to tell us either way." said Nora, as she tells them without hesitation. "You have a long story to tell us."

"That's the problem, where do we start?" said Tobin, as she tells them.

"From the beginning!" said Nora, as she snapped at them.

"Yeah, like for starters, why were you chasing us!" said Three, as he questioned Allie, Kelley, and Tobin. "What were you girls trying to do to us? Kill us?! We were terrified!"

Allie, Kelley, and Tobin, looked at one another, and back at them.

"Well..." said Allie, as she started to talk.


An hour earlier...

It shows how Allie, Kelley, and Tobin along with Kling were in the Portland Thorns training facility. Allie, Kelley, and Tobin, along with Kling were in the locker room, waiting for Christen to tell them that they returned to the hotel safely.

"Anything?" said Allie, as she questioned Kelley and Tobin, while Kling was walking around the locker room.

"No, nothing." said Tobin, as she admits to her.

"Hm, that's odd." said Allie, as she looked at them.

"Well, it's already been an hour." said Kelley, as she tells them. "Christen, doesn't actually take this long to give us a heads up."

"Her phone probably ran out of battery." said Tobin

"Or she probably forgot." said Kling

"But, still I'd say let's go to the hotel and check on them." said Kelley

"I volunteer!" said Kling, as she raises her hand up.

"Okay, Kling goes first to check on Christen and the others." said Allie

"Yeah, but first let me try calling her again." said Kling, as she took out her phone and started to call Christen again.

While trying to call Christen, Kling then notices that all of her calls went straight to voicemail.

"Hm. Still no answer." said Kling, as she and the others begin to worry.

"What now?" said Tobin, as she asked Kling.

"Plan B." said Kling, as she leaves the room.

After minutes have passed, and Kling hasn't even returned back to the training facility.

"Man, no Kling yet?" said Kelley, as she questioned the girls.

"Nope." said Tobin, as she shook her head.

"Here, let me call her," said Allie, as she got her phone out and started to call Kling.

Just then, the girls hear a phone ring on one of the seats inside of the locker room.

"Oh no." said Allie, in a worried tone.

"Oh great." said Kelley, as she groaned.

"I guess we have no choice, but to look for them." said Tobin, as she tells them.

"Yeah, because Kling left her phone here." said Kelley

"Wait, who has their hotel address?" said Allie, as she asked them.

"I do." said Tobin, as she hands them her phone. "I got it from Five, you know, just in case of an emergency. And since this is an emergency, it's actually quite useful today."

Just then, after listening to a loud sound of thunder, the lights in the facility started to dim and seemingly tried to go out.

"Oh no." said Tobin, as she started to worry.

"That well that isn't good." said Kelley

"Well, it's not." said Allie

"Man, that is some weather you girls are having here." said Kelley, as she jokes, earning a stink eye from both Allie and Tobin.

Kelley begins to chuckle.

"Heh heh, wrong moment, I guess." said Kelley, as she grins to them.

"Come on let's go." said Allie, as she, Tobin, and Kelley leave the facility.

Moments later...

As Allie, Kelley, and Tobin, arrive at the hotel, they then notice that the power was out, and enter the hotel either way.

"Aw man." said Tobin, as she, Allie, and Kelley stumble into one another. "No thanks, to this blackout, but I think this might have been a bad idea without coming prepared."

"Hey, at least we have our phones as our flashlights." said Allie, as she and the girls continued to walk through the lobby in which there were other people and staff gathered around the lobby, with their phones as well.

A few of the staff members were trying to light the lobby with their flashlights. While walking at the front desk, Allie, Kelley, and Tobin asked the staff of Maire's hotel room number, including the other hotel room number as well.

"Oh yeah, the group of people that you're looking for are all staying on the same floor." said the receptionist, as he admitted to them. "Some other girl came looking for her not that long ago."

"Was she this tall, kinda short?" said Allie, as she started to describe Kling.

"Yeah, she also had a good personality." said the receptionist, as he admitted to them.

"Yeah, that's her." said Tobin, as she, Allie, and Kelley, said all at once, while chuckling.

"So, where to?" said Kelley, as she questioned the receptionist.

"Down the hall, and to the right." said the receptionist, as he told them. "Oh, and just a reminder, that due to the blackout, our elevators are not in service."

"We'll keep that in mind, thank you." said Allie, as she nodded her head at the receptionist and left the lobby and towards the hallway in where the rooms were.

Meanwhile in the hallway...

"Seriously, does that receptionist think we're going to use the elevator at a time like this," said Kelley, as she joked.

"He was just being nice, Kelley," said Tobin, as she chuckled.

Just then, after entering an intersection in the hallway, Allie, Kelley, and Tobin, finally found Kling along with Clara, Three, Jace, Maire, Nora, and Christen, standing in the hallway.

"Hey look, there they are." said Tobin, as she pointed to them.

"Uh no." said Kelley, as their phones also ran out of battery, before they could even walk to the seven of them.

"Aw great." said Tobin, as she groaned.

"Now what?" said Allie, as she tells Kelley and Tobin.

"I guess we have to go like that either way." said Kelley, as she and the girls continued their way towards the others.

However, Allie, Kelley, and Tobin stumble on eachother, as they were walking, since it was too dark and they couldn't see a thing around them.

"Hurry up girls we're losing them." said Allie, as she and the girls speed walked behind them.

"Yeah, and thanks to that pink glowing thing and their flashlight, we can see where they're going." said Tobin, as she admits to them.

Just then, Tobin bumps into Kelley.

"Ow! Tobin, careful that's my foot." said Kelley, as she tells Tobin.

"Sorry," said Tobin, as she apologized to Kelley.

"Girls, they're going around the corner, let's go!" said Allie, as she tells them, while tripping on one another, before walking around the corner.

As the seven run around the corner, Allie, Kelley, and Tobin then follow them in the hallway trying not to scare them.

However, as Allie, Kelley, and Tobin, were trying to get closer to them, and while seeing Maire's wheelchair facing towards them.

Before any of them can look around them, Kling then pushes Maire's wheelchair towards Kelley, who sits on it and is wrapped around by Three's sweater by Kling, while Clara grabs Allie from her hands, and puts their one of her hands behind her back, as Nora puts Tobin on a head lock, from behind.

"Who?-" said Tobin, in a low voice, as she is trying to free herself from Nora.

As the power finally comes back on, and after being apprehended on the floor by Nora, Clara, and Kling, Allie, Kelley, and Tobin, are then unmasked (from their hoodies) by Three, as both Jace and Christen help Maire walk towards them. While the seven of them looked at their faces they then gasped, in which Kling scolds them for scaring them.

[End of Flashback]

Moments later, in the lounge room...

"So, since it's pretty dark outside and late," said Nora, as she continued. "And not to mention the hard rain that's pouring outside, I think that it's best for you girls to crash in here with us, for the night."

"Yeah, it's true." said Christen, as she and the others agree with Nora.

Clara looks at Allie, Kelley, Kling, and Tobin.

"Yeah, two of you can stay with me and Nora, while the other two can stay with Christen and Maire." said Clara, as she tells them.

Allie, Kelley, Kling, and Tobin, looked at one another, and later back at Nora, Clara, Christen, and Maire.

"Are you sure that you girls won't mind?" said Allie, as she asked them.

"Nah." said Nora, as she shook her head.

"No of course not." said Christen

"Well alright then." said Kelley, as she, Allie, Kling, and Tobin chuckled.

"Well, good." said Jace, as he and the others started to yawn.

"It's getting guys, I think it's best to go to sleep." said Christen, as she agrees with Jace.

"Yeah, you're right." said Maire, as she also agrees with them.

"Come on, let's go." said Clara, as she and the others got up from her seat, and left the lounge room.

Moments later...

While heading to their rooms, Kelley and Tobin stayed with Nora and Clara, while Allie and Kling stayed with Maire and Christen.

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