Goal!: The Fourth Chapter!

By Red_Knight_052

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1 month after the events of Goal! The Third Chapter! Maire who is known as "Five" from the USWNT and "Zero" f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Sneak Peak

Chapter 5

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By Red_Knight_052

Along the way to Alaia's house which was quiet, Nora was on the driver's seat, while Clara was on the passenger seat, as both Maire and Jace were sitting on the middle row, while Three was sitting on the back row along Axel.

Nora, who was tired of hearing nothing but the sound of Clara's SUV moving, looks back at both Jace and Maire who were looking their separate ways, and not making eye contact with each other. While stopping,on a stop light, Nora then makes eye contact with Clara, signals at her while nodding her head, and winks. Clara who understood Nora's message nods her head in agreement.

As the light changed into a green light, Nora drove a little further. After seeing that no vehicle was behind her, Nora then moves to the side of the road and turns Clara's SUV off.

"What happened?" said Three, as he questions Nora. "Why did we stop?"

"The truck stopped working, and it won't start," said Nora, as she lied.

"What do we do now?" said Three, as he questions Clara.

"We need to check on the engine," said Nora, as she tells them. "So, there's nothing to worry about."

Nora pops up the hood of Clara's truck, as everyone gets out of the vehicle. Clara checks on the engine, while Nora gets on the driver's side and pretends to try and turn on the vehicle.

"Nope, nope and nope!" said Nora, as she started to yell. "The truck still won't start!"

"Here, let me try." said Three, as he tells Nora, while walking towards her.

After realizing that either Maire or Jace were looking at them, Nora then grabs Three from his shirt collar. Three gulped while getting grabbed like that by Nora.

"Follow my lead, Three the Third." said Nora, as she let go of Three's shirt collar. "What's that Three? Do we need to walk and get help? Okay."

"What happened?" said Clara, as Maire and Jace turned to both Nora and Three.

"Both Three and me have suggested to get help." said Nora

"We did?" said Three, as he gives Nora a confused look.

Nora, who was right next to Three, nudges him from behind.

"Yes, we did." said Nora, as she looked at Three, and back at the others.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." said Three, as he followed along with Nora.

"Well, then, Clara, Three, and I are going to search for a nearest gas station, while the two of you stay inside of the truck." said Nora, as she points at both Maire and Jace.

"Thanks, but I'd rather stay with Maire and Jace." said Three, as he smiles, which made Clara snort.

"Yeah, but either way, we'll need you to come with us, because we don't have any phone service." said Nora, as she tells Three. "And what I heard, you're a fast runner, so let's get going Timothy."

After helping Maire get back in the vehicle, Clara, Nora, and Three leave, while leaving her with Jace and Axel. While in Clara's SUV, both Maire and Jace looked at one another, while neither one of them were looking, trying to capture the other one's attention.

Jace then sighs.

"Five, listen." said Jace, as he continued. "I'm sorry for what I said back at Khloe's. I should have never reacted that way with you. I was just upset and heartbroken, that even felt a little betrayed for you not telling me. Listen, I really do love you, and I really do care about you, in which it really does hurt for me to see you this way."

After hearing Jace say that to her, Maire then looks at him.

"When I would get picked on at school, I wouldn't tell her parents, or my brother about it, until the time was right." said Maire, as she admits to him. "I knew that if I told her parents about it, they would be upset, because she wouldn't speak up. Jace, I was  planning on telling you about Coach Sloan's abuse towards me and the team, but I wasn't sure if she would have done something to hurt you or my family members, if we ever spoke to anyone about it. I was really scared. But either way, after Tobin found out about the truth, it wouldn't matter because Coach Sloan still wouldn't have tried to stop me from playing, she would've yelled at me to keep on going, if I was injured or not. According to the news, Coach Sloan was a fake coach and an abuser, and who knows what kind of people she has contact with. The program forgot to give a background check on her profile."

"I know it's hard to get rid of an abuser, but you have to realize that you're not alone in this." said Jace, as he tells Maire. "You don't just have your family, or your friends, but you have me as well. I would've helped you girls out. Both my parents would've helped as well, they love you too, and so do I. Can I grab your hand?"

Maire nods, giving permission to grab Maire's hand. In which Jace grabs her hand.

"Five, I love you, you don't know how much." said Jace, as he tells her. "However, promise me that you're going to speak up more."

Maire nods in agreement.

"Yeah, I promise." said Maire, as she sniffs and smiles at Jace, who smiles back.

After both Maire and Jace apologize to each other again, they reconcile.

"So, Nora, Clara, and Three, did this for us to just reconcile, right?" said Jace, as he tells Maire.

"Yeah, it seems like it." said Maire, as she admits to Jace, as they both chuckled.

"Wait, until they get here," said Jace, as he laughed.

After seeing that Maire and Jace reconcile, Nora, Clara, and Three, back at the SUV and admit to them that she tricked them into believing that the SUV wasn't working.

"Yeah, we sort of figured it out," said Maire, as she chuckled.

"Oh really how?" said Nora, as she asked them while smirking.

"We figured it out while noticing that we went to get gas a few blocks back." said Jace, without any hesitation, which made Nora and Clara blush.

"You see, I told you girls that they'll figure it out one way or another." said Three, as he chuckled while teasing both Clara and Nora. "And you two girls thought that they were born yesterday!"

"Shut up, Shaggy!" said Nora, as she

"Shaggy?" said Clara, Maire, Jace, and Three, as they all questioned Nora.

"Well, duh, my plan was no mystery." said Nora, as she tells them. "But, either way, that name suits you. I mean we've been over this already, after leaving both Maire and Jace alone."

"Oh yeah." said Three, as he asked Nora. "Wait, a minute, how does that name suit me, again?

"Simple, the mystery gang has at least 5 characters, two girls, two boys, and a dog. The two girls are Daphne and Velma, as the two boys are Fred and Shaggy, while the dog is Scooby." said Nora, as she started to explain to them. "Three, you're Shaggy, while Clara is Daphne, Jace is Fred, Maire is Velma, and Axel is Scooby."

"Yeah, but there's one problem." said Three, as he looks at Nora.

"What's the problem?" said Nora, as she asked Three.

"Which character are you?" said Three, as he questions her.

"Oh, that's easy." said Clara, as she joked. "She's Scrappy!"

After Clara said that, everyone laughed, in which Nora started up the SUV.

"Yeah, Scrappy and I have a lot in common." said Nora, as she and the others put on their seat belts. "He's brave and a fighter like me. So, come gang put on your seat belts! Cause, we have 3 other mysteries to solve!"

After a few minutes later, they finally arrived at Alaia's house which turns out to be a mansion. The six of them then got out of the vehicle and walked to the front door of the mansion. While standing on the front porch of the house, Nora looked at the others.

"Alright, legend has it that Alaia's house is so quiet that you could even hear the sounds coming from the inside of the house." said Nora, as she whispered to them, before putting her ear on the door.

"Seriously." said Three, as he and the others looked at one another.

Just then, without a warning, the door from Alaia's front door opened, in which Nora falls in front of Alaia.

"You know, my house is so quiet that I can hear noises coming from the outside, instead of the inside." said Alaia, as she looks at them before looking down at Nora, showing nothing but her usual serious face. "On the inside, you can only listen to the echoes."

"Right." said Nora, as she blushed of embarrassment, while getting herself up from the floor.

"Anyways, come on in, I was about to order something for lunch." said Alaia, as she invited them inside of her house.

Alaia wasn't much of a person who smiles.

"Thanks but, we have to get going, we have a busy schedule right now." said Clara, as she admits to Alaia. "Either way, we ate a snack on the way over here."

"Oh well, come let's discuss it inside." said Alaia, as she opens the door wide enough for them to enter.

While entering Alaia's house, Maire along with Clara, Three, and Jace, notice that Alaia didn't have any picture frames around, or at least one photo album in the center table. As Alaia guides the six of them to the living room, Clara then realizes that there was only one picture frame with Alaia, and two other people.

"Oh, are they your parents?" said Clara, as she asked Alaia.

"Grand." said Alaia, as she looked at Clara. "There my grandparents, the only parents who I consider."

"So, what happened to your parents?" said Jace, as he questions Alaia.

"They're at work like usual." said Alaia, as she looks at her phone. "Probably, doing another international business trip without me, like they always do. Psh, they don't even care about me, or how I am feeling, they don't even ask for me. I'm pretty sure they forgot about me. They're workaholics, it's what they do."

"What are you talking about?" said Three, as he tells Alaia, trying to cheer her up. "Of course, they worry about you, I mean look around you. Your parents give you everything."

"Yeah, except for their love, which is all I've ever wanted." said Alaia, as she admits to them. "The only love that I have gotten was from my grandparents, and not from them."

Knowing that an argument could strike from Alaia, Clara decides to change the subject. Which cooled Alaia down, right away. Clara admits to Alaia that they are reuniting the team back, and that they are heading to Addison's and Gia's house. After telling Alaia to wait for her text, Clara then leaves Alaia's house along with Maire, Jace, Three, Axel, and Nora.

One hour later...

While heading to Addison's house, Maire along with Clara, Jace, Three, and Nora have decided to take a break and eat lunch.

After their break, they then stop at a stop light, in which a driver from the right side of the driver 's side puts on his sunglasses after looking at Nora, as his car window was down on the passenger side, while smirking at her. Nora, who also had her shades on and since her window was down as well, looked at the guy who was around the same age as her, and nodded at him. The guy was listening to rap music, while Nora was listening to Hip Hop. While Nora was looking at the road, the guy then put up the volume from his radio, in which Nora turned to him.

"Oh yeah, well two can play at that game." said Nora, as she also turned up the volume from her radio, while resting her arm on her side of the window.

Nora also looked at the guy after putting up her music loud, and smirked in victory. Three who was sitting on the passenger seat next to Nora, puts on a CD in the stereo in which changes Nora's favorite hip hop radio station to a Scooby Doo Theme Song from Scooby Doo and the Alien Invaders.

After listening to the theme song, Nora faces drops of embarrassment as the guy laughs at her, while closing his windows shut. An upset Nora then turns to Three, who grins.

"What in the world?!" said Nora, as she questions Three. "Dude! Why did you change my favorite radio station into a Scooby Doo Theme Song?!"

"Because, it's catchy." said Three, as he tells her while chuckling. "I mean come on, it matches our two new nicknames."

"Listen to your Scooby Doo theme song all you want, Shaggy, after all you might need it in order to prepare yourself for some real and loud music." said Nora, as she turned the volume of the music low. "Also you guys might need those new earplugs that I bought for us the other day."

"How come?" said Maire, as she asked Nora.

"Oh, you'll see." said Nora, as she grins.

Moments later...

While inside Addison's house, Nora was the only one that had earplugs on, as Maire, Clara, Three, and Jace didn't, while Addison's grandfather was playing his bagpipes in front of them. Addison's grandfather stopped playing his bagpipes

"Now, how was that?" said Addison's grandfather, as he laughed of excitement, while looking at the six of them. "It was good wasn't it!"

"Oh yeah, it was great." said all of them, while smiling at him.

"Yeah, not to mention the fact that my ears were ringing the entire time, after each miss note." said Clara in a low voice, as she mumbled.

Maire, who was next to Clara, nudges her gently.

"Ah well, I do need a little bit more practice though I admit." said Addison's grandfather, as he admits to them cheerfully. "Anyway, I'm going to leave the six of you alone with my granddaughter, while I go and practice some more. Addi if you need anything I'll be outside practicing! See you later, lass!"

Addison's grandfather walks outside.

"Sorry, about my grandfather." said Addison, as she started to apologize to them. "But, that's what you guys get for coming during our bagpipe lessons, instead of giving me a call."

"What, did she say?" said Nora, who didn't hear a word that Addison said.

"Take off the earplugs!" said Clara, as she signals Nora to take off the earplugs that she had.

"Oh right." said Nora, as she took off the earplugs from her ear. "So you were saying?"

"What I said was, that's what you guys get for coming during our bagpipe lessons, instead of giving me a call first." said Addison, as she tells them, while chuckling.

"Dude, I like called you more than once." said Nora

"Yeah, like... Forty times." said Addison, as she checked her phone. "Per day."

"Dang, Nora." said Three, as he looked at her.

"Hey, at least she broke the record this time!" said Clara, as she joked.

"Anyways, sorry I couldn't answer back." said Addison, as she apologized to them. "Ever since the program took us out, and I stopped practicing for soccer, I had a lot of free time. In which my grandfather had decided to take the time to teach me how to play the bagpipes."

"Yeesh." said Nora, earning a scowl from Clara. "I mean, that's great, I guess."

"Well anyways Addi, just to let you know, we're reuniting the team." said Clara, as she tells Addison, who jumps of joy.

"Wow!" said Addison, as she smiled.

Clara starts to explain everything to Addison, and also tells her to wait for her text message, after Addison agrees with them. After leaving Addison's house, the six of them then head to Gia's house where she was also planning on returning back with the team.

"So... when is the wedding?" said Nora, as she joked, as Maire, Clara, Three, and Jace, raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh Nora, you're so funny." said Gia, as she giggled. "Thanks, but I'm too young to get married."

"Well, of course you are. I just don't get how your parents were about to plan your marriage during your break." said Nora, as she crosses her hands in disappointment.

"Well, you see, it's part of our family's tradition." said Gia, as she chuckles, as she guides the six of them out of her house. "My aunt was the one that came up with the idea. My parents have been planning it since my birth, however both of them have decided to put a pause on it since my mother wants me to focus on my passion. My passion is my love for soccer, and no one can change that."

"Great, because we're looking forward to reuniting the team ASAP!" said Clara, as she and the others smiled.

"Yeah, and we better do it ASAP before Gia, she gets married ASAP, and is going to be the only one of our teammates to get married ASAP." said Nora, as she joked.

"Oh Scrappy." said Clara, as she put her hand on her face while shaking her head in disapproval.

While standing in the doorway of Gia's house, Nora, who was the last to step out of the house, turns to Gia.

"Yeah, but you never told us who the lucky groom is." said Nora, as she chuckled.

"Umm... I'm not sure yet." said Gia, as she admits to Nora. "But, what I heard my parents do have a few candidates in their mind."

"Anyways, keep me in touch, just in case you need someone to help your parents pick the right candidate." said Nora, as she joked while winking, which made Gia giggle.

"Yeah yeah yeah, come on Juliet Scrappy, let's go." said Clara, as she walks up to Nora and drags her along with her back to her SUV in where the others were.

"Bye Gia!" said Clara, Maire, Three, Jace, and Nora, as they waved goodbye to Gia before leaving.

"Bye Guys, and thank you for coming!" said Gia, as she waved to them, before entering inside of her house.

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