Friendship into Relationship

By allovetovictory

39.7K 1.7K 259

"I know every part of you, but never have I seen this part." "I want you, why can't you want me too?" Taehy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Side Story: Chapter 1
Side Story: Chapter 2
Side Story: Chapter 3
Side Story: Chapter 4
Side Story: Chapter 6
Side Story: Chapter 7
Side Story: Chapter 8
Side Story: Chapter 9
Side Story: Chapter 10
Side Story: Chapter 11
Ideas Needed
The Wait Is Finally Over

Side Story: Chapter 5

166 5 0
By allovetovictory

The week was over and it was finally the weekend.

Today, the day where Jungkook and Sana will be hanging out together at the nail salon then going to Jungkook's place.

"What color and shape?" Sana turned to Jungkook who looked all around the store, it was his first time being in a nail salon.

Jungkook blinked a couple of times before turning to Sana, "shape?" He tilted like a confused puppy. Sana smile with nod, walking with the lady. They got settled in a station, Jungkook watched in amazement how the lady was getting Sana nails prepared.

"Search up nail shapes on your phone." Jungkook nodded and searched on the internet immediately looking up at Sana, "which one do you get normally?" Jungkook asked. Sana shrugged, "I get almond." Jungkook hummed.

"Then get almond." Sana chuckled and nodded, telling the lady the shape before asking Jungkook the color. Jungkook looked over to the other wall that had rows of colors, "what do you think about white nails with hearts on the ends?" He eyed the colors then looked at Sana with a smile appearing on his face. "I like that idea." She said, then told the plan to the lady who started on her work instantly.

Jungkook scooted his chair closer to Sana and opened the makeover game to keep her entertained for awhile. Sana giggled softly watching Jungkook over the people on the apps over the top makeovers, "purple hair." She told. Jungkook complied and made the girl's hair purple, then gave her a bad crooked hair cut.

For the whole forty-five minutes, Sana watched Jungkook play the game. Noticing the more he played, the more he got serious about the game. Meaning, he would actually fix their appearances to better.

"Finished." The lady spoke up.

The two looked up and got out their chairs to follow the lady up to the register. "Don't worry, I'll pay." Sana shook her head, but before she could take out the amount, Jungkook already payed.

Her hand was grabbed by Jungkook leading her out the store and now walking to his house. "They look good." Jungkook held both of her hands to take a good look, he looked up to her and kissed her knuckles then connected their hands together.

Sana bumped into him playfully to balance the embarrassment she felt. Jungkook just squeezed her hand gently with a smile glaring down to her redden face.

-at Jungkook's home-

Jungkook clicked his tongue, clapping his hands softly and moments later, four kittens ran to greet them. Sana squeaked, crouching down to pet all four animals.

"Come on, princess." Jungkook whispered, walking off to the living room to sit down on the couch. "They're so cute!" Sana plopped herself down on Jungkook's side, scratching one of the cat's chin.

Junkook hummed, not to mused with the animals only admiring Sana's happiness. This is how she's supposed to be, all happy and smiles not sad and crying. She looked better with a smile, everyone did.

"Should I order takeout?" Sana looked over and the glisten in her eyes spoke for herself, "yes! I'm really hungry." She said and went back to playing with the curious kittens.

Jungkook snickered and went on to order at a restaurant, picking various of food options for Sana to pick from. Once he placed the order, he placed his phone down and rolled his arm around her waist.

Sana leaned over to his body while she held each and every kitten up to Jungkook to compliment them on their features while Jungkook listens and placed his own comments in times.

Jungkook looked over to Sana seeing that she was signaling for a kiss, "not in front of the kitties." Sana huffed a laugh. She went to carefully placing her palms over two of the kitten's eyes then Jungkook doing the same to other two, and both quickly joined lips for multiple pecks before the kittens got inpatient.

They smiled a smile at one another as Jungkook was leaning to place his head on Sana's shoulder, the doorbell rang with a couple of loud knocks.

"Wait, princess."

Jungkook pecked a secret kiss on her shoulder and left to the door, he opened the door and sighed seeing the couple.

"We've been trying to reach you the whole day." Taehyung said, seeing Jimin nod in agreement. "Guys, I'm in the middle of something. Get lost-" Jungkook rubbed his temples as he spoke, but he was interrupted by hands on his arms.

"Who's- Oh, Sana." Taehyung mumbled.

Sana smiled at the couple then up at Jungkook, "go sit down." Jungkook whispered, covering her up from the couple and soothingly rubbing her back. "Come with me." She whispered back. It was obvious Sana didn't want them to be there, specially Jimin.

Their last encounter was when he went off on her at her own home. "I will, they just came to ask a question." Sana had her suspicions, but not wanting to cause a scene, she nodded and walked off again.

Jungkook smiled watching her leave then returned his dark glare at the couple. "Just this once, can you guys leave? Sana and I are having a good ass time, and I don't need you guys to mess it up." He spat, huffing at the end to only see Jimin nod and Taehyung roll his eyes.

"Don't worry about us messing it up. You'll be you who will mess it up and when you break her heart I will personally knock on this door and beat your fucking ass."

Taehyung stepped closer to the opened door where Jungkook held his head up high, not scared of his threat whatsoever.

And it wasn't that Taehyung still liked her, no, Jimin had his heart completely, but he wouldn't be lying when he says Sana is someone truly special to him. He owes her a lot that he will never be able to repay because they don't speak anymore, but that doesn't mean he won't look out for her.

"Yeah yeah, get the hell off my porch." Jungkook waved his hand, mockingly. Taehyung didn't like that gesture not one bit, and if Jimin wasn't there to hold his hand, he would have definitely fisted him in the face already. So, huffing loudly, Taehyung led off with Jimin walking besides him.

Jungkook eyed them down for a quick second before closing the door and walking back to the living room. He could feel his mood uplift when he seen Sana lying on the couch with all the kittens over her, walking curiously.

He sat on the sat next to where her head laid down, "are you okay? You seem down." He closed his eye on the left when he felt pokes on that cheek. "Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry." He reassured, taking her hand and placing a good amount of kisses on her palm before laying it down on his cheek.

Sana slowly began to mover her thump on his textured skin, "lower your head." She whispered. Jungkook raised an eyebrow and lowered his head down onto the couch, shuddering to the feeling of slight crawling on his scalp. "Oh, that feels good." He whispered, crossing his arms then laying his head on them to get comfortable then the nails began to be felt all over his head.

Sana took note of his small adjustments he did to get him the most comfort he could. Then, her hand started to move down. The long nails tranced the skin on his nape as they slowly left a sensational after feeling. A shaky sigh left his parted lips then another when Sana's nails went under his shirt, trancing lines on his shoulder areas.

Ding dong.

Sana's hand retreated and went into hiding as for Jungkook, he groaned of annoyance kissing her temples then leaving to go to the door with his wallet in his hand. He received their food and he paid leaving a good tip, he smiled then immediately closed the door after.

"Sana! Follow to eat!" He gave a small yell to the empty house and seconds later, he could head wobbling and paws pressing to where he was. "Is water fine?" He placed the slightly heavily bag of food on the dinning table, looking at Sana for a response.

With a hum, he nodded and went to get two plates and two waters. Returning, he seen Sana undo the knot on the plastic bag to take out all the plastic containers. He sat down, giving her setting a plate down in front of her and a bottle of water next to her.

Then, he waited for Sana to uncover the lids. He let her serve her own plate first then himself, smiling softly as he observed Sana's face of happiness. Once Sana was done, she sat down and began to eat the food with small wiggles and humming whenever she enjoyed the flavors.

Jungkook used the utensils for plate his own food, sitting down and started to eat. After eating, they went up to Jungkook's bedroom, "do you have a shirt I can barrow a shirt?" Jungkook stood up from his seat and nodded, going to his closet to find his favorite shirt for her. Once it was found, he walked to where she stood and placed it onto her hands. With a grin, he walked off back to his bed.

Sana stayed still, blinking multiple times before she moved her legs to the bathroom in the hallway. She made it inside, locking the door before she looked herself in the mirror and gave a silent scream of happiness.

She wiggled her body, but remembered Jungkook was waiting for her. Sana took off her shirt, then placed on Jungkook's shirt. She was hit with his scent. Black vanilla, pear, and a hint of blooming gardenia are the words that would describe it.

Sana sniffled the shirt and slowly eased, closing her eyes as she kept smelling it. The boy was suffocating her with his scent making her long from him more. Realizing he was only feet away, she grabbed her discarded shirt and walked back to Jungkook's room.

Sana tossed it somewhere and crawled to Jungkook's laying body. Even with his eyes closed, Jungkook knew that Sana was sitting down besides him, waiting to be acknowledged and the soft whines proved it.

He hid his grin away from her while he turned to the opposite side, "I'm right here. Turn to me." Sana poked his back. This only made her needy, he was laying right next to her but he didn't even notice her.

Jungkook huffed a laugh before turning back and looking at her, "sorry, didn't see you there." He teased, wrapping his arms around her waist as he settled his head down on her lap. Sana blushed, petting his head with her nails making him feel more exhausted.

Jungkook hummed, gently caressing her spine, "lay with me." He whispered, a faint smile appeared as he moved back to the pillows holding his arms out for Sana to be welcomed. Sana followed through and tangled herself onto Jungkook's muscular body, legs around his own and arms on his chest.

"I'm going to take a nap." Jungkook said while he covered Sana's shoulder in the sheets, he pecked her forehead and closed his eyes. Sana hummed, closing her own eyes and letting his embracement led her to dreamland.

-three hours later-

Naturally, Jungkook woken up. He looked around, sleepily and went to Sana's side. Engulfing behind her body, caressing her side, slowly moving his arm below her neck so her head would rest on his arm. Light kisses on her shoulder, humming as he was still so tired.

Sana hummed back, but no, she didn't awake up. He sighed softly, lifting his tips away from her side and carefully touched her hair. Her long brown hair. He leaned in and smelt it, he raised an eyebrow, how could hair smell this good? He'll have to ask her about this later.

He leaned in more and let his whole face on her head, sniffling all over, "don't be weird." He removed his head. "I'm not weird." He whispered, going in for one last whiff and moved away completely. Sana just hummed softly, moving closer to Jungkook's chest to close her eyes and fall back to sleep.

Jungkook was a bit scared.

Their bodies were almost glued together, no gap, no inch away, no nothing just sticked together meaning all their body parts touched. He shuddered in his place when Sana wiggled innocently, he gulped down.

He cursed at himself when he could feel his stomach swirling in heat and some of that heat went down his private area. "I have to go to the bathroom." He tried to get up, but Sana only nuzzled closer, denying his request.

Jungkook felt himself rise, "Sana, please-" He panicked more, but Sana sent a soft growl to him, unknowing of the situation below his waist. Jungkook panted softly, worrying himself out while Sana was peaceful sleeping next to him.

He lowered down, and laid soft kisses on her cheek. Sana hummed lowly, feeling a palm on her hips, holding her in place with a tight grip. Jungkook tried once more, but the heat was slowly traveling up to his head to storm his thoughts.

Sana could see something was wrong when she heard grunting sounds behind her.

"Jungkook?" She whispered, tilting her head over then her body but the hands now down to her waist stopped her. "Stay still." He whispered, nuzzling closer to her nape to kiss more, flaring the heat.

Sana shook her head, "go potty." She whispered, petting his head to try and ease his tension. Jungkook grinned slightly at her clueless self, nodding, he stood up and walked away. He didn't mind the weird look Sana gave him when he walked with a limp.

Once he was officially composed, he walked back to his bedroom with rosy cheeks. Sana hinted a grin, "don't you say a word." He stood in front of her, pointing his finger at her with a serious tone before he crawled into the sheets and behind Sana's fragile body.

"You got a boner." She whispered, squeaking as she turned to face Jungkook's unfazed expression. She poked his cheek a couple of times to earn herself a sigh, "was because of me?" she said, quite confidently.

Jungkook huffed a sarcastic laugh, "hell no." He said, eyeing her before scoffing away. Sana raised an eyebrow, "were you thinking about someone else? While you're with me?" Jungkook returned his eyes back to the now seated up girl, he could see she wasn't pleased with his answer.

Sana crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow, waiting for Jungkook to answer. "No, of course not." Jungkook met eye to eye with her, "you know my mind is only on you, always." He grinned, leaning onto her shoulder. Sana huffed, feeling her cheek go red after his confession.

She let him lay on her shoulder before catching him by surprise. She now knew that she has to keep him on his feet, making sudden moves or saying word that would probably have him thinking for weeks.

She mentally patted herself on the back when she seen Jungkook's confused look, "I just said I think about you, what? Do you not want me to?" He told, defensively. Sana kept her cold look, "and if I don't?" She tilted her head.

Jungkook took one second to examine her expression, laughing sarcastically before shifting back to his stoned face. "Then, I won't." He stamped, taking his phone and distracting himself from the itching feeling that rose from his heart.

Sana scrunched her nose and went to do the same thing as Jungkook was doing, but she decided to giggled softly and type away to make Jungkook curious. After moments of just hearing Sana laugh, he had to take a look.

A glance wouldn't hurt, he took seconds to look and noticed Sana hiding her screen with a smile and thumps moving on the screen meaning she was sending a message.

He scooted closer and with that making Sana moved away. "Who are you texting?" He laid on his elbows, lifting himself up so he could down at Sana. Sana looked up and shrugged and went back to typing with a smile on her face. Jungkook watched her for minutes, just staring at her with a straighten face, waiting for her to acknowledge him and his anger.

"Sana. Who the hell are you texting?" He said, getting impatient hearing all giggles. Sana rolled her eyes and looked up, "why should you care?" She mumbled.

Jungkook huffed, massaging the bridge of his nose, "that's not the point. Who are you texting?" Sana sighed, acting as if she was just as irritated as he was. She could see him raise his figure higher trying to show his dominance, but she could only see a little boy.

"Oh, calm down. You'll wear yourself out." She waved her hand, looking away from Jungkook then looking down at her phone again. Jungkook shook his head softly and went back to his spot, ignoring her giggles.

Until he couldn't.

He made a quick motion to be on top of her, having his hands on either side of her head, huffing softly as their eyes met. But their eyes told very different stories. Jungkook's eyes screamed red, all angered while Sana's were just dull, purely gray. The tension around them risen, fighting to win, but sadly no one won.

He stared into her eyes, seeing she wasn't going to submit whatsoever, Jungkook groaned loudly, "why are you making me like this?" He told, lowered his body down to fit on her own body, but being careful not to crush her.

Sana smiled, finally winning a battle.

Her hand palmed his back while the other combing his hair, "Sana." He whispered, tapping his lips on the clothed collarbones. He smelled her scent overflowing with his own scent, it was a good smell.

He closed his eyes and slowly let the fragrance take him back to sleep. Sana still crushed by his body on top of hers, but she wasn't complaining, well until she couldn't handle it anymore. "Jungkook, you're heavy." She pushed him, but he wouldn't budge.

Jungkook got the message and moved to the side, "night night." He said, cutely laying one kiss on her cheek and drifting into sleep. Sana snickered silently, rolling onto her chest slowly rubbing her hand on his cheek.

"Why are you so uptight sometimes?" She whispered, knowing she wouldn't get a response from him. She smiled softly at his unbothered sleeping, "I'm scared of being vulnerable. I'm sorry that I'm not the best, but trust me, you're special." Sana stopped, her face went blank. Her heart pounded, feeling blood rushing to her face to redden it up.

She regained her conscious and hummed softly, acting as if he didn't just say anything out of the normal. Her hand gestured more rubs, "it's just me, Sana. Don't be scared." She whispered, snuggling on his chest.

Jungkook didn't mind nor did he even realize what he confessed, all he cared about was the girl on his chest. The one and only girl he wouldn't to protect from any danger, from anything at that. And can't forget his mother, just his mother and Sana. The only females he would do anything to keep safe.

Author's note
Thank you all for 900 reads! We're so close to 1,000!

Have a good day or night!


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